Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I ·E E TS. VN (Left) Monte Monta g u e topped the 250cc Intermedia te c lass during a May 18 motocross e vent In Perris, Californ ia . (Ab o ve) Greg Ha lverson (79) lea d s the 60cc c lass on t he way to v ictory during the NMA Ponca C ity qua lifier a t Starwest S upercross Park . Afte r all was said an d d on e Bryce Ter zian topped the charts in front of the Cole Seely and Justin Whaler. Reigning 4- to 6-year- old -division World Mini Champion Jon McCarthy had an off da y and finish ed a dis tant seventh beh ind Jared Partridge, Ch ad Gores and Chase Taka cs. Results P / W STK (U); 1. Bryct" Terrian (lEM); 2. Coel ~y (KTM ); 3. ' u stin Wh .1lIf"f (KTM); 4. CAaw Tak.aa (KThf ); 5. Ch.1id Gores (l£M~ 50 MOD (4-6): 1. K.arn.-ron 5cotI (KTM); 2. Tra vis O ui..,ten.ooen (KTMI· TUF /Oakley /Golden Touch-backed Stacy was kept honest by a hard -charging Todd Sheedy. Sheedy put his Suzuki out front in the first 2SOcc A mota and was not to be caught by a poor-gating Stacy. The Nuclear Series always seems to draw a great group of A riders, and today was no exception wit h the top eight dicing it out the length of the motos . Jim Povolny took his Kawasaki to a first-moto third after overtaking fast-starting TUF /Dad-backed Jeff Hill. Pro Source' s Jimmy Randa took fo urth and Hill ende d up fifth. The second mo ta saw an unusual Stacy ho leshot wh ich led to a ru nawa y win. She edy pu t in a stron g ride for second with Richard Halstead th ird, Povoln y fourt h, and Brad [er ornin ski fifth. The 12Scc A class was packed and the racing tight as the duo of Stacy and Sheedy were mired midpack. Liepolds /Damron Performance-sponsored Tim Damrom holes hot and led the ear ly laps un til being overtaken by Sheedy and Stacy. Sheedy went on to win the mo ta over Stacy with Da mro n fin ish ing a crash-induced ) lth . [ero minski took third over Povo lny. The second mo ta saw Sheedy charge to an early lead only to have Stacy come by mid race to take the moto and overal1 victory. Povolny took third after trading motos with Jerominski. Randa rounded out the top five overall. The Over 40 class was out in force chasing some contingency dough with Suzuki-mounted Rick Munson taking home the gold with 1-1 moto sweep s. Results JR 50: 1. M~tt f abririus (Han ); 2. O U15 MOl\Sn'l(Yam); 3. Joe I..aueretto (KTM); -l. Ty Tyrrell (KTM).; 5. Pat Boyle. SR 50: 1. Ju.o;in H .1Igt'I'; 2. J.1Ike Fricker; 3. Q\.a d BI;mnk,; 4. John t Brodie'1t;S. ~ Ucavol i (KTM ). flO: 1. Bradlt')' Ripple' (K.Jw); 2. Kod y Moliter (K.w ): 3. P.1Itri d I"rofitil (Kaw); 4. Chris Lu z emto (Kaw ); 5_Andn'W TyrreD (K.l.w). fR SO: 1. Ant hon y Wt'btor (H on ); 2. Bra dley Ripple' (Hon); 3. GNdy Karrli' (Hon); 4. Ro ss Martin (Hon); S. Pa t rick Profita (H~ ~ SR 80 : 1. Chad Johmon (Kaw); 2. Austin Raub5 (Ka w); 3 . Darby Fow lf"f (Hon); 4. Da Vi' Sh'bbtn (K.1Iw); S. Stf'VE' Thomp!iOn (Kaw ). JR MEN : 1. C.1Ileb Ru _ 1I(yam); 2. Brandon Jt"ffrey (Ya m); 3. JOe' Buskurk (H on ); 4. Knin Mahann (Kaw ); S. John Tohl jenowic: (Hon). 125 IR: 1. Je'fe rny ~ (Yam) ; 2. Don Sherid.1ln (Ya m ); 3. JOI.'I Btoutke (Hon); 4. Gavin Brink (Yam ); 5. Brad Nelson (Ka w ). 125 C: 1. A U!ltin Raubs (Hon); 2. Da v e Oettlt>(H on ); 3. Eric H lIlary (H on ); 4. Jart>d Hud!lOO; 5. Mitn Wal raven (H on). 125 B: I. JUlitin Gu th rie (Kaw); 2. Nick Spierowsld (Hon); 3. Chad lAid iR;h (Hon); 4. Dlde Naf.r:Kf"f (Hon); S. Ch ris (Ka w). 125 A: 1. Andy St.1lCY(Kaw); 2. Todd Sh eedy (H on) ; 3. Jim Povolny (Ha n ); 4. Do le Na tzgel' (Han); 5. Jim Randa (Han). 250 C: 1. Ja!lOn Co le m an (Hon); 2. Bob Westergaard ( ); 3. Tony l..«on te (Ho n); 4. Chad Grey (Yam ); 5. Kevin Qu est (Ka w) . 2SO B: 1. Jf!n' rny Boomf"f (Ka w ); 2. Vin~t Stegt'r (H on ); 3. Dal f' Na f.r:J;t'T(Hon); 4. Chrill (Ka w); 5. JU!lin Guth rie t (Ka w ). 250 A: 1. An d y Sta cy (Kaw); 2. Todd Sheedy (H an ); 3 . Jim r ov olny (K.iw); 4. Richard Hal stead (H on); 5. Bra d Jeromi n!lk i (Ka w ). O PEN : 1. Bra nd on J..tmys (H on); 2. Roy H a fzg er (Hon); 3. Scott Williams (Yam ); 4. GtorhardWard (lion); S. OintBroc (Hon). 25+ A: I. Tud d SlwNy (H on ); 2. Rich H alst ... d (Hlm ); 3. Cona n.. Feist (Han ); 4. ' elf Hill (](a w ); 5. Rus ty Ott (H on ). 30+ A: 1. Richa rd Ha ls tea d (Hon); 2. Connie Fm t (Yam ); 3. One Brill (Hon); 4. Rusty Ott (K..w); 5. Roy Nafz~er (Hon). 30+ B: 1. Dan R,-ehli (Hon); 2. Bill Viviano (H on): 3. Jerry Row (Hon); 4. Kevm Haf\lu>r.lon(H on ); 5. Cary Ja ns won(Hon). 35+ A: 1. Connie Fei st (Hon); ~ G reg Henkel (Yam ); 3. Bob Scbo. >nek (1Y.w); 4 Kevin Hankerson (Hon); 5 . Don H ad m rislff (Ka w ). 40+ A: Rick Munson (Hon); 2. Dave Shu m way (Kaw ); 3. ' eon""," (Hon); 4. Don H admeister (K.Jw); S. Da ve Antolak ( 'liNT; 1. Jim To wnsend (Hon ); 2. Don Bold t"n (H on); 3. Ed r t'ter!lllm(Ka w ); 01. Bria n McN ama ra (Hon); 5. Ton y Laye (Yam) . 't'rf)' Medina masters Starwest MX By Tony Alessi PERRIS, CA. MAY1 8 Jason Medina celebrated his 300th race at Starwest with a double mota victory in the 60cc (911) division at Starwest. Donald Cho llar pu lled the holesh ot in the first 60cc (9-11) mo ta but his lead was very shortlived.. In a span of two turns Medina mot ored. around Chollar and into the lead, then promptly sped away. Jeff Loop showed impressive speed as the nearly 5-foot-tall 7-year-old from Riverside caught and passed Chollar for second overall . In the end Med ina had a monumental lead over 60to S-year-old-class winner Jeff Loop, Ch olla r, Justin Wilson and Andrew Petrie. The final mota saw another Medina run· awa y. This time he extended his lead to over 30 seconds. l oo p once again scored the 6· to 8· year-old-class victory while Ju stin Wil son recorded a solid race for second overall in the 60cc (9-11) division over Donald Chollar. Monte Montague made the trek from Las Vegas and appeared to be the fastest rider of the nigh~ but a broken chain in the 12See Intermedi · ate division gave the overall win in that class to Malt Puccio. Montagu e took top honors in the 250cc Intenn ed iate class. Results U ttJeTrack STRTR (4-6): 1. Cayton Murritio (LEM); 2. Alberto Hereoi.1l (KAw ); 3. M ichaf'1 Covelli (KTM); 4. o,ristoph... Ta ft (KTM ); 5. r Brian Youn g (lEM). ST RT R (7-8 ): 1. Jon.1lthan Arana (L EM); 2. Cun n in p;ha m (LEM); 3. Cameron Sid~ (KTM ); 4. Kyle Ho ltz. (KlM). ST1( A: 1. Chad Gort>S (LEM ); 2. Brandon Million (tEM); 3. Cody Longneder (LEM) . STK B: l. Bru ce RUlherford (KTM); 2. Kameron Sco tt (KTM); 3. Cody Bradbury (KTM ); 4. Phillip Aubte> (KTM); 5. Mikal OVf'r· man (KTM ). STK BEG (4-6) : 1. Ant ho n y Young (LEM ); 2. Jak e H ul e tt (KTM) ; 3. M ichael H.1I I1 (KTM); 4. Bla ke B.1IR;Kett (LEM); 5. John Balt8 t-Baggt>tt (LEM ). STK BEG (HI): 1. Chaz Di~ (LEM); 2. Co lton James (KTht); 3. Micha t"1 Ya rd lf'y (LEM). MOD A: 1. Chad Gores (tEM ). MOD B: 1. Kameron Sco n (KTM); 2..Kalin Goodsite (KTM); 3. Mik e (LEM ); 01. T an n e r Lan gh am (LEM ); 5. B.). Boh r~ (KTM ). Main Track 50 ST K (4- 6): 1. C ha d Go res ( LEM ); 2. Br andon M illion (LEM ); 3. Bru ce Ruthnford (I LaraKlu (KT M ); 2. B.1- Boh rer 1 (KTM);3. B.' . K1 untz (!.EM ). 60 BEG (6-9) : 1. Ju.'1tin Yout (Ka w ); 2. Brod y Erwin (lven Fox (y.1Im ); 5. Cha d D.1I vi l (Suz). 115 tNT : 1. Man Pu ccio (Ka w); 2. Monte Montagu t> (Kaw ). 250 BEG: I. G.lry Hein (Su z ); 2. Ran d y O a r k (HIm ); 3. Rob Art h u r (H on); 4. Da niel C leve land (yam ); 5 . Jason Austin (H on). 2..'iO NO V: 1. Lyn d on Co uc h (Ya m ). 250 tl'.'T: 1. Monte Mon ta gut' (Ka w ). VET (2. )+): 1. Jeff Ku y ken dall (Kaw ). 1 VET (30+): Bruct> Mortensen (Kaw ). Thorn"" r. Bess bests Starwest MX By To ny Alessi PERRIS, CA. MAY 19 Shane Bess of Team Suzuki p iloted hi s FMFtuned ma ch ine to both the 80cc Modified (9-11) and Super Mini wins during the NMA Ponca City qualifier held at Starwest Supercross Park . This was the first of three qualifying events whereby the top 12 overall finishers from a min im um of two rounds win make the Grand N ational Champion ships held in Ponca Ci ty, Oklahoma. Bess was up to the task and had no problems in the BOcc Modified (9-11) d ivision, where he defeated teammate Kyle Partridge of Las Vegas. The task was more difficult in the Super Min i c1ass where Bess would face off against Team Green' s Bill y Pa y ne a nd CEF ri der Jonathan Shimp . Shimp looked to be the fastest but a string of crashes left him out of the top four. In the end Bess used a co nsistent set of mota finishes to secure the ove rall win. topping Shane Fox. Sean Ha mblin. Payne and Shimp. Team KTM's Pee Wee ace Mike Alessi celebrated his eigh th birt h day wi th a six-moto sweep of the 50cc Stock and Mod ified (7-S) divisions and the Super Pee Wee class. Alessi was also on his way to victory in the 60cc B (6-S) d ivision when mechanical gre miins stoppe d his charge. Alessi posted a 4-1 finish for third beh ind Jeff Loop and Jared Brown. Cu rrent 125cc Beginner-class World Mini Champion Malt Carpenter p icked up where he left off and posted the overall win in the 12Scc Beginner Stock class wit h a perfect doub le mota victory over Brock Krahenbuh l and Brian Jones. The Pee Wee Stock (4-6) class saw the typical mayhem associa ted with new ride rs coming in to a cla ss . Gras ping the d efinition of . Iock seemed to provide qui te a cha llenge for the bu lk of the class and left parents pointing fingers at one another during the course of the day. P /W STK (7- 8): 1. M i k e Alessi IKT M ); 2. D nid Hou p;h (lEM); 3. Mik e Meadt> (lEM); 4. Ricky Hernree (lEM). P /W MOD (4-6 ); 1. Jon Mrt:arthy (LEM); 2. Bry a Terzeian (KIM); 3 . Colt.'Seely (KThf): 4. CNw Ta ka", (KTM ); S.J .1II'N Par trid ~e (lEM ). P /W MO D (7-8 ): 1. M ike Aler..,i (J(Yam ). S / P /W (6-9): I. Mike Alessi (I Bess (Suz) ; 2.. Kyle r a rtri dgl! (Suz); 3. Dani el Ta ft (Su z ); 4. Shane Fo x (H on); 5. Jonilth in R~ (Suz ). 80 MOD (12-13): 1. Eric Will is (Yam ); 2. Ju.o;ti Va u ~hn (Kaw); n 3. Sea n Ha m blin (Yam ); 01. Jon alhan Sh im p (Ho n ). soMOO (14-16): 1. Billy Payn e (Ka w ). S / MIN I: 1. Sh a ne Bess (Su z ); 2. Sh a ne Fo x (Kaw); 3. Sean Hamblin (Yam ); 4. Billy Payne (Kaw) ; 5. Jon a lha n Sh im p (H on) . 125 STK BEG: 1. Matt Ca rpt'11 r (Suz ); 2. Brodt. Keabenbuhl te (Hon); 3. Brian JORf'fl (Suz) . 125 STK NO V: 1. Kt'vin Tow nsend (H on). 125 ST K INT: 1. We Jltle y Va ugh n ( Ka w) ; 2. Ne il A lo nz o (Kaw); 3. Monte Monta gut' (Ka w). 125STK EX: Mal Ra tt'm an (Yam). 125 NOS-PRO: 1. Monte Mun t.1lgu e ( Kaw); 2. Danny Cad!1On (H on ). 125 MO D BEG: 1. Brodt. Krahenbuhl (Hon); 2. Ma t Carpmk-r (Suz ); 3. Brian 'ones (Suz ). 125 MOO NOV : 1. Lyndon Couch (Yam ); 2. G~ H"I~ (Suz ); 3 . Stev en Fo x (H o n) : 4. Iknja m in RO!Oe' (H o n) ; 5. Kevi n Towruoend. (Hon). 125 MOO [NT: 1. w es t ley Va ug h n (Kaw); 2. Danny CarillOft (H on ); 3. l'ei1 Alonz.o (Kaw); 4. Monte Monlagu~ (Kaw); 5. Doug Parsons (Suz). 125 MOD EX: l. Mat Bateman (Yam ). 250 STK NOV: 1. Lyndon Cou ch (Ya m); 2.. Col e Town<;("fld (Hon);3. ~ While (](aw); 4. Gary Tra gh y (Hon). 2.50 STK INT : 1. M onte Montague (Ka w); 2.. Doug Paf"!lOfl~ creta (Suz ~ 250STK EX: 1. Mat B.1Iteman (Ya m) . 250 MOO NO V; 1. Gr-egHal vt'nlOn (Suz); 2. CoW Towmend. (H on ); 3. Lyndon Coudl (Yam ); 4. Cody KnaU!l!l (Yam ); S. lance Whi te (Ka w ). 250 MOD L'IT: 1. Mon te MonLigue (K.a....). 250 MOO EX; 1. M.1It Bateman (Yam ). 30+: 1. Gr-egMcCarthy (H on); 2. JerryVau g hn (Kaw ). Teen takes Speedway USA By Michael Maher VICTORVILLE, CA. MAY18 Fifteen-year-old Michael Hu ll became one of the youngest riders eve r to score a mai n-eve nt victory in speedway motorcycle com petitio n. After only th ree weeks of co m pe tition on 500cc bikes, the former Jun ior rider took the win in th e Motorcycl e Ha n dica p m a in eve nt at Speed way USA. But it was not an easy victory. Hu ll too k the lea d on the start but found himself being challenged by Ron Baur, who h imself was b eing pursued by Edd ie Castro. Bau r ma de several attemp ts to ge t un der Hull but Michael held h im back and then Baur lost contra! and fell with two laps to go, collecting Castro an d bringi ng out the red flag. The racers lined back up for the last two laps with Bau r on the penalty line for causing the

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