Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Right) Dan Z1lur won the Open Pro class whe n the DTRA hosted the third round of the 0-23 Rat Track season at the Isanti County Fairgrounds In Cambridge, Minnesota. (Above) Chris Kirk won the 250cc C c lass with 8 1·1 moto score at the Green Acres Motocross Park In Marlon, Kansas. 85cc Sto ck (14-15) class with a 5-2 sco re and landed third in the 85C'C Modified 0 4-15). tallying a 3-3 score. Result s WM N : I. r ..ltftlIon (K.lw); 2. 1CNtina SWtdaI (Yam ); 3. JPIlnifL ShultJ; (](aw l; 4, 10k0nt-Van Vughl (!Yowl S. Tiffany Raod 'l' ; (H" n l SI STK (4-6): 1. A u.ti o Stroupe (Cob); 2. n Hold aoft (Co b ); 3 . D..vid a.. o n (Co b); 4. Brandon L.u ge (Co bl ; 5. J..kl' c Eri<:bon ICob). 51 (7-11): t . J.IIo... Gri ffis (Cob ); 2. Chad Wag .... (C." b); 3. D.-vi" Priw ( Lern); 4. Li.l. Mu rp hy (Co bl; 5. Terry Au reo (Cob) . m 65 STK (1.9) : I. Kyle Ch isho lm (; 2. 10M Lk h tlC'("",,wi ; 3 . Aaro n NQtion li (JeAW); 4. Jcfiffy Mort (Ka wl ; 5. Eri .: M iII...r sn: Results the first race, slow ly worked. his way up to do battle with the top three . Once Weidman got there, he kept on fighting and motored right on past the trto for the lead. Weidman took the second-mote checkers, but Szep finished a convincing second, ensuring him the overall victory . Weidman collected second overall for his efforts, with Robinson third and Jdf Murphy fourth overa ll. Results P/ W A: I. C«y AYft'l'; 2.Qu;s Pftlnwft1;3. ~ ~ 4 Sho-Id<,., ~lp; 5 Rorm.. Goo:dwin P /W 8 : 1. Rod.ry DlAntu nio ; 2. Thoo\M Godfrey: J. Cawy Mello; 4. S ichoL RcN:i 5.Kyk kw1a. u ; 60 BEC: 1. So:- Thomp.on; 2. Vidof 8onao;:i Jr.; 3. jftftrly n AsquI Ih,;4. Jc-ph WU1I; 5. Pa l:ndt~. 60 NOV: 1. Ky le st-f'l"I'; 2. Ryan Brown; 3. T.. ybcnrn..-; 4. M.rk J>nwrl1P:5. Brian 110 BEC; I. lCPnny Bnunlcy; 2.}ooIh ThurgtlOlt J. Akx Slocum; ; 4. limi H4lrTilo; 5. Brian I..opez. lIIJ NOV B: I. Drn:Ir. u.teI.LI ; 2. Tavkw GaJ.rnore 3. AiOTt; l . Willir RmIt"tt; 4. Shawn 1Jwr; S. JkVb R.-h~. NO \': 1. O\4d cta.rk,: 2. Ad-nn Hftmchs; 3. Mel H~ ... Jeny Sc:tUftch«; 5. Doug o..nng orEN AM. l . l..I.-Y Fr.IPy; 1. IYnoJy Th 1!'tk; 3. Tun G.qory; 4. Troy ~QI\; S. DavyKo<:h. orE.'1 P1t(): I . o.n blUr; 1. BIDy ~). tony KDhnIPr; 4 Erit:'Brou.... rd ; 5, Kun 8"..t"~ . 250 AM. I. Troy BWfll1 gton; 2. ~1~ 3.AJ.unHm• ](I.: 1. Tim ~ 2. MMty Mataya;). John R.ario ; .... MIll' lnlin; S. Ou.... g StllliYlln. 0l(I.o 1. Bw.z Arndt 2. Bob l--krman; 3. Davy KDd\,; 4. Daryl ; ridw> 01. WilIK: 8rotat; 50 John Mano. P~.s.UoydT~. 51). : I. john Su Itwrl1n; 2. DI_ Koch; 3. fluu Arndt; 4 Phil u mbrft.-t..1;S. P..ll! 8.omrs. . STK FR.\(; 1. lohn Su thez"bn; 2. Bob HlTlnUI; J,. Uoyd TWTK'I'; 01. itobcn 8«bI'. MIM JR: 1. }t'ft"my Aoo->n;1. Culc.Fo-aIPy;3. Sdmrid n; 4. NkJ. Mat. ya. ML'l SR; 1. o.:rdo. HoItzlnrlwr,1. KGth 5_ _ _ vt ",,", 5CL: I. Bob Hnman.: 2. Duyt ~ 3 , Roboort Red · a ; 4. R.tnoJyThiMk; S. U.... ydTtuno."'I" . VL'IolTTW': 1. Bw2 Amdt;2. Ronald Lecman; l .}oe iJlackw..-lI. am. srmc:-; s.Jlftmy I'llyne. 125 NOV: 1. auk Abo«"••i; 2. Domi .:k PolllOn ; 3 . ~an Gn!oPn: 4 Smtt Trombly; 5. Man. H.onnann 1250-.,.; 1. Munt .. MllIUgtw; 2. DiIl King; 3. Matt l lopkiN. n 125 EX:1. Tfd e-..pbrlI.;2. !.artyL«.vitl. 2SONOV: 1. Sha wn Szep; 2. Glenn Wedman; J. }illlIOfl,; 4. Jdt Murphy; S. I..fto CobIlr. 2§0 1"'''': 1. M[JfI~ Monl~ 2. t...ndon lNvill_ Z50EX: 1. L.rry rx.vitt;2. TnJ c.rnpt..-U. 2SOrRO: 1. Ridwrd Suton,; 2. o..n rkFalco; J. Fnnkieo Vlllcgu; 01. 59n S1~le; S. D.:n.- rlluL k Mllo"TR 6 1::G A: 1. 1',,1 Glennon; 2. Sown Reynolds; 3. Pa ul Nov ..k; 4. 5ryan Lutz.; S, KfollhOv..n . 25+ NON·PRO A: 1. }pff Murphy; 2. Ma rk Cory; 3. Ronn", C...ulurirr; 4.JPl fn -y P. o..gL" S. LuJ.., T" ylur . M5T'R 30+ A : 1. Tn')' A b:h; 2. M ..u lknn"nn; 3. G1o:nnWrid· "''''''' 4. Ronni ... Brown; 5. MA Morri s . rk M::>TR 40+ A: I. Tom Penny; 2. o..'I'UliA Qul~in. Zitur captures Cambridge ST By Tim McBride 46 CAMBRIDGE, MN,JUNE 7 Larson 's Cycle Su p ply-s ponsored Dan Zitu r bt.-came the third different O~n Pro-d cl:sS race winner in as many races, w hen the Dirt Track Riders Association hosted the third round of the AMA District 23 flat track season at the Isanti County Fairgrounds quarter-mite day oval. Zitur and Tony Kohner's heat-race victories landed. thf'l1\ thE' first two pkk.~ on the starting lin e for the 2o-Iap main event. Holeshot ace Kohnt:1" was the fmot to redct to the flash of the ~n light as the pack rumbled off the grid . For the first few ups, Kohner was foUowed by Zitur, Mikll" Hoh , Billy Hoffmeist er , Eric Brouhard, Ron Brisbin, Kurt Boehlke and the rest of the nim.-rider field. · With five lap s down Hoh fell off the pa ce, and by the halfway poin t the top running order was Kohner, Zitu r, Hoffmeistt"rand Brouhard a!io they se ttled into a pilce that SolW them break dwa y fro m Bot.-hlkt!'. Ron .Brisb in, Troy Brisbin and Lee ft'aley. The filth through eighth pla ces were cast in sto ne, but the running order up front wa!lnot yet dt"CidE"d . With tw o laps remaining, a tiring Kohner slid widt!'at the t!'xit of tum four. As slight as the mi scu e wa s, both Zit u r and Hoffmeister pou n ced on· the opportunity and raced to the inside to take over the first two positions. Kohn· er galla ntly held on to third place, ahea d of a hard- d wrging Bm uhard . Kirk romps at Green Acres MX Park By SCooter Bell Photos bl(,Craig Cole MARION, KS,jUNE12 Ch ri', Kirk too k the overall win in thl'! 250c(' C class with a fine 1 ~ 1 mo ta score at the G reen Acrt'S Motocro s. . Park. . Kirk took the first 250cc C moto lead in tum two, wit h Ton y Koe h n, Bria n Butte ll, l arod O'C onno l .:Ind Jonathan Lane dose beh ind . As the firs t lap finished , Kirk still led , wit h K~hn in St.'COnd and .l hard-eharging Lane makin g it u p to third from hi§ fifth-place starting pol'lition . Kirk's lead grew .:IS the race for second between Koeh n and Lane camt" d own to the checkered flag, w ith Koeh n hold ing onto secon d p lace at the line. Lane, Buttell, O'Connol, and Tracy Rou- . ton rounded out the top six finishers . The §t'C'Ond 250cr C moto !ttarted with a very dose s ta rt, with s ix ridt! rs bunched together go ing into the valley. Kirk came o u t in front again and never loo ked back as he cruised. to victory. The race was betw("f'fl Lane and K~hn for second place. and a CoMol and Buttell bat~ tied for fourth. Lane passed KOf'hn for §t'C'Ond at the finish, and finished second overall with a 3-2 mot o fi~h_ Koehn took third with a 2~3 . l1lc 60cc c1JSS turned int o J dogfi ght, y,,'ith Craig Rope, Cavin Moore and Dus ty Herring Jr. up front in the first mot o. Royse led , with Moore pushing him the w hole race, and Herring wa s getting pressure from Rock Cotten , Todd Webb and Jeff Crolcher. The ftrst molo came to an end w ith Moore settli ng fo r seco n d after nu merous PdS!io attempts on the winner Royse. Herri ng held 0(( Cotten for third; Webb took fifth and Crutcher .finished sixth.. The second 60cc mot o sa w Moore grab the holt"Sh and lead the group of rid ers around thE' ot course. Moore led ear ly on, bu t Royse was soo n on his bolck wh eel , with Herring , Co tten an d Cody WaMier in pun; uit, in that order. On the whi te-flag lap, Royse mad e a pass on Moore to tJke the leJ d and win th e overJU for the da y with a 1· 1. Moo re finbhOO up in second an d second overall (2-2), Herring stayed m front of Cot ~ ten for third , and Wll"bb took the futh spol I' /W: I. ~ydnf')' WancT; 2. Glt be Moore; l. Allan Hartia~n; 4. JOIIh GIlman; 5. lOmboor H.ardo.'Y. Hl: 1. C" r.iK R...y....; 2. ("' vin MUll", ; 3. o.......ty Herring Jr.; 01. .. Roc"'Cotten;S. Todd Webb . tll.l (7-11): 1. Lee Kt~ 2. I:llake Du nn ; 3. Dalsty HernnlllJr.; 01 Faron Cotl~ S. J..mie Brown. MIl ( l~ l o;): I , J..... l.u i _; 2. 'iwwn Stuart ; 1 8rPII"""; 4. 1d f Waller; S. o.vid Furi.. SCHBY : 1. lernny Hlb dun..n n; 2. Josh L....II . tr.. ; 3. Shawn Shutrt; • . Std. KobI'ru; S. lft Robo.onL 1 ~ C: 1 f'IOl("\. Robo'rn; 2. JPTO'my H il.... hm .. nn ; 3. rrl.. r Scrvn-. 01. ~ Olwcll. Josh LuiNtra. 125 I , Sid<. Mt.-tcaLi; 2. Derridl Ctftct\o 3. TOII'l Norris-. 2SO C: 1. ~ 2. Jonathan La_; 3. Tony 1<0«0.0; 4 . Jarod o-e-d.: S. Bri.m Buttri 250 8. 1. , ; 2. Man l LM.Y)';3. c..r11CftNgh. :!SO A;. I. C.I. Rqxr. 2. Ridt Cottm; R....-II thndky. VET Jll 8 , 1. 'ohn V..-; 1. ~ G.tlrn.a~ J. 5aurt SdWe; 4 Bob ~;S. Eric:Webb . V" 40 8 , 1. Ro b umbl'Tt ; 2. Crolch....; l . H ..mld 4. Roy "'1 Ley- S. DiUEvemL 0K ; rv (5.): I . M.rk Sdvk; 2. Scootn BcU; 3. ~ Waowr. 4 o.nW.Y'I'nPV 00." 1, Ckon f'unt-.-; 1. Lron WiUiatm.; ). Rid fbrl,.....n ; 01 , J"" .-I H"lm; 5. Allnt M......... . \l lf'1OT: I. SI.. n N~w to n ; 2. O.. ve B~ nson ; 3 . M u lin bn Hlbtdlmann,; 4. J..nws HIIIlKma; 5. K.a T..yb' . a s. om. o...ven. 'PnJ' Stewart supreme at DBMX Qualifier MX By Susan S. Willian LONDON, KY ,jUNE1 4-15 Team Green 's JaITlt!'S SteYo'art proved. to be one of the riden most adt>pt at handling m ud d y rondi· tions as he won the 85cc Stock 0-11) class and th e 85cc Modifit!'d (9-13) class a t the Loretta Lynn 's Amateur Youth Regional Qu alifier held at the Danid Boone Motocross Park. Rideni from 21 !\tate~ and Canad a ro nvt"rged. on the Daniel Boone MX facility, and rain and mudd y cond itions played havoc with the races. Stewa rt pil oted his KX to the fro nt of th e pa ck from start to finish in mo to one of the 8...Scc Stock (7~ 1 1) class. Stewa rt mastered the mud for thl:! moto win, d esp ite effo rts by Dan Tru man, w ho worked his way from fourth on the start to ~nd by the t!'nd of lap one. Truman hi~ way through lapped. riders an d, by the final lap , was trying in despt.>ration to catch Stewart a ~ he took runner-up honors for the moto. The second moto saw Shav,rn Cla rk fire off the starting line, with Stewart in ~nd pLlce. Stewart quickly piloted h is machine into the lead, wh er e he retndined until the ch ec ke red flag, followed by Oark. Truman didn't farc as we ll in the mot a and ended up fifth. Cody Wat ford was .thr early leade r on lap one of the 85cc Modified (9-13) class , ,,;th Stewart ba ck in fift h. Stewa r t took the ins ide of a benned tu m to mov e into third. and charged after !tOO.>nd -plare ride r D.1Vid Whit craft. Whi tcra ft and Ste w art rod e in unison, but Stewart fina lly opened his throttle to ta ke over secon d and c1 o~ the ga p on Watford . The final lap of the moto lO8W Stt'w art move bv Wa tford as he took an in!\i t" line at the end of the whoop secd tio n. Ste wa rt filed by in firs t at the checke rs, with Watford !'lOme di§lance back in seco nd . Th e sta rt o f th e secon d moto saw Stewart ji;fab Ctrs t around tum O lle. His lead was short· livl.od, though, as No rth Carolina's Joshua Summey made a surpri~ pass over a stutter jump to take tht" lead . Summey ran away ~'ith the win, as Stewart rode safely in secon d place to take his . only moto los.. . of the even t. J.R. Carter wen t 2-1 in the Supcr Mini class to win the overall. Carter finished second in Ute (J<.w). "~ST K (K.w ); 3. 0 0-1 1); 1. Brne H..plO!T ( K" w) ; 2. DolViJ Muwl"1I Kyl... Pkston (K.twl; 4. BradleY Rippll: (Kotw ); 5. MicMd Wil lard (K,1w ) . 85 MOD (<;1.131; I. J.."''''' St,_art (Kawl; 1. J08hwt Sutr\fJ\~ (lkt" lStW; 3. S o.n Tn nNm lK.twl; 4. Shawn rio. (S\l zl; 5. Anthorly Wdlo:F ue.. .....,. a .. 8S STJ( <12·131 1. Joahua Summey (lY;wl ; 2. Cody W.. tford ; (. ;..v ; 1 r-... StuD (Sw:); 4 Micky MarVwl1 (Su.d; 5. o.w Wh ito a&tt&W. 85lloIK 114- 151: 1. Q,.ad )olu..-. (K4w); 2.1.R. Carm' (~... J; 3. Jordan PI'I'f'~ ( ): 4. Jon Boy M onk Oion>; 5. DaVId HiD (1(aw). 125 IoIOD (U·IS): I. Jdf Gib,oo CKawl; 2. Bo:n IWdk (Kaw l; 3. ' (lOIh ...... Wood. i K.a w ); 01 . MAti W..lker (Hon); 5. Jason Vlftlt .....,. 125 STK (12·15): I. &n iUddk' o;:.w); 2. Jeff Gtbtm (K.l wl; l Jrn"myRruwn C; 4 Malt W..l...... (}ion); 5. Lm H.ammonJ (Suz). S/ MiNt 1. l .R. Urtcr (Kaw); 2. ChadJohn,on CKawl; 3. Kyie KoI\k-r(K.a w);ol. Lre Woodward 0' .."'); 5. Jon Boy MonIr.IHon). Langland lands wins at SVCC Dirt Track By Brad Letcher SIOUX FAUS, SD jUNE 14 , Verdt.'Cn L.1ngland w as the big wi nner for the night after land ing wins in two of the three Pro classes du ring the second ro u nd of the Sioux Valley Cycle Club season at Sadd Jeback RaCl'-" way. Tht' Young America /White Brother~1 Motion Pro-backed Langla nd took wins in the Open Pro IT and 250cc Pro classes . Langland took the holeshot in the Open Pro TT ma in t'ven t, ahea d o f Brad Letcht!'r , Mike Jo hnson and Chuc k Beving . Lan glan d o pe ned u p a lead o n the pack, as series po ints leader Dustin Fau lds bega n an assa ult on the trac k after circulating the track in sixth place on the fin;t lap du e to a bad star t. Lan g land bE'gan pulling a lead with his CR ove r Joh nso n in second place . Faulds caught Joh nson at the end of the fourth lap and took ove r St.'COnd . Fau lds began to reel in Langland over the fma l four laps, but cou ld nol sha ke the leader into a mistake and settled for second. Johnson finishOO a distant third. Faulds hned up for the 250cr Pro main next to Langla nd and, when the green flag dropped, Langl and pilo ted his aluminum·framed C R250 to the front of the field, with Faulds hot on his heels. The two would stretch out their lead over the carly third.plare bike of Beving, and langland held the lead over Faulds during the entire race. John·o mad e a pass on Bfo.':i ng for third em on the second lap and held it to the end. The Open Pro class was the fina l race o f the evening. and the last chance for Faulds to beat his riv al, Lan~nd . Earlier in the t!'venin g" Lang~ land pa ssed. Fauld s o n the last lap to tak e the win in the first hea t. The second heat featured the heavy-hitting Eric Brouhard, who too k the win ove r loCal favorites Bob Anderson and Pew Tapkin . The ma in -event holesh ot went to th e Reyn olds Pri n ting/Trackstar /Bie(fe-ba ck~ Brouhard , w ith LangJand and Tapkin d ose bt!'hind. Brouhard 100 each lap as the field battled behin d him . Faulds could only reach sixth after a poo r start, while Langla nd , Tapkin and Anderson fought for second place. At thp cht"d.~ ers, Brouhard 's 600cc Harley crossed the line in first, followed by Langla nd and Tapkin.

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