Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r -- - • 1997' - 15th Annual vo 8 : 1. 81Ulot And ison ..... Idf Him.anrk (tiel'll; 2. J.amrt M.u ~ 0100); 3(}ion); 4. D.vid IIowaYft (Suz); 5. S1~ IioIWld SJ. : 1. u ny W ltmft (Su..z); 2. Darid ~ (Suzt 1 "- F..znt..t B..nrn (Hm¢5. 0.- HoB ts-"). Jeff I-WNon S\,RIN ~REEl( 125 MILLVILLE Lih h - s Scott luca took the o ve ra ll win a t the thi rd rou nd of the District 14 Enduro Series by besting all comers a t the Mosq ui to Classic End uro. he ld eota. The KTM racer dropped 17 in downtown L points to nip J trio of contenders who tied at 19. K'Th1 -mountl'CI Richard. Scharphom took second with a score of 19.0674, edging out Alan Randt (19.0719) an d Jon Eric Burleson (19.0731), who were also aboard KTMs. Fifth o vera ll w ent to Ron Sche rph o rn, who complet ed th e KTM sweep by' carding OJ 21. The Buzza rd Mo torc ycl e Cl ub la id ou t a co u rse tha t W i1!'\ cha llenging to th e A ri de rs Spec/no SKOAL ~~~ • M9~!l9,sS WI S £ C O ~. whi le giving eno ug h re ets to a llow the Ba nd C s riders to ca tch their breath . A complete lack of rain for thr ee weeks prior to the event left the trail hard and d usty . To everyone's surprise, the first bottlene ck deve loped at a m udhole in the mi ddle of a clea r-cu t section . Ron Scharphom was the quickes t through this sect ion, wi th the res t o f the top-five race rs in tow . Only 26 seconds sepa ra ted the lead e r from brother Richard Sc ha rp ho rn. w ith Rand t, Burleson and Luea sandwiched in between. The trail split at this point, with the A riders getting to rid e a loo p o f even t trail. w hile the B and C rid ers go t to play on some two-track trails until the two tr..ils merged . Richard Scharphom emerged as th e fas test on the A-loop emergency check b ut. again, only 37 seco nds separated the top five riders heading to the ned secti on. Ron Scnarp hom blasted through to the gas stop as the fastest and co uld ha ve been the leader at the hal fway point. bu t he burred check four by o ne m inute. Luea ma d e no mistakes a nd w as likewise tw o minutes la te to check seven, w ith Richa rd Scharpho m, Burleso n and Randt hitting the check d own by th ree m inu tes. Still , at this point, it was anybody's race, with the top five all wi th in one poi nt of each other. H ead ing back into t he w o od s , Ro n Scha rphom again did his best land-based-miss it e imitatio n, onl y to bu r n check six in the p roc es s . Lu ca, again riding mista ke-f ree, h it emergency chec k 10 only one seco nd off of Ron Scharp hom 's time. No one else could make u p a ny time on Luca he re and, with victory in sight, he prom p tly wen t the fas test throug h th e last secti on to sna g his seco nd wi n of the series an d gr ab the po ints It!..d in the process. ., WAUgUst3rd - 125/250 PRO NATIONAL 2 ;::x,~ August 2nd - The Donn y Schmit International Memorial Classic August 1st - PRO & Amateur PRACTICE - Sign-up For Donn y Day G ates ope n a t 6:00 a.rn, & close a t 10:00 p.m, daily. Donny Day rider entry fee - $25.00. Sign-up (r ider entrys limited) 9 to I on Friday only. :"0 registration or practice on Saturday. Pre-entered P ro practice 10 to 12, Ama teur practice 2 to 5. Weekend overnlters $50.00 per vehicle. Thursday ea r ly ca mpers will he cha rged $100 . Pleas e do n't a r ri ve ea r ly, T hursday gates open 5 p.m . Adu lts S30.00 K id s S 15.00 ;\mnSSION Musl purchase 0 6-1 0 ~ Adults S20.00 Kid s 6-10 ets available. • ~ 3-Doy ticket spectate or compete. No Friday o r Saturday only lick- 10 S IO.OO Overniters per S50.00 vehicle Sunday Purking S5.00 T hru Spring C r eek MX Park · 5 07 -75 3 -27 79 C red it Card ONLY A d u lt A dvance P rice - Weekend $25.00 • Sunday O n ly $ 18 .00 Results C RAND OiA MPION ; Scot l Ltn (K1M) AA H-M": RlcNm Sd ", rphom (KTM) A H·I7; Bri.ul1.OO.ln.m (lCT M). D H-PT; Bob Bur t (Y.&m). CH-PT: Scott (lien). AA: I. ALr.nRmdl (KTM); 2. Jon Ene Bur lHon (KIM); J, Ron A .-ron B.&rth(lo::.Iw). 200 A: I . H.&ro CoIltns (10::.1....); 2. l .ftW\iIrrl Aust in (Io::.Iw); 3 ltt s,:otl DinwnI (;4. Br...J w..,.. UL....). :wo D: 1. Strphnt Combs (10::.1....); 2. 1__ St.anky (Ka w ); 3. IJrioul Ugh!; (, 4. J H.awkw (lo::.Iw l. .e 200 C 1. Du.lrw~ (K.ow); 2. 1C;a~ c.npOcoU ~w); 3. J(lrt,ILhon Ltow 1K.iwl; " TCGI Morw (); 5. Caob Alvu;ado . llo::.lw) %SO A: 1. Sro ll CUlt I.'ill (K.iw), 2. 51 B-w11 (Hal); 3. Brioln :oll So \llh wo rt h (ICTM); 4. F,"" S I'!'v'!'l\a (11001; S. Roo '!'r t C oo " N o rth o f R oc heste r. M N 30 M ile s . S outh o f M pl s, S t. Pa u l 80 mil e s . F ro m Z u mbro F a lls 9 m ile s Ea s t u n H w y . 6 0 . Roche st e r C o nve n t io n a nd Vi s itors B u rcu u 1-800-634 -8 2 7 7 . R ac e Hot el Hc ud quartc rs : D ays In n We st . R e se r vati o n # 507 · 2 H8· 9 0 90. M ot oc ro s s s pecial ra tes a lso a t; C o m fo rt In n ( fo r merly the R a mada ) 1-8 00- 305-8-17 0. Sch.arrhom (1crM); 4 (ler". :!SO B: 1. Sh.awn Omnan 11(fM ); 2. St~ WU ~ (Mon) ; 3. MitNoel Vokel. (lion); 4. 5coc1 Bumlt.iDt {Y- I; S. Juon KDft1g { X'l'M). 250 C I . EdwMd Swm 4-SlltK A: I. JoIwt Hotrm..n (KIM). +snx B: I. o.v. Hu~ (tbtJ; 2. SIorve I"oubf

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