Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 11 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Order from the greatest selection of motorcycle video tapes available FREE SHIPPINGI MOTOCROSS (16) Thla Islloloc:rou PI'tllb:8d ... 1996, this video features a brief ~ory of molocross, tips on getting started, action from amateur to GP leveI~. Inl8MOWS wllh _~ ridoB, and ,i0oi< ol!he 5. 90 _from _ . $29.95 (t309G) 1996 _ Supon:rooa (169) 1995 WotId sotl" $34.95 Round 113 oC l25r2SOce AUA SUpeIttOSS Series acfXlR from North Caroh's Charlotte Moler Speedway. 50 rrOnes from FoJ; Video. (11'9) 1994 Budd', e- 250ec USGP $2'.95 Team Pepsi-Honda's Yves Demarta shocked llle American we fans when he won the U,S. round 01 the '94 250cc Wond MX (I311G) 1996 Sl louis SupotCtOOl ClIampionship Sorles 01 BlJdcIs Croelc. MaIytand. Damotia ted a Round 114 of 12!W25Occ AMA SuperctOSS Series action from the massi'le European revoII eager to beat lhI dominant Ameri::ans at TransWorld Dome In SI. louis, Missoutf. 50 mlnu1es from Fox their own round of the World Championships. 47 minutes from Video. $2'.95 Molovkloo. $149.95 (1315G) 1996 Denvtl' Suptrcross (t15OG) 1916 Gllnetvllll AlitA Nlllonal MX Pm! IlIUl'm al12 rounds from Hockon· (19) U.S. Grand PrIx 1988 Real Grand Prix road racing lor the WCKtd Championship revives in helm to Philip Istand, highlighted by lI'Iterviews wittl top ridefs, onAmerica as Steady Eddie lawson and Fast Jimmy FIIic8 beat the screen graphics, championship posflions and behInd !he scenes footage, 180 mnnes lrom Duke VIdeo USA. 539.95 bosl at lltgooa Soca. Fn>m -.sports VIdeo. 133.95 ('15A) Fait RIding the Roberti Way (181A) '90 Laguna StCI US Grand Ptfx Rainey and SChwantz race deat of a crash-filled tield feallJring A unique and lascInalll'lg insight Into ttle Kenny Roberts Trainlng lawson, Mamola, Gardner, Chill and Magee. 250cc action also Camp i1 Ban:otona. Spain. WolCh!he K"'J In action again as he and Randy _ pu1!he achooI" fIrs1 pup", _ their pocos included. 52 mrtUleS from GP VIdeo. $33,95 and shows you I'Iow to get the most out of your sport and IOl!Id race bikes. 65 millJles from Duke Video USA. 53U5 (1S1B) '91 Laguna SecI US Grand Prtx Differenl from the NBC/ESPN broadcasts, this video Includes COI'l'l9I8te coverage & commentary d 500 & 250 classes, $kiecars too. 52 mbJtes lrem GP Video. TRIALS $1'.95 1175) 1995 WotIdTrial8_ Is !here no stopping JorcI Tarres? Right from the start d !he saason 1"'0) '93 Loguna Sea US Grand Pm _ Kocinski raced !he I~ ~ to 'i'>roaki1g 6~ world tiflo. Thts comprohenstve review 01 0110 ....... _ a auporlatiYo display 01 COflCOllll>Ca~a, confirming a straight IIush of five American 500cc GP clasS wim6f$ at the eaRfomla c:iraJl 55 miOOles from Motovideo. lion. tncredille aglify and awe iIsp/rir'J anlonalnmonl 60 rnmtos from Duke VIdoo USA. $34.95 $14.95 (127) Thl. ~ Motorcydt Trial. 11407B) 1995.laguna Sea WSB Round i7 leatlJring two legs of WSB Series acti«I as the Aussles Top Irials riders Steve Colley and Sammy Miller explain and_ rule, and the Amentan homeboys Impress at Laguna Seca. 55 demonstrate the art ollrials riding, lrom basic: princ:ipIes to wirring lechnlqU85. This video also covers the development of trials bikes mlrMJt8Sfrom Duke V!cIeo USA. $24.95 and the sport over the last 40 years. 60 minutes from Duke Video USA. 132.95 1141) Blk' E,pot!once Race with Wayne Gardner as you crouch over the handlebars of a ('27A) Thilis Advanced Motorcycle Trlall 200 mph Grand Prix Honda In actual race condltionsl 60 miwles. From Powerspons Video. $34.95 (I94C) 1992lale of Man TT FabulpUS racing In fabulous weather, a hosl 01 tap and race records and ell the best action on and 011 the lrack are captured In thIs lull length video review 01 n '92. 115 minutes Irom Duke Video USA. 142.95 Join top International lrials competllor Steve Calley on his home training groood In the rugged Isle 01 Man for this hJghty enlertaini'lg step-by-slep guIde 10 adVanced !rIalS techniques. 62 minutes from Duke Video USA. $34.95 (.195) Trlals Superatara If you combined world-class Irlals wIth a supercross-style Indoors presentatlon, you mlghl come up 'Itith somethIng like this 1996 InternaUonal tndoor Trlallrom Britain's Sht:ffleld Arena. Fearuras alilhe top names In trlals In an entertaining circus-like atmosphere. 55 minUleslrom Duke Video USA.. $34.95 (1940) 1993 lsi' of Man TT This aetlon-pack8d vldeo follows the champions of the Isle of Man on this 86th IUnnlng oIlhe TT. Unsurpassed race footage plus on· (ll54G) 1996 Budda Creek AMA National MX board cameras on bikes and sidecars put you In the hot seal! For Round '5 01125/250 outdoor action from Matyland's Budds Creek the Hrsl time, we show on-screen RPM & speed data from 01'lEl of the (1201) 1995 NATC Tnall: Arizonl Rounds '1 & 12 of the '95 NATC Series lrom Arizona's Prescoll Raceway, 50 minutes lrom Fox VIdeo, $24.95 • leading RVF Hondas. 100 minules from Duke Video USA. $42.95 Nan Forest. 125 nders start the season, Aaron and Young spDtYie(I325E) Ughtnlng Sttfk.. Twice taries. 120 mlnUles!rom TecI'lnovldeo. $24.95 (tl55G) 1996 Southwick AMA National MX (194E) 19941.1, of Ilan TT A taVlSW 01 an 15 Coors Ught Chanenge rounds of the 1994 AlItA Round Ie of 125J250 outdoor action from the rough and sandy Supercross SetIes as Jeremy McGrath steamroll8d Ihe 25Oc:c dass "The 111n Mllestone"-Hunoreds 01 entries hom 19 countries, Southwick, Massachusetts clrcu~. 50 mlnules from Fox Video. on the way to his second consacutIve title. Also Includes highigtts Ihousands oIlans gathemg on the Isle 01 Man from aD comers of (t202) 1995 NATCTrlall: ClJlfornla Round 13 oflhe '95 NATC Series from the legendaly El Trial de $24.95 of Eastem and Western 125cc rot.rIds. 60 mlrKJtes from Motovideo. the globe, r9Cllrd-breeking race action - you'D see it aI in this longEspana near San DIego. 120 minutes from Techn0Yid80. 524,i5 wrslon 120 minute tape from Duke Video USA. $42.95 $2'.95 (1156G) 1996 6_nan AMA Natlonol MX (1202A)1996 NATC Trilla: Cllifomia Round .7 01 1251250 outOoor action from Michigan's 23rd annual (1325F) Suponnoc A_ II94F) 1995 ~~ 0I1lan TT Round'l of the '96 NATC Series opened at the 26th Annual ElTriaI Rod Bum Fox VIdeo. $2'.95 400,000 enthUllasts ducended on Daytona for the 1991 SOtt1 Man n, but II SIJt8 Isn't the only one. Even" you're never iJdcy _ IS and 17 at !he '95 NATC Series from !he Slopping S1ono anrJvo"'l'f 01 Btko W .... Soo the "Main 5..... & Harley scone onoogh to ,xporionco !he fans' TT 10< .... b's 01 he", 'ovorythilg Ranc!I ~ Wost Groonwic!I. Rhode Island. lois 01 Si!"""l!ar ,.. (I1S9G) 1996 WoohougalAMA NatIonal MX. from the blggos1 year ovor. 60 minot.. produced by Panocom from etse")'OU1 fNfJl5i& besides !he raci'lg on the weekand of Mad Sun- sides and rock _ to choIlonge" skllt< 120 nirM.. from Ted>AOlrld .11 of 125/250 outdOOr action from Wastmglon state's 16ltl PIogr0ssN9 Oaslgl. $22.95 day. 60 _from Duke VIdeo USA. $34.95 novIdeo. 524.95 annual Washougal National MX. 50 mlnules from Fox Video. $2'.95 (176) Relnor' Voa,· The lnaldo SIOfy (11tl6C) Pootcard ""'" Doy1ona·96 11205) 1995 NATC Triolo,_ A look at all the tnlngs away from the race tracks at Daytona Triple Wotfd Champion Wayne Rainey recalls thl challenges, RooMs is and IS 01 tho ~5 .ATC Sorles In>m !he Slod< Ranch 1116OG) 1996 Blnghemton AMA National MX Beach's Bike Weei '96, It's just like be&tg there, except fot the memorable moments and dramas 01 his 1992 season. From near Canon City. CoIoredo. Harn. hoi rIdlng i1 high daseMow lor· Round .12 011251250 outdoor action from New York's Broome- raIn.•.S1 minutes from Duke VIdeo USA.. $34.95 preseason testing to retaxilg at his new Califomia I'1orTM:I after the 8$!areas. 120 m1OOlesfrom TechnovIdeo. $24.95 TIoga Sports Center. 50 mi'lutes from Fox Video. 524..95 final raCfl, this video traces every stage of his dltflcuh year. 75 minutes from Duke VIdeo USA. $34.95 (1213) Tho Roada at Colorado 11206) 1995 .ATC Tnolo' Oregon ('161G) 1996 Delmont AMA National MX Actual footage 01 selected roads and points 01 Interest throughout Rounds 110 & '11 01 the '95 NATC Series from C8&1r Creek and Round 113 of12S125O outdOOr action from the finals at Pennsylva- Colorado. This video makes an Ideal tool for anyone planning a ('l03A) Kevin Schwantl- World Chlmplon Diamond Mill near Tillamook, Oregon. Aaron and Young head Into nia's Sleel City Raceway. 50 minutes from Fox VIdeo. $24,95 motorcycle Irlp Ihrough the Rockies, 90 minutes Irom l&M The terrific Texan finally achelved his goal In '93 after a tough the flnal roond to decide the title In heavy lorest ~ngle) conditions. season 01 highs and lows. Follow Kevin's rIse to the World 120 mlr'MJleS from Tedlllovldeo. 524,95 Produc1Ions. $25.95 ('1628) '91 AMA Nat'l MX sellon R 1ew .... Championship tltle, and go behInd the scenes wlth the champ, his Follow !he 13 stops on Ihe 1991 AMA Nadonal MX Series as Mike lamlly and the Suzuki team lor an In-deplh look at what makes (1208A) 1996 Wagner Cup World C'Shlp Trial Kiedrowski duels with Guy Cooper for the 11 plate title honors; Kevin Schwantz tlck. 60 minutes lrom Duke Video USA. $29.95 The best In the world came 10 the Stepping Stone Ranch In West 250cc and 500ce aelion lollow the dominance of J.M, Bayle over Greenwich, Rhode Island lor round 14 of the 1996 World ChampiStanton, Ward, and Bradshaw. Approx. 2 hours (2-tap& package) (178AI1989 Bike GP Compilation (.103B) Schwantl: GP Year '94 onship ~erlas. See the American force put on their beSt effort lIS. Irom Powersports Video. $42,95 A reView 01 the '89 FlM GP Road RacIng season WOrldwide, as A Grand Prix dIary of the worid's most exciling GP rider: The drama the world talenl of Jordl Tarres, Marc Calomer, Dougle Lampkin and Lawson leads fellow Americans RaIney and Schwantz to sweep 13 01 this most heroic 01 all seasons is here, along wlth the lighter the reslln Ihls double-tape package. 4 nours from Tectmovldeo. ('162C) '92 AlitA Nat'l IItX Season Review US wins In 15 roundS. From Powersports VIdeo. $39.95 moments as Schwanlz enjoys hlmse~ as a spectator atltle Tour de 130.95 The dellnltlve video review of the 1992 AMA National 125, 250 & France, hangs his leattlers on the wall 01 the Hard Rock Cate and 500 Motocross Series. Narraled by lany Maiers: 90 minutes lrom (I78B) R,lnoy Da1" 1990 GP Rovlow woos the daughler of Argentina's president wllh a glll 01 1,000 Powersports Video. 534.95 Follow Wayne Rainey's march to the title, from Suzuka to Phillip roses. 70 minutes from Duke Vk\eo USA. $34.95 Island In this lOS-minute blocI o z 18 v"" ROAD RACING SPEEDWAY u.s. n_os

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