Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS '-"·' ED ITEDBY CAMERONCOATNEY CMC Pac-West N ational MX Series, Rounds 3 &4, TrulsonM XPark dall pressed on and took the lead com ing d own the hill in to the woods on lap two. Deitz trailed in second, wit h Peters, Zack Storey and Hale in tow . The bat tle for the win wen t down to the wire, wit h Deitz wr estling the lead away on the last lap . Cross ing the finish in third was Ha ls, followed by Peters . Ano ther full class of 125cc Beginners rallied throu gh their q ualifiers to start a 3D-man gate for the main. Travis Rigert led the field early on, over Ryan Sibley , N e il He is ta nd, Wa yne Mann in g a nd Brand on Shepherd . (Left) Pro rider Rick Ryan didn't let the muddy conditions at Trulson MX Park in Wash in gto n bother him one bit. as he left $4000 r ich er afte r a bunch 01 wins. (Bel o w) The 125cc Juni or clas s wrestles th ro ug h the mud at Tru lso n. (Su:,d; 3. RY Sih ley (SU7.); 4. Tra vis Rigert (Ya m); 5. ein c..uwtt DeVol (Ka w l. 125 Jll; 1. Jod y Deitz (J Nayes (Honj: 4. Larry Wolt U .); o-Inn); 5. Davi d Herron (Kawl, 250 JR: I. Stev e Sawyer (Ha n ); 2. Jo h n Mc us ling (Suz l; 3. Kevin Schere r (Ho n l; 4, Steve EliL'I'S (Yam); 5. Ryan Paull in (J<..lw) . 250 !N T: I. Brent Wu rz (Suz) ; 2. Travis Cage (5o z); 3. Pa u l Co n ne r (Yam); 4, Derek Mah one y (Su z); 5. Wesle y Parke r (Suz.), 250 PR O : 1. Jim m y LaMastu s (Suz); 2. C h a u n McA li st e r (Suz); 3. Shawn Wa r ing (Kaw): 4 . Brad Hagseth (Yam ); 5. Rick Ryam (SUl. . ) .); UTH AM: 1. Tod d Hlud ers (SU7 2. Kurt Ca nno n (Kaw); 3. SI"w Rt"Sktd (Kaw) ; 4. Phillip Taylor (Hon); 5. Richa rd Stu nt> (J Inn). UTlI fR O: 1. Rick Ryan (Suz l; 2 Da n Moore (Yam); 3. Cha u n McAlister (SuzJ ; 4. Mark Obcrding (Kaw); 5. J.I<. Meuslm'g (Suz) . VET JR : I. Joe Ma lich (Ha n); 2. Llo yd Swin ney (H a n); 3. Brian Granberg (Kaw ); 4. Ron Pease (Suz); 5. Mark Hoffman (Kaw ). By Don Schneide r 38 ONALASKA, WA,jUNE21-22 ick Rya n bla s ted thro u gh the mud to win seve n of eigh t Proclass motos at rounds three and four of the 12th annua l CMC Pac-West National Motocross Series, held at Trulson MX Park in Washington . "You know, it doesn't matter," Ryan said of the wet condi tions. "Motocross is run rain , snow, hail or, pre ferably, sunsh ine . Th e rid ers ha ve th eir choice to race or not. There s hou ld be no complaining. " The Pacific Northwest show ed its liquid suns hine as storms engu lfed the twoday weekend festivities with 3 1/2 inches of rain . Promoters Ernie and [enelle Trul so n were certa inly s ha ken by Mother Nature, but 435 riders still smiled as they muscled their machines around the natura l hilly terrain. On Saturday, the 250cc Pro class was won by Suzuki-mounted Jimmy LaMasrus, Yet another Suzuki -mounted rider, Chaun McAlist er , pull ed his pat ented ho les h ot, and h e h eld the lead ove r LaMastus, Brad Ha gseth, Sha wn Waring and Ryan early on . McAli st er lat er said, "Thi s is not a spo rt for pansies. It's the tou gh est spo rt in the wo rld . 1 despise those wh o have compla in e d to the re fere e (M a r k Straighten) and organizer (janice McAlister ) abo ut so me of the motos today. We all are doing ou r best to keep on the laid -out course, bu t sometimes you get ou t of shape and have to divert a little as long as you d on't better your positio n, and re-ent er th e track as soon as possible. They couldn' t do any better." McAlist er was pa ss ed by LaMas tus for the lead on lap two . LaM astus then went u nscat hed , pulling a 10-plus-seco nd cushion a t th e finis h. McA lis ter held th e runner-up spot comfortab ly, w ith Warin g s urpassi ng Ha gseth fo r th ird . Ryan had a ha rd go of it a nd rounded out the top five. Trulson Motocross Tra ck, bei ng the newest of th e No r th wes t m otocr oss tracks, was su rely a new experience for Rvan - and he lea rned it well. He then se t ou t to win si x m ot os in a r o w , includ ing the 12Scc, Over The Hill and Vet Pro classes on Saturd ay. Then he followe d those up with the sa me scena rio, adding the 250cc Pr o on Sun day. For a rider who had never ridde n the track before, it was like money in the ban k: With the contingency from Su z uki a n d the r egula r Pro p a yo u t, Ryan pock eted a little more than $4000 for the two-d ay event . The s tarts were v ery importan t th is weeken d, and every rid er fought hard for it, especially in the 125cc Junior class. After the qualifiers were completed , the class was read y for a main event. Series overall leader Steve Sullivan gated perfectly, wi th Todd Blanchard, Tyson lindeman, Alan Peters, Andv Sandall and Team Select Jody Deitz ali in close pursu it. Peters was lookin g like the track con di tio n s s u ited him jus t fi ne, a s he motored into the lead by half a lap after Sullivan took a majo r soil sa mp le. Sulliva n's cha nces for the win we re evident as he shook his head and rod e up to the tower to awai t the finish . After lap one, Blan chard held down second , wi th Sandall, Deitz, Ben Hal s and oh n Meuslin in the to five. San· Sibley looked very strong and took the lead on lap two. Manning was slippi ng ever so close, thou gh , as he looked for good lines. Heistand held third , wi th Rigert, Richard Sipp Jr. and Nick Wachler in the top five. Garrett DeVol must have foun d som e of th ose sim ilar faster lines , too. After starting at mid pack, DeVol had worked up to sixth halfway into lap three of the four -lap race. Manni ng took his Suzuki pa st Sibley while heading in to lap three, a nd he held tha t spo t to the checkers . Heis tand also go t the better of Sibley on the last lap for second place. Rigert crossed the line just up on the freight trai n of DeVol, Bria n Fitch, Wac hler, Brandon Sh epherd, Ken Lindhorat and Vic Griel. L-' Trulson MX Park Onalaska, Washinglon Results: June 21-22,1997 5.ltu 80 (7· 11t: 1. Brandon Layton (Yam); 2. Todd Nelson (Su d ; 4. D. ITtli Stidh.m (Hon ); 5. Kf"VI n BuTT (Hon). 2SO JR: 1. John Mf'u sling (Su z ); 2 Steve sawyer (Ha n); 3. Kt-vi.n Sc:hcrer (Hon): 4. Iasce Cross ()(a w ); 5. Chris Mulh nncy (Ka w ). 2SO !NT: I. Brent Wurz

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