Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 11 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(n90) 1993 LA to Barslow to Vegas ('76A) Cmh Impact II Join over 400 riders In the biggest dual sport Classic of the year, Over 100 crashes & spectacular mishaps In a dozen categories of EnlOY this legendary trail ride on ThanksgivIng weekend 1993 as 'motorsports. 55 minutes from Powersports VIcIeo, $24.95 (151) Scott Parker- Champion they ride Irom Los Angeles (Collon), California on Saturday, and From the l3O-mph dirt track battlellelas 10 the hoI tub behind his contlnue from Barstow to Las Vegas on Sunday, If you rode this (1179A) Bike Wan house in Michigan, yoU'll travel with the champ en roule 10 his third evei'll, you're probablY on this video! 110 minutes from After Images The most memorable moments of mayhem Including Harleys. straight title, and gallD know the man behind the Number One plaIa. Video, $34.95 Supelblkes, Dirt Track. Isle 01 Man, HIlldlmb. Blackwater, Pro MX 60 minutes from Molovldeo. $34.95 . and more. 60 minutes from Powersports Video. $29.95 (t210A) 1994 Colorado 500 Join celebrities such as Malcom Smith & Wally Da!lenbach for this ('120) Termlrma ('182) Smooth Mo,.. A review altha 1990 Camel Pro Series Championship, as Scott famous 1000-mlle trail fide through Colorado's smalilOwns and Tho orlg.~ b~ ~r lroostjlo Fo' video featuring wild anlies by Doug Parker and Chris Carr dueled all year lor !tie litIe. 60 m.,ules from Rocky Mountains In tale summer '94. 90 minutes from L&M Produc- Henry, Ezra Lusk, Robbie Reynard, Ricky Carmichael. Travis Pastions. $29.95 Motovideo. $34.95 trana, James Stewart, and the King 01 Rock n' Roll. Soundtrack by Pennywise, Alice In Chains, Lucy's Fur Coat, Future Sounds of Lon· (1210B)1995 Colonodo 500 don and Soundbox. 35 minutes from Fox Video. $24.95 A review 01 some of the highlights of the first 20 years 'of the Colorado 500. along wlth a Ioolt at the 1995 ride. covering 800 miles of ('120A) Terraflrma2 beautllul Rocky Mountain trail riding sceneI)'. 90 minutes from L&M Il'lCredlble loolage 01 Jeremy McGrath, Doug Henry, Sieve Lamson, (119) Barry Sheene· Champion Barry Sheena was arguably Brilain's most famous 2·wheeled star. Productions. $29.95 Robbie Raynard, Mike Metzgar, John Dowd, Ezra lusk. Ricky Sheena combined great ablllty on a motorcycle with a strong Carmichael. Pedro Gonzalez, and the late Donny SchmB. Soundcockney character 10 become Britain's llrsl motorcycle TV (1211)1994 Cycle News loretta Lynn OS Ride track by Mad Season, Face to Face, Corrosion. Pennywise, and personality. this video profiles his career and lifestyle, including his Get In on the springtlme fun al !hls round 01 the '94 AMA National Sprung Monkey. 45 minutes from Fox Video, $2'9.95 SOOCc World Championships and 750Ct: World Championship. 65 Trail Ride Series at the sce!'llc Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch In Hurricane MlUs, Tennessee, 60 minutes from Kern VIdeo (162) WhatUpl _!rom Duke VIdeo USA. $29.9S Productions. $29,95 The new generation video from Full Throttle Produellon that brings (no) Golden Mountain out Insane aerial maneuvers by 198tur9d rlders Ty Davis, Jeff Emlg, (12121 The Trails of Colorado MC Trail Guide 1961 Isle of Man TT race features Mike Hallwood on the 250 Honda Hlghl ghts of 18 dillerenilrall systems Ihroughout Colorado, Damon Bradshaw, Mike Craig, Damon Huffman, Ryan Hughes, Kyle and the Manx Norton, and again In the 1963 Senior 500cc n. Excellent prlmer for trail riding and dual sporting In the Colorado Lewis, Phil lawrence, Marty Smith, Rich Taylor. Ray Sommo, Nathan Retcher. and introducing "Turtle,· OrIginal soundtrack by Shows how !he sport progressed In Just two years. 52 minutes from Rockies, 90 minutes from l&M Productions. $29,95 Royal Crown Review, Crux, Voo Doc Glow Skulls, MXPX, No Fun Duke Video. 132.95 At All. Malfunction, Youth Brigade. NO FX. Pennywise, and Rancid. 30 minutes lrom .Motovideo, $29.95 ('43) n Tribute Featuring Mike !he Bike Hail'NOOd on Itl& IU-handllng 500 Honda-4 ('178) Best of Havoc: 2 dicing wi!h Giacomo Agostini on the MV In the 1967 Isle of Man n - ('11) Rick Johnson - Profile of. Champion classic racing at Its best. 69 minutes from Duke Video U~. $34.95 By John Bradley Enlertalnmenl 78 minutes all abool your lavorite This Havoc tape brings together the most speetaCtJlar variety of motorsports mayhem from 1990 lhru 1996. Includes unbelievable "Bad Boy: From Motovldeo, $24_95 crashes & wip&-outs Irom motocross, truck racing, single-seater (t11a) Enduring Memories midgets raCing, rally cars, GP motorcycles, rallycross autos, saloon Original nafT8.ted roolage of classic enduro competitlons, Including (126) Dangerous Damon Huffman the 1962 & 1964 Jack Pine Enduro, and the 1959 Greenhorn Mait Damon Huffman at the crossroads 01 his career as hi moves cars. According to the producer, no racers were seriously hurt In the Enduro. This video lIIustrales how much the bikes changed the from Suzuki to Kawasaki, and see why he has been tagged as one production of this video. 60 minutes from Duke Video USA. $34.95 sport in just five years. 45 minutes from Motovicleo. $34,95 of the most promising young racers to come through Ihe ranks In years, You'ft see Damon at Washougal for a private practice clay, (t64) Filt Full of Throttle and lntelVlews provide Insight inlo this bright young star. 45 minutes Set to a h1gh'ilneryy music score, go to remote locations with leg(115) Mike Hallwoocl- Champion ends Roger DeCoster, Jeff Ward, Rick Johnson, Bob Hannah and Follow Hallwood's outstanding career from Winning 3ITs In 1961 at lrom Motovldeo, $34.95 Jeremy McGrath. AImed In oyer 20 locations throughoulthe USA. the age or 21, through 9 World Championship vielorles in the 60's 24 minutes from Motovldeo. $24.95 (I6OB) MX-Poled: Volume t1 & '2 wllh MV Agusta &Honda, to his amazing return to racing In the lafe 70's on Ducall. Yamaha & Suzuki machines. 60 min. Irom Duke Volume '1 Is 47 minutes, Inclutles Project FMF RM125 hop-up, Damon Huffman profile, OpTak on-bIke MX compvter, a look inside ('10) Crusty Demons of Dirt Video USA $34.95 Noleen Racing, and training tips from Jeff Spencer. Volume .2 Is 47 The original out-ol-eontrol freestyle videol Jam-packed with free minutes, prollies Rick Johnson, Damon Bradshaw, Slave Lamson. rtdlng, jumping, and aenal insanity aU set to a hard I'OClUng sound('16) Kenny Robfits - Chllmplon shows suspension set-up, aoo more. Both tapes from EPI (while track. Includes one of the most talked-about video scenes ever: This video traces Kenny Roberts' outstanding racing career from lhe Seth Enslow's huge dune crash, Includes action with Jeff Emlg, Al'flerican dirt tracks to his debut and eventual domination 01 GP supplieS last), one low price.$14.95 Jeremy McGrath, Ryan Hughes, Mike Metzger. Phil lawrence, Larry road racing In Europe. Kenny discusses the high & low points 01 his R08S6ler and more. (This Is the "edited" verslon)...30 minutes from GP career and talks about his new life running a GP team. 69 (,ro) Jeremy McGrath: Winning Can Be Funl Jeremy's positive lifestyle, combined with the love and Fox Video. $29.95 minutes from Duke Video USA. $34.95 encouragement of his family. exemplify what It takes 10 go after the checkered flag and be a winner._at the race track and In Ine. All-new (110A)1:rusty Demona of Dlri: 2 (142) Classic Racer Experience Join Team Obsolete's Otive Roper as they provIde a rlde~s-eye lootage filmed In 1995: 30 minutes from Musical Pictures Video, This sequel Is loaded with hardcore riding. Jumping, and aerfal Insanity, all set to a skatefrock soundtrack. Watch these riders go view of racing their 1962 Matchless GOO during the '92 Manx Grand 124.95 offl...Jeromy McGrath, Jell Emlg, seth Enslow, Mike Metzger, Ryan Prix around the Isle of Man n circu~. 30 minutes from Duke Video (125) Coop: Th. Guy Cooper Story Hughes, Joel Albrecht. Mike Healey and more, Locations InchJde USA. $29,95 The amazing saga of America's most Inlamous MX racing star. Califomla, Oregon, South Africa, Nambia and Me.dco... 40 minutes From his humble beginnings 10 his magnllicent racing career, this lrom Fox Video. $29.95 (Ia) Castrol History of Motorcycle Racing show wlll take you on an emotlonal roller coaster. 45 mInutes from This 3-tapeNolume coll8Cto~s set traces the dellnltlve hlslory 01 Motovldeo. $34.95 (I12OB) Terraflnna 3 motorcycle racing from its earliest roots In Europe to today; Volume Terrafirma Is everythIng YOU'd expect In this series end MOREl 1: How n An Began & the IT; Volume 2: BIrth of the Grand Prix & (157) RIde With Roeselar The Japanese Arrival: Volume 3: The Qlher Champions &Pressure, Irs a Virtual-reality ride with Team Kawasaki's 1O-Ume Baja 1000 More locations, riders and insanity! Aimed In France. Australia, Money ana the Need to Wln~ total 192 minutes from Duke Video winner Larry Roeseler! Join speedway legend Gene Woods and Oregon, Utah, Maryland, Michigan, Tennessee, you'll see all the big Illlmes in motocross: Jeremy McGrath, lamson, Metzger, Danny USA. laO,OO ESPN2's Jerry Bemardo lor a hilarious vlsl!lo the Roeseler home, Ham, Dowd, lee Hogan. Windham, Henry, Bradshaw. Ricky then on to harass National Enduro Champion Ty Davis, Follow Carmlctlael. Over 30 minutes from Fox V1c180. $29.95 (144) MultJ.Cylindor Ma91e Larry Roeseler along on the trails he used to traln to win 10 Baja One of the magical memories of motorcycle racing In the 60's and 1000 events. Comblne Incredible scenery with great helmet-cam 70's Is undoubtedly the throaty music 01 multkyllnder machines - a footage with an original music soundtrack for the best off-road riding (1122) Air Raid The first and foremost mgin' hardcore footage in motocross, snow· sound rarely heard on Europe's racetrackS In the Nlnetles. Join us video ever. 45 minutes lrom Motovideo. $24.95 board, wakeboard. BMX and surfing ever compIted In one video, Air for over an hour or colorful aural and visual nostalgia as we relive Raid Is a Jam.packed assaun of free riding, tube rides, jumping, the special magic of muttl.cyllnder motorcycles - and the men 'Ntlo crashing. and dogfights, with an awesome SOI.lndlraclc. 35 minutes made them lamous. 70 minutes from Duke Video USA. $34,95 from Fox Video. $29,95 (146) Daytona Claaaics '96 ('12') FLY Witness the "Relum of the Legends" In 1996 In aellon, on-bike and Check OUI this spring' 96 release lrom Fox...leaturlng Fox stars ('58) Sick Air behind-the-scenes at Daytona InrI. Speedway: Geoff Duke on the Jeremy McGrath, Damon Bradshaw, Mike MelZger, Doug Henry, Get sick with "SIck Air!" Follow moto-manlacs Brian Manley, Rich rully-Iaired .Gilera 500-4; BMW's Battle of the Legends; Glacsmo John Oowd, Kevin Windham, and Serge Guldetty, pulling ofllncredl- Taylor, Phil lawrence and others In search of the ullimate Agostini; MX legend Jell Smith; BEARS racing; and more. 60 min- ble aerial maneuVers at places like the Paris and Anaheim Supe'" motocross adventure. Hot new music from Purple Bosco, Razed in crosses, Glamls Dunes, Secre1 Honda Test Tracks, While Sands, Black, BraCl Code of the Califomla Supelblke School. This video translates the book Inio 14 sections to make you vIsualize wllh crystal-clear undprstandlng the art 01 pavement technique. 107 mInutes tram Motovideo, $44.95 MOVIES ('138) Ea.y Rldar This Is the classIc youth film 01 the 1960's which reflected the attitudes and longings ol an enUre generation. Two motorcyclists (Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper) embark on a coast-Io-coasl odyssey In searth of the real America. 94 minutes from Progressive Dosl!1'. S37.95 (1139) Tho Wlld One What's Johnny rebeJ!lng against? "VVhat have you got: he sneers as an angry young Marlon Brande scorches the screen In this powerful '50s cult ~Jc. 79 mlnules from Progressive Design. $37.95 (1140) On Any Sunday Bruce Brown's classic 197111lm which covers Virtually every lorm 01 motorcycle compelltlon from the AMA's Grand National Tour to Molocross: Desert Racing to Ice Racing: the ISDT to Ihe Wldowmaker Hltlcllmb; the Bonnneville San Flats 10 the Elsinore Grand Prix- 90 minutes from KWB Markedng Group. $44.95 (1181) Heavy Duly: 90 Y .... wi H-D An all-around look at the H-D mystiqlJe, from the 90th anniversary celebration In Milwaukee to Sturgis and DaytOna: a look at the various big twin designs, a tour of !he Mllwauk98 lactory, custom bum Harleys and racing, too..,Hartey drag racing, dirt track and road racing, Including some spectacular crashes. 70 minutes from Duke Vidao USA. l32.95 r-----------------------------------------------------Order Form PHONE ORDERS (310) 427·7433 (Please fill out completely & clearly) Name Address _ City State Phone ( _ ) o VISA' Card # o # # # # ZIP _ Order Date _ _ Signature Exp. Date Send Check or Money Order payabie to: Cycle News Products P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 or call (310) 427-7433 during business hours, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time 24-Hour FAX (Credit Card Orders only) (310) 427-6685 Order via Cycle News Online - Prices subject to change - please use current order blank L 24-Hour FAX LINE - Credit Card Orders - (310) 427-6685 Please rush the following tapes: Price per Tape Quantity Description ~D~h~~~a~::a~~fr:o~h~i~~:n~~h~~f:'~:~w:."~~~ Total ---------------$ -----$ ----- I I I I I I I I I I -------------$ --------------$ --------------$ --------------$ -------------$ --------------$ $---$ ----$---$ ----$---- J I $----- I # =r;=,.,,-;:;=====;;;------$ (useacfclitfonal sheet If necessary lor extra tapes) $---- I # # # Subtotal $ CA Residents add 7-1/4% Sales Tax LA County add 8-1/4% Saies Tax $ (Outside the continental United States add $10 per tape additional shipping costs) $ US Shipping & Handling FREE :... ~T~L..! 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