(Lell) Chr is Waite ran away with the 80cc
A-class win In dirt tr ack act ion at
Oregon's Madras Speedway.
(Above) Craig Lavelll (255) leads John
LeFevre (SO) and Steve Fish (B8) at
Rainbow Vinta ge Motocross In San
Jacinto, California.
Stanley, Vernon storm
Madras Dirt Track
By Clay Light
AMA p rofessiona l ra cing m ad e a rare appearance in Or egon in the form of quarter-mile dirt
trac k action at the Mad ra s Speedway, w he re
Dan Stan lev took the lion's sha re of a $1500
purse for his Expert-class win.
Th e inaugu ral even t d rew riders from Orego n. Wa sh in gto n. Id ah o a nd Ca lifo rnia. Eric
Beers was a dou ble winner, riding to a 250cc Aclass main-event wi n over California Justin Olivera and Todd Hill. Beers also topped the Open A
ma in. beati ng Jim Morin vill e and form AMA
Expert Tri cia Lyons .
On e of the evening's closes t battl es came in
the Oepn Twin final be tween Tony Thorn and
Dick Slu sh er . While Thorn led th e enti re race,
Slu sh er wa s never more than a wheel behind
him .
Ch ristian Verno n rod e a borrowed Honda to
a n im p ressive Pr o-Am-cl a ss victory , beating
Californian Zane Amaro, who led m ost of the
race wh ile Tod d Hagm an hounded him . Hagman's ride came to an end with a flat tire allowing Vernon to move into seco nd. Vernon ~t u p
a slick pass on Ama ro late to steal a win . Amaro,
Dean Autrey, Josh Currey and Frank Marker followed .
EX.: 1. Dan Stanl~ (Rtx); 2. o..m WiI!OOn (Rtx ); 3. Dr!. Scrmitur
(Rho); 4. J.r. 51Jn(mlOl:.... (Rt"c) S. Eli f'ticto (Rbi.).
PRO-AM. 1. Chri ,ti.tn V..mon (Hon); 2. Zane Amaro (Rn.); 3.
[)Pa n A u~ (Rn); 4. 10lih Cutn.")' (KlM); 5. Fran Marker (Rtx) .
O rEN A: 1. Eric Bt't'f'S (Hon) ; 2. Jim Morin ville (H lm ); 3. Tn -
ca Lyon'! (Rtx ).
250 A: I. Eric
(Hon); 2. Justin OIi\'t'ra (Hon); 3. Todd
Hill (Bul) .
125/f1ODTX : 1. Chris W... h:' (Hon); 2. Dan Adkins (Hon); 3.
Sm utl"!' Vft'nC/n(Hon).
80 A: 1. Chn. W.lh' (Hon); 2. Scoott'T Vernon (H on); J. ~an
Ligh t (Suz).
1. Tony Thorn (Tri ); 2. Dic k Slu ~ht-r (N or) ; 3.
class but had his hands full wit h cha llenge s from
Vic Cu rti in both motes. When asked what gave
him the edge, Thome replied, "The smell of livestock in the morning makes me go fast: '
In th e largest class of the da y, Jeff Snyder
roosted the 40+ Novice class wit h a I-I victory
over second -place finisher Jeff O'Brien's 3-2 and
Gary Shook's 5-4.
The riders overwhelmingly accl aimed the
vintage-friendly, Bob Ha rvel-pre pped track as
challenging yet fun.
a..sc STK 500 EX:1. John I..effvno(H u..~
ctsc srx SOD", OV: 1. C'oU)" Ward
a.scSn:: 250 EX: 1. John~ '" (Hus).
125 1l\,T : 1. Ron RonzuJi (CZ); 2. Cftw Fetty (H UJ); 3.
W• .k C Quid.
(H Ui ~
LeFevre reigns at Rainbow
Vintage Motocross
By Forrest Hayashi
Desp ite th e unusually coo l Ca liforn ia weather,
John LeFevre wa s sizzling as he won all four
classes he ente red at th e Ra inbow Vin t age
Motocross a t Rainbow Cycle Park.
In the Classic SOOcc Expe rt race, l.eFevre on
his trusty Hu sky rou nded the first tum with the
lead on ly to find Maico-mount ed Charlie Beck
breathing down h is neck. The two battled for
several lap s until LeFe vre took control on th e
final lap to finis h eight seconds ahead of Beck.
In th e se co n d m oto, it was deja vu as
leFevre once again led th e field around the first
lap with Beck in tow. The ir fas t pace pulled
them away from the rest of the pack. LeFevre
crossed the finish line with a comfortable lead
over Beck.
Likable South Dakotan Mark Thome took his
Vintage Iron Honda to the winner's circle with a
I -I score in the Sportsman 2SOcc Intermediate
P/ W : 1. Cody Kuhnle (Va m ); 2.
).J. Gonw lvf'5
(Va m ); 3.
ZKary 5fw.TWI (Yam); 4. Tyk-!' o,u ton ("" MLS. Zac:h.Jry H&rri.'IOJ1
N) INT: 1. Rym.Jn
a.sc 125 NOV : 1. Steve uro (CZ ); 2. 1.W. c.rv~ (CZ) .
a..sc %SO EX I. John ~(Hu.' ).
nsc 250 tJI,,'T: 1. Vemt>EIrnoft. (Q!;w,).
05C 250"OV, 1. Ed Rodbad> la...,
Dan Miliel" (Hon); 4. )eM Ruiz (Kaw ); S. Gto1Wro Gra y (Suz).
S / ~I: 1. J Fetty (H ui'<); 2 . SI.-ve u ro; 3. J.W . Carvt'f
NOV (40+): 1. JMf Sny d t'f (Hon); 2. Jeff O 'Brien ( Hu~ ); 3. Gary
INT (40+) : 1. Vic C urti (Chs); 2. Km Marklin F;(H u!l); 3. Steve
Sallin (Moo).
1l\'T (50+) : 1. Da vid Mt>t (CZ); 2. Gmt' Ft!tty (H u l) .
NOV (50+ ~ 1. Edward Rod. .. ch (Mai ); 2. Ra lph Porz..U (Hon );
3. Pa ul Gilmo re.
PREM OPEN TW INT: 1. Vemt' Elmo", (Tn).
srTSM.'" OPEl"J 1W L"lT: I. Bob 0.-1Morris (Ric).
srTSM.1\l250 EX: 1. Craig lavt'lli (HUll); 2. Rich Sm ith (M.li).
SJ"T'SMN 250 INT : 1. Mark TholTle (Hon); 2. Vic C urti (Oi sa);
3. Fornst HaYll!>hi (Hon).
~ ' 250 NOV: 1. CoIiol- Pottrr (CZ); 2. DaVf' Eva N (CZ );
l. J.W.Drver (Hon).
BMBR EX: 1. CNrlw Ikd. (Mai); 2. Muk Foky; 3 . Rich Smith.
BMBR NOV: 1. Scott lngn50U (Mai ); 2. Co lw PotlPr (CZ ); 3.
BMBR lm : I . Eric Cook (M.. i);2. Marl<.Cartwnght
Of"EN' (30+ ): l. M.rk Amno (Hon); 2. Kennv McC&nn (Yam~
3. Dan DickinIDn (Tri ).
40+ A: I. V~ Holl (RbI).: 2. Allen MonnviJ~ (Rbi ); 3. Did
S1u!iher ( Nor).
2SO ()()+ ): 1. Todd Hill (Bul); 2. Do ug Andffolon (Hon); 3 . Phil
SO A; 1. BrnttSchnitu-r ,"' M); 2. Rudy Brothmon (YAm);; 3.
M id l")' F.ly Jr. (Yarn).
the charge on the secon d mot e' s first lap . Cren shaw a ct ed q uickly th is time to mov e past
Fowler, take the lead , and pull awa y on the second lap . Crenshaw raced on to an easy win. followed in order bv Fow ler, Miller, Fowler, Ruiz
and Gra y; hot Supe r Mini pilot Josh Holt was
sixth for first in his class.
Crenshaw crushes
Phillipsville MX
By John Sliva
lllf. CA. MAY II
Tim Crenshaw flC\\' his Kawasa ki to a rnro-mo to
12Scc Novice-clas sweep at rou nd three o f th e
Phillip sville Motocross Racing in the Redwoods
se ries,
C re ns haw topped th e 125cc Novice class
against a tough 17-rider field . The series ev ents
continue to attract a gre at hJmout. with over 200
riders again on hand to race under ideal condi·
tions on the sandy loam tra ck.
Joe "Flower Power" Fowler was th e fastes t
off the lin e in moto one, a nd Josh Ru iz, Rick
Cren sh aw, Dan Miller, Gen a iro Gra y and th e
rest of th e riders ga ve chase . The first two lap s
belonged to th e Shelter Cov e Ha ir Co./ Nice
Deta il-sponsored Fowler, with Ruiz second and
Crenshaw third. On lap three, Crenshaw railed,
and flew in to first. Mean wh ile, the Super Min i
en tries we re making th eir presence known, as
Josh and Craig Ho lt passed from mid pack sta rts
to place th eir Kawasaki min is finnl y into th e top
five overall, hold ing their own against the more
powerful 12Scc mac hines. As th e ra ce wound
down. Crenshaw played it cool, taking first, followed by Fowler, Miller, Ruiz. and Brooks, with
the aforementioned Mini s in between.
Fowler, Crenshaw, Miller, Ruiz and Gra y led
sotl'..'T: 1. JoM Holt ( K.illw ).
125 NOV : 1. Tim C rmsha w (Kaw); 2.
Fowl~ (Koiw );
JOf' M~ (Ya m); 4_Craig Holt (Ka w);
5. J.arob Will is (Ka w).
125 EX: 1. Derrelt M. b ry (5u:r:); 2. Tony Mondo (K.aw); 3.
au.ty J - OUow).
250 N O V: 1. Milt> Hl"th (K.aw ); 2. Tr.via Rock (Hon); 3 . Chris
8f'D (lCaw ); 4. JOf'f Vancr (Han); S. Tom El.lea (Hon).
250 INT : I b ek Bignon (Kaw); 2. Scott Turner (KAw ); 3.
Byron Frick (Y.. m) ; 4. Pt1e Ellis (lion); S. Ja"Oll M. Uarwy (Hon).
250 EX: 1. Sean Coni...,..(Koiw ); 2. fmh Chisum (Hon); 3. Jam"
K.Jorrip;;an (Han); 4. JOt' Rus t (H(m); S. Kervyn Colt> (Ka w ).
OPEN: 1. Kevi n Th uml"", (Kaw); 2. Ma rty Nepper (Han); 3.
Will Evans (KTM ); • . Ja!lOf\ Krotth (Kaw); S. Tim Ward (Hun).
VIl\'T : 1. O..n Hrynkil"Wicz (H -D); 2. Tim Nf'lson (C-Z) ; 3.
Bry.ln Simlli (M.J.).
WMN : 1. SU!lan Graham (Hon); 2. Michoielle l Ma sl ngha m
(Hun); 3. Piper Kt"t!ner (Ha n ).
4·SfRK NOV : 1. Ca!;t.'Y Ting lt>(Kaw); 2. K..rl ~ li tflCh (thk); 3.
Nick Bundy (Han); 4. Steve Arnold (Hun ); 5. Tra vis Wallan (H(m) .
4·STRK INT: 1. Scott Go ff (Hon); 2. Ch a d Springt"r (tlan ); 3 .
M.lrv Mille r (Hon); • . Solomon Gil"nK"r (Hun};S. Jon Cu uk (H~).
VET NOV : 1. Brad Ceo (H(m); 2. Bill Taylor (Kaw); 3. A~lIl
RinK" (Hon); 4 . Donny Bailey (Suz); S. Paul Ball.1''I" (Hon).
VET INT : 1. Mid t>)' Crm...ha w (Kaw); 2. Jon Cook (H!tb); 3.
Marv Miller (Kaw).
VET EX: 1. s.-an Conl ey (~w); 2. M..t! Co lt>m.ln (Ya m ); 3 .
WA)"M' RogiJ\.ill (Hoo) ; • . Kf'Vin Knm (Suz).
or NO\': I . Danny Jenst'O (Yam}; 2. Kentin How f'J (K.lw); 3.
Krn Bainbridp;;f' (Hu~).
L"JT: 1. Carl Bowling (Kaw).
or EX; 1. Rod SordMnwn (Hoo); 2.. JimH OW" (Hon).
Sulek scores at
Fairgrounds Supercross
By Greg Robertson
The second ro un d of Full Blown Promotions'
Southern Ca lifo rni a Su perc ross Series at th e
Ant elope Valley Fairgrou nds sa w Ton y Su le k
claim the 250cc Pro purse with a 2-1 score.
Sulek timed the drop of the sta rting gate to
perfection to lead D.J. Sweany, Jimm y Lavorci
an d Mark Easley d ow n the lon g start straig ht.
Lavore di ved undern eath Sweany on the opening lap to take over second an d a short time later
was knocking on Sulek' s back d oor. Sulek mad e
Lavord's bid for the lead an easy one by ove rshoot in g a turn and d ro p p in g ba ck to th ird.
Sweany was on th e gas and dosed to Lavorci's
back fend er but got too close to the edge of the
track upon landing off a jum p and went over the
Easle y pa ssed Su lek and sta rted to reel in
Lavorci near the midway po int . Lavo rci sh owed
Easley hi s lines at close range for a lap befo re
turning up th e wick an d pulling away for th e
first mot o win. Easley had second pla ce in the
bag until h e m istook t h e wh ite fla g for th e
checkered and pulled off the track. Sulek gladly
accepted the runner-up finish with Easley reco vering for third over Jeff Tilton.
Su lek outdragged Easley an d Lavorci to grab
the second-moto holeshot. Easley was quick to
make a move by railing an outside berm to grab
the lead only a few tu rns in to the race. Sulek
was having no part of second place and squared
off under Easley a couple of turns later to regain
control. For the ne xt seven lap s every pair of
eyes in the gran dstands was glued to the incredible battle for the lead. Eas ley tr ied every conceivable line combi nation and every trick in the
book, but a determined Sule k repea ted ly sh ut
the door and ende d up the second-mo ta winnei
by a bik e length . Lavo rci slid ou t ea rly in the
race a n d finis he d fifth be hind Tilton and
P/ W (().6): 1. A.). Scha h,," (yAm); 2. Sh.InA Rhinrh.1r1 (y am);
3 . T.ylo r H.lrnJl (Ya m ); 4 . Alex Harrill (Ya m); 5. Cory Memert
(Ya m).
P/ W (7-9): 1. Rtdy tlemme {Y.m); 2. RofmooDominic (Y.lm);
3. Michael Gidt'On (Yam ).
S /ST K (0-6): I. Bryce Terzian ( LEMI ; 2. Wesl e y Pa rri sh
(l.E.\f); 3. Brian St.unb.dr. (KTM); • . Bria n POW ("- M); oS. Tr ior
f't1 1
Hemme (LEM ).
S/ST'K (7-9): 1. J.J. Noone ( KTM); 2. Tye Ham~ (KTM ): 3.
Ch.l d Col~ (l EM ); 4. Tim my Ritzl t"r (Ya m) ; 5. Brandon Da vi!
P/ W MOD: I. Rrly Henunf' (LEML 2. J- Noone (I. e..); 3.
Wesley Pani !ih (lEM).
60 BEG: 1. Robm Mnnok ( !(Aw); 2. Scun Stamblc:'k (K.lw); 3.
Jw 1m Renwi ck (K.aw ).
60 (0-8): 1. Rick y f-temme (Koiw J; 2. Ryan RoyNI (K.Jow J; 3. J.J
Noone (Ka w ).
60(9-11): 1. St.>an Col IM:>r (Ka w); 2. Nichulas Bunon (Kaw ).
IKI BEG: 1. Nichol. Burson (Suz ); 2. Chm Elliott (Yam); 3.
Aumn B ~ (Ka w); 4. Cory Soildwin ( K.illw ); S. Dnlcp Rutkodgt"
(!(,o ,
80 «(1...11): 1. Scott Howf' (Yam ); 2. Sean Collier (Ka w ): 3. Gerard Patin (Yam ).
80(1....16): 1 .Devin~{Yam ).
125 BEG 1: 1. Brent WlM.-e1" (Su z ); 2. H.nk bman (Han).; 3.
Brian Shamburp;; (Hon) ; 4. M ikl" Rod riRUf'Z (Hon); 5. Garrett Stmn
125 BEG n : 1.J-oo EbrI (Hon) ; 2. Man M.llun."l"(Su.r:); 3.Ouis
Ped t"!'!Ofl(K.illw ); 4. Chaz: Sm ith (Suz ); 5. 'Roly Smith (Y.m).
125 NOV: 1. Ja!lOn Fon!l«.1 (Suz); 2. Tta,",s Smith (K.Jo w ); 3.
George La Mente (Suz ); 4. De ve Pedrow (Suz) ; S. Lance AU5tln
125 ll'.. : 1. MicNel Colli" (Kaw ); 2. Jl;'remy ChaUSfW(Kaw) ;
3. Chri1l Nritzt'l (KAw); 4 . M ilb G ibMKl (lion).
125 PRO: t Mark Easlt>}' (Kaw ); 2. ftoff Ti lton (yam); 3. 0 .1.
Sweany (Hon).
250 BEG : 1. Jo n Crovetti (H on ): 2. Rich R unp;;a iti ~ (Sur-).; 3 .
Rick No lte (Suz).;4. Cod y Mt'llPr (Kaw ); 5. jt'ff M~tht'wa (Hon).
2SO NOV: 1. Trav ill Smith (Kllw ); 2. Sha ne Mt"t!l'r (Kaw) ; 3 .
Davt" Pl'drow (Suz); 01. o,ri ll AII.-n (Sw: ).
250 PRO: I. Tony Su lek (V.. m ); 2. Mark E.alOlfOY ( Kaw); 3 .
Jimmy lavorri (Suz) ; 4. Jeff Tiltan (Yam ); 5. OJ. Swt'any (Hon ).
500 BEC : 1. Bri.ln Tubbert (Hon ); 2 . Ste\'t"n SmotherTl\illn
JR VET BEG : 1. Rob Edw..rd !l (Kaw); 2. JOt'" CaslI.Ig ran d t,>
(Yam ); 3. MiL> Bflld y (Hon); 4. Richard St..inhunt (Hon ); 5. Kenny
H.U (Hon).
JR VET NOV : 1. O.llla.'I Coullt"r (Kaw); 2. MiU Embry (Yam);
1 .'Yan Sudb