Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Sw eany mo tored away to win the battle, but Ha rriso n 's runn e r- u p finish w on the war. Abbo tt 's 3-3 tall y beat Sweany 's 7-1 score for seco nd overa ll. Results P / W (0-6 ); 1. Shawn Butlt!T(y. m); 2. Let!S.ul Jr. (y oun). S / STI( (()-.6): 1. T.nnt"r Langham (KTM ); 2. Bryan lW tchilt (KlM); 3. Andrew Co uto (LEM); 4. DoUgidSCa rh!'r (LEM). S/STK (7· 9 ): 1. Tyler Pin ed . (KTM ); 2. Brad ly H.tch itl 11ClM). P/ W M OD: 1. Tanner LangNi m (KTM). 60 BEG: 1. R. ndall f-Ll1I (K.1w) ; 2. Ty lo r Pined . (K.1w); 3. Robt"rt Memoli ( ; 4. Sk"Yen H..II ( . 60 (D-8I I. Ed ward He rrin g (; 2. Dave Carter (Kaw). ; 60 (9-11): 1. Chris Nihan (Ka w); 2. Ant hony Sarbacovi (K.w); 3- Nichol;n Burmn ( ; 4. Tyltor Brow dt"tl ( 80 BEG: 1. J.lSon Bea uc hesnt" (Y. m ); 2.. Joh n Sim. no vich 3. ~ Bland (Hon) ; 4. Jared Tebo (K.iw); S. Troy Til· lSu:£)~ 1~(Hon). KO «()'11): I. 'a'l(X1 Oarlt"tta (Suz); 2. Die W.Il~ (Y.m); 3Scott How e (y.Im); 4. Scott Simon cs.ul; S. SNne Smith (Hon). SO (12 · 16): 1. l.t"vi Reid (Yam) ; 2. R.J. T'hom J'M"'l (; 3. J.'. Boruwno (Y.m);4 . Sb.&wnScon (Hon);S . Broc W.~ (K.i w) . 125 BEC : t. Justin Komoff CHon); 2. Slwne Leydt:!on (Suz) ; 3. LI,., Lnd,rrum (Hon); 4. JUlitin Scott (Hon); S. Chades Coo k (Suz) . 125 NOV : 1. Chris TOOrnpson (Suz); 2. J~ Dubin (Suz); 3. Kent (Suz); 4. Ryan Orr (Youn); S. Bomber Hernandez (Hon). 125 INT : I. Tommy Ha rnson {Suzl; 2. J01500 Abbott (Suz) ; l . Briim SWl!.ny (H on l; 4. Jer r y All!lTl.1 n (Y.m) ; 5. And y An.ya (Yam) . 125 PRO: 1. Don Upton (Hun); 2. Brian Deeg an (Hon); 3. Ty x a d y 1 z ); 4. Eric Schne ll (Suz); 5. Nkk Mai to!le (5uz) . 5u 2SO BEG: 1. Todd Brown (Y.lm l; 2. Just in W~ter (Suz ); 3. Rick An l l~ (Suz) ; 4. Jam " Margaridge (Kaw); 5. Jeff Ma thews (H on). 2SO NOV : 1. ' ol o n Dubin (Suz l; 2.. Dan King (Vam); 3. KevIn s Co ll'nla n (Hon); 4. Scon M~-eolk.ugh (Yam); S. Brt"t Mibn (V"m). 250 INT : 1. Bria n Sw ee ny (Hon); 2. Jerry Aleman (Ya m); 3. Srott JohNon (Stu); 4. JobOn Wood (Suz); 5. And y ANya (Yam) . 2SOPRO: I. Don Upton (Hon); 2. Bill Sauro {Hon}; 3. T y Kad y (Suz); 4. Pete Murra y (Suz); 5. Tim Telford (V.m). 500 NOV : I. Norm Schirl (HOfl). JR VET BEG : I. Brad PI"tro (Suz ); 2.. Ene Lathrop (K.1 w); 3. C raig Kobac k (Suz); 4. Pol!ihaAfahar (Ya m). JR VET NOV : 1. G~ Pinel" (Y. m); 2..Jeff Gi.l n ni (Suz l; 3. W.ynt" Zahrt (Y.m); 4. John Twner (Suz); 5. Chuck Kober (Suz}. JR VET EX: Sauro (Hon l; 2. Willy Musgrne- (Hon); 3. Jon Zahrt (YoiI m ); 4. Randy Danylo (Suz ); S. Robo-rt Barnum (Sul:). VET BEG: 1. Bry an DaVi 5 (Hon); 2. Kirk Samett (K.1w); 3. Steve EWing (Ho n ); 4. Frank Pined. (Ya m) ; 5. Jo h n MacMiller ISu z ). VET NOV : 1. Milu!-u ule (Sta ); 2. Tip Webb (Suz) ; 3. Eddi e Rea (Vam) ; 4. Brrit Alle R (Hon); 5. Jeff Gianni (SUZ) . VET INT : 1. Roh ERKel (Yam); 2. Randy Da ny lo (Suz ); 3. Bruce Tebo (Ho n); 4. Dave Simon (I-Ion); 5. TIm Tuc ker (Yam). VET EX PRO: 1. Jo n Zahtl (Va m) ; 2. Pe te Murray (Suzl ; 3. Willy Mu s gr a vt" (Han); 4. Ro be rt Ba rn um (S uz ); S. Eric Col'''' (Ya m ). SR BEG: I. Tim Williams (Hon); 2. Tom Palton (Yam). SR EX: 1. Pryor Campbell (Ya m ); 2. LIfT)' Tho mpson (Yam ); 3. Randy Ander.MXl (Yam); 4. Norm Sc:hkol (Hon); 5. Bob Ounh.\m (Y.Jm). • or NOV ; 1. Kirk Mur.ok.a ; 2. Frank ~rby IHon); 3. Barry Simon (Han ); 4. Steve Popjoy (k.Jw ); S. SIt"ve Pyle. OT A M: I. Doug Parsen, 2. Rick Studk.. (ATJQ ; 3. Buzz MorlM:-T (H an ); 4. tunk Owt"n; S. Rich,a,rd Bc-.It.T (Y.m). or EX; 1. David W.Uacr.: 2. Bill Blyth; 3. Bob ShrfTl'd (Yam ); 4. Scott McDonaIl (Hon); 5. Bob Lucas (K.1 . wl MSTR B; I. Scott Smilh (K. w ); 2. St~1" Qark (Suzl; 3. OilVe- Ji!ICOb:!I; 4. Denn is McAdam (Kaw); S. Don W.llingsford . or MSTR A:. 1. Bren t Wa llinpord; 2. Bob Rutten. or Aden and Finch shine at Costa Mesa Speedway By Elaine Jones COSTAMESA. CA, MAY 23 John Aden and Jesse Finch were the sta rs at Costa Mesa Speedway, winning the Scratch and Handicap mains, respectively. Aden transferred directly to the Scratch main and drew the number-two starting position. Andy Northrup, who has been running strong lately , captured the pole. In th ree was ve ter an Steve Luce ro and next to him, the mas ter of the gate, Bobby Schwartz. who made the main by way of the last chance qualifier . On the outside was Brad Oxley , still nursing torn ligaments in his kn ee. They all go t a great sta rt but it wa s Aden who mad e it to the comer firs t. Schw artz was right behind him, but on the second lap he wen t to the outside line he rides so successfully. It d idn't work this time and Northrup, Oxley and Lucero all got unde rneath. On the next lap it was Northrup who made the mistake, and this time Oxley and Lucero slipped into the second and third spots. Jesse Finch has bee n knocki ng on the door for a long time and Friday in the Handicap main it all came togethe r for him as he went wire-tow ire. Thi ngs were a lot b usie r behind h im as Gary Ackroy d was pu t in the position of holding off the field. Putting pressure on Ackroyd were Shawn McConnell and Lucero. This fearsome duo fma lly found the chink in the armor and on the fifth lap they forced him high and took over seco nd and third. FInCh was not as easily in ti midated and as the remaining laps wound down he continu ed to ride his race and led the way to the checkered followed by McConnell , Lucero, Oxley and Ackroy d. Res ults SCR; 1. John Aden (Jaw) ; 2 Brad Oldt")' (WeS); 3. Sk"Y 1.ucmJ 1E' (Gdn); 4. Andy Northrup Oaw) ; S. Bobby Schwartz (WI!S). HDCP: 1. Jest" Finch (Wes ); 2. Sh.Iwn McConnell (Cdn ); 3. Steve I..ucero (Cdn); 4. Br.,j Ox IIE')' (Wes) ; S. Gary Ackroyd (Wes). SOCR: 1. A. H.l1I/M. Moreno ( ); 2. J. ~b thenion /S. ColI" (Yam); 3. D. Dm-tt/R. T.iling (Hon); 4. S. Morrow /C. MiIIggin (Suz). SUP; 1. JoIMln Daniels (Wn ); Z. David Lynch (Jaw); 3. Randy SkinncT O.w); 4. Bill Gft.'en Oaw ); S. P.ul Binnquist ~w). SUP 8; 1. SlE'M\ LImed (Jaw ); 2. Scott Woods OoilW); 3. ]-.1 Serinn' U.w); 4. Jim Mustain Oaw ). What's at the leading edge of motorcycle news? Cr,deNews Online! Nowyou can access instont raceresults and the latest breaking stories in the world of motorcycling, with Cycle News' home page on the WorldWide Web. Updated weelcly {and oHen mid-wee/(, as thelatestnews is developing}, Cycle News Onlrne provides: • Complete and current happenings "In the Wind" • The 1996 Cycle News Motorcyde Buyer's Guide • Currentlntemational and National Championship Calendar listings • Inslantly updated race results in "Racewatdt" • Race Coverage Highlights, Motorcycle Tests, and Interviews • Thelatest offeringsfrom Cycle News Video Theater • Online motorcycle advertising from the leading companiesin the industry • Team Smitty Archives(con you ber.eve !hot?) • BackIssueArchives of Cycle News Checkit out, and tell your friend.! 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