(Left) Tom Dretzka (208) swap ped mota
wins with Jeff LoIs (40) to come out the
overall wInner In the Vet A class at
Aztalan Cycle Park In WisconsIn.
(Below left) Team Green's Brock
Sellards (10) t oo k top honors In the
125cc A class In Sugar Grove, Ohio, but
not without a fight from local rider Josh
Demuth (328),
Sellards sails at Sugar
Grove Motocross
By Rupert F. Pellett
Tea m Green ' s Brock Sellards was the ma n to
beat at this Central Ohio motocr oss course as he
dominated the 125cc A clas s and then took a
stro ng seco nd be hin d fellow Kaw asaki pilo t
Vince Karnow in the 250cc A divis ion.
Though Sellards won the 12Seeclass overall, it
wasn't without a fight as local riders Josh Demuth
• fresh off the supercross series - and Chris Berry
offered fierce competition. In B-class action it was
the Honda of Mark Burkhart out front in all four
motos of the 125 and 250cc events, as he wou ld
sweep the class and seemingly keep up his reputati on as the East Coast's fastest amateur. The
beau tifu l, ba lmy we ather and fine track were
agreeable to Veteran-class rider Mike Morgan. as
he destroyed the competition in the Over 25 and
Over 30 divisions aboard his VZ25O.
50 (0&-6 ): 1. Codi Ad..rtlIo (KTM ); 2. Eric Woud . (UM); 3 . Tyl.or
·Mch (KTM ); 5. John R.tney m (KTM).
Ma1l." {KTM l.;0&. Dt-van V
50 (7-8): 1. Jay WdleT (Cob); 2. Jacob Mohnry (l.EM); 3. Eric
Bmwnin ll:(lEM ),; 0&. Jon Dunlap (Cob); 5. Tan~ ~ (Cob).
6S (7-9): 1. MIChael Willard (Kaw); 2. O m s RobmMm (Ka w);
3. DR Atwood {Kaw); 4. Kylfo ~( Jg Hutchnon (Vam ); 4. M.ark (Sw:); Man
F·I: 1. JohnMorm (Suz); 2. Rob Ridw.rds (Yam ).
CLBMN EX: 1. Rick C r.v", (Suz.); 2. Dan Oemen8; 3 . Tim
Buktor'(Hon); 4. Chari" Btoa~ (Suz.).
Q.BMN NOV : Terry Abbott (Hon); 2. Richard ~iJ; (Yam );
3. Cuy ~ (Yam); 4. Gary Wa~ (YAm) ; S. Krvin Dam-
ron (Hon).
125 CP : 1. Doult
(Hon); 2. Ken Thornhill (Ho n ); 3.
Pa u l Ne l!lOn (Hon).
S/STK ST 8 : 1. Billy Ei!M;'Ncher (Yam); 2. J~ff Kra l1\ff (Sut:); 3.
G~ HutchmllOn (Yam); 4. Bill Brownsbt.-rger (Hon); S. Mark Old ·
ham (Suz.).
rR OD NOV B: 1. ~ 1k'1I (Suz); 2. John Thra!l (Hon); 3.
Patrick Whi tnq (Suz) : 4. Shawn Mcinern y (Hon ); 4. JMTy Larri,;an
F·2 EX: 1. Mark SW
"'""'Y (Yam); 2. Mark Cook (Han); 3. RodNY Lucketti (Ho n ); .c. Todd Snyder; 5. Huold WilJlOfl(Kaw).
F-2 NOV: I. Dan Zimmm y; 2. Terry Abbott (lion); 3. Darcy
Pub (Yam); 4. Ch~SnuT(Y.m ); 5. Bill Feq:uson(Y.lm).
5/ 8 EXC: 1. Billy EiwnacheT (Yam ); 2. lArry Dmning (Hon);
3. Bill Bm wn ..beorg (Hon); 4. Jim Vacil (Hon ); S. Jl"ff Kram ft'
( Hon~
SI B NOV C: 1. Brant Schutte CHon); 2. Ronnw
AIInI (Hon); "'. JohnThrash (Han); S. Scott o.rling
(Hon); 3. Clt n l
F·l NOV: 1. Rog n' BfoU (Suz ); 2. RonnM!o Gran ttwn (Han); 3Aaro PWoran (Su.z); <4_ Piltr'id Whitntoy (Suz); S. Gnog StoUstriTwT
IlGlw ).
U / Lro TW: 1. Trm Barkl"r (Du c); 2. Dan CJeornem; 3. Hamid
("awl; 4. Tracy Doy le (Hon).
V / LTO TW NOV : 1. Terry Abbo tt (H on ); 2. Jim Conner
(Due ); 3. Cl"ili K Ad.uns; .1. Granby Smith (Hon); S. Kirk M.axfidd
W il~
(H on).
S/ 8K EX B: 1. Bill y Ei!it'lUlcMT (Yam ); 2. C~ HUldwmon
(y;lm ); 3. P.ltnck l.udw~ (Yam); 4. DeTrick M onlan (Yam ); S. Rob
Rim..nh (Y am ).
S/ 8K NOV B; 1. ~ 8dI (Suz ); 2. Aaron Pkonron (Hun); 3.
Patrid:. Whitnooy (Suz); ... Ronnie Grantha m (Hon ); S. dins AJkon
(H on).
Eze ri ns w en t d ow n an d han de d the win to
Busse, who w as foll ow ed ac ross th e line by
DeGroo t and Scott Nicoson.
The Keuntjes fam ily showed up in full force,
takin g the checkers in six of eigh t motos. Angela
Kuentjes dominated the Women's class, w hile
Jared swapped moto wins with Matthew Hopkin s in th e Mini 60 class, ta kin g th e overa ll.
Dustin dominated both 125ccJunior motos
Jeff Lois, who typically domin.tes the Vet A
and Open classes on hi s lar ger-tha n-Iife KTM
550, had an ·off" da y, swapping moto wins with
Tom Dretzka in Vet A and Tim Bares in th e
Open class. Dretzka had the right combina tion
to take the overall in Vet A with 2-1 finis hes,
wh ile Lois held off Tim Bares in the Open class.
P/ W JR.; 1. Cody Sokolik; 2. J~h On.otzb; 3. Tykor Plum ·
mer:0&. Bud'.Wy ArKtr-s; S. Aft Crrgonu..
P/ W SR; 1. Chad Early; 2. Brian Collins; 3. Loui l c.iknlddt;
0&_Brandon HoffmMI,; 5. Robftt I...otre.
125 JR: 1. Du sti n KU"'t}rs ; 2. 8f'fTli~ P1u m nw-r; 3 . Sha un
Millrr; 0&. St."Mn Schot-n; S. K.oithD.oCr.nd.
VET A (30+ ): 1. Tom DmzQ; 2. ~ff lois; 3. RobertRadUftlZ;
"- Jim Nmon; 5. £ri b EurinL
VET 8--1 (30+ ): 1. Bin Dmnis; 2. J~ff Pulley; 3. Scott PMme!'"
stW'in;0&_Mad Schrllin~ S. Kurt And.~.
VET 8--Z (30+ ): 1. DanWI: Jacbon; 2. M ir.I; 5. Robt!rt lm~.
MIN I SR: 1_ Shaun MiIIl"r; 2. 8l"m i. Plum mn; 3. A nd ~w
Foltz.; 0&. ScottSmIth; 5. Anon Dubl"nhlm.
VIST: 1. Dal" S " w ba u..r; 2. Sco tt P alm~rsh~in; 3. Tom
AnKhn; 4. JeffPu lley; S. JonathonH yd e .
MSTR (25+ ): I. r au l Ph ilbrick; 2. ThoIN§ Dr~u.k.a; 3 . I.if
NiClJlllOn; S. Sron Zitmpadl.
W MS: I. A nll:~la KUn\tJ rs ; 2_ Ki"tn\ R....m iK h; 3 . A m y
Wa lkowski; 4. Lynn 0rClark; 5. lessia Bu~
orE.~: 1. Jeff lois; 2. Erib EzmM; 3. T im Ram ; 4. Chuck
K i "~.d ; 5. Wa ylin OUP..,..
SR (40+): 1. To m MCSha n e; Z. Charlt'll Cu lli n s; 3. Mi cha.. 1
laMon t; 4_l ohn Stnlbt'I; 5. Cn-a Reynolds.
50+ : I. Rona ld Goo rKc; 2. Michat-l Mid'lt' !i; 3. Will iam Tt>fTY;
4. Dl1 Arv a; 5. RobPrt Brotz .
125 A:. 1. Kart.. r BUl'!Ie 2. Ryan DtoGroot; 3. Sron NiCO!lOn; 4.
Chd H OO
Kl"!\; 5. Kl'Il M a~h .
125 B: 1. Jt'ff 8t' nn l"tt; 2. J e!I!Ie William s; 3. Aa ron M ilIt"r; 4.
Kurt Tri ttin; 5. Jaso n Sch illeT.
125 C- l : 1. Bry an Jl'Ildf'" " ; 2. Micha,,1 Thl'm l"l; 3. Jaml.'!! Kil.'f't'T
4. 'e ff Pa tel; 5. Jeff Loyd .
12,.; C·2: 1. Jamit' Hu tjml'; 2. laRa' C ilbt' rt; 3. Ti m Brown; 4.
Lana- Bund~ S. Soon AndeTSl:lfl.
125 C -3: 1. Andy Wallf' fl'; 2. Brian GI..d; 3. Jes si.. C loSt" 0&.
Ch ris Halv"l"CJn; S. Stt>pht>n Schoen.
250 A: I. Scott NiQl!'>(lf\; 2. K"rtt'T Busw ; 3. Eron EzM'lns; 4.
Paal Philbrick,;5. Ti m Roth .
250 B; 1. M" nho- Lamb ; 2. Dmn y H ackt>r; 3. Jam t>!> Ricci; 4.
JO!lhUol Hul l'; S. CeTlach.
2SOC· l : 1. St K)' Andt"f'W)l\ 2. Paul Erid.
'tOfl;3. Eric Smith; 0&.
Tom Sm ith; 5.Rand y Scu tt.
250 C-2: 1. Jf'f( MnOn Jr.; 5. Jod Bayt"r .
B~ • • Sartt
Busse busts out at Aztalan MX
By And rew Bussen
Kar ter Busse took the 125cc A-class win at AztaI.n Cycle Par k on Morther's D.y.
Once again, a str ong showing of 613 entries
in 24 cla s ses re su lt e d in competitive racin g
action a t all age and ability level s, as riders bat·
tied for District 16 Poi n ts. Th e 125cc A class
alone is usuall y wo rth the pr ice of ad mission,
and this day was no excepti on.
Ryan DeGroot holeshot moto one, follow ed
by Eron Ezerins, Karter Busse, Chad Vanealster,
and Jason Warner. Ezerins and Busse found the
faster line aro u nd DeCroot, with Ezerins hold ing off Busse for the mota win.
The St."Cond 125cc A moto wa s ho lesho t bv
Ezerins, followed by Busse and Andy Bowm.n.
125 (12· IS): 1. Shaun Kuchift" (Hon); 2. Aaron P...,kin.'1 (Suz.);
3. Sco tt Kuchl " r (H on); 0&. D~ vid Whitcnh (Yam ); 5. ' "nom y
Adams (Yam ).
125 A: 1. Brock Se llards (K" w); 2. J~h Ot-muth (Yam); 3.
Ch ris B. rry (H onl; .&. Scott Watkins (Ka w) ; 5. Craig BiJlin gs l"Y
125 B; I. Ma rk Burkhart (Hon); 2. Karl Scott (Kaw); 3. Juey
8l'lmont (Kaw); 4. Scott Shafer (Suz); 5. ShanrShip~ (Kaw).
125 C: 1. Damien HII'arer (Suz); 2. Tony Crum (Sw: ); 3. Josh
5p.orten' (Yam); 4. Todd GoodY".r (Suz. ); 5. JOt' Snydll'l" (Hon).
250 A: 1. Vin et' Kamow ( ); 2. Brock Sell.,dl' (Xa w ); 3.
' osh Ofomuth (Yam) ; • . Mibo MorKa n (Ya m ); 5 . Scott W atki n l
(Ka w ).
2SO B: t. Mark Burkhart (H on); 2. JOt")' Belmo n t (Kaw ); 3 .
Sh a n. Shi ple y (Ka w) ; 4. Jason Rog en (H o n l; 5. David Pa rke«
WMN: 1. Kim Leach (Yam ); 2. Debr. Mott (Hon); 3. Tiffan y
R~ (Ho n) ; .&. Kri!ltin. S.ndM (Kaw ).
25+: 1. Mik t' Morgan (Yam) ; 2. VinCPnI Ddt'lief' (Hon); 3. Ty
M )'ft"'!I (Kaw);.& DomiC!' UrNn (Stu); S. Sttov. AIlfM'llharu,If'y (Hon ).
Whitcraft airborne at Daniel
Boone Motocross
By Susan Willian
Super Mini rider David Whitcraft took to the air to
win at Danielllome Moloc:rois.
The first moto saw J.T. Smith the first off the
flate to be quickly passed by J.R. Carter, followed
by Whi tcraft..Carter and Whitcraft challenged other through the whoops as Whitcraft made
an attempt to go by Carter. The second attempt by
Whitcraft was a success as he made an in-air pass
to take charge of the class. The pair pulled away
from the remaining riders as the un stoppable
Whitcraft piloted h is machine around the well·
groomed track with Carter in pursui t
Mea n wh ile a battle d ev el oped for th ird
between Ryan Sipes and Smith . Sipes, who sta rted the moto in eighth position, had weaved his
way up to fourth. The final lap saw Sipes open
his throttle to go by Smith and take third at the
checkered , with Carter taking runn er-up honors
to Whitcr aft.
The second-mota finish was the same as the
first with Whitcraft sealing the overall win, followed by Car ter . nd then Sipes.
Keith Bowen was the dominant force in the
firs t moto of the 30+ class with vet era n rider
Mar k Guy. su re second . A d ogfight for thi rd
d eveloped between Richard Robinson .nd Jim
Kra use r. Krauser pull ed besid e Robinso n to
make several unsuccessful passing attempts. By
the final lap, the pair mixed with lap ped riders
as Krauser pulled besid e Robinson throu gh the
supercross section of the track . 8y the end of the
whoops, Krause r came out on top . Bowen filed
by with a substantial lead for first,. then came
Guy, Krause r and Robinson .
Bow en and Guy too k the top two spots in
moto two with Robinson taking charge of third
at the checkered and Krauser d ro pping to the
fourth spo t
!lO D: 1. Do-m ck Youn~ (Hon ); 2. D"vid llwdr..-r (Hun); 3.
JUl'tin Jones (Ya m) ; ""' . Charln H o w e ll (Ya m) ; 5. M a tt Phlldt"lO
(Ka w ).
WM N : 1. Kim bL-r1 y Leach (Y" m); 2. Sa rah KJ.tmfuth (Htln ): 3.
Suwn Akay d in (Kaw); 0&. A rltmt' Gu m n (Su z ).
125 C: 1. ~ Bum. (Ka w); 2. Ralph Sti llwdl (Suz); 3. Keith
lfowis (Yam ); "",. o,ip Culton (Hon); 5. Brad Ca~ . (1C.1w).
250 C: 1. Tim Pol ston (H un ); 2. Da mun Coli: (Hon ); 3. DaTl'f.'U
Redch x (Hon); oI_J.L QlbJnw (Suz ); 5. Ra ym ond T'""Y{Hon ).
250 0 : l. Allen Bool'w r (H o n ); 2. J" ff Co1l. (Hon ); 3. Kt'Vin
30 A: 1. Keith Bowen (Ka w); 2. Mar k Gu y (Yam ); 3. Richard
JWbin.'IOfl (Hon); 4. Jim Krau.....r (Ka w).
30 B: 1. Stev e Ki"lor (Ra w ); 2. D avi d Farris ("'I M): 3. Ed
Edwards (H on ); ... Rid Barr (Kaw ); S. Jan-- M.all:am (Yam).
30 C: 1. TeTTyLa nbem (Hon); 2. C ry Cra ven (H on ); 3. Rock
Sil'!IOn (Ka w ); 4. Al m t'l A k.ayd in (Ka w ); 5. & rry JUymond (KTM).
60 (7-9); I. Jus tin Sip"" (K;lw); 2. Aleundt'f Hu n ter (Kaw ); 3.
A lt'xandt-'r Rassill;D (Cub); " Ka, sit' W ilklri (Ka w ); 5. Dan iel Ma
(L EM ).
60 () ()'11): 1. Olristop hl'r WhI tcra ft (Kaw ); 2. Willi am Bowlin~ 3. James Max a m (Ka w ); 4. Tl'rry Bla kll'(Ka w ); 5. Sh ant' Jen kirt!;
(Ka w ).
50 (7-8 ): 1. Justi n Sip 'li (Cob ); 2. A lt·lI:a'l" Ra'llliRa (Cob ); 3.
Ka i'l ie W i lk.~ (LEM ); 4. Micha l'l Aka yd in (Cob ); 5. Mattht>w v o ns
hnger ("'TM).
50 (U~ 1. Danie l Maxom (LEM); 2. ' oh na tha n Youn): (KIM);
3. Matthtow Aka yd in (KTM); 01. LUM> Von linKM'(Yam); 5. Andl"f'W
& nis Y",Iku1
( ).
125 A : 1. Kt'lth Bowen (KTM); 2. Rodnt."y Carrier (K'TM); 3.
DameI Nebun (Suz); 0& _ Chri!rtopheT Ik-rry (H un ); 5. Bill H u ti"ll:!
250 B: 1. Mark Su r kh a rt C
Hon ); 2. Kurt Sim i'! (; 3. Jeff
Ron (Hon); 0&. Da vid l'uclU't1 (Su.z); S. Jory B.lmont (Ka w ).
40+ : 1. Tim Sm ith (Suz); 2. Leon OPn ny (Ka w); 3. Franlr.RaMiKa (Kaw ); 0&. Dan iel Post (; 5. Harry &i ky (Yam ).
SCHBY: 1. Oaad Burba (Raw ); 2. C u rti s lilu ; 3 . Mich ..1
u m pbell (Hon); 4. "'" N"aC'l" (Suz); 5. J.arob Saylor(K&w ).
125 D: 1. Adam oPruwy (Hon); 2. J,- ph l.~m"''lte (Hon ); 3.
N ic1l. Cobb (Hon ); 4. D anny Nt'Wto n (Hon); 5. C u rtb Bowlin g
(Suz ~
S/ MIN I: 1. David Whilcraft (Yam); 2. J.R. urtf't' (Kaw); 3.
Ryan Si p" (KTM ); 0& . D.ovon Hf'drick (K. w ); 5 . TI"n'Of Moriva
(H on).
35+: 1. David Farri l (KTM) ; 2. Rick BaIT (Kaw); 3. T'"')' Blab(Hon); 0&. Larry Tru m mal (Suz ); 5. Marth Thadft" (Kaw).
Thompson, Harrison divide
Dunestown Motocross
By Greg Robertson
Consistency paid o ff for Suzuki riders Chris
Th ompson and Tommy Harrison as they took
the 125cc Novice and Intermediate-elass overall
wins repectively w ithout winning either moto
during the th ird round of California Racing
Clubs' 19th annu.1 Dunestown Series, held at
Perris Racewa y.
Chris Honnold jumped out to the lead early
in the first 125cc Novice moto over Jason Dubin,.
Ryan Orr and Th ompson . Honnold led th e
parade unt il just after the midway point when
he went down and dropped to the back of the
pack . Dubin inherited th e lead that he would
hold to the fini sh. Th ompson claimed second
over Bomber Hernandez. who came through the
pack for third .
Brian Kent was untouchabl e in the second
moto, lead ing from the d rop of the gate to the
checkered flag. Thompson spen t three laps looking for a wa y ar ound Orr befor e making the
pass and sewing up the overall win wi th 2-2 finishes. Dubin steadily picked off riders from his
ninth-place start to take home the second-place
trophy with • 1-4 sho,,; ng. Kent's second-moto
win coupled with a fifth in round one gave him
third in the standi ngs.
Jerry Aleman went wire-to-wire for the first
125cc Inte rmedi at e-class wi n. Har ris on gated
second and fought off Jason Abbott for the first
couple of lap s, then Brian Sweany for a couple of
laps more before Swe.ny wen t d own. Harrison
ende d up coming across the finish tine in second
w ith Abbott, David Hughes and And y Anaya
rou ndi ng ou t the top five.
Harrison got the much- needed quick start in
moto two, but within a lap Alema n an d Sweany
both got by in their race for the lead . Aleman led
for tw o laps befo re cra shing back to seve n th.