Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• EVENTS (Left) George laMo nte won the 125cc Intermediate class et a CRC Saturday night MX held in Pal mdale. Californ ia. (Above) Billy Holmeister (87K), Dan Zitur (48 K) and To ny Ko hner (17K) fi ni shed ,2·3 at round fou r of the AMA d ist rict 23 di rt track series in New U1m, Mi nnes ota. on June 22. Gill grabs Senior MXWin at CRC By Greg Rob ert son ~ ~ ~ r-- 0\ 0\ .... .... '0' ...... >. ;:l 44 PALMDALE, CA, JUNE21 Andy Gill fought back for the second -moto win to claim th e California Racing C lu b' s Senior Expert -class overall win during Satur day night motocross at Los Ange les County Racew ay. A!'t the pack fun neled through the first tum in mote one, Rand y Anderson gra bbed the lead ahead o f No nn Schie l, Gill and Steve Clark. Gill wa sted litt le time makin g his way 'to the front of th e field , pass in g bo th Schie l an d And erson afte r just one lap on the jump-filled track. Gill pu t a cou p le of seco nd s on An d er son by th e m id w a y po in t, but A nderson tu rn ed up the wic k and sta rted dosing back in. Anderson mad e the pa ss on Gill for the lead, bu t C ill didn ' t see m thrilled abo ut run ning sec- ' and after lead ing most of the race an d matched Anderson's every move in a n attempt to regai n the lead . Th e fina l lap beca me a ma d dash for th{> che-c ke- r~ , wit h A n de- r~ n pre-vailing by a bike length. Cla rk finis hed a little ways back in third, over Schiel and Mike McCee. Anderson gra bbt..'CI. his sec ond holcshot of the ~v~ning an d imn1t~dia tely caDle under fue from Gill a nd Cla rk. Anderson wa s d oin g an ex~ll~nt job of hu lding off both riders until a lappt"r blockPd hi$ line in a comer and Gill was ab le to slip pa st on lap four. Gill p u t a little room between himself and Anderson, w ho ~tiJl ha d his hands full wi th Oark. In the same ror· ner where he wa!t blocked earlier, another lapper ca me over on Anderson 's li ne, which allowed Cark to rail around both of tbtm1 and int o M."COnd pla ce. By this tim e, Gill had disappeared with a five-second lcad tha t he would hol d until th e fmish. Anderson couldn't find a way back around Oark , bu t still picked up the second-place trophy with 1-3 finishes. Results r/w (406): I. & ....Jon DoD (Yam) ; 2. O\ris Mouffe (y,tm); J R.1ul VIlLIJr (Y"m); 4. Tilnr.."f Nld... (Y .. m i. . r /w (7-9) : 1. I«on stolter (YAm); 2. A.C. JolllI:Y (Ya m) ; 3. KAm~'rOn ROOt"""" (y lIm); 4. Sc.1 n Spnn~"f (Yam ). SISTI( (4-6): I. Ja<:oO Buelna ( Lem). S /STK (7-9) : 1. A.C . Jnllt-y (Yam ); 2. l.... '" ClXlry (KTMl ; 3. " rn,.,l"n tunJill (KTM). 4. Anlhu<1y Munoz (KTMI. 60 BEG: 1. Kyle: J'-"l'lkin:o (l(aw); 2. !lobby Ho. (KlI t; 3. Jimmy 'ClC w W.Il.... '" l ~w); 4. M,tx S-ndo-r-lI (K,twl; 5. Tykr M~mb Rilling!<"" J..y (Hun). JR ....ET NO V: t. WilliAm Wd chha ntt (H on l; 2. HrAJ Pie tro (!:iuz); 3 . I:lob Go rma n (Ya m ,; 4 , Sto,t O' KlPl"ff' (Ho n ); 5. Denni~ n UrbJo {Suz). n VET BEG: 1. Ma r" H.~.... (Hrm); 2. Ma r k Hu~llln (Hun); 3 . Knry Ru......U(Suz) ; 4 . Cr aig Shiw ( I fon l; 5. Jerry Root (Kiwl. VET NO V; 1. JACkMiIl,- f (Yam) ; 2 Brytt Johnr;on (YlIm); 3. " [).;arTYl Wtlll el'id e (Ho n); 4. $W\'e Cluk (Su%); 5. [).;am:U Sftndert (Yam) , VET 11\0"'; 1. Jo:rry Asho:r (J-Ion); 2. Edw lU"do Trippo (Honj. VET PHO: 1. 1Udl tl<.lw);2. Jim my Roberta (H t"I\l. SR AM : I. Re. Berwon(Hon); 2. Michael Bumert (Suz). SR f'X ~ 1 Andy Com (Ya m) ; 2 . RoOnd y A nJ ....".l n (YoO m) ; 3 . St"="e Clar k (Su.z.); 4. J\,lLk M.:Geoe (1<.Iw); S. Norm Schiel (Hon). Hofmeister nabs New Ulm S1 By TIm McBride down to fourth p lace- wh ile e-xiting tum two . a tum where most of the passing took place. The twoso me then began to close the gap on the race lead er, Hofm eist er. On lap 13, Ken to n Lo ngcor cra shed hard between turns one a nd tw o w hile running in seventh, and the race was stopped. Longcor walo shaken and e lected to sit out the restart, which turned out to be a seven-lap dash to the checkers. Hofmeister quickly regained the point poaition and wa s followed b)' Kohner, w ho had :.lippt.'J by Zi tur on the single-file restart . Zitur, however, answered back in tum two of the next circuit, as did Kurt Boehl ke, who benefited the most from the red flag . As the laps ticked away, a sma ll gap formed be tween the veterans of the group, Hofmeist er an d Zitur. Hofmeister' s 28 yrors of professional backgrou nd a d d ed to Zit ur'!t 22 equa led 50 yea rs of Minnesot a dirt track racin g expe rie nce; they raced to the checkered flag in first a nd seca n d pl ace, res pecti vel y . Kohner e ven tu a lly squeez ed by Boehlke on the ba ck chute to retain h is thi rd -pla ce status. Th e battle for fourth through sixth wa sn't decided until the waning laps , when Lang land bounced by Brouhard and later Bouhlke, who had slid wid e in tu m two . Verlon Lang land sped to a comma nding victory in the Novice class , a head of Pa trick Pearce and a s tead ily maturing Ada m Henrichs , who ba ttled all the way from ninth into thi rd place by race' s end . Du an e Swe nson and Will ie Bre ton fin ished fourth an d fifth if' th~ 14-rider field . Results toO: I. Shawn BUff; 2. Joo.h Koc h ; 3 C hris Lal'1lOn; 4 JII... in t Lun d; 5. J;I1on VL'IJT SGL: 1. Randy ~ 2. raul Koch; 3 Rob Ht'IlTtan; " LJ llyJ Tum...-; 5. Malt M"t t...l. \IN'T lW: 1. 8t.lzzArnd t; 2. Ron&Id 1.ftman. 30. : 1. MoIrty Miltedson at the- Brown Count y Fairgro unds. H~a t winners Hofmeister and Tony Kohner picked the first two starting positions for the 2G-lap mai n event. As th~ pack rumbled intu th e firllt turn , it wa ~ Ho fmei st e r in control, with Kohner, Verd~ n Lang land, Eric Brouhard , Dan Zi tu r and the rest of the IG--ridcr pa ck in tow. The ma n on the move, ho wever, was Zitur, who had raced ln to thi rd place by lap two . L.ingland overcookl'd tum th~ and ran off the track. On la p 'Iix, Zitu r a nd Brouha rd bu m p ed Kohner flnb H""'IW 1l. 5G+: I. Buu: Arndt; 2. QIarlje LanglAnd; 3. JohnSuttM:rbn,; 4 . Dick Vt'CI'lkcr;5. .... u1fl,om1.'5. STK FRM: I. Bob I-lo."ftrwn; 2. John Sutherlin; 3. Adam Henridts; 4. Uoyd Tutnt'r; 5 Ridr w~...m...-;" . "'I~ JR. I. Jnnny 2. Cok Fll:aly; 3. No ~laya; 4. N.IA:IN W.aachcck. "'1:-.l1~R:l .l; 5. Wad.: )ohnI;on (Ka wl. ; 2SOA; 1. eng BrAet (YAm); 2. Bt-UidOfl Bartz (YlUII); 3. TOIII Dtrldw C rd ; S. Carl Wou l lCTM). Ho WMN · I . An g..1lI Kf'u nljt'!l (y.;a m); 2- J-o BIL (1(IIw); 3. ..m Amy w~1rJ (J Ion ); 4. Drou k A uger; 5. l"icok ~MId run t'S1il~k> (Kaw); 5 Troy Van~lll Y" (Y,' m ) OrfN : 1. T im B,r""" (lI " n), 2. Eri ~.. E7 .ni"" (lInn). 3. Chock KinKl'l~ (K,i w); 4. Robm Edlcr (Hon); 5. David Deringer IATKl.

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