Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MICHIGAN HARLEY-DAVIDSON DEALERS PRESENT red , but Hull now found himself with Castro b rea thin g down his neck. That didn't matter in the end as Hull shot out into the lead again and he ld off Castro for his first main-event victory. Castro took seco nd with Brad Sau er finis hing th ird, Walt Farnum fourth and Baur fifth. Th e Scratch ma in even t fea tured the sa me field as the Han dicap main and th is time it was Ca stro lead in g wi re-to-wi re to sc ore th e wi n over Farnum, Hull" Baur and Sauer, who fell in the first tum. In Sidecar Scra tch co m pe tition, nat ional cha m pi o ns Dean S tee le a nd Dw a yn e Kin g emerg ed fro m a tightly packed bunch on the fi rs t lap a n d po we re d away fo r victory. Ia n Ste wa rt and Mike O'Donnell ended up winning the figh t for seco nd p lace with Da ve and Ray Stephens third a nd Ch ubb y Morrow and Eric Nass fourth. Stewart Glaser and Dean Smith lin took the early lead in the Sideca r Ha ndicap ma in event over Roger Loeff ers and Arn old Fimbres wit h Duane Car mo n t and Richard Tarling charging up th rou gh th e fiel d . C armont and Tarling bu mped the bac k of Loeffers and Fimbres and go t knocked into the infield, endi ng their race. G las e r a nd Sm ith lin went on to tak e the win over Dave a nd Ray Stephens, josef PetrgaJovic a nd jo hn Abrigh t, and Carmont and Ta rling. Resul ts s neA R SCR: 1. Dean Stee le/ Dway ne- Kin g; 2. Ia n StC'w. r t/ M i lu~ O'Connl"ll; 3,;.. CUI!' Ste phe ns/ Ray Stt'phens; "". Chubb y Morrow/E ric Nna. SDCAR HOCP; 1. Stf'Wart CI. ,,"! OPan Smithlin; 2. Roger LodflM'SlArnold Fimb rn; J . o . VI" Stephms/R.ty Sh!p twn..; 4. Josef r~ /JohnAbrigh t;5. Alln .....1I/MikeMormo. M/ C SCR; 1. Edd te Cutro; 2. W.4lb F.4lmum; 3. MicNeI Hull. 40. Ron S.ur; 5. Brild ~lWI' M/C HIX:r: 1. MXh.wI H ull; 2. Edd te ~; 3. Bnd Siurr. 01. f.4lmum; S. Ron s.ur. M /C SL'P : 1. Rich.rd Prodgrr; 2. A. ron NKhoIs; 3. Tnry McCu rdy ; 4. Cory Rud olph. I R SPDWY MA IN; I . Donny RobUtaon; 2. JessrLil't~ 3. Justin Boylco; 4. Tommy a.rk. Van Riper returns To Starwest Motocross By Tony Al essi PERRIS, CA. MAY11 A fter a six -month ab sen ce Dean Van Riper returned to Starwest and his rightful position as " King" after an impressive do uble moto victory during Night TIme Motocro ss at Starwest Supercross Park . Van Riper battled ea rly in the race with former m ini sensa tion Kurt He nrickson , who is now a full time minicycle technique instructor. " I have been teaching my schools in Las Vegas: said Henri ckson . " I work with m ini ride rs and teach them the fundame ntals abo ut goin g fast.· In the end, Henrickson looked like he was still a dj us ting to his new Suz uki rid e an d finishe d the night third behind jimmy Bateson and Van Riper. Ta lking abo ut mini racin g, z-yea r-o ld je ff Alessi was a surprise wi nne r in the 80cc Begin. ner d ivision. First-mote wi nne r Kyle Krause had a second-mo ta mecha nical failure which left the doo r wid e open for Alessi, w ho in the end top ped Kyle Foltz, N ich olas Hensel y, Gabe Obeso and Krause in only his second-eve r ride on his new Suzuki RMSO. Results RESERVED GRANDSTAND SEATING ON SALE NOW! CALL or W RITE '· 96 SPEEDWAY 1 Schoo Boy Road. Ionia, MI48846 855 l 616·642·6500 FAX 6 16-642·9988 Saturday, July 6 LAKE ODESSA, MICH I~ ST RT R (4-6) : 1. MkNd Covt'lli (JaM); 2. JlUn luguillt' (K1'M); 3. Mach.aeI H",ll {Kl'M}; 4. Keovin Brickner (XTM); S. N'"ack H.anynwn (Y.m). BEG STK ("'-'6): 1. Robn1oJiron (Yam); 2. john lWbs (LEM); 3. BnUrrwn &ggn- (l.EM). STKTR(1-.8): I. C~ (UM); 2. K..tie 8riduwr ev.m); 3. R.chrl Pftrit' (Y. m). BEG S11C (7-8): 1. Culton J.4lmft, ( KTM); 2. z..cbTy Joh naon (KTM ); 3. Mk:Nd YudWy (I..EM}; 4. Chou: Oiewz (LEM). SAT. JULY 20 EAST MOLINE. IL STK A:.1. Jon Mc:CIrthy (L£M); 2. Br.ndon Millioa (LEM); 3CIwd eo... (lEM~ sn:: B: t. Bruor Ruthrrford ( KTM) ; 2. o-id Hough CLEM); 3. PhiUi p Aube (K"Tht); 4. Mikt' Me.dt' (UM); S. K..mrron Scoff (K1M). • Gates open 4:30 pm Practice starts 5:15 pm MOO A:. t . P, McCInhy (lEM); 2. 0\.Id Qns (UM). MOO 8; 1. Brad M.:ste- (LEM ); 2.1Cftrm W~ (LEM); 3. Mike~ (lEM):: 4. 8.J. 8oftrno(1(7M); 5. Tr.visO\astenen(KlM). SO(4-6): 1. Owd Corn. (lEM); 2. Jon McUrthy (LEM); 3. Cood.i~ (ICTM 4. 8 r.ndon Milhon (lEM); 5. K.mleTOf\ ); Buy t ickets at your participat ing dealers or call the cushion hotline Sro« (rThI). .so (1-8): l. Dnid Hough (LEM); 2. Kevi n Wade (LEM); 3. Mike Meade CLEM 01. Col ton J.,.mn (KTM). ); MO D (4 -6): 1. 8.1. Boh re r (KTM); 2. Travis Ch ris le nllOn 815-537-1087 (KTM). 60 (6-8): I. J4Ilrred Brown (Kaw); 2. Jd ( Luop (K..w); 3. Michaor l Puke!' (lC.1w); 4. Machael ltrinl'S (K.w ); 5. Raf4lld lzaui~ (Ka w). 60 (9-11): 1. J..son Med ina (K.w); 2. Kyle Foltz (K.4lw); 3. D0nald Chol 1.l (lC.:Iw). r 80 BEG: I. Jeff Ak.'Mi (Suz) ; 2. Kyle Foltz CH ); 3. Nicholas on I-Iem ky (Yam); • . c..brie l Ot..-.o (H on); S. Kylt' Kr..Wie (Hon ). 80 (o-It): I. Danile Taft (K..w); 2. Joey~ (Suz) ; 3. C.rb Gon.z.aWz (Hon); 4. RlfMI ILl u lJTt' ( ). 80 (12-13): 1. Rod lUm by (Suz); 2. Richie o--ns , ., , - --~ · ·~ · ·I ~-::=2- . - ~~..: ~· · WiI_ 1 . (Y4Ilm 3. ); Eric W illis (Y.m ). .__ 125 BEG: t. RobbyH.1nunond (Yam ); 2. Corey St.1nich (y. m ); 3. Sh.i nnon Gu t~ (Suz); 4. Paul SrrUth (X.4lw ); S. Eric Robinaon CSuz). 125 NOV : I. Chuck a.n. (Suz); 2. 0\.Id OIIv. (Suz); 3. Todd o.yton (Hon ). 2.50 BEC: I. la u Robrrta (;2. OIvid Hardy (Suz) . 500 NOV: 1.CluB Dr.ab (Hon). 125 PRO.: 1. ~ Van RipP!' (k:.Iw ); 2. Jimmy Bateon ~ w). JO+ BEQ l. e;"y Thompoon(Y....~ 4(h. NOV : I . Greg Mce.rthy (Mont 2. (K.Iw). '!ff!im , MII1 PRo RACING (1 ~ t~.'l"e ....... -_._ .... , ~ 1 ,- ~ 4. . ~._ . ~ , ;Fr, accepted ; t ickets also available at the gate Advance: 518.00 & 510.00 Add SI.OO for .h'ppinr and handllnr per ord er All t Icket. S1,OO more on race day Race location 2 1/2 miles west or junction 1 -88 & 1 -80 on .io nn Deere Hll . at Quad -City Downs in E. Moline No coolers or alconoi allowed tnru gates Race Head q uarter s • Holid ay Inn Heservations by June 28 '309. 761-8811 4

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