Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Mota two's start left Scott midpack and Carpenter out fron t with Mike Barto and Amber Hughes chasi ng. Paris and Scott rounded out the top five. However, in the second lap thin gs quickly chan ged . Carpenter crashed in a sha rp rig ht-hande r, allow ing Barto to take the lead and m ost of th e pack to pass him. Scott passed Hughes on a set of do ubles and set his sights on Barto. Within the next lap, Scott was gaining on Barto, and Hughes again had ot he rs to th in k abo ut with Nelson moving up from a late start with Paris in tow. Coming up on the white flag. Nelson co mp let ed the pass. Scott executed a pass on Barto in a right -hander, taking over first, Ne lson's third-place position was short-lived as he sta lled on a straightaway, allowing Hughes, Paris, and Stroyne to pass him. Scott and Barto stayed out front to the checkers, but Hughes and Nelso n crashed into each other, leaving Hughes hurt. Paris, Nelson, and Stroyne rounded ou t the top five. Re sults ON S TATE ROUTE 309 AT THE A LLEN COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS IN LIMA, OHIO ONE MIL E EAST OF 1-75, EXIT # 125 50: I. SNun Striff1er (Cob) ; 2. Andrew Krome! (Cob); 3. Mark Mills (Cob); 4. Broc Strei t (LEM ). 50: 1. Wes ley Brown (Yam). 65: 1. Broc H""Pler (K. w) ; 2. Nichol~ Eyen nou (¥:aw ); 3. Broc Fa llati (Kaw); " . Rick Fait (KlIwl ; 5. D.C. Cla rk (Kaw). &5(7-11): 1. Gene Stull (Suz); 2. Jimmy Ch.l ppell (Suz ); 3. Broc HepleT (Suz) ; 4. Jack Ca l'J"'""ter (Suz ). 8S (12-13): 1. Branden J~n (Suz) ; 2. Andl't'WTsakanibs ( H~n); 3. David Hill (Ka w ); .a. James Blair (Suz); S. Christopher Wnght (Suz). 85 (14-15): 1. 50 Bowrruron (Kaw); 2. William Ursi e (Suz) ; 3. Brad McClelLan (Suz ); 4. RYAn Ho llid a y (Suz); S. Na than Ca rilli TICKETS: $20 Reserved $15 Gen. Adm. Advance SEND CHECKOR MONEYORDERTO: qR PHONE: (Yam ). SM/UK: 1. Branden J~n ($liz ); 2. Gene Stull (Suz); 3. Mikr Sigm und (Ka w ); 4. Erik HMilin (Suz); S. Do Bowman (Ka w). SCHBY: 1. Paul c.up'_"nh*T (Kaw); 2. Jos hua Long (Suz); 3. Tun Stroyne (lion); 4. Paul Et.ntia (Yam) ; 5. Daniel Pastor (Hon). CLG8Y: I. Donald Luther (Suz); 2. Ed Kubic ( ); 3. Mic~l Bano (Suz); 4. Mike Sga mb.lti (Suz~ .5 Justin Pal~r . (Suz). 25+ : 1. John Lewis (Hon); 2. Todd Stmt (Suz); 3. J.ek Mil ls (Suz); 4. Anthony Pmairis (Suz ); .5.Jeff Collins (Suz). VET A; 1. Mark CarriBon (Yam ); 2. JeffProvance (Hor1); 3. JOM"Ph Oldham (H on ); 4. Ken Frankcnberry (H on); 5. fun Young OHIO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP P Box 6935 • Toledo, Ohio 43612 .o. fROM 10;00 I>M . 5:00 P MONDAY-FRIDAY M VISA/MASTERCARD ACCEPTEDON PHONEOR DERS 419.478·1836 (Hon~ VET B.: 1. JO!IC'ph Javn'SKk (Hon) ; 2. BiD Croner (Yam ); 3. Mike Blanford (K.w); 4. M~I Sigm und (Hon); .5 J.d Mamula . (I(.ow~ 40+: 1. J«i:. Mills (Su%); 2. tknry Haus~ (~w); 3. Skip Sb.-wa rt (lion); 4. Cn ig McG!1Un (Suz);5. John McConnell (Yam ). US A:. 1. JOlIh Swelt (Ka w ); 2. Vina!- ICMnow (K.w); 3. Chad s..nrwr (; 4. Ch.\rie Dunaway (K.Iw); 5.}.lmes Evans (K.Iw). 125 B: I K.arl Scott ( ; 2. Pau1 Ca.rpentn (X.w); 3. M.icNd BanolSuz); 4. Jdf Nobon (Suz); s. """ ........ (Suz). 125 C: 1. Robm EDcnbn'ger (Suz); 2. Tod d PaweD (Kaw); 3}i.,on Tarolti (Suz) ; 4. Matt Simmons (Hon ); .5 Cory Campbrll . ORRVILLE OHIO 1 (I(.ow~ ~ 250 A:. I. JOlIh Sweat (K.Jw); 2. Viner K.amow (Kaw ); 3. Sean Hog..n (Suz) ; 4. CharlesDunawa y (Ka w);.5. Jon Zonin (Suz). 2SO B; 1. Ryan Cates (Suz); 2. Jason Sis1eT(Suz); 3. ~ne s. SlUp"" (!Caw); 4. 100eh VolkM (Hon~ Don Lu_lSuz ~ 250 C: 1. Rex Brown (Ka w); 2. Philip &II (Suz); 3. Mike 00erT (Hon ); 4. J,,1On Stewa rt (lion); .5. JoshUil Yeal (Suz). OPEN 8/e: 1. RDbm Ellison (H on ); 2. Joe javmlllCk (Hon); 3. Louis Kerr (Hon) ; 4. Jeffrey Hilde brand (Hon) ; 5. Michael Sigmund (Ho n). WMN: 1. Melanie McConnell (Suz). JUNE 28,1996 AMA REGIONAL CH·AMPIONSHIP Kramer King atPutnam Sprints By C h ris Alle n MOUNT MERiDlAN, lN, MAY19 St. Lou is Ho nda's rider Jeff Kramer grab bed a wi n, a second, and a third place at the WERA Regional Sprin t Races held at Putnam Park Road Course. Kramer collected his win in the first race of the day, Superstock A. Kram er jum ped to an early lead and never looked back. Patrick Ludwig worked his way thro ugh the field to secure second place. The biggest excitemen t of the da y came in the Su perstock C race. Kramer and Larry Denning both jumped in to the lead, and th ey had lO-bike advantages by tu m six. The race was red-flagged due to a high-sid e cra sh inv olving th e th ird -pl ace rider Nevil Algie, w hich knocked Algie ou t of the competition for the day. At the restart Denning broke awa y and w as unchallenged for the lead . Billy Eisenacher and Kramer fought for second, with Eisenacher tak ing it at the finish. Plainfield rider Mark Sweeney had a successful day with a win and a second . Sweeney is on the comeback trail since recovering from a serio us motorcycle accident involving a drunk dri ver la te las t year. Sweeney a nd Richard Breed ing. both aboard Yamah a FZR 4005, battled (or the lead in the Superbike D race; Breeding edged Sweeney out for the win. Formula " wou ld be the race in which Sweeney rega ined his w in ni ng wa ys . Mark Cook and Rodney Lucke tti had a stro ng batt le for the second-p lace trophy. Both riders traded places un til the finish. Coo k went home with the second-place trophy for that race. Results PROD NOV C: I. SN wn Mcln li'mY (H an); 2. James Keine (Hon ); 3. John Thru h (Hon); 4. James Van Gieson (Hon);.5. John WiUi.lnu (Hon) . S/sn: C: 1. Larry Denning (lion); 2. Billy E~ (Ya m 6(0); 3. Jeff Kro1mt'T (Hon); 4. BiU BrownsbeTger CHon) S. JimVan; ciI(Hcn). S / STX ~ 0: 1. Richard Brrording (Yam) ; 2. Ma rk Sw-nry (Ya m ); 3. Patrick M uUrn (; 4. Rodtwoy Luclu.otti (Yam); .5. CMn CIftrwrw (Yam) . S/sn:. NOV 0: 1. TnT)' Abbott (Hon); 2. OiI.rcy P.rks (YU\); GATES (JP,EN AT 5:00 P .M. FOR INFORMATI ON, CALL: 9 MILES EAST OF WOOSTERON US 30 THEN 1 MILE NORTH ON COUNTY ROAD 84 (330) 682-7435 - TRAC K (614) 486-8808 - OFFIC E Ride at Redline on the Internet! w ith It had to happen - Cycle N ews is now available on the Internet! Now. for the price of a local phone call, you can access Cycle News Online on the Wo rld Wide Web from anywhere on the planet. FREE SOFTWARE! Through an exclusive agreement wi th Netcom, America 's leading Internet service provider, Cycle News readers can now receive the award-winning Netcruiser software FREEOF CHARGE which will enable yo u to easily access Cycle News Online. 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