Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS The SOcc Automatic featu re turned ou t to be a match race be tween brothers Ben and Elliot Buchana n. with Ben showing his young er br oth er the quick way aro un d the track for his win . In the SOcc featu re , Jacob Tolbert came off th e sta rting lin e in second place and ran neck an d neck wit h Mike Fehring for two laps u ntil he got by Feh rin g for the lead . Fehring s tayed close an d claimed the seco nd spo t, followed by Steve Holt, Josh Bastin. Matt C hild s a nd Keith Magg ard. ' A five-heat' Speedwa y program was also (Above) Class winner Jerry Aleman (587), Ja son Partridge (351). Jimmy Var is (2) and the re st of the 125cc Stoc k Pro class rage into the first co rner during t he f in al round · of t he So ut hern Cali fo rn ia NMA Po nca City Qua lif iers at Starw est Superc ross Par k In Moreno Valley, Californ ia. (Right) Mark McDan ie l wo n the Pee Wee Stock (0-5) TT cla ss at t he Ladl Cycle Bowl in Cal iforn ia. held , with Pat Reynolds emerg ing as the overall winn er. Sam Lowe was second . John Bussler third, a nd Phil Wo lf was fourth. Zach Pa lm er a nd Mari o Tod d also co mpeted , bu t a secondheat-race crash e lim ina ted bo th riders from contention. Results 50 AM; t . ' "n Ib Tolbo,rt (lxm); 2. Mile Fehr in g (Yam ); J . Seeve Holt (Yam); 4. JOIlh &lI b n (KTMI;5. MoI ttlww Ch ilds (Su,zJ. n !IV AM : 1. David Wo ll (Ho n ); 2. Kris Willi,amllO (Ya m ); 3. n Ch ad M~a n , (Ya m ); 4. J ~ C a rri so n (SUl-); 5. Nu h" n BU II~ry (H,m). 80 AM AUTO: 1. Ben Bucha na n (Ho n); 2. Elliot Buch. na n {Yam}. . OPEN A AM : 1. N ick Hum m..1 (H un) ; 2. Tomm y H,mn ' l..... UlOIl) ; J. Inmon St.pleto n (11011 4 . "",I.,, Hil er (I-ton); 5. z...:h ); Palm ..,. (Hon) . 125 AM ; I. Da Vid Wolf C Hon); 2. UN Hit "" (H on ); 3. Krill WiIli;o,m\Ol,n (Y"m); 4. Cody Shilmbh n (Y" ml. 250 AM: I. N ick lI um mei IY" m) ; 2. S. m Lo we: Hlon ); 3. Da mon St,:, lcton (K/l w); 4. Ron Moomh (Ya m); 5. Cha d Anthony p (Yam). J().. AM : 1. joe Sl-yfftoTh> (Rill); 2. Ph illip Wolf (H un); 3. s""ny Benkrt (l ionl; 4. Curt Snt"lIing (l Ion); 5. J" mn Beck (Ya ml. 50+ AM : I. lamCll8c<: (Yam); 2. JOI: Moi thews Sr. (Hon); 3. k t Lou Ku me r (Hon) ; 4. H~nM:hel Benk ert C HonJ; 5. Ala n Zuelke O-tonl. Hamblin triples at 5tarwest 5X By Tony Alessi another rider in a class of his own, as he topped Team Green 's Mike Alessi a nd Jason Medi na in th e Stoc k cla ss and Sco tt Simo n a nd Robb y Wood... in the Modified di vision . Results P/ W 5TK (4-6) : 1. Tyior H.~ml1lt.'" (Cob);:!.. ALm Jimn (L.'fll );3. Bran don Mill io n (I.e m ); 4. Tan ner Ku hnlbuhl If(TM); 5. Ch ris Ta ft lKTM). PIW STK 0 -8): 1. Chad Coft'lI (Cob); 2. A.J. J(u!lChatka (Cob); 3. Bryao T~ n (k IM); 4 , Mikll'la P"gliA (IC TM) P/ W MOD (U ) : 1. Bra ndon Million C lxm); 2. Trior H.-m11lt" _ (Cob ); 3. Chris Ta ft (Kl'M); 4. ALl,n Jiron (Lem). P/ W MO D (7-8) : I. Ch ild Co res (Co b); 2. A.J. Ku ac ha tka (Cob); 3. B~ T..n. ian (1("t1'.t); 4. Chal 01._ 1 (Cob); S. ' fired Partrid~ CSuz.l. s/ r / w 16-9): 1. Ricky Hnnm e ( tem); 2. Brandon Mill ion (C o b); 3. A.I. KUKh"tk.a (Co b ); 4. C had COrt~. (C o b l; 5. Ch u DiI.'5eI (Cob). (,()STKIt.-Il : I. F ) ..tlw"n1 Hom-i ng l Kaw l; 1. J,.ff L Gunzalez in th e 60cc 9- to ll-yea r-old d ivi sion. Go nzal ez raced un challenged all day long a nd , whe n the d ust se ttled , he scored a ll four moto wins in both the 60cc 9- to 11-year-old Stock and Modified di visions. Go nza lez topped Kell y Tedd er and Ja so n Medina in the Modified cla ss a nd Tedder and Justin Workman in the Stock class. Chad Gores pil oted hi s ne w R&D Radng Co bra to wim. in both 7- to 8-ye ar-old 50cc Mod ified a nd Stock cla sses. Gores rode w he elies down the straightaways, blasted the berms, and flew over th e tab letop jumps en route to his double class victory. Team Suz u ki' s Kyle Partridge wa s an other double class winner in the 80cc 7- to 11-year--old Stock and Modified divisions . Pa r tr id ge w as M STK (12-13): I. Oa t.. n B..av....,. (K" w ); 2. I....".· D m ill.... (Yam ). . lIDSTK (14 · 16) : 1. Sc:.. n Ha mb lin (Ya m); 2. jo l\oll th.n Sh imp (ya m); 3. ~ Reid (Ya m). S/ MINI : I. s.-..n Hambl in (Y..m); 2. Jona t""" Shimp (Yam); 3 JII:MC CasilLu (Yam ) 4. JUlI ln V/lug hn (K.Jwl; 5. Sha ne Fm; (Y" ml. t SOMOD (7-11): 1. J(yk Partrid ge: (Su,z ); 2. Scot t Simon (Suz) ; 3. Rob b y WoodB (Ho n); 4 . Ricky H~mml! (Ya m); 5 . Jef f Loo p (Hon) . 80 ~OD Cl2-13>: 1. D"lon o., a VO-R (Klo w l; 2. ,..~ .., C.. ~iIIa~ (Yam ); 3. Fe"- (Yolm). 110 MOD (l -4-lb): 1. Stoa Hamblin (Yam); 2. um Reid (Yam); n . 3. Jona than Stum p (Yam ). 125 STK NOV ; 1. N..tha n Cra ig (Sod; 2. Rnmt Gilliam (5ut); 3. Brian ~ CSw:1; ". Clint Brllun ($w;); S. Rid &.'11/'11. (J-f(ltl). 125 STK lNT : 1. M..r k Till ey tsuz); 2. Du aty Walt c:n (Yam) ; 3. An d y Ana ya (ya m) ; 4. Kevin Tow tl/lt'nd (Ho n); 5 . Billy Payne (lCaw ) . 12.';STK rR O: 1. JPI'T)' A\ (; 1. ORm ny C.rl"' Hl(Yam). Key cleans house at Lodi 51 By Mike Law LODI, CA, JUNE 14 Stockton's Pha nnacy First in ves ted $100 in the Open A winner's pu rse and , when all wa s said a nd d one, it w as Mark Key who r3ced a way' wi th th e top money a t the Lod i Cycle Bowl. Key en tered th e firs t tu rn mid pa ck, e xited er down the back str aight wi th the- Ie-ad a nd ne-v lost the front po sition . "1 just got my bike going good., th a t' s all ," refl ected the so ft-spoken Key after the race . '1 changed ca ms and tha t see med to he lp a lo t . Th e track wa s r eal fa st . Mark Corsetti - he's very fast. He gave me all I cou ld ha nd le. My stra tegy wa s to get out there a nd get the ho and go real fal>l and not give it up. I looked back one lime to ~ee who wa s there. I sa w it wa s Mark, and I kn ew I couldn't let up. I had to run hard the whole race." Key ' s s t ra teg y o b v ious ly p aid o ff, a n d Corsetti held on for second pla ce. "It was all his race," Co rset ti sa id . " I ca n't take a nything aw ay from h im. He got a gr eat s tart a nd ro de the w heels off his bike. Som etimes you get first an d so me times you get seco nd . I wo uld ha ve bee n happi er wi th first , bu t toni ght I got a pai r o f seconds and I'm proud of that. Mar k Key is a grea t gu y to race wi th ." Pro Novice co ntender Bob Casey continued h is tear in the ma in ev en t wi th a victo ry over rival s Ma tt Go mez Sr. and Bob Grant. Ca sey, who is al most in the Eddie Mulder a nd Scott Pearson departmen t w hen it comes to holeshots, got a terri fic start and rod e wire to wire for the win in the main event. 'The key to it wa s getting a good start," Casey sa id, following th e ra ce. '1 got a good holeshot, and I think he (Gomez) got tied up ar ound thi rd p lace a nd was battling for second place, so it kept him hack there for quite a while . Then it wa s pretty much a ra ce for myself. After he got by the guy for seco nd place, th e white fla g wa s out and it was easy going from there. The key here is to get a good start. If Gomez gets the holeshot, it's going to be pretty tou gh to pa ss him . But if I ge t a good sta rt, I hold the groo ve real good, and I d on't think he can get around me ." Results Short Tra ck P/W STK (0-5): 1. An tlw ny Fon g (Ya m); 2. Cody Lambott (y am); 3. Danny McOani ll' (y am ). 1 P / W STK: 1. David ~ (Yam); 2. Aly ...... Rrinnn (Ya ml ; 3. Justin )~ (Yam l. P/ W STK U: 1. Cody Anadmi UCTM}; 2. Al ysw Jensen (Yam) . P/ W STK KTM: 1. Bobby Fong (Act); 2. Ton y Fakoury

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