Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.1 '---_ .&::. _ == . Braet, Brewer blast Megacross MX Shootout By David Deringer ME?\'DOTA, n, JUNE 14 Greg Bract and Joey Brewer were tw o o f the big w inners at round thr ee of th e Mega cro s s Shootou l Series by Miller Ge nui ne Draft a nd Spcrttand Honda /Yamaha at Tri-C ounty fairg rounds. WR ID PIRB III L A GUNA SECA RACE\NAV ' S7 In th e 250cc ma in e ve n t. Brcnny's Cycles Z'Fhor -backed G re g Bract grabbed th e holeshot . followed by Young America /Torque Ce nte r-suppo rted Tom Hofmas ter and lon e KTM rider A lex Rcsseto . Hofmaster ho u nd ed Braet (or seve ra l laps before trying to mak e a mo ve, but Brad d idn' t let him by. Mark Morris, wh o was moving up , sta lled in a corner and d ro p pe d bac k to fi fth, handing a pus ition to Yama ha -m oun ted Brand on Bartz. Hofmast cr was busy trying to find a way aro und Bract, to no avai l, a t a little ove r the ha lfway point. Bartz passed Rossetto through a whoop sectio n o n the g ra ndsta nd s tra ig ht to mo ve in to thir d . A lap later, Mo rris passed Rossetto in a tum af ter the fini sh line . With th e white f1dg o u t, Braet w as leading H ofmaster, w ho co u ld n' t fin d a wa y around. Ba rtz wa s moving to Hofmaster's ta il, and Mo rri s w as a ll o ve r Bart z, loo kin g for a n o pe ning. When th e checkers ca me o u t, it was Breet w ho was victo rious, follo w ed close ly by Hofmaste r, Bartz an d Morris. R055('tto rounded out the top five . The 12Scc B ma in w as the race o f the nigh t. Kawasaki-mounted Do ug Ha rm... took th e lead o ut of th e firs t tu rn , follo wed by Joey Brewer , Dou g H oust on a nd Mi ke Olson . Brewer and H ou ston slipped by Ha rms, and the st age was set. With tw o laps down and three to go , Brewer a nd Houston had separated from the pack and had an excellent ba ttle. Houston got by Brewer, but Brewer would pass h im ba ck on the nex t comer no t once, not twice, bu t seve ra l times. The two were riding extremely well, not ragged, no t dirty , and made clean, w ell -thoug ht-out passes tha t had th e Pro riders wa tching from the fences. Th e race went d own to the line, with Brewer ta ki ng the win and Ho us to n ta king a well-deserved, hard-fought second . Olson hung o n to third, and Keith Seeger and Brad Eastin passed Harms for fourth and fifth. Res ults 6l), 1_MMI SIokr. ~w),; 2 MIbo Rk hmond (k.Jw); l. AnOw> KriYi (k.ow). . 80: 1. RoN M.. rtin (Slid; 2. Mil<.. G nobn..-r IV.m); 3 . T oe KoJ--ky (Suz); 4 Nd, Kr\l.te r.>w:J; S. 8ri.u'l WO'S\dcl~). Even if you can 't attend the United States round of the World Superbike Championship July 11-13 at Laguna Seca Raceway, you can still get a piece of the action by ordering the Official Event Program of th e 1997 Dunlop U.S. World Superbike Championship, Read all about the premier United States motorcycle event this year: • Summaries of the top international racers, bikes and teams • Exclusive profiles on top Americans, John Kocinski and Scott Russell. two-time World Champion Carl Fogarty and Pier-Francesco Chili • Laguna Seca track map • A look at the WSB season-todate • Behind the scenes of World Superbike Racing • W orld Superbike Statistics R'I 1+-24: 1. J... k. c..>ItM (lion); 2 S..... H.>.~ (Han); 3 Doug IloIDron(5w;); 4 MiLoGr.. y (SuzJ.S Sholl (YoIm) y 125 A:. 1. Mul. P.-bns lSuz); 2. Jim (I-fon); J,. Ikandon 8.&rtz (YoIII\J; -l. Tom ~ 0'.-.)' S. Gfq Brk't O'MI'l ). 125 B: J.1oooy B~ ("-"); 2. DouR ttou.loa r.Nzt J,. Mik Obrw\ ( ); " ~th So.zl'f (1ion ); 5 Brold ~ (Han) 125 C: 1. Gulla (lIun). 2. Alan Mu..- .. (](.ow); 3. Su-v. Roiymond (KoJ,w); -l. Z«h l'1ynn{Boo); S. )onoolhoon M.urt ($w:). 250A ·I. G"'(!. 8r~ (Y.un); 2. Tom Hutln..MIcr (Yarn);J. Br..,. don B.orulY.un); t . MoIrk Morris (Suz) ; 5_Alip,,; (lCTM). 250 B: I . Hill Vivl....... (Suz) ; 2 51<...· H...r tIn.1nn (Hl "); 3 . Hr...:! l t.utin (lIon); 4. Mo.rk u tbn·k (Hun ); S. 0wJ ec-... y (Y;un). aso o 1. ~ C r.lY U)u.z); 2. Luk I'lynn (K.l w); 3. Rick C n:bn.r (lClM );t. 0l.uJ l'tatoJ<>(; S. AdoIm Quesi (K.Jw ). . 251-: 0 11 (5u..-:); 2. Burton WV<'fl' (lion); 3_Jim R.tnd.1 O-Ion); 4. r ollil YOW'! (Suz.); 5. Bm Viv;""., (Su.t.). w... 30 .. A: 1. M,ul< Morrl. (Suz.); 2. RUSly a ll (Suz.); 3 . P.ul Young (Suz.); .I . j.-ff HNslon (lc..w); 5. P'uch.vlch (Hon). 3ll-+ 8: 1. Bill Vlvi,&no(Suz); 2 Guy J ~ (Hen); 3. Jtobert B liun (SuL );. Rjc.1< t"'pplll (Hun ); S_Andy £Ioo,.,o 'Y (lion). ... 40-+; 1. Jdf I ......ton (K.w); 2. 0 ....11' . (lion); 3. Ed Petl"rcon ( ; 4. D.V\ B.&ud (Sw:); S. Gl'l"& lMon:.. (AlX). ...And more - all in fu ll co lor, compiled by the same top journalist ic talent bringing you complete same week coverage of every World Superbike event in Cycle Ne ws, Get your own official event program, available in this special mail-order offer from Cycle News! To order, simply FAX or mail in the order blank below, or call to ll-free (9 am to 5 pm 1-800-831-2220. rsn Offer expires AU9ust 31. 1997. »'"' Szep zaps Las Vegas MX By Dick Goodwin lASVEGAS,NV,)UNE 14 The Las Vegas Motocross Oub staged its firstever night motocross race at the new Las Veg as Mo tor Speedway tr ack, and the night ai r m ust a g ree w ith Shawn Szep, as he nailed down the overall victory in the la rge 25OC'c Novice divisicn. Dustin Schaller led the cha rge to the firs t tum at the sta rt of the first 250cc No vice race. Szep a nd Ove rto n 's Cory Hammon w ere jus t inches behind. Szep was on the charge and S(X)n took o ve r the le a d . a s lee Coble m oved i n behind 10 challenge Eo, second. Kirk Stephensen was al s o making a cha rge through the lead g rou p. As the' pa ck st ru ng o u t as the laps wound d own, Szep a nd Stephensen es tab lished themselves as th e' solid and ea sy first- and secondp lace fimshers, res pectively. in moto one. Coble stayed close to finish third. Jeff Mu rph y led th e full g a te through th e firs t comer to s ta n off the second mot a. Szep and Jason Robinson we re keeping him honest in second and thi rd . Coble, w ho was third in the first mo te, w ent dow n early, leavin g th e top three to go at it in an in tense duel tha t last ed for se ve ra l laps. G lenn Weidman, who w as fifth in Fill in completely and clearly Domestic Orders Method of Payment copies @ $5.00 ea. totaling _ o Check or money order enclosed (sony, no bill me's) Foreign Orders _ _- ,copies @ $6 .5O ea. totaling _ o Charge my Name o VISA o Mast ercard Address City _ _ _ _ _ _ _~S ta1 e Zip- - - - Phone ( Order Date L Card No. _ Expiration Date _ Signature Send tO',CN Publishing/l 99 ] World Superbike Program: P.O. Box 498 , Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 Phone Orders BOO/83 1·2220 • FAX 562/427·6685 _ ~ 45

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