Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS Ron Me lto n worked his way to victo ry In tw o cl asses at the Arg yll Park AHRMA moto cross event In Dixo n , California, .w+1:"07: 1. H.vry Bt·JIicitti (CZ); 2. Randy PItW(Bul]; 3. Doyle Cook (Suz ); 4. Rid! Dom inguez (CZI; S. Rich.lrd Y.amane (BSA ). -&O+NOV: 1. DmD Va n Gundv (H us); 2. Ktit Porter (Bul l; 3. Bob Wh itt' (; 4. How u d Johnl lon (BSA); 5. Mike Folm. (Hun ). SO+ EX: 1. Dann y Darif's (Tri-BSA) 2. Dann y Sm.t rt r,..t~l ); 3. Bill McCllnlun (BSAjo4. Ron Dot!ion (Tri). 5().0. 1:\1'; 1. Richiard McCormid (Hon); 2. AI Bduna-r (lCA w); ' 3. C h uc k Bull win),.k (M~i ); 4, Gt-ot};P CAyl sia ls (CZ ); 5. UIT)' MadngaJ (BSA ). 50+ NOV; 1. Seeve L.tcry (Moo); 2. luW' Alien (Bul ); 3. Stpo.e · Churchill (H u'i ); 4. Cecege Humphrf'Ys (Suz); 5. H.ank WC'lUel (Gre). fij). L'\'T; 1. Cl'Ofl;e Ca YAAiaJ5 (CZ ). 6(')... NOV : 1. Old Ed Mt"agor (OSA). Sidecars not sideshow at Victorville Speedway By Mike Mahe r 250 8 , 1. Camt'fOtl ShuKart (Yam ). 250 C: l. Tummy Shimpoclt. (Suz); 2. ~I Edwards (Suz); 3. Run W..avrr (Hon); 01. Tommy R~"t"V1'l' (Hon). 250 0: 1. Ashley 80AAs CHon );2. Wane rtyant (Ka w ). NON·CUR: 1.lOP)'PriCP(Su::). END : 1. Scull Robinwn (Ya m) ; 2. Ron AnderMm (Hon ); 3. Carl KniKht (K.1w). 25+: I. Mitch Llbera (Yam ); 2. David Shugart (Yam); 3. Midwf'1 Edwud!o (Suz ); 01. Tommy Shimpock (Suz); S. Tommy R«v~ (Hon ). Fright night at Speedway USA By Mike Maher VlClO RVlLLE, CA. MAY1J Excitement and fright were served up in equal measu res at Speedway USA as both Handicap main events were marred by frigh tening-lookin g cra sh es. bu t in t he end non e o f the ri de rs involved were serio usly inju red. Fift een -year-old former junior Sp eedway racer made the Motor cycle Handicap main in on ly his seco nd week on a SOOcc bike and his first in First Div ision. Hun took the lead on the sta rt and was h old in g off the field whe n Rick Seip lost control and slam med the wall, causin g injuri es to his hand . Hu ll again took the lead on the restart, but begi nning the second lap he bobbled sligh tly. Most of the other racers ran into each other as they tried to avo id him, leaving a big pile of ride rs and mot orcycles in the track. Hu ll and Rand y Evans we re unab le to make the resta rt but john Ade n came from the back of the pack to the front an d took the win over Eddi e Cas tro, Rick Pea rce, Brad Sauer and Walt Farnum . Roger Loeffers and Arn old Fimbe rs took the earl y lead in the Sidecar Handicap main wh ile a battle royal raged beh ind them for second place. Th is battle becam e scary wh en, as the leader began his third lap, Chris Chapman. swinger for Ian Stewart, fell off his rig and was struck by the oncoming rig o f j osef Pe tr galovic and john Abright. It looked w or se th a n it was, bu t the Stewart /Chapm an and Petrgalovic / Alb right rig s were unable to make th e res tart. On the restart the team of Dave and Ray Stephens took the lead and held on to win over toeffers and Fimbers, Alan Hall and Mike Moreno and Don Horsley and jeff Medberry. In Scratch competition. Aden got the ju mp at the start and held on to win. Castro got a lousy start and had to reel in and pass Walt Farnum and Brad Sau er to capture secon d place . Results SDCR SCR ; 1. Ou.a~ u rmont /Rich.ard Ta rting; : . D.avlt ..........' ..y..."......1 Don Hanloy'Jdf.....,.",.. M / C SCR: 1. Joh n Adm,; 2. Ed Castro; J . W.J t Farnum; • . Brad 5.uf'T . SOCR H DCP: 1. St"' p hltns /Ste phltns; 2. Rogf' r ltw'fff'n / Amoi d Fimb.-n ; 3. Ala n Hall /Mib M o~no;' . Do n ~Iey / Jeff Medbm'y. M / C H DCP ; 1. John Adt"'l1; 2. Ed C.a'itro; 3. Rick Pt>a rce; " . Brad Saur; 5. Walt Fam um . SUP ; 1. Ron Baur; 2. J05h ~l.I y; 3. Brian lhomp!'Ol\; 4, Corey Rud olp h; 5. Hilly Lyonll. JR Sl'D WY: 1. Ryan Fialwr; 2. Ace Donovan; 3. Jot")' Dra~. Melton melts the opposition at Argyll Park Motocross By J ohn Gola DIXON, CA. MAY5 Ron Melton entered two classes at Northern California's Argyll Pa rk AHRMA motocross and won all fou r matos, even though he was last off the line each time. ' In the first Sportsman SOOcc Expert rac e Melton wo rked his way to the front fairly early in the six-lap mote. The afternoon round was very diffe rent . Melton not only found himself behind the other Experts, bu t also in the mids t of the Intermed iates who shared the gate. He wo rke d hi s way t h ro ugh the field until he pulled alongside race lead er David Dn rid. d ( Bul) ; 3. Kt'!'it Porter (Bu l); , . Eva n Mykll'bust (Uus); 5. Mark Sz uu(CZ). SPTSMN O PEN TW EX: 1. Ken Corpto (BSA); 2. Bill Knigh t (No r); 3. Rodllt")' Hen ningn (Ric). SPTSMN O PEN TW!NT: 1. JO('ISwe.!'Ol!y (Tri); 2.Ron Dobon a.ssc a.ssc assc assc (Tn, SPORTS MAN O P 1W NOV; 1. Omill Van Gundy (Ric). 'lT: 1. I:>t>bbit>Pook (CZl; 2. TerHI. Fonseca ( ~ WMN L WMN NOV: 1. Elle n V()('nn.anl (Ho n) ; 2. Nicole Rinald i (H us). JO+ EX; 1. D.avid Dobon (KTM); 2. Rid; Pric..'Y (Mai). 30+ 1l\'1': 1. ~ A d~y (Hon); 2. Ed Simll (Hon); 3. Ch rillti~n Otm>(Suz' 30+ NOV: 1. C urt Fomier (Hon); 2. Stl'V1tWoOIvmon (Hon); 3. David StUT (Y.a 4. Michael Ervin (H ul). m); .w+ EX: 1. Ron Ml'Iton (Bul); 2. Rob Pool e (85M; J . Stt-Vlt P.arkrr (Han); , . Robm Doman (CQ.I ); S. Rand y HanlIOI'i (H us). VICTORVILLE, CA. MAY 4 A new era began at Speedway USA as the popu lar speedway sidecars moved from the minors to the ma jors, taking ove r top billing as the track' s primary attraction for th is season, an d the capacity crow d got their money's worth with lots of action and excitement being pr ovid ed on three as well as two wheels. In the Sidecar Scra tch main -event national champions Dea n Steele a n d Dw ay n e Kin g reminded everyone why they were number one as they blasted into the lea d and led wi re-towire, easily d efeating the tearns of Steven Stan ton and lack Straw, Ian Stewart and Chris Chapman. and Dave and Ray Stephens. In the Handicap Sidecar main event the team of Clvde Dennen and Dale Leede r took the lead on the start and held it over Stewart and Chapman. The battle for th ird through sixth was fierce with Stephens and Stephens finally getting th ird over Don Hors ley and jeff Med berry, Steve Stanton and Jack Straw, and Don Partain an d Derek Albright. In the Motorcycle Scrat ch ma in, [ohn Aden blasted off the line to tak e the lead and never looked back as he sped away from the rest of the field to take the victory over Dustin Evans, Mark Ha nna h and Rick Pearce. The most popular win of the nigh t. however, came in the Mot orcycle Handica p main event. Eddie Castro had transferred into the Handica p main even t a nd was lead ing his Scratch hea t when he blew up his motor and appeared to be out for the night. Taking over an old bike he had brought up to sell for a friend, Ed die came off the 70~yard tine and p u t on a virtuoso perfor mance as he carved his wa y thr ough the field to emerge at the front for the checke red flag, much to the deligh t of the cheerin g crowd . Aden finish ed in second, Hann ah third, Du stin Eva ns fourth, and Rick Pear ce fifth. Results SC R SOCK: I. Oe.n SI_le /Dwayne King; 2. Steve Stanton fJa ck Str. w; 3. I~n Stf'wa rt / Ch ris Chapman; , . O nt> .........., ..y ............ HOCP SOCll 1. Clyde Donnrn /Oille lftder; 2. I~n Strw_ ~ rt / Ch ri~ Chapman; 3. Ont> S tep hens / Ray St"pMns; " . Don Honlt'y/ Jt'ff Medbmy; 5. Stew 5t.anlOnlJ .ack Straw; 6. Don Par / Om!k Albrill;ht. M /C SCR 1. John Adm; 2. Du,tin Eyans; 3. M.arlr. H.nn.ah,;" . Rich Pf'al't"lt , M /C HDCP : 1. Ed Cas.tto;:' John Adt't'l; 3. M.ark H~ nn.ah; " . Dustin Evans; .5 Rid PNrce. . M /C SUP: 1. Ron 8.Jun; 2. Jeremy O'"Nril: 3. Michal'1 Hull ; " . JuonOanWla; 5. JoM May . JR SPOWY 0 · 1: 1. Jim Fil hb&ck Jr.; 2. Ry~n Fi~; 3. ACit lJonov.~ SPOWY l.ittIo. JR 0-2: 1. Donny Robinson.: :. GaliN MiJ1t'r; 3. ~ Pocorobba dominates Dade City Motocross By Kyle Myers DADEOTY.FL MAY5 Anthony Pocorobba swe p t both motos in th e Open Money class to take the lion' s share of the purse at the ninth ro und of the Yama ha Sun · shine State Motocro ss Series held at Dade City Raceway . In the first Open Mo ney mo to Pocorobba grabbed the early lead with justin jackson. RonRen ner, James Joiner and Gary Fuocco following. Pocorobba pulled out to a three-second lead by the end of lap one as Fuoco pressur ed join er for fifth. Fuoco passed joiner on the second circuit a.. jackson slowly closed in on leader Pocorobba. Wh en the halfwa y flags came out, Pocorobba qu ickened the pace and ad ded a few more seconds to his lead . Pocorobba held on for the win over Jackson. Renner, Fuoco and Joiner. Mota two saw Pocorobba again lead the field into tum one with Todd Ca rdner, jackson. Renner and joiner giving chase . Gardner fell on the nie opening la p as Jackson, Renner, Joi ner an d Fuoco mot ored by. Pocorobba opened up a sixsecond advantage o ve r Jackson to begin the third lap. jackson cut two seconds off Pocorobba's lead but that's as close as he wo u ld get. Meanwhile Fu oco slipped by joiner in the back se ct io n o f the co urs e to mov e into fourth . Pocorobba on his HSKS /FMF /Motul /Xtreme RM sailed acros s the finish line to take the mota win with teammate jackson finishing in the runner·up spot. Renn er cru ised h om e th ird as Fuoco held off [oiner by a bike length to finish fourth. Results P /W (4-6) ST K; 1. De an O ylt,,; 2. T .). Rh o nelli; 3. Bob Cha rLeboi5; 4. Kyk>KE-ylnn; 5. Mike ~ icolin . P / W ( 7- 9 ) STK ; 1. Oa \'i M ill s a p s; 2. Jim Ke y' ; J . Kyle o.ishol~ 4. Ricky R..-nrwr: 5. Hill Hatpt'T. 50 BEC ; 1. Joe Thomas; 2. Devi n Sab.ller ; 3. Jt'!>IIt' Fret>man;4. Mayy Soul h; 5. Hob Ki_ '1. 50 MO D: 1. Kyl.. o,ishu lm; 2. Jim Kets; 3. Oavi MillJlaf'l'; 4. Ricky Renrwr; 5. Dean Dr-. 60 (5-8 ): 1. Kyle Ch isho lm; 2. lim J( e t~; 3. Mari s.a Hampshire; 4. Tnoy Thom pson; 5. Dan Willma n. . 60 (7. 11); 1. Oa vi MiI1 !i.:1ps; 2.' Kum p; 3. BarTett Smith; 4. Cod y Roth; 5. Levi Sa mmons. 80 (7-11 ); 1. Kyle WilJiam llO 2. Qu inton RiKlo w; 3. Chaz n; No rthey; Chris Ka'iilva ~; 5. Brad 8t' m if"l' . !IOBEG: 1. jease Richards; 2. J.R. Brew er ; 3. Br.ad5te\'enson; 4. . 8l'1"ttP~ ce; 5. Ed Wil!lOt\ . I;h 80 (12-15): 1. J.8. Ballard; 2. Tysin H~oJ!It"ll; 3. JU Faustino; 4. Mike Sti'Vt'R!iOn; 5. Paul Pen"b i ~ms. S / MINI; 1. J.B. Ballard ; 2. Mikt>SwWf111On; 3. Jor;h Fau5hno ; 4 Paul Pl'tl'bijnoll: 5. x y.... WiIIi.lm!lOR. 15-24.: 1. Mikf' Br~~~ 2. Jeff Ne ilande r; 3. Jolm ell Joint>1'; 4 Tra vis Willis; 5. Mile Ivanko. 125 BEG: 1. Tykr Laird; 2. Babtomltm; 3. Smith,; 4. Sam Ha wkins ; 5. Stair. 125 C: 1. Ed HiAAins ; 2. JOt'I Ha m ilton ; 3. Auon J.ln!lt"(\; 4. Ch ris Lopez; .5. Shawn Pcttit. 125 B: 1. Ronnit' Rmnt't; 2. MUaJlI redl'l!l'O; 3. Javm FJ't"t'I1\l"!l. 250 BEC: 1. Scott ~; 2. Alvin M~ .l. Shane Robt"rts;4. Sk'wart Smith; 5. Larry Klint> . 250 C: 1. Strv. Wikmt; :. Don Schmelyun; 3. St>. n How ard,; 4. Ed Higgins; 5. SNn Franco. 250 B: 1. Mike BraAA: .2. Jeff ~t"ILaNWr; J . Darwn Mc£Jhattm; 4. MoIrcus Pf'drero; 5. Jt'TT}" Ta) ·kJr. OPE.'l: 1. Anthony rOCOl'ObN; 2. JUf;hn J.o.aon: 3. Ronnie Rf'nntor; " . c.ry Fuoco; 5. Tod d CardJwf . WM ~ : I. EIC'W Kirkl.l nd ; 2. Bri a nn a MiIl H pt; 3. Lauren O'" Brien . 25+: 1. Tim E~ 2. Todd GJ rd nC'f; 3. Bryan Frida y; .I. Jm'}' Tavkn';S. MiUS&ntana. . 30+ : J. ICrn Adams; 2. Dt> Dyeu;3. Tim EAACft;, . Bryan an Friday; 5. WUlis Brock. 35+: 1. Kfon Ad .ms; 2. Willi5 Brock.; 3. In\ard L.t,;,grtt; 4. Oan Davis; 5. Tony Callardy. 4.0+: 1. Dan O.vil ; 2. Wood y Stri ck land; 3. Tom Bragg; " . Conr.d. Eigenrnan; 5. Creg Bobu. 50+ : 1. Al CardntoT; 2. Tom Nichol"lOO; 3. Will Roberts; 4. lou 4: wm""Y. Simon tops Minis at Delta MX By Carl Dav is DELTA. OHIO, MAY4 Saturday night racing returned to Delta Raceway as the weekly MRA series kicked into high gear, and Mike Simon took top Mini ride r honors. A la rge ga te of co m bined Mini s a nd 60s blasted off the line togeth er. Simo n had his YZ singing from the start as he motored away from the rest of the pack to win by a hu ge margin in both mot os. jeremy Morris took the 80cc Novice runner-up spo t behind Simon, wh ile Steph en Laing and Paul Laing battl ed for the 80cc Beginner-division win. which went to Step hen. A very hot gro u p of riders b at tled in th e 250cc Novice event. lad e Lapinski rode fast and furious early in both matos, only to be upstaged both times by Chad Vincent. Vincent moved by Lapinsk i d oublin g o ve r h im o n a co u p le o f occasions. Lapinski would rail back around the turns to rega in the lead only to hav e Vincent fly over to slam the d oor late in both moto s to take the win. loey Lewi s go t int o th e bar -banging acti on as we ll and picked off Lipinski la te in mot o two to take second overall behind Vincent, lea ving Lapinski in th ird. Vin cent see med to enjoy the Delta double-jumping night circuit a l Results 50 (4-6):.1. AUlltin l.ftt ('tam); 2. Cody B«tdord ( ~ 50 (7-8): 1. Julin ~ (1.EM),; 2. Adam lWh~ (Yam); 3. Courtney Kni'"(Y.... .50SUP:: 1. Julltin ComiI;key (l.EM); 2. Thomu 1.l'tt (Cob);: 3. GIonn Sou th (1D1. 60 (7-11): 1. Stf"Ylc"n CanYham (KTht); 2. o.ris Schram (Kaw); 3. An thony Dobk> (Kaw). 85 BEG: 1. St'-"Plwon Laing (Hon); 2. Paul Laing (Hon); 3. Brandon Mo rrow (K.iw). 8SNOV: 1. Mike Simon (Yam ); 2. Jeremy MonilI (Kaw). 12.5JR; 1. Ne il Carl~m (Hon). 125 BEG: 1. K..lly An,;e ll (Hon); 2. Rich.lrd HOfflt;t'lbart CHon); 3. JallOfl Lafountain (Yam). 125 NOV ; 1. Jam " KinJl: (y.lm); 2. MikC' Dauch (Han); 3. Jim Mercurio (K.iw) . 125 INT: 1. Matt Ft'alW"1 (Kaw); 2. Corry Whitak f'T (Suz) ; 3. Dian Hamishfeger (Ho n). 250 BEG: 1. Kyle C.eiJl:Wr (Hon); 2. Jt'T'm1Y Schrot'der (Hon); 3. Brandon Bctoru! (Hon ~ 2.50 NOV : 1. Ch ad VirtC'Pnt (Hon); 2. JOt")' Lewis (Yam); 3. u ........ CHon. 2.50 lNT : I. Charles McConlW'lI (Hon); 2. Cr a ig Smith (Kaw);3. Cofty Whit.l u, (Stu). 125/ 250 PRO: 1. Jak Da vis (Hon); 2. Brett Leimri~trr (Yam). 16-2" : 1. Ft> ......1(K.lw). 30 +; 1. Mi ch ael Beh ringer ( Ka w) ; 2. Ch arle. McConnf'1I (Hon); 3. Dou g Krug (Suz ). 35+: 1. Micba~1 Bduin~r (Ka w); 2. Ca rl Da v", (Hon). 40+-: 1. Stt-ven Hu~1 (Yam); 2. Carl Davis (Han). VINT '89; 1. SWve Gordonier (Hon); 2. Eric Ca rl!Vm (Hon); 3. J Carl.vJn (Hon ). pff

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