Robbie Horton rose to the occas ion at
Muddy Creek Raceway in Tennessee ,
taking the win in the 250cc A class.
Loeffers, Fimbres victors at
Victorville Speedway
By Mike Maher
The sideca r team of Roger Loeffers and Arn old
Fim bres too k their first victory in th e Sid ecar
Han d icap main event at Speedway USA.
The pair took the lead at the start and pull ed
away, bu t behind them a real battle raged for the
remain ing places . The team of Stewa rt Glaser
and Dean Smithlin jus t nosed out the charging
duo of Duane Carmont an d Richard Tarling.
ln th e Sidecar Sc ratch m ain e ve n t, Pete r
Lewi s and Jam ie Macy shot out in to th e early
lead o ver Bob Bra yt on a nd Chris Jones a n d
Clyde Dennon and Dale Leed er. With Brayton
and Jones cha llengi ng on the inside and Denno n
and Leede r tryi ng on the outside , the race was
an exciting one wit h Brayton and Jones fina lly
pu lling eve n with an d th en passin g Lewis a nd
Macy and th en holding on for the lead . The win
was especially satis fying for Bra yt on, whose
cousi n Scott was killed last week at Ind ianapolis.
The Mo torcycle Scratch main was an exciting
one as Michael Hull burst out into the lead with
Castro chasing. Castro pu rsued 'the IS-yea r-old
phenom for three laps before taking the lead for
good. Walt Farn um finished th ird .
SOCRSCR: 1. Bob Bray ton /Ouis JonI"S; 2. reter lIwi.. J.amJt'
Macr; 3. O yde Dennon/Da)e Leader; "'. Duarw u nnont /Richard
SOCR HDCP: 1. Rogpr LoooHP"1 ArnOld Fimbl't'5; 2. Stf.wart
Glaser I De an Snuthlin; 3. 0tunI" Ca rmon l l Richard Tarlinr; 4. Bob
Brayton / O UD Jones; 5. Rob Virza / Bra ndon Kru~ .
SCR: 1. Eddie Castro; 2. Michael Hull ; 3. W.1t Farnum; • . Kon
SUP: 1. Josh May; 2. Bill Ewin r; 3. TI"I'1')' M cCu rd y; 4. Aaron
Nichols; 5. Cory Rud olph.
JR: 1. John Chil dress; 2. Ca lina Mil ler; 3. Donny Robtmon: 4.
Justin Boyle.
Frankenberry fries MRA MX
By Carl Davis
Hedrick doubles Muddy
Creek Motocross
By Barba ra Williams.
Photo by Loren Williams.
Marcus Hedrick took two bites ou t of the Gatorz
Weekend, winning in the 125cc B and 250cc B
class es at Muddy Creek Raceway.
Record -breaking heat, following near-record
cold onl y da ys before. cut into the rider cou nt
for the Suzuki Eastern Continental MX Championship race. Gatorz Sun glasses did their part to
d ivert att ent ion from the scorching sun by giving a w ay a pair of cool sh ad es to spectators
every 30 m inu tes th roughou t th e we e ken d .
Gato rz also su p p lied product to the top-three
placings in all ama teur clas ses .
The first 125cc B m ot o pitted Jeffr ey Ryan
and Hed rick in a battle for the lead . Ryan held
the point pos ition, leaving Hedrick to fight with
Pau l Ju stu s. At the h a lfwa y p oint, Hedrick
ducked underneath Justus in a corne r, lea vin g
him in third . Up to th e wh ite flag. Hedrick pres sured an d Ryan defl ected . Ryan pulled over on
the las t la p, m istaking th e white flag for the
checkers. Realiz ing his error, Ryan pulled back
onto the track in second and pulled ou t all the
stops in his efforts to rega in the lead , bu t he was
unabl e to ma ke good. on a pass. giving the v·in
to Hed rick.
Th e second- rou nd o f 125cc B act ion saw
Hedri ck take the holesh ot. only to be d ispl aced
by up-and-comin g Preston Rose. The pair qui ckly stretched ou t a healthy lead, follow ed by the
trio o f Chap Harkr ad er, Ju stu s and Ryan . As
Hedri ck power ed past Rose in the whooped-out
bottom section of the long MCR circuit, Ryan fell
coming ou t of the woods . dropping far behind
whi le he adjusted his gear . On the very next lap ,
He drick a lso fe ll in almost ex a ct ly th e sam e
place, leaving Justus in front, follow ed by Rose,
Harkrader and Josh Ca pp s. He dric k rejoined the
race in se venth, and by the checke red flag. had
clawed hi s way back to seco nd behind Justus,
for th e overall victory.
Ryan topped a 34-rider field in the Unlimited Ama teu r clas s an d also took firs t in the
Schoo lboy di vL.ion.
B.J. Huntsin ger mopped up th e 28-rid er Jr.
Mini class, tra ding moto wins with Jaso n Bau lt
of Knoxville. Tenne ssee.
50 (~): 1. Da vin Pricf' (LEM ); 2. Dakota Beav en (KTM ); 3.
Ea,ton H ank ins (lEM ); 4. Cory Stridland (K'TM); 5. Brad lt')' Pace
(KTM ,
50 (1-8 ): 1. Jim m y Key s (Co b ); 2. Logan Bell (Cob ); 3. Da vi
Millllap!l (COO 4. Chase Bed (Cob) ; 5. MichiK"1RidJ;E'(Cob).
65 (7-9 ): 1. Da vi Mill saps (Ka w); 2. Jos h ua D av is (Ka w ); 3.
Jimmy Kryll (Kaw ); 4. Jo h n n y Lu cid o (Ka w); 5. G reg Ro~rtll
(}r (Ka w ).
U / L MIN I: 1. D ani el Tnh ( ); 2. Troy Adams (Suz ); 3. J.R.
Carter (Kaw ); 4. jesse Adams (5w: ); 5. Ad am Oven:ash (Suz).
SCHBY : 1. Jeffery Ryan (Suz); 2. Jeff G ibson (Kaw ); 3. r aul
Justus (Yam); 4. Iered Black (Yam ); 5. M.att Ea..'lOn (Kaw l.
16-24: 1. Jason 'Thomp!lOfl (Kaw); 2. Ja!lOn Ft'e'Cb1' (H on); 3.
Erk Barnes(Suz); 4. Aaron Elknburg (5uz ); 5. Luke Presnl>1I(Hon).
125 A: 1. "-in Walker (Yam); 2. Jim ~ (Suz ); 3. Robbie
Horton (kA w ); 4. JimNeesI! (Hon);5. Billy Lies (Su.z..
125 B: 1. Marcus Hed rid (Sw: ); 2. Paul Justull (Yam); 3. p,p stan Raioe (Kaw); 4. Gap H arkrader (Hon); 5. Joshua Ca pps (Ka w ).
125 C: 1. Tun m y Millig.lIn (Suz); 2. JO!ih Knigh1 (Suz); :3 Eric
Leonud ( ); 4. D. Hedrid ('Su..z); 5. Jason FiN<. (Suz ).
125 0 : 1. JaMm R~ (Suz); 2. Marty T rusty (H on); 3. John
Ray~ (Hon); 4. Roger Cole (Suz); 5. William Mdton (Hon).
250 A: I. Robbie Horton ~w); 2. K.-vin WalUr' (Ya m); 3.
Neew CHon);.... Keith Bowen (KTM); 5. Matt Shu e (Yam).
2.50 B: 1. M.arcu!l Hedric:io; (Suz ); 2. Kurt SCms (Kaw ); 3. Pmitun
Row (~); 4. Matt Eason(Kaw); 5. Brad Ed wards (Suz).
250 C: 1. ~m- FIft'd (Suz ); 2. Ja!'lOr\ Ha rb1e5a (Kaw ); 3. J..y
TayLor (Hun ); 4. Aaron E1Ienburg (Suz ); 5. Jimm y Pi1COCk (Suz).
2SOD: 1. Ma rk Manud (Suz); 2. Aeenor (Hon); 3. J8lIUn
Wilk es (Han); 4. St1!'WGib!ion (lCaw); 5. Kyi e Cran1 (Yam ).
OPE.'" AM 1. Darryl Ahonen (Ka w); 2. Ron
(Hon); 3.
Jrif Tomhn.'lOn(H on ); 4. DonnieSlagko(H on ).
2S+ A: 1. Kevin Walke r (Ya m ); 2. Jim Chester (Suz ); 3. Billy
lilt'S (Suz); 4. MikeGam1t (Kaw);5. Rid Wright (Suz ).
25+ B: 1. Jay H . yl"s (H on); 2. Lt'!;lil" Bekhf'r (Hon); 3. Scott
LinkoWI(Suz); 4. SteVI"Mason (Suz); 5.J anUl"Mct:oy (Yam ).
2S+ C: 1. Jim m y Pitrod (Suz) ; 2. Chri!l Kill" (Ya m ); :3 Rick
Cooper (Hon ); 4. Jimm y O en d enin (B on ); 5. Roge r Arnol d (Hon ).
30+ A: 1. Billy Lt~ (5u z ); 2. Kt"ith !kow('T1 ""I'M); :3. Ron Jont"!l
(Ho n ); 4. Bryan Adams (Kaw); 5. Rick Wri ght (Suz) .
30+ B: 1. Albert Jamw McCoy (Yam); 2. Bub by Ouslt>y(Kaw );
3. R.andoJII Rowe (Hon ); 4. Dav id Farris (KTM ); 5. Joe y Sinjt!eton
(H nn).
30+ C: 1. Rick Coo pt't (Hon ); 2. Robert Sht'pa rd (Kaw ); 3. Billy
Harrison (Hu n ); 4. O .·tisGfE't-ne (Hon ); 5. Joh nn y Gibloon (H on ).
35 ...: 1. Ron Jo ne s (H o n ); 2. Brya n Ad am s ( Ka w ); 3 . Rkk
Wrig h t (Suz ); 4. Timo thy Smi th (Suz ); 5. Stl'Vl".... wis (Yam) .
40+ : 1. R,m Jones (Ho n ); 2. Timuth y Sm it h (Su z ); 3. Stew
kwis (Yam ); 4. Tefn>1lWelbo rn (Suz ); 5. Ja ml'S G n't-f'l (Ka w ).
4g+: 1. Tettt' l! We lbo rn (Su z ); 2. Ted Sho rt r idge (H o n); 3 .
Eddie Sh arp (H(m ); 4. Danny EIlf>t(Kaw ); 5. Mj('ha~1 Justu s (Yam ).
U / L A M: 1. Jeffery Ry an (Suz); 2. Pr t'sto n Row (Kaw); 3.
' a s(m (Kaw ); 4. Shane Jenk in. . (H on); 5. lUk l" Pres nt'll
U /L C: 1. JOli KniJ;h t (Suz ); 2. Jl?tPmy Sh u lt ll"wo tth (Suz ); 3.
Timm y H. rri son (Ka w); 4. Jason Fin k (Suz ); 5. Dt'rri ck Kain (Suz).
U / L D: 1. J"!IO Wil'- " (Hon); 2. Ky le Grant (Ya m ); 3 . Bill
Thom as (Sw: ); 4. John Ray lE'(H on ); 5-Rtch ard Taylor (H un) .
Ken Frankenberry was in high gea r for the MRA
se ries race held at the Sandusky Valley Rid ers
Club, dom inating the Vet Ove r 3S an d Vet Ove r
40 divisions .
Je ff Beerbower re cov ered fr om m ediocre
star ts to maintain second overall in the Over 35
class w it h Ri ck Hopkins mak ing it a Honda
sw eep. taking third. Frankenberry held off Barry
Ma yo in th e Over 40 cl ass. Ma yo , wh o h as
retu rned to racing following shoulder surgery, is
now KTM-mounted.
Steve Holland had the Tiffin tra ck dialed as
he motored to th e Vet Over 25 and Vet Ove r 30
divisi ons with ease .
John Da vis h ad a st rong rac e t ak ing th e
combined Pro-class win and th e 16- to 24-yearold- divisio n w ins. Da vi s d id so me nic e na cna cs ove r th e in field d ouble to th e crowd 's
J. Cod y Anderso n was the top micro rider of
the day as he wo n th e the Micro com bin ed ove ra ll. An derson took top ho no rs in the Super
Micro d ivision . Damon Ba u er h au led in th e
Micro (4-6) wi n while James Damphous e took
the Micro (1-S) class.
50 ("'-6 ): 1. Damon Bauer (Yam); 2. Cody Minard (Yam ); 3.
u-y If'iywt''in (Yam).
50 (7-8): 1. Jatne§ Damphou.w (Yam).
50 5 / MICR O: 1. 1- Cody Andenon (KTM); 2. ear l Cus ta rd
( KThl~ 3.
(KTM ).
60 (7·11 ): 1. Tim Ho llenbeck (Kaw); 2. Broc: B.aUf'T (Kaw ); 3.
Justin Latllefl (Kaw).
80 BEG: 1. Brad Hohenbrinl (Ka w ); 2. Timm y H ollenbeck
(Kaw ); 3. Jnf Iko (H on).
80 NO V: 1. Kyle Polter (Hon); 2. Jeff Lar1lt"n (Kaw); 3. Ja!lOf1
Wa mt"t (Hon).
80 EX: 1. ~fike Tumblom (Suz~
125 JR: 1. Ryan Lutz (H on ); 2. Chris Briesml"ist er (Suz ); 3 .
Ok!< Oodwrty (Su,).
115 BEG: 1. Jason Lafoun ta in (Yam ); 2. Na th an SchI"id (Suz);
3. Woody H eimann (Hon ).
125 NOV : 1. Ja cob Yontz (H on); 2. M ike Oauch (Hon); 3. Da rI'l'1\ Low (Hon).
125 INT : 1. Ch ris Brit'Sman.<;ter (Sw:) ; 2. Ryan Lut z (Ho n); 3.
Rvan Wea ver (H nn ).
, 250 BEG: 1. Justi n H a ll (Ho n); 2. Steve Wo (H o n); 3. Bria n
r OE' (Yam ).
250 NOV: 1. C o ry Gamt' rtll ft'ldt' r ( Hon ); 2 . Tim Va ug hn
(Ka w ); 3. Bill r age (Kaw).
250 INT : 1. Brad Dh on (Kaw ); 2. Rich SWf'at (HlJn ); 3. John
Rupt>r (H on ).
t 25/2.'iO EX: 1. Joh n Davi ll (Hon ); 2. Ja ke Da vis (Hon); 3. Tro y
Sch l~th
(Hlm ).
16-24: 1. John Da vi!"o (Ho n ); 2. Brad Di xun (Kaw ); 3. J..~ my
Cau d ill (y am) .
25+: 1. SWve Holland (H on); 2. Ray Va ~ara ~(Jto (H, m ); 3. John
Rupe r (H on ).
30+: 1. Ste'V1" Ho d (Hon); 2. C.t>Otgl" F.lI"1E'1Ii (Suz); 3. Roa y
Vagarasot o .
35+: 1. Ken Fra n ken berry (Hon); 2. Jeff Bo"Crbowl' r (H(m) ; 3.
Rid Hopkins (H on).
40+ : 1. Ken Frank en bPrry (H o n ); 2. Barry Ma y o (KTM ); J.
earl Davis (Hon).
45+: 1. Barry Ma yo (KIM); 2. Dennis Brie;me;stn (Kawi J.
Rid Ba ld w in (Suz).
VL'\IT '80: 1. Pet e w enie g ( ); 2. Todd Am l"hng (Hon ); J.
Joh n W ier ( Hon).
VL"'' ' ' 89: 1. K.!\'tn Jona tzkl" (Hon); 2. Mike Bowers (Hon); 3.
Eri<'B.auer (yam).
Davis Doubles Delta MX
By Carl Davis
John Davi s pu lled off a perfect night of racing at
the trad itio nal MRA Saturday night ra cing held
at Delta Racewa y.
Davis nailed the Combin ed Pro-class win
and th e 16- to 24-year-old win s going away. His
bro ther Jake Davis moved through the pack to
claim seco nd overall in both classes .
Lonn ie Hammo nd motored off as the top Vet
rider for the nig ht as he swe pt the Over 25 and
O ver 30 clas ses. clai m ing th e top m oney. The
Yama h a speedster rocketed out of th e gate to
ope n up hu ge lead s. Kurt Bende r was th e only
rid er to kee p him in sight in Ove r 3D-class rae ing. Ian Hammond took th e 125cc Jun ior and
125cc Intermed iate-class wins in a stro ng rid e.
Corey Whitaker took seco nd in the Int ermediate
motos after moving through the pack but could
not match Hammond 's pace.
50 (4-6 ): 1. Ca meron ne z (yam ).
50 (1-8) : 1. Ua m Murphy (Kaw); 2. AdOl m 8I"hri n gpr (y al"l!); 3.
Ju stin St. Oair (Yam ).
1. Glenn Sm ith (LEM).
60(7 ·11): 1. 5I~ Ca rna han (Kaw); 2. Pau l Sha rrar (Kaw); 3.
Anthony Dob le (Kaw).
&5 BEG: 1. Joe Joh TbOfl(Hon); 2. Matt Wil'lOR (Hon); 3. Dou·
glas W iedarhold (Yam ~
85 NOV: 1. Mark Ga uvin (Ka w); 2. Kyll" Thomf'5OR (Holt); ~
M ill" Suman (Ka w).
125 JR; 1. Ian H am mond (Suz); 2. N~I Carl!lOft (Hon ); 3. Ian
Duncan ( ).
125 BEG : 1. Ja son Fr azil"r (Ka w ); 2. Na t ha n Bat es (Suz ); 3 .
Mark Wilson (Hon).
125 NOV : 1. Brandon Fri tts (H on ); 2. And rew Ga uvin (Kaw );
3. JUS1m Thomp!iOO (Hon).
125 [1\ : 1. Ian m on d (Suz ); 2. Coeey Wh ita kPr (Suz ~ , 3.
Robert Pa tchin (Hon ).
250 BEG : 1. Je rl"TTlY Sch roe d e r (H o n ); 2. Joe Trojanowski
(Yam ); 3. JeffGeigler (Hon).
250 NOV: 1. J. d l" Lapinski (H o n) ; 2. Cory Oamertsfelder
(Hon).; 3. Gent> Wol fe (Kaw).
~ 1:'\. 1. C o rey Whi t.alr."r (Suz ); 2. Jo h n M IIII"t (Suz );
Brad Dixon (Ka w ).
125 / 250 PRO 1. Jo hn Da v is (Hon); 2. Jake Da V1s (Hon); 3 .
Tod d M ur dock (Hon).
16-24: 1. John Da vi ll (Hon); 2. Jake Da v ts (Hon); 3 . Brad Dixon I
(Ka w).
25+: 1. l...onniI" Hammond (Yam ); 2. Jon By rd (Hon); 3. Creg
F.-(I(Sw: ).
45+: 1. WiIIi