Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Husaberg Motorcycles USA 1906 Broadway· Lorain, OH 44052· 216/244-4939 Husaberg FC50t u.t PrIce: $7245 DiIplacemenl: 500.9cc EngIne type: Liquilk:ooled•.single-i:ytinder four-stroke Bore x. .: 95 x70.7mm ComprMaIon 1'IlIo: 11.5:1 C8rbur8lIan: 38mm DeU'Orto 1QnIIIon: Electronic rr-Julan IPIIda: 6 S1IrlIng .,....: Kick Full ClIpIClty: 2.25 gal. WIlIIIbue: 58.7 in. AIlIIIlrlIIt N1A s.t height: 37.4 in. Front lire: 3.00-21 Aelrllre: 4.50-19 Front whIeIlnIVaI: 11.6 in. AeIr wheellnIVaI: 12.8 in. Front brlIke: Disc AeIr bnIIlI: Disc FIrllIl drive: Chain Claimed dry weight: 233.9 Ibs. Hussberg FE400 Ust PrIce: $7,195 DIsplacement: 400cc EngIne type: Liquid-cooled, sing~nder four-stroke Bore x slroke: 92 x 6O.2mm Compression ratto: 11.6:1 C8rburelion: 38mm Dell'Orto Hussberg FE600E El-Duro Lilt PrIce: $8195 . DItpla-m: 595.1ee engine type: Liqukk:ooled, single-cylinder four-stroke Bore x stroke: 95 x84mm <:ompiMsJon 1'IlIo: 11.3:1 CarbunItIon: 38mm DelI'Orto '*-*'11 FC35O. Ptrt1Io ntJt""'" Uat PrIce: $7095 DIIi*C I MtIl349.5cc EngIne typE LiqIilk:ooIed, siJgIe-cyIi1ler tour-sllOke Bore x ....: 86 x 6O.2rnm allilln I'IlIo: 11.7:1 Clltlwillb•. 38mm DeIl'Orto IgnllIDn: Electronic TnnamluIon IPIIda: 6 StIrlIng ayatem: Kick Fuel CIp8Clly: 2.25 gal, Col. HuabtIrg FC600· Photo not ~ u.t PrIce: $7345 DIap/IceI...1t: 595. lee EngIne type: Liquld-cooled, singI~nder tour-stroke Bore x atroIc8: 95 x84mm CoIIlpnallon 1'IlIo: 11.3;1 e.tlunIIIon: 38mm DeU'Orto IgnIlIon: ElectronIc Tl'InImIulon apeeda: 6 StartIng ayal8m: Kick Fuel CIpIICIty: 2.25 gal. ignition: Electronic rr-mJulon IPIIda: 6 Starting lyal8m: Electric Full CIjlICIty: 2.25 gal. WheIIbue: 58.7 in. Raklllrall: NlA s.t height: 37.4 in, Front lire: 3.00-21 AeIr lire: 4.50-19 Front whIeI \nMlI: 11.6 in. ReI!' whIeI travel: 12.8 in. Front bnIIlI: Disc AeIr brlIke: Disc FInal drtYe: Chain ClaImed dry weight: 237.2 Ibs. ignition: EIecIronic Tranllllllulon IpIlIda: 6 StartIng ayatem: Kick Fuel capaclty: 2.25 gal. Wheelbase: 58.7 in. Rake/lrall: NlA Sest height: 37,4 in. Front tire: 3.00-21 R.... lIre: 4.50-19 Front whIeIlrlIvel: 11.6 in. Ra8r wheel travel: 12.8 in. Front brlIke: Disc Ra8r brlIke: Disc FInlII drMt: Chain ClaImed dry waIght: 257.2 Ibs. HuabtItg FCfIJfJ· PfroI;o not.. , ~ Uat PrIce: $7145 011$1 CI DIll 400cc EngIne type: LiqIickooIed. si1gle-cytInder fotr-sllOke len x slrolaa: 92 x 6O.2mm WIwiIIIwc 58.7 in. A I I'nI:N1A 9III1lIIgIlt: 37.4 in. fftlnllh: 3.00-21 Allrlh: 4.5G-19 Front 1mII: 11.6 in. AIIr ImII: 12.8 in. Front brlIIIr. Disc ComflIllalcn nIIIo: 11.6:1 CBabuilllolc 3alIlI DeII'Or\) IgnllIDn: Electronic AIIr ....:Disc FlnII drM: Chain ClIImed dry MIght: 232.51bs. 11. . . IIIIon 8pIIds: 6 .-r. S1IrlIng Kick Fuel ClIpIClty: 2.25 gal. HustIbetg FE35fJ. Photo not MiIIIbIe WIIeeIbIae: 58.7 in. Ralllllrlll: NlA S8It hIIght: 37.4 in. Front lire: 3.00-21 FlaIr lire: 4.5G-19 Front \nMlI: 11.6 in. FlaIr 1mII: 12.8 in. Front : Disc ..... brIII-= Disc FlnII drive: Chain CIaIIIIed dry IIIight: 235.4Ibs. Uat PrIce: $7195 DlIfII-ment 349.5cc EngIne type: J.iqukk:ooIed, singIe-cyIinder tour-stroke Bore xatroIc8: 86 x60.2mm COU.....slan~ 11.7:1 CIrbuNlIon: 3llrMl DeIl'Or\) ignition: Electronic TI"""'" IPIIda: 6 SlIrtIng ayatem: Kick Full CIPICIty: 2.25 gal. ......... 58.7 in. RaIwfu... N1A s.t IlIIgIIt 37.4 in. Front tIrI: 3.~21 AIIr tIrI:"4.50-19 Front 1mII: 11.6111. RMr 1nIWI: 12.8 in. Front DIsc AIIr brlIIIr. DIsc FlnII drM: Chain QIIIIIId dry weight: 232.81bs. WlleeIblIw. 58.7 In. RalaI/IIaII. NlA SIlIl hIigbI: 37.4 in. Front lIN: 3.00-21 Raw tlre: 4.5G-19 Front lnIVaI: 11.8 in. AIIr !mII: 12.8 In, Front bnIIra: DIsc Re8r ....:DIsc FInII drM: Chai1 CI8ImId dry WlIIght: 236.9 Ibs' HUMberg FE400E EJ.Duro • Photo not.".,.. Hussberg FE350E EI-Duro • Photo not BVtIIIIIbIe Uat PrIce: $7995 ~ 400cc EngIne type: Liquickooled, singIe-qlinder four-stroke Bore x Ilroke: 92 x60.2mm Compreuion 18\10: 11.6:1 C8rbunItIon: 38mm DelI'Orto ignition: Electronic TnIIIInllulon speeds: 6 Starting ayatem: Electric Fuel cepICity: 2.25 gal. WhlIeIlae. 58.7 in. RakeIlnIll: N1A S8It height: 37.4 in. Front lire: 3.00-21 Re8r tlre: 4.50-19 Front wheellnIVaI: 11.6 in. AeIr wheellnIVaI: 12.8 in. Front ....: Disc FlaIr brlIke: Disc FlnII drMt: Chain CIslm8d dry weight: 254.81bs. Uat PrIce: $7945 ~ ..ot: 349'5cc EngIne type: Uquid-eooled, ~inder four-stroke Bore x stroke: 86 x60.2nvn CompnIaaIon 1'IlIo: 11.7:1 C8JtIIntion: 38mm DeU'Orto ignition: Electronic Tnmsrnlulon speeds: 6 StsrlIng systIm: Electric Fuel capaclty: 2.25 gal. 1IWlI....... 58.7 in. ""8IIII_:: RaIliIIlraII: NlA SIlIl height: 37.4 in. Front lire: 3.00-21 Rawtlnl: 4.50-19 Front whIeIlnIVaI: 11.6 in. Raw whIeIlnIVaI: 12.8 in. Front tn.: Disc Raw tn.: Disc FIneJ drive: Chain Claimed dry Might: 252.3 Ibs. Husaberg FES01 •Photo not BVSiIBbIe Wheelbase: 58.7 in. Hussberg FE501E EJ-Duro· Photo not avaJl6bItI Ra~I:NlA Uat PrIce: $8095 DIsplacement: 500.9cc Engine type: Liquid-cooled, single-cylinder fourstroke Bore x stroke: 95 x 70.7mm Compression ratio: 11.5:1 C8rbunItIon: 38mm Delrorto 19n1tIon: EIecIronic Trensmlulon speeds: 6 StartIng systllm: Electric Fuel ClIpIClty: 2.25 gal. LIst PrIce: $7295 Displacement: SOO.9cc Engine type: Liquid-eooled, single-cylinder four-stroke Bore x stroke: 95 x 70.7mm Compression ratio: 11.5:1 Carburation: 38mm Dell'Orto ignition: Electronic TnlIIInlIulon speeds: 6 SbII1Ing lyal8m: Kick Fuel cspecIty: 2.25 gal. S8It height: 37.4 in. Front tire: 3,00-21 Rear tire: 4.50·19 Front wheel trevel: 11.6 in. Rear wheel trevel: 12.8 in. Front nke: Disc Rear brlIke: Disc FInal drtw: Chain dry IIIight: 238.3 Ibs. ClaIm. , Wheelbase: 58.7 in. RlIkeItrall: NlA S8It height: 37.4 in. Front tire: 3.00-21 Rear tire: 4.50-19 Front wheellnIVaI: 11.6 in. Raw wheel trevel: 12.8 in. Front tn.: Disc Re8r tn.: Disc FInIII drM: Cham CI8ImId dry MIgIIt: 254.81bs.

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