Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Brian Melrow s ky rode 10 a 1·1 victory In I he 125cc Beg inner cl ass during rou nd fi ve of the Starwest Con t ingency series In Moreno Vall ey , centcmte. (Abo ve) J im Slrome slid h is Tr iumph 10 the Open Pro Twln-c lass win at the VDTRA Cenlral Regional Hall Mile al Monen Speedway In Monen. Missouri. 50 MO D: 1. Br.andUl'l Million (Cob l; a, la k., Huktt (Lc:m ); J . Meirowsky makes money atStarwest Supercross MII« " M~ (Cob); 4. Danny ~ (lNm). By Tony Aless i M \iO VALLEY, CA. JUNE,. ORE. Brian Mcirows ky made Suzu ki bucks by w in ning the 125cc Beginner cIass and $100 in contingency mon ey from Orange County Suzuki durin g round five of the Starwest Co n tingency series, held at Starwest Supercross Park. Metrowsky a nd Chris Monreal exchanged the lead a few time'> during the first 125cc Beginner moto. The two each took a tum tasting soil. but in the end Meirowsky wa c;, positioned be tter and took the win ahead of Mon real. Trevor Shaffer. jason McNeil and Jerry Mason . The second mo to saw Meirowsky get it int o gcar and motor away for a 'ha nd s-down runaway victory fo'f" the moto and overall win. Monrea l was runner-up (or the nigh t. while Jason Miller, Jerry Ma son and Trev or Shaffer rounded out the top five. Joshua West was another Suzuki winner. and he too was d recipient of a $100 certificate for his win in the USee Novice class. West's v icto ry had a sweet taste, since the Novice and Intermedia te classes were com bined to form a contingency- paying class . When the dust settled, Novices West and Wt"t:'d finis hed first and secon d , whi le th e Int crm od lat c racers, Josh Fin k and Bre tt Barney from Salina, Uta h , finished thi rd and fou rth. ]t"ff Fish pinned his big-bore KXSOO to the overall wi n in the Vet division. Fish proudly displayed a big num ber one on his ma chine as he ran away wit h both motos over Derric k Luedtka and Chad Austin, Res ults Small T rKk sntTR. lU I: I. Br.n ~ {yMft); :z.NIcftoIM Paluzzi (Len); 1. ROOby 5ind r (V.n n); 4 , Junk... (" lh......i ( K'TM); S. D. vid M..Jr .. (Cob), STRTR (7-3) : 1. An l),,", y Rao. n.-m ); 2. ~y Obc'nntyn (Y....). STI( BIlG (4-6) : I. M.. ll tk"w Do rm Kk ("1M); 2. MAII~ ArboU.. a ..-m); 2. ("_.-gr Jd fl"no (lrm); 4. ClviM ..p h..... Br..ww.w UCThO S. RKhNd Stnli"l (KTMJ. ; sn:: BEG0' -lS): 1. JIIKln CMInodv (Cob) ; 2. ~;\k;lblC' (Cob). STk A: 1. Roborrto J I" " , CLtoml; 1. ~ CmiI (~. srJ( II: 1. Sb&wn HI)'" CUm ); 2 , Ba.klPH.lIrt- (k"TM); 1. )otm &It. (Cob ); 4. Cln.adI (Lr ll,) ; S. Tyln Sirnn IPr Stok IPS (Y.. m); 4. JlUb n Jel fen ~; 5. l...lI u rA c....lSoW. JR P{W 500'-310 1. b y Obrnrqft ('(am). MODBEG (4-6); 1. Ov1llIeop Br8dww(KTM); 2. Mltttww hnOonrIuk (l a M); J. Kry.IAI C rAmel' ( IC 'TM); 4. MA~ Ca rill o CUm); S. Mlll! Arbillo (l«n) MOO BFG (7-11): I . JU.!oti n C.-rm"oJy (Cu b) ; 2. S.:ul t Nubl" < Cob); ,). NAlh.a Von Trudw (KTM). n MOO A : 1. ChId Gota ( ~: 2. 1I,~y Hl&fIllIPy ( Lem); 3. JAke Hu l"t ( lAm); 4. Mih' M.-d1P (C o b); 5 Da n" 1 Go n u llP z (Loml. MOD D, 1. Sft.Iwn twyn CLnn ); 2. Donni" ~ 0CIMl; 3. Brrtt C.atron (KTM l; 4. JRvan (KiM); S. luati n Mulloni (Lcm). S/P/W : I. Owd (~; 2. J_ HUO'tt CLem): J. Br&d¥ Hundry (1NIn); 4. MiltlP~&dIP (Cob); 5. Ju tin Mulford chase to Strome. Sterling again worked. his outside magic on lap nine to slip by Strome, capturing secund pla~, with Strome and Snyder in tow. ln , the 600cc Pro class, Nichols wo uld agai n run off and hid e from Strome in hi!'\. heat rac(> and in the main. but, unlike the 2SOcc Pro main. Strom(> rode hard and avoid ed the challenge of Ste rling in the early laps. Sterling powered his BSA steadily in front of the dual threat posed by Blane Fore and Johnny Isa a cs. At times it ~t"d Fan!' and Isaacs had the advantage, but Sterling would pull away, leaving them to race each other. On the last lap, Isaacs made a move to get by Fore in the exit to tum four, bu t thE" effort too k ls.1acs into the loose stu ff an d he had to M'ttIe for fifth . In the Open Pro clas s, Strome found cle ar track ahead, winnin g his ht"at and th en overta kin first-Ia leader am t:':'l Vau ht in the ma in. Stro me fou nd his stri de, building a lead of several bike le ngt hs over second - and th ird pla ce rid ers John Flke and Frank B.u-dMO. Mean while, ea rly leader Jam es Vau ght conti n ued to put on qu ite a show for the fan s, riding the hi gh groove in a full-lock slide. As the la ps w ound d own. Vau ght continued to drift to the rear until his Triumph expi red with one lap to go. Results 250 AM. 1, fkoo&d b ('"' O'aml; 2. F.ddiC'Ou n ('(Am ); J R..-II Dowc:n('(&JnI. 2SO PRO: 1. 51",1P 1IP Vwgtw O'tm);:z. MICNeI Whi~ (Yun l; J . Mi.... ZbrnI.... (Tri); 4 n.... J H udd in O'. m) ; 5. j.-ff Garl.m Sr N , 600 PRO : I. Sic ",... 1y Hf"ddlPtl OA W);2. 800 Hicb o.w); 1. &ort B-1 (J. w); 4. Knt W. gnn OolW); S. halmy Si. _ o...w). _ SCRTCH MAI N : 1, Jimmy SiMmon:; 2. Bobby H.,.jJ~; 3. Rut Sis! 4. Da.... 0-2 MAIN: 1. WIPS Eng ilPbri h t; :z. SNwn E1dridgO!'; 3. Kim g Darw u .. h. D-3 MA lN : 1. Drrek SOl v.a; 2. Gl" nn Scott. 3. M.k" Gi ldlPr- sk_". D-IJR: I.J .,.M.anyr-; 2. Luke' ~ J. BryAn Varrow. D-2 JR: I . F Ca rrill.. ;2. no: ~11 .. KPTr;3 A.' . JonlPS Hummel howls at Lawrenceburg ST By M. Sober By J oh n Spu rr ier AUBURN, CA.)UNE211 Eu ropean Speedway League-hopeful Bobb y Hedden outlas ted severe arm fatigue and 11 other First Division riders to capture the second annual Fast Fridays 25-lap Feature at Ute Gold County Fairgrounds, Despite the fact that the sta rt of the race looked like !Km"Ie distorted rush-hour nightmare, all 12 oompetitors kept theo rubbeor side down and managed to negotiate the first lap . Ken Wagner ....-as the first to lead, with MacDonald and Becker in hot pursuiL Wagnt=r'lj llo'ad was short-livt"d, as MacDonald went around to a~ume the lead by the en d of three revol utions. In the meantime, Dave Far ia w ove his way through the ma elstro m,. quickly gaining on the fleeing MacDonald , and ttc"11lporarily took the lead at the end of lap five. Faria broke down soon after, bu t was not the first to lcavt" tht" affair , as defunding 25lap Cha mpion Chad Felicia crashed on the second lap and retired. MacDonald continued to lead the race by a growi ng margin, lapping a clearl y fatigued Harlen Bast on lap 12, and Pat linn at the start of lap 14. But M.1C Donald 's pace Sl."Crrtcd too slow at the IS-lap barrier, and second-p~ runner Hedden was closing in on the . unsuspecting teen-ager. Hl.'ddcn and fellow .50yard. line startt"rs Bob Hicks, Bart Bast and Jimmy Si~emo re all E"mp loy~d a consen-ative, although clft'Clive. pare that pro pelled them all toward the k>oader as the laps dwindled away. On lap 18, Hedden rem oved th e lead fro m MacDonald's grasp , an d the rest of th e previou~ Iv men tio ned v e h'r l1n ~ filed " "t " " q LAWRENCEB URG. IN JUNE 7J . N ick Hummel had a big night at the Lawrencebu rg Ova l, .....inning both the Open A feat ure and the' 2.5Occ feature. Hummel got a good start in the Open A iesture, only to eee a red Ilag as Tommy Henns ler and Phil Wolf ta ngled in turn tw o, with both rid ers sliding nu t to the fence . On the res ta rt, Damon Stapl eton led the first lap until Hu mmel took the lead away goi ng into tum onE' on the second lap. Once ou t in front, Hu mmel quickly put a full straightaw8y'!i on the rest of the field . Behind him, Hennster got by Stapleton to claim the 5eCOnd s.poL Stapleton was cha llenged by Kevin Hiler but held on to finish t.hird, fol· lowed by Hiler. Zach Palmer, Dave Lipscomb, Nicky Sterling. At Lowe , and Joe Matthews Jr. Wolf retired with a blown motor on lap four . The 250cc feature saw a restart, as four of the five riders jumpt.-d the initial ligh t and went to the penalty line, le,w inK Chad Anthony as the so le O('cupant o f the first row. On the res ta rt , Hummel got the-holeshot and went wire to wire for his firs t win of th e eve ning. Stapleton held th e M"COtld spot for a few I.lp!i, until Sam Lowe got by him to nail down his finish. Stapl eton fini shed third , follo.....ed by Ro n Mounts and Anthony. David Wolf again dominatE" d both the 80 and the 125cc featu res , winning both events by lar ge margins. Lisa Hiler took seco nd pl ace in the 12See class uve r Kris Williamson and Cody Shamblin, whi le Williamson took St"COnd in the 80cc class, followl.-d by Chad Means, Joe Garri" '" c; A tl 81 ~

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