Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Flr sl-eorner action allhe Red Bud MX In Bu c hanan , Michigan, saw Ri cha rd Walson (367) trying t o hold off J ay Wagner (580) and Mike Has ma (283). Wagn er l ook Ih e win in th e 250cc A class. night, winning a ll three classes he ente red . His first 'Win came in the 400cc class o n his old-b u tstill-quick Yama ha YZ400. Shafer turned a fine 4.005 secon ds on his first ride to take an impressive win, as jason No rthrup, ridi ng a stock-length 1998 Yama ha YZ400F thu mper, was his closes t challenger wit h a 4.328-s<.'COnd time. Sha fer's second win came in the Open class, in wh ich he rod e his classy Harl ey over th e top in 4.405 seconds for the win, with Bob Fisher coming in second on his hot Superior Cycle Sportster with a 4.843-second time. But Shafer was n' t quite done, a s he returned with his Harley to win the Pu sh rod class as well, this time stopping the clock in 4.501 seconds for the win . Tim Wigg ins pu t his Triumph over the top in 4.953 seconds for the second spot. Northrup had a good night , claiming a win in the 600ce class to go with his secon ds in the 400 and 750cc classes. His win in the 600cc class, on h is Sp o rtla nd Hon d a, se t the fast time of th e nigh t, as well as the hill record on the "new" hill ~ t 3.902 seconds on his first ride. Onl y four times und er four seconds were recorded and Northrup had two of them, nailing it in 3.963 seco nds on his seco nd run , just to show the first ride wa s no flu ke. Mark Shafer was Northrup's closest challenger as he squ ea ked his KXSOO into the "thr ees" .with a 3.999-second run to take the second-place trophy . John Scroggin s turned a 4.241-second time on his CRSOO for third place, followed by Mike Lineback and Ron Werner. Results FASTTIME:JoUOfl No rthrup (Hon ). 50 AUT O 1. Bla k(" Ca p pe llo ( L~m ) ; 2. Bre nnen Ke rsh aw (KTM). 85 YTH : 1. Bt>cky Will iolNi (Kaw ); 2. An tho ny Kri vi ()(a wl ; 3. l Rand y WilIi.lm.II O. 7SO: 1. Tom Da.nkob (Ka w); 2. Jason Northrup (Kaw ); 3. BOO Eifling (Y am). O PEN : 1. Slt"..... Sha ft"r (H · D); 2. Bub Fibher (H·D); 3 . Tom Co m p lon lKawl. SR: 1. Tom Com pilln (K.J. l; 2. M.ttk Goodman Sr . (!S Martin (Suz ); J . KaM")' Tu rley (Hon); 4. Glenn Molnnin g lJ(.lW); 5. Mi tch Sluder (Suz). 80 1. K("Vl King (Hon): 2. Na lha n Barr et t (YAm ); 3. Ron n Zingg (Yam) ; 4. And y 5~o()d (Ka w ); 5. Jaso n Henkel ( Ka w) . 80 OPEN : I. Nichol.lS Ada m...(Kawl ; 2. ROSI' M.1rtin lSuz ); 3. Erk Baird (Suz) ; 4. Milch Slu de r (Suz); 5. Kylt' Durham (Ho nl.. 125 A: 1. Jay Wagrn.'1'(Yam ); 2. Richa rd w a tson (Su.z ); 3 . Conn ie..ftoisl (Suz); 4. jason vie no t (Yam); 5. Eric Mileol(lne (Suz). 125 B: 1. Jerem y B.1dgley (Suz); 2. J. Vand erhaar (Suz); J. D. BecUtI (Suz) ; 4. J.St rudhoff

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