Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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In the Handicap main, Bill Cana ry put h is low y a rd age positi on to full a dvan tage a s he he ld off Va nce Fali cio in th e ea rly go ing, and then the late charges of Bobby Hedd en to take the win. Results SCR : 1. Jimm y Sisemo ~ (Jd W); 2. louis Kos suth (GM); 3. Tom my H~dO!l1 a olW); 4. BOOby Hedden Oaw) HOCP; I. Bill unary; 2. Bubby Ht'dd.-n; 3. v ance Ft'lkio; 4. Kelty Bennt>1O.Jw); 5. Dub Hicks Oa....). 0..2: 1. Bill fI,;(>wby; 2. Ian E"!>ary; 3. Mark Du val ; -I. frank Crane. 0-3: 1. MikiP C ilko!l it"; Z. Kt>n By mt'; J. Rich M ignano; -l. Bill p Dixon . JR. 0-1: 1. 'immit>Marti rwz; 2 . Billy Jan n iro ; 3. Brya n Ya rrow. JR. 0 -2: 1 Luk e Bennett; 2. JoI H t> Y idt; 3. Ch r i!io Ke rr; 4. Rachall t' K{"l"J'. Dust does in Barona Oaks MX By Homer Eubanks RAMONA, CA MAY 5 , An yth in g ca n ha p pen in motocross, as was shown at Bar ona Oaks when the eve r-faith fu l wa te r truck 's tr ansm issi on too k a dump and official s s to ppe d th e race fO T safety reaso ns be fo re everyone go t to ride their seco nd motos as the dust was so bad that the scorers had tro uble see ing the bikes as they passed , Bef o re th e e ve n t's dem ise, Pro ri d er Tim Staufenbeil rod e with the 2S0cc Inte rmed ia te class and foun d th a t h e ha d both h a nds full with Sha wn Ellis . Ellis holeshot the moto an d he ld on to the lead for thr ee laps wi th Staufenbei l g lue d to his rear fender. The two were so inse pe ra b le tha t th ey actua lly drifted off th e track together. Ellis stuck it a little too hard in a co m er o n th e fo urth lap an d Sta ufenbei l man aged to take over. While Ellis was recovering, Tim Beatty also got by and that is h ow the y finished . In the second mota StaufenbeiI holeshot while Ellis followed his every move. Ellis held tig h t unt il Bea tt y entered the picture again, wh ich let Stau fenbe il pull out a little breathing roo m over th e battling duo. At th e ch eckered flag it was Stau fenbeil taking the win, followed by Ellis and Beatty. Ol d Pharts Do n Connelly and Danny Almo nd fough t tooth and nail du rin g both Open A (30-34) motos. Almo nd go t off the line earlier tha n Connell y in both mo tes . Almond drop ped his Hond a in the first round to give the lead to Connely, bu t eve ntually worked his way bac k into second at the finish . In the following mot o Almond w as car eful n ot to drop h is rid e and sta r te d g e tt in g ph y si cal , fend in g off the advances of Connell y . In the fir st part of th e moto Conne lly pulled alongside Almond but couldn't mak e the pass s tick until the four th lap. Almond stayed up right and finished second. Results P / W FT: 1. Raym ond Valdc7 (KTM); 2. Nolan Sch ultz (Yam ); 3. Elli s Lowe (Ya m ); 4. Steve Ce rd a (KTM ); 5. Ju a n Izaquirrc 250 M : 1. Shawn Ellis (Yam); 2. Tim Beatty (Yam); 3. Shawn lrel end (Hon~ 4. Jt't'\"m Toye (Hlm) . y 250 PRO: 1. Tim StaufenbPil (Suz). 500 BEG: 1. John Moon> (Hun); 2. Shontron Patn ck (Hu n). Stanley scores at Bellingham Dirt Track By Clay Light BELLlNGHA.\t IVA,MAY4 H ometown he ro Da n Stan ley started off the AMA District 27 outdoor season the same wa y he finished last season - dom inatin g the Expert class at Hannegan Speedway. Stanlev eas ilv outdistanced the rest of the field in h i. hea t -race. Troy Rose and Jeff Hiatt . fought for second an d a spot o n the front row, a batt le that went Rose's way . Heat two had Jeff Annen, Eli Price and Chris Fitzhugh battl ing for positi on s. Ann en picked up the wi n . Don Wilson di d a d isappearin g a ct much like Stanley di d, wa llopi ng the field in an easy ru naway win in heat th ree. Nation al number 96 Donald Pau l. an 883 Natio na l regu lar, took secon d to join Wilson in the main eve nt. In the Expert main event, Stanl ey flew to a w in ab oard a BBRP / Bu dweise r-backed Rota x w hile Wilson fend ed off Ann en, Fitzhug h and Rose for a national num ber sw eep of the top five positions on the fast, yet tacky quarter-mi le oval. Stanl ey, ridi ng a Hond a CR 250, wo n the combined 250cc DTX/125cc A main. Luckily for th e co m petition, Stanley was rid ing exh ibition sta tus . This ga \'e Eric Beers, who rode a machine sim ilar to Stanle y's, the class wi n ahead of Steve Johnson and Kurt Hawk, who was the top 125cc rider. Hawk came back to trounce the SOcc A main for a doub le win after overcoming a POOf' start. Ky le Bu ng er and Sean Light led the 80cc A main, but Light cr ashed and didn 't make the restart. Hawk took the lead on the restart to beat Kyle Bung er, Nick Sellers and Kevin Bunger for the win. Results EX: 1. Da n Stan lt>y (RD.); 2. Don Wilson (Rtx ); 3. JE'ff Annen (R tx). r"R0: 1. Todd. Ha~.lIf1n (RtlIO); 2. Dan Kimbel (y am); 3. Oar ' rm Andt"1'l'On ( Rtx }, OPE N; 1. Rn>n Melvi n (H un ); 2. Robert Loose : 3. Terry Cu rtis t (H·D , 250: 1. Eric &'t"1"S (Hon ); 2. Stl"Vt" John.<; Bunger (Ka w ); 3. Jacob vin Etlis(Ho n). 5OSR: 1. Andy Fay (Cob ); 2. Ty l" Andpr.;on ; 3. Tyll:'r Thump- (Hon, 80 NO V; 1. Billy Lm inovidt (Yam); 2. Ma tt Con don (Yam); 3. Joshua Navarro (Yam ); 4. Trilvis Berni. (Hon ); 5 . Brand on Ham lett o; (}Caw) . 80 [:'I.'T 1. John Hop kiJU (Suz ). : S / MIN I: 1. Jt>!IU:'io U !lo illas (Yam); 2. John Hop kins (Kaw ); 3. Billy Lani novich (Yam ); 4. An thony Bruscell a (Hon) ; 5. O in ton Pit'TCt'(Suz). 125 BEG: 1. Dillniel Vacho n (Suz) ; 2. Brooks Sitko (Suz); 3. Mike Lowry (Suz). 125 (12- 15): 1. Ronnie Loftin (Hon ); 2. Steve Yurrovic (Kaw); 3. Travis Frink ( Ka w ); 4. Todd O ay to n (Hon ); 5. Dru BlockE'r (Suz ). 125 (16-21 ): 1. ShltWR Fllill (Yam) ; 2. J{)!4h Warm>r (y am); 3. Manny Aria s (Ha n); 4 . Iva n Navilfl"E'ttE'(Suz ). 125 NOV STK : 1. Tr a vill Frink (Kaw ); 2. And rt'w Sm ith z); (Kaw); 3. Tra vill Con lW'lIy CSu ... ON Blocke r (Suz); 5. Ronnie Lofrin (Hon ). 125 NOV MOD : 1. Ivan Navam>tt" (Suz). Hon ); 3. 125 fNT: t. JOllh Wilmt'f (yam); 2. Wil!lOTl Nicholll C Manny Aria s (Hu n). OP A (25-29): 1. Frankip Bru nd agp (Ka w ). O P A (30·34): 1. Don Conne lly (Suz ); 2. Danny Almond (Hon); 3. Rand y RU!ih (Hem); 4. Scott laRollh (Hun); 5. Scott Riehl"son (Kaw ). OP A (35-39): 1. Bob Humphu ll(Yam ). OP B (30-34): 1. Jim Willmon (Han); 2. Les Abernathy (Hon) ; 3. Jay Cu mbt>y (K.iw). or B (J5..3 9): 1. Gt'OTgt'Spt'Ck (Hem); 2. CurtUi Tyree (Yam); 3. Rich Town!le1ld (Han) ; 4. Kirk Cha pman (Kaw); 5. Dave Fava (Hon ). (40+): 1. Rick Olashi~ (Yam ); 2. Wilr.on Nicho ls (Su z); 3. Pal In>land (Suz ); 4. Walt" Porter (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. Miln Condon (Yam ); 2. Ma tt Hag.'ltrom (Yam); 3. Pau l Burkhimit>r(Yam ); 4. Tim Moffitt (H em}, 250 NOV: 1. Stev t' Yu rkovic (Kaw); 2. Ailron McDo n illd (Yam) ; 3. Mil.. Fox (Suz ); 4. OOlvidfolIO (Suz). or P/W : 1. Ty ll'r Da lton (KTh I); 2. J.J. Gon 7..a1v~ (Yol ); 3. Cody m Kuhnle (Yam ); 4. Kevm Davies (Hon ); 5. Bobby William!lOn(ya m) . NI: 1. JO lleph Dumini k (Kaw ); 2. Juhn Bonham (Hun ); 3. K),ll' Shelt on (Ka w ); 4. Jacob Lowen thal (Ho n); 5. Ryan Dalton (Kaw) . M BEC : 1. Ta liha Buck (Yam ); 2. Russt· 1 Wa lh'n ; 3. JU lihua Hillard (HIm); 4. Tyler Rainer (Kaw ); 5. Noa h Samson (Kaw]. 80 NOV: 1. Josh I-Iolt [Ka w ]; 2. J"dd Ambru sini (Kaw ); 3. T.J. Hu ~ins (Hon); ". Leland Colden (Suz) ; 5. Nick Bainbridge. Sf MtM: 1. lush H~llt (Kaw); 2. Zack Wood wa rd (Kaw ); 3. T,J. HU lQ';in~ (H(ln ~ 125 NOV : 1. Dun Bainbridf;t' (Yam ); 2. Brian Erirson (Hun); 3. Join Fowlt'r (Ka w); 4. Dan Miller (H a n); 5. PUl'O Ba lliett (Hon). 125 INT; 1. Jacob Willis (Kaw ); 2. J~ " M•-ndes (Yam); 3. Nya Hensl er (Hon); 4. Shaw n Bus hnell (Kaw ); 5. Craijo': Holt (Kaw ). 125 EX: 1. Du stv Jack:'ioOll (Kaw ); 2. Jt"!l.- Bath (Hem); 3.Ton v Mon do. ' . 250 ~OV: 1. Todd Rodgt"" (Ka w); 2. Jt·rry Joh n.ion (K.a 3. ' w); JOf'}" vaeoe (Hon) ; 4. Tra \'is Rock (Hon); 5. Tom Elsea (Hon) . 250 tf\'T : 1. Zack BiKJlOfl (Kaw ); 2. Brvon Frick (Yam ); 3. Scotty J urnt"r (Kaw); 4. Pt"t Elb ~ (H(m ); 5. Sol~mon Gien f;P1' (Hem). e < f 2. ;0 EX: 1. Sean C,m llPY (Kaw); 2. james KPTri;oiIn (Hun) ; 3. JUI" Rus t (Hem). O PE.'lIf\'T: 1. David Pill!'(Hun ); 2. Brad SpenCt'l' (Ho n). O r Er\ :"I.~h (KTM). ny or EX: 1. Rod Nordstrom (Hon); 2. Jprry John.-.un (Kaw ); 3. Joe Sh.'Pp (Yam) . , OT NOV: 1. Billy Rainer (Han); Z. Du ffy Griffin (I-Ion); 3. Frank Ma..o;ey (Ya m ); 4 . David Wilson (Hun) ; 5. Rru~ fWll (Kaw ). !iOn. 50 JR: 1. Du ~tin Pru czin ski ( KTM) ; 2. Ta nner And"rson (Yam); 3. Ma rius Smith (Hlln ). vtf'l.'T TVV: 1. G"ry Rl."ach; 2. B ru~ Fow l"r; 3. J a m~ Da rby. 411+ OPEN : 1. VinCi' Holt (Rtx); 2 Te rry Curt is (H-D ); 3. GlIry Bl'ach (Tri ). 30+ : 1. St"ve John son; 2. Robt·rt u.ltlSt' ; 3. St"vt" Powl'l. Stamm's the man at Canyon Lake Hillclimb By Bud Northrup (KTMI. fNT RO TO MX : 1. Jes us I-Inedia (Ho n ); 2. Ro be rt Gamn (I-Ion ); 3. Brand on McDona ld (Yam ); 4. Bubby Rome nl (Kaw) ; 5. Kenn y Vesse lll (Suz). P /W STK (7· 8)~ 1. Brad Ma!ltt'f s (LEM); 2. Kpvi n Wa dt.' (LEM); 3. ZacheryJoh l\llOn (KTM). 60 MO D (9-11): 1. Jlmath a n Rose (Ka w); 2 Ca.e;Swi ft (Kaw) . JR CYG.E MO D (0·8) : 1. Phill ip Bru scella (Ka w); 2 Ma rc AbEoma thy (Kaw ); 3. Candice Motshab't"n (Kaw ); 4 Patrick Pen nin~ (K.a ); 5. Mal ROM'(Kaw). w JR CYCLE STK (0-8) : 1. JilktoBio:;sonrnotW (Kaw) ; 2. Jtaphat>1 l:uquirrt.' (Ka w); 3. I"an s.:h u ltz (Ka w ); 4. Anthuny Charre ttt.' (Kaw) ; 5. Kylt> Spau ldinF; (Kaw) . JR CYCLE 60 (9-11): 1. Ryan Beal (Kaw) ; 2 lac Wray (Kaw ); 3. Sha u n ConnE'lIy (Kaw); 4. A.J. t- (Ka w); 5. Auo:;tin Hod gP'O (Kaw) . 80 BEG: 1. Pm Scull\" (Yam ); 2. Scott Gra ham (Kaw t 3. jorda n Eubanb (Koi w ); 4. Justin Bidkdu (Yam ); 5. Nick Tyra- {Yam). 80 5TK (9-11): 1, J("!;(J lI Ca...i1I !lo (Yam ); 2 Anthony Bruo:;n.l1a a (Hun); 3. Ryan IW (I-Ion) ; .. z.o Wra y (Hon); 5. Chad Gotmm at er Results Ceo schools 'em at Phillipsville Motocross By J ohn Sliva PH!LLIJ'5';1LLE, CA, APR. 28 After h elping MX le gend Dann y " Magoo" Chandler cond u ct a motocros s school at loca l hot shoe Jesse Bath's pri vate track on Saturday, Trophy World-sponsored Brad Ceo spen t Sun day sch oo lin g his Veteran Novice competition on the fast wa y ar ound the Phillip sville track at rou nd two of the "Racing in the Redwoods" MX series. Ceo 's class vict ory was also a celebration of his rem arkabl e struggle to recover from a life-threatening car accident ju st seven months ago. ThE' Vet Experts, Int erm ediates and Novice racers sta rted off a single gate. In the first Vet moto , Ceo's nonnally flaw less starting techniq ue appeared a bit rusty, and the start ga te bi t his Honda's front wheel, leaving Ceo lone ly in last. Unda u n ted, Ceo looked ahead and began to pick his way through the pack, taki ng advantage of the long moto and w ide tra ck to p ass all the way to seco nd behi nd No vice-class lead er Alex Ringer. Ringer took the ",; n, chased across the line by Ceo, Bill Taylor, Danny Bailey and Paul Baker. In moto two Ceo nailed a n excellen t start, but tried to pr eserve his healin g bod y by stay ing ou t of the way of the hard-charging experts on his rear fende r. Unfortunately Ceo was stu ffed in the secon d tum and got hun g u p in th e sno w fence, letting the Experts and lntennediates by, as w ell as m os t o f the I S-rider Novi ce cla ss. Aga in, Ceo w asted no tim e in ge tting back up to s peed , and was soo n pa ssin g ri d ers left and right. Nea r the end , Ceo made the all-impo rtant pass on first -moto winner Ringer. then held on to take the overall wi n. Rounding ou t th e top five were Taylor, Bailey and Scott Welsh . DANVILLE, IL APR. 21 The 1996 hillclimb season for both Dist rict 15 and 17 opened on Ap ril 21 at the Canyo n Lake club grounds jus t west of Danville, Illino is. Ton y Witherspoon did an excellent job building a 100foo t co m petiti on h ill o n hi s clu b ground s. Canyon Lake is on e of the most in viting of clubs for rid ers and spectators a like. featuring camping, a swim m in g/ su n n in g bea ch , pers on al watercraft rentals and other ameni ties . In th e 400cc clas s, it looked as if D-1 7 defend ing Champion Jason Northrup was goin g to sta rt the season with a win on his very fast Yama zuki as he turned in a fine 3. 120-seco nd first round ride. far ahead of Ma rc Stam m wh o delivered a 3.578 -second run for a temporary first -round second place. Stamm, however, rid ing the Luke Haas YZ400 turned in a near-perfect second-round 3.088-seco nd run to take over the lead . Northrup charged the hill with a handluI of throttle on his second ride, bu t crashed hard just short of the light. Paul Hack barth, on his good-looking Yamasaki, delivered an excellent 3.159-second run on his second attempt to finish third. It is likely that these th ree guys will be duking it out all season for the top spot in the 400cc class . Georgetown's Tracy Green rode his 360cc Yamahond~ to a good 3 .339-seco nd fourth-place finish, followed by Steve Shafer on his Yamaha in 3.654 seconds . . The 500cc class start ed in 1996 just like it finish ed in 1995 - an all-ou t, fu ll-throttle w a r between several lop riders. The 1995 D-17 Champ ion , Jason No rth ru p (also in the 400cc class) looked like he was going to post a win as he delivered the first sub-thr....second run of the da y with a sparkling 2.935-second effort on his Pro-Circuit Hond a CRSOO. Luke Haas from Elizabeth, llIinois, also turned in a sub-three ride on his CRSOO, with an excellent 2.977-second ride to move into second place - temporarily. And guess who slipped un der Northrup - again? You guessed it - Marc "The Man" Stamm flew the hill in 2.918 seconds on his Dan Stanley ran away with t he Expertclass win at Hannegan Speedway In Bellingham. Washing to n. hot H onda to move into first and claim the win . The outstanding run also stood up for fast time of the day for the fast guy from Forreston, Illinois. North rup gave his usual all-out effort on his second run, posting another sub-three run, but the 2.956 time wasn't enough to overcome Stam m, though he did claim the disti nction of being the only ride r wi th two two-second rides. Staunton's John Scroggins rod e his spo tless CRSOO over the top in an excellent 3.076 seconds for fourth place with Paul Hackbarth, from Rock Falls, Illinois. finishing fifth in 3.128seconds . Results AL,.o: I. Kevm AM l1t'V (Yam); 2 Z1cherv Dunc.m (Suz ); 3 y Aloiln r t>tt (Suz ); 4. Rand y -WiIIiltm!O (Yam); 5'. Ooorrick Dallm an (Ha n ). YTH : 1. Jackie Ma"Ol1 n ( Hon) ; 2. M OIttWt> 'rr (K.1 ); 3. Tate a\ w Person ( l; 4. l\.Wu> SarvPr (H an ); 5. Rebecca William (Kaw ). 200: 1. Da vid Pt'ir.JOn(Kaw); 2. 'a~ Dall ma n (Suz); 3. Mar J,. Goodman (Ka w);". Eric fOrd Mi (K.iw); 5. Richard Matthews (Suz). 2.'iO: 1. Andy Fort:/'ll"r (Suz); Z. Bn'TI Sn-wart (Yam ); 3. jackie t Mason II ( Ha n ); 4. Wi lha m Toepf er (Yam ); 5. Jason N ort h ru p (Yam). .un 1. Marc Stamm (Yilm ); 2.. Ja.. nN orthrup (Yam); 3. Paul o;o Hackbarth (Yam); 4. Tracy G~ (Yam ); 5. St""'pShaf.... (Yilm). SOO: 1. Marc Stamm (Hon ); 2 Jason Nort hru p (Hem); 3. LUC3lO Haa'i (Hlm ); 4. John S(Togginti (Hun); 5. Paul Hackbarth (Hlm ). 750: 1. Jason North ru p (Kaw ); 2. Tom RoIliM (Kaw); 3. Scott PPtty (Yam); 4. Jim I-lillard (Kaw) ; 5. SWv. Ada ms (Kaw ). O PEN: I. I-I rry (H-D ); 2. Robt-rt Umiki! (Kaw ); 3, a MmHillard (H -D) SEN : 1. Bill A)hl E')' (Hon ); 2 Cra i~ DeHart (I-I n ); 3. Roger o H.lIckbarth (Hon ); 4. Bob Gll"f\n(KTM); 5. Ca ylt.'J"nk ins (Hon). STK EXHTB: 1. Jason Northrup (Yam) ; 2. Richa rd Say lo", (Ka w). 400 EXHm: 1. Luke Haas (Yam ); 2. Roy 5l"nald.i (Yam ): 3. Jasun No rthru p (Yam); 4. Duu[o?; Ca mpbtoll ( I-I U!~). 500 EXHIB: 1. Jason Northru p (Ho n); 2. Da\ 'id Du nca n (Hlm ); 3. Pa ul Hackb arth (Hon ); 4. Kelly Brad y (Ho n); 5. And.y Fortrw r (Hon ). Libera rises at Daniel's Ridge Motocross By Mark Walker VASH1l, NC,APR.']J Mitch Libera proved he had the talent and mo tivati on to be a winner in the Ov er 25 class on the opening da y of the new Dani el' s Ridge Super cross Track in Vashti , No rth Carolina. Libera fough t hard to win the first heat race but fell behind early. He ju st couldn 't pull it together to bring home the win . This seemed to be just a warmup for better things to come for Libera. By the main e ven t he was primed and ready. From the drop of the gate to the check ered flag, Libera led the whol e race with amazing force and speed. Challenged hard on and off by David Shu gart, Libera managed to pull away and hang on to win his first race of the season. The most exciting race of the evening was in the 12Sec D class. Case y Cornett torched everyone in the first heat race of the evening. The main event started out looking the same. Cornett led the whole race with a comfortable lead , challenged only by Michael Mood y early in the race. W ith o nly three la ps remaining , M oody see med to be out of the ru nn ing to take or even challenge for the lead, but w ith two laps left he p u t on a sudden ch arge and burst of p ow er . Catching everyone by surprise, Moody took the lead and held on tigh tly to take the chec kere d flag for his firs t w in of the seas on. Results JR MINI: 1. Josh Foust (Suz) ; 2. James Fran kit' (ya m ). r SR Mn\.'l : 2. Man Blt'\"ins (Han); 2. Stpphen Wt>avp (H lm ); 3. Alan Hu ll (Kaw). S /MlNI: 1. Matt Blt'vin s (Hon); 2. Michat'l Laws (Yam ); 3. Alan Hu ll (Kaw). S 1 ~ 1. JohYU1Y Church. 60: 1. Michael Laws (!(aw ); 2. Nick Flow.-rs (K.iw). 125 C: 1. Adam Waters (Hon~ 2 Juan Ubl"n (yam); 3. Chad Ml'Coiy (Hon )f4 _ Kftvin Helvin (Hon). 115 0 : 1. Mich.Jel Moody (Suz ); 2. CaSt")' Coml"tt (HcYI'\); 3 Brandon Bi~rntaH(Suz ); ... BI'OOb Brown (Su.z).

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