Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS . Bra dley Mikolas (36) topped th e 60c c Modified (6-11) cla ss at 290 Motocross Park outside of Houston, Te xas. 250 MOD 1m : 1. Donny ' ackson ( K~w ); Z. G r~ Ho w.rd (Kaw); 3. O nd. 1kNlnt>(,,", "I ); 4. Srott r " kim (Hon ). :!SO MOD T"RO: 1. Billy Akn (Ka w). NON ·PRO (30+ ): 1. Vernon Pan enon (Su.z); 2.J~ Taylu r (Hon ).; 3. G~ How a rd (Ka w). Grant prevails at Starwest MX By Tony Al essi sweeper . In the same lap, Shade passed Ake rs in the back. Moto two had Ake rs ou t fro nt with Kevin Gravett blasti ng the Team Gree n riders out of the first tum for the lead . Akers chased Gravett into lap two, but a hard-c ha rging Shad e blew the doors off bo th of them in the next lap . Akers got by Gravett and never let up on Shade as the laps cou nted down. Shade finished ou t the race with a pair of aces and the overa ll, while Akers ha d to settle for second wi th his pair of deuces. Gravett finished thir d. wh ich was good eno ugh for third overall, with Wood and Torr a nce finishing out the top five. Results 50 S1l(: 1. Ronn y Jac:k. (Yam); 2. AustIn Miller (KTM); 3"On Hunter McCarthry (KTMI; 4. Dustin Show s (KThI); S. Rowdy RohIf!Io (L F .M:). 50 MOD : 1. Co lt Step hens (Cob); 2. Ad.lrn Rnon (Cob) ; 3. tub Bk>d_ (L EM); M idlaPt Pntdwtt (Y am ); S. Ronny JIICbon (LEM, tiO ST'K: 1.}on.Ithan K.n (Kaw ),;2. 8nKi~ Mi~ (K.1w ); 3. Bryan Zach.lry ( K.1w); 04. Billy PftTan (Ka w); S. Quin n H arri s ( ~w). 60 MOD: 1. Brad, Wolff' (K.t w ); 2. Bryan Zadwy (Xaw ); 3. L.G. Tmtn (Ka w); 01. Bradlf')' Mikolu (Kaw); 5. JONIthan KIPrT (Kaw). RO BEG : 1.J~ y Dumott (Ka w); 2. Ou,,, Curry (1<& ); 3. w Bedford (1<.&w ); S. Rock y Flemmg Joey Reed (Ka w ); • . Lyndon (Ya m). 80 JR (1-11): 1. Robby Shinn (Hon); 2.Janws Marshall (1<&w ); 3. McAy ScJ-oI (Suz); ol. L.G. TTPttI'T (Kaw); S. Jl)(' Bailf')' (Kaw ). 80 SR (12 ·13~ I. Chase Reed (Kaw ); 2. oPrek C".erdes (1<&w); 3. Adam Mmnmgll (Kaw ); ol. Carl08 Pt>reyJllI (}(aw ); 5. Jwtin Sm ith (K.w). AO SR (1....1f.): 1. TTlIvis Elliott (leaw); 2. Jakf' lann (Suz ); 3. Damon Francoi " (Suz) ;.c. Beau Boynton (,,", w ); 5. Mark n.ompo;on (Hlm). 80 o r EN: I. TraVl, Elliott (Kaw ); 1. Beay Boynton (Ka w); J. Ad . m Mmftt>T1,...a (l<.1 w ); 4. Cha"l' Reed (leaw); Ca rlo Pf'rt"yna (Kow , 125 BF.G 1. J.D. Qualls (Kaw ); 2. Shawn Buckmastl"l' (l<.1w); 3. : Tim Ma illoux (H a n) ; 4. Cory Lindsay (H on); 5. Jo sh L.mMJn (Yam) . 125 NOV : 1. Ryan Pe tty (K.w); 2. Ro ger 11l.-oIy.-r (Kaw); J. Nolthan H.I", (Kaw); 4. H ul'-"Y Mu rp hy (Hon ); 5. Rya n Walla~ (Kaw ). 125 INT: 1. Cndy Man 'k (Hon); 2. Jernnia h Moo T't' (Hem); 3. JalKln Eckho ff (Suz) ; ol. Br. d Cannon (Yam ); S. An tonio COt'lIo (}(awl· three, where Kerr passed Mikolas in the back section of the track. Several turns later, Mikolas passed Kerr back and they both went down in a sw ee p e r. Both remo u nted, bu t Mikolas was faster and held h is num ber-one sp ot, followed by Kerr, Zachary, and Brad Wolfe. Moto two had Mikolas off the ga te first, but Zac hary took th e lead in the firs t t urn. Kerr moved into second by the end of lap one, and into first in the next lap when he used the back sectio n of the track to pass Zachary. Mean wh ile, Mikolas charged in third , and it became a threeway battl e for the lead . Mikolas gra bbed some more thr ottl e three tu rns before the white flag and passed Zachary for second, bu t the tig ht race co ntinu ed to the fin ish with Kerr in the winning spot . Wolfe fin ished fourth, followed by Justi n Jackso n and Jacob Crosby. Kerr took the win overall , wi th Mikolas seco nd , Zacharv third , and Wolfe fourth. . Brad Wolfe got the holes hot in the first 60cc Mod ified (6-11) moto. Mikolas took over the lead with Wolfe in second . Then Kerr whi pped in behi nd Wolfe. For two grueling laps, Wolfe and Kerr swapped po sitions all the way to the chec kere d flag . Mik ol as led the charge w ith Wolfe mainta ining second and Ker r thi rd , follow ed by Zac ha ry, Ju stin Bake rs, an d Qu inn Ha rris. In moto two Mik olas agai n took th e lead with Kerr peg-to-peg wi th hi m ou t of the first tum. Two laps la ter , po sition s changed with Wolfe in seco nd an d a race between Zach ary and Kerr . Kerr passed Zachary down the start str aight, but Zachary passed h im back. Mikolas too k the win, wi th Wol fe tak ing seco nd, fol· lowed by Zacha ry and Kerr. Results 50 511<: ~) : 1. Nick T. dl ock (ya m) . 50 MO D (G-6): 1. Nick Tad luck (Yam ). 50 MOD (7-8 ): 1. Ryan Gr..ntom (Cob); 2. Ron ny Jackso n; 3. Ada m Re!i011 (Cob); 4. Luke BledsoE' (lE.\i). 5 P / W M OO (6-9): 1. Ryan Granlom (Cob ); 2. Adam Re!l(lR 125 O PEN : 1. Brad Ca nno n (Ya m ); 2. Ryan Pt' tty (lCaw); 3. Shawn SmIt h (Hon) ; 4. Eric McC m n (Han ); 5. Scott Perkins (Hon) . 125 EX: 1. Ch.d Plu mlt"t' (Suz); 2. K.-viR G ra vett (Ho n); J. o avt' Sha dl' (Suz ); 4. Michat'l Pt'acock (Hon) ; 5. Michad Keating (Cob )_ (Sux ). B.akr (Kaw ). 60 STK (9- 11): I. Jonathan Kur (Kaw); 2. Brad ley Miko l.u (K£w ); 3. Bryan Za cha ry (Kaw); 4. BTlId Wolf e (Ka w); 5. IUlltin Jacbon (Kaw ). 80 STJ( (12-16): 1. BTlIndon Fn ewn (Yam ); 2. Crosby (Kaw ); 3. JONIth.ln Hokomb (Suz). 80 STI(: (0- 11): 1. Jatnf'S Ma nh.J1I ( Ka w) ; 2. Robby Shin n (Hon ); J . Bradl", MikoZ ( Kaw ~ 4. Brad WoI'" (lU w); 5. Jona t h<1ln .M 2SO O PE1I / BEC : I. Scott McC1andon (Kaw); 2. ].0. Qu .lIs ' (Kaw ); 3. Gnog Corbi n (Y. m); Todd M:<:Gendon (Kaw); Jarl'Wf' Tf'rrill (Yam). 250 NOV : I. Ryan Pf'tty (Kaw ); 2. R~ Tha yer (Ka w); 3. Ryan W. II. cr (Ki w); • . Williml. Murphy (Hon); 5. Mike- Br~w (Yam ). 250 I ~I: I. Jason Eckhoff (Suz ); 2. Scott Per kiN (H on) ; 3. Mike 801iVft"(l<.1wt ... Cod y M.rPk (Hon); 5.JOOy North (KTM). :" OrE. 1. D.vid Widrrl.!r (Hon); 2. Jod y North (KTM); J . "\0 ~: Donny"On (lea w ); 4. Todd KywT (l<.Iw); 5. J.I. Slajl;le(Kaw ). 250 EX: 1. Da ve SNdl" (Sw); 2. Billv AUrs (Kaw ); 3. Kf'vin Gr av,", (Han );• . O.L. Wood (Kaw); 5. Chris TorTana' (K& ). w 500 O PEN : I. MikE' Boliv...... (}(aw); 2. Jed)' North (KTM ); 3. Hank Hod " (le (Hon); 2. Gre g Brown (Suz); 3. ' CkeWood (Kaw ); • . Todd WalMm (Hon); 5.Qen Walker (Yam ). EX (25+): 1. DL. Wood ( Ka w); 2. Creg How a rd (Kaw); J. MicNl'1 KeatinR; (Suz); • . Darryl Wills (Yam); 5. Nick Moom.n (Hon). ~OV (30+) : I. Make Br.d-ww (Yam); 2. Mlke H.VIW'I (SuI.); 3. Milu~' Buckma"f'r (Klw ); • . Robf'rt Tit'man (Hon~ 5. Ronnit> T.ylor (Hon). fi'Ir,'T (»t-): 1, Gnos Bm""," (Suz ); 2. Oris Pritc:hf'tt (Kaw); J. Darwin HucbbPP (Hon); ' . Don Hamilton (}(aw ); 5. aen Wal,," (Yam) . EX (30+): 1. Darryl Will. (Yam); 2. Shane Wil~ (Yam); 3. Gre,; Howard (Ka w ); 4. Shaun Martin (Hon); 5.loey Hard in (Ka w). 40+ : 1. Billy Smi th (Hon) ; 1. Darwin Huckabee (H on ); 3. St I' Vil' McComb!! (Yam) ; 4. Bill CarT(Hon); 5. Darrell Bishop (Kaw). Kerrwails at Waller MX By Kat! Spann WALLER, TX, APR.20 Jona th an Kerr took a ha rd -ea rn ed win in th e 60ee Stock (9-11) class at 290 Motocross Park in south Texas. Brad le y Mikol as g ra b be d th e fir st-mot o ho lesh ot wi th Kerr in a close second, followed by Brad Wolfe and Justin Jackso n. Missing up front was Bryan Zachary , bu t not for long as lap tw o had Za cha ry in the number-three spo t. Mikolas an d Kerr raced neck and neck into lap 60 STK (6-8 ): 1. Ryan GTlIntom (Kaw) ; 2. Adilm Rl'!ll-lft (Kaw). 60 MOD (6-11): 1. Bra d le y M iko la, (Kaw); 2. Brad Wo lf.. (Kaw ); 3. Bryan Zachary (Kaw ); 4. Jonath.m Kt.'rT (Kaw ); S. Jus tin 'acob "'" (Hon, • sa MOD (0. 11): 1.Jamn Ma "hall (Kaw); 2. Robby Shi n n (Hon); 1 }of' 8.J.iley (Ka w ); ol Justin BaUr (Kaw); 5. Brw Wol f\" . (Ko w. 80 STK (12· 13): 1. Ot.-rek Gerde!i (Kaw); 2. Ada m Mt'r\I"It'ft&.I (Kaw ); J. Hunter Elliott (Kaw); • . JUd in Smith ( Kaw ): S. Curtis Rikoy(Kaw) . flO MOD ( J 2- 1 3~ 1. ~k Gnd~ (X,aw); 2. Ad am MrnrwnR;a n (Kl w); 3. C. rI08 Pereyna (Kaw ); • . Justin Smith (Kaw ); 5. D!. tin Cantrt"11 (Yam ~ . !W 51 K 0 . -16 ): 1. Travi, Elli ott ( Ka w); 2. ~ au Boynton (Kaw); 3. Bradl t")' B.amun (Kaw ); ' . Mar k Thomp!iOR (Hem ); 3 . J~ King. SO MOD 0 4-16): 1. ~au Bovnton (lUiw ); 2. Travi" Ell io tt (Ka w ); 3. Ma rk ThomJ"On (Hon ); • . Jam ie Ra y (Ka w ); .5 Brad . Barha m (Kaw). 5 / MI:'\'1MOO (0-16): 1. TTlI\; ~ Elliott (Kaw ~ 2. 8f'au Boynton (Kaw); 3. Mark n.omp!OOn (Hon); 4. Adam Mennenga (Ka.w) ; 5. B... d Barh.m (Kaw ). 125 SC HBY : 1, Jo sh Wh itmi re; 2. N.than H .I .. (K. w) ; 3. ~lIchllel Fortl."nOt (Hoo); 4. Dann Stu bbs (Kaw ). 125 STK BEG: 1. Cory Lindyy (Hon) ; 2. Rya n Ga rnett (Hoo) ; 3. Ho1h!lGhnbTili (Hon) . i J25 MOD BEC: 1. Ryan Ga m f'tt (Hon); 1. Joh n McGill (Hon ) J25STK NOV : 1. Ryan Pt>tty(Kaw ); 2. Ro);l"TThaYl"T (Kaw); 3. N. tha n Ha lf' (Kaw); 4. Aaron Huhb. rd (Ho n ); 5. Darin Stub~ (Kaw ). 125 MOD NOV: 1. Ryan Pt'tty (Kaw ); 2. R~M" Tha yer (Kaw) ; 3. Na than Ha le (Kaw) ; 4. Thomas Bordt"1on ( Hlll'I ~ 5. Aaron H ubbard (Hon). 125 5TK INT : 1. Jeremia h Moore (Hon) ; 2. C h rill b lre (Kaw ); 3. Scott Pl'rk inll (Ho n); 4. Josh Wh itmire. 125 MOD INT: 1. Jt"I't'11\ia h Moo re (Ha n ); 2. Ch ri, hitre (Kaw ); 3. Scott P.-rkin" (Hon); 4. T.J. Fontenont (Hon). 125 STK PRO: 1. Ca Jd) Leath (Kaw) . 125 MOO PRO: 1. Calt> (Kaw ); 1. Billy Aken (Kaw ); 3. Michat-I Kt't'ton (Suz ). 250 STK NO V: I. Ryan Petty (Kaw ); 2. Zack OuUtian (Suz ); 3. Br",t Henry (Kiw); • . lft' Zim mf'f'l'nan (Suz ); S. R"'KJtif' Pf'tt (Hon). 250 MO D NOV: 1. Ryan ~ (Kaw ); :' Rog1.or Thayn (}(aw );: 3. Roy Boy Sdwel (Suz); 4. lad Ou;stian (Sw); .5. Bl'ftlt H..-nry (Kill w~ 250 STK L"IlT: 1. Donny 1ack."On (Kaw). PERRIS, CA- MAY 4 Ni ne-y ear -o ld Josh Grant pow er ed his Honda CR80 to the overall win in the 80ee (9-11) divi sion during Saturday nigh t motocros s at Star west. Grant pulled a big ho leshot during the start of the first 80ec (9-11) moto but got a litt le too excited and fell off. Da n iel Taft was quick to p ick u p the lead and led for most of the race wh ile Brent Line from Salem, Oregon, ran second . Grant, h o w e ve r, h ad o the r ideas a n d picked himself up off the gro u nd and cha rged back from a 2Q-seco deficit to once again take nd the lead . Gran t was an ave rage of six seconds a lap fas ter tha n hi s closest competitor, Dan iel Taft, and bega n to pull away. Just whe n it looked like Gran t wou ld be the ru naway wi nner, he fell aga in. Taft once again inh erite d the lead and wen t on to win the moto, while Grant settl ed for second in front of Brent Line, Carlos Gonzal ez and Jason Med ina. Grant pull ed a repeat ho lesho t on his Curnutt Shoc k-s po nso re d Hond a in t he seco nd moto and rode flawless ly as he pu lled away for the moto and overall win . Taft finished a wellearned second while Line, Med ina and Gonzalez rounded ou t the top five. Rich Owens topped the SOee Beginner class after swa ppi ng mote wins with Kane Jameson. Owens capitalized on a poor start and a bobble by Jamiso n during the second moto to secure the overall victory . Richard Albach had a bettter second moto th an h is firs t an d w ou n d up th ird ove rall in front of Josh Olquin and Dann y Mohr. Results STRTR (4-6) 0-1 : 1. RIIymond Vaider (... .,.M) ; 2. CI.yton Murilto (LEM) ; 3. Brandon velcore (Ya m) ; 4. Sarah Keam t'}' (Yam ); S. Gary ThomJ'!iO"l (Yam ). STRTR (. -6) 0-2; 1. John Tornado Balin (LEM 2. Clayton '),; Pratt (KTM); J. Mic hael COVf'1Ii ("' J\.t1; 4. Donnit> Kearney Jr. I (KTM ); 5. Chris Taft (KTM). STRTR (1-8 ): 1. l D. Mendl"1I (KTM ); 1. Dan if'1 MtlOtt" (Yam ); J. Ikrmshot Cunningha m (lEM); ol }on.lthan ATlIN (LEM ). . STK A: 1. Jon M<'Carthy (LEM); 2. Ch.w TaUa. (KTh1). 5 TK B: 1. Bru ce Ru thf'rfo rd (K'TM) ; 2. Ta mm y T ramaugh (KTM); 3. Kahn Cood ~ite (KTM); 4. Bry. Kuntz (LEM); 5. Brian H irt'1'(KlM). BEG STK (4-6 ): 1. Bruce Ru therford (KTM); 2.J.kt> Hu l.. ft (KTM ); J. BTlId Hu nt l!')' (KTM); ' . Juan Chao IU KUi e ( ~TM). y r BEG STK (1-8) : 1. Milt.' Overma n (KTM); 2. Co lto n Ja rrw>s (KTM ); 3. Michat'1Yard lf')' (If'm); '' . Rand y Maldonado (KTM). MOD A: 1. Jon McCdrth y ClEM). MO D B: 1. T ra vis C h ristf'nll t'n (KTM); 2. Ka hn Coods ite (KTM ); 3. Bry~ Kuntz (LEM); 4. Kahn N icho lMm(KTM ). 60 (6-8) : 1. Jf'ff Loop (Klw); 2. Rafael lzaguiT1"f' (Kaw); 3. Michad R.linn (Kaw ); 4. Ju"tln Work man (Kaw); 5. Ma rk At1dns (Kaw). 60(9-11 ): 1. u rio1iGonulez(Kl w); 2. ' a!lOTl Medina (Kaw);3. Justin Wil§On(Kaw ); 4. Ricky Ol iver (Kaw). 80 BEG: 1. Rick Owton~ (Yam) ; 2. Kane J.meson (y . m) ; 3. Richaerd A~ (; ol Joshua OIK'lin (}(aw); 5. Danny Mohr . (Hon, 8O(~ 1 1 ): 1. JWebst« (Yam) . 100 A : 1. Aaron OKO (Hon). 80 A: 1. Mickey laM (5 uz ); 1. Chn~ Wa itl' (H on) ; 3. Tony Meiring (Hon). 80 B: 1. Danny Cbey (Yam ); 1. Brandon Ind t'fbi tzin (Hon ). 60 A : 1. Man Coma (Kaw); 2. Michael Rochr!Ot" (Ka w). 60 C: 1. Dt'nick Pon ton (Kaw ); 2. Juon Grewe (Kaw ). PI W 5'TK KTM C: 1. Tony Fakoury; 2. Chri.wphtor Ik~ P/ W STK YAM C, I. BobbyFon", 2. c..." King. P / W STK A : 1. Matt Tu ck ... t (KTM); 2. Mich al' l Rin.ldi (KThl; P /W MOO A: 1. Ryan Kuntz (KTh I);2. Mib Rinaldi (kIM). Sisemore seizes Auburn Speedway Opener By. M. Sob er AUBUR CA, MAY2 N, Jimmie "The Jamm er" Sisemore opened the 1996 No rthern Califomia Speedway Seaso n ju st as he has the prev iou s three years · wi th a Scratc h main -event victory. Bill Canary matched wins with Si

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