Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 01 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 83 of 175

",.".,. U51rXC LiII PrIDr. NlA 01.$'1 c.1NIIt 124.6cc Eng..... type: Uquld-cooled, single-cyllnder two-slIOke Ben llllrollr. 56 x5O.6rml CampI 1liiian 1liiio: 9.0:1 CIl1lunIlIan: 35mm Mikuni 12G'9G-18 Frant ...... tr8It 12.0 In. ~CDl TI'Ir i IpIICII: 6 SlII1Ing IJI'IIII: KIck Fuel apICIly: 3.2 gal. WheIIbIIe: 56.12 In. FIIk&'IrIII: NlA s.t height: 35.04 in. Fnlnt 1ft: 90190-21 I , .......... lnIWl: 12.6 In. Front 1lI'lIIle: Disc AIIr 1lI'lIIle: Disc FInal drive: Chain CIIImId dry weight: 205 Ibs. Husqvsma 250 WXC LiII PrIer. NlA DIIpIIcImeIIl. 249.6cc EngIne type: Uquick:ooled, sin~ two-stroke Ben lllrolre: fil x70.8mm COlllpl'll.1on I'8l1o: 9.0: 1 c.buI.aon: 38mm Mikuni HuBqrmra _ WXC IJIt PrIDr. NlA 01• • 1 IIIIlI: 348.8l:c EngIne type: ~ s1nllleqliider two-slroke Ben llllrollr. 78 x 73mm Compr•••1MIIIIo: 6.9:1 CIItllnlIan: 38mm MikunI 19nIlIon: COl 1'I1111l11i1l1loo i speedI: 6 SlIrlIAg IyIlem: KIck Full cap8C1ty: 3.2 gal. WhMIbIIe: 57.09 in. RIMIlrII:NlA s.t IIIIgIIt: 35.04 in. Front lIr8: 90190-21 ....1nIIe: Disc FIIIII drive: ChaIn CIIII.-d dry W8IFt: Wills. ,.*,' ....... ......... 91.5x60.8mm c.pllllwlllllo: 11.4:1 CIItIInIlan: 34mm Del'0I1D H~610WXC four-slroke Ben Iltnllre: 98 X76.5nm alw 1liiio: 11.2:1 CIrbuNlIon: «lmIII oerom ea. Fnlnt ...... lnIWl: 12.0 in. .......... trM: 12.6 In. FnInt bnIIII: Disc AIIr bnIIII: Disc FInIl drive: Chain CIIimId dry WlIIgllI: 222.7 lis. .... lIre: 130/9lH8 Front ...... trnII: 12.0 In. .......... lnIWl: 12.6 In. Fnlrt Inka: Disc tgnllIall: COl ...... InhnlpllCll: 6 . . ..,aa.:KIck FlIII CIIIdr: 3.2 gal. ........ 57.09in. JlIIInIII: NlA s.t IlIIgIIl: 35.04 in. Fnlnttn: 90190-21 19nIlIon: COl ~41OWXC LIlt PIIcI: NlA lloJl..-a: 6 Dr t' • III1l: 399.5cc · . . . ~KIck Full elIpdJ: 2.4 gal. - -type: Liqukkxloled, slngte-cyInder Ust Pric:I: NlA DilIpIamInI: 577.04cc EngIne type: Liquickooled, IingIeqIIndBr .... tn: 130190-18 ........58.86it AalrI/IIII: NlA s.t hIIghl: 34.84 it Fnlrt tn: 9OIllO-21 130190-18 Fnlnt.... tmII: 12.0 it .............. ,2.6In. AaIIt InIII: DIsc ....1nIIr. DIsc FIIlII drive: Chtin • CIIlItId dry WIIIIIt 57... AIIr lire: 130190-18 Front wheel tnmIl: 12.0 in. AIIr wheef tnmIl: 12.6 in. IgnIlIon: COl 1'lInImlIIIan 1pIICII: 6 SlII1Ing""': KIck Full CIpIICIly: 2.4 gal. ""'11. 58.86 in. Front brIk8: Disc AIIr brIk8: Disc FInII drive: Chain CIIIImed dry WIlghl: 2581Js. FIIIM1IIt NlA s.t hIIghl: 34.84 it Fnlnt tlrr. 90190-21 IIusqrtIrN 125 WXE LiII PrIer. NlA IgnIlIon: COl ,.,...,..... Dleplll:lment; 124.6cc SlIrIIng Eng..... type: Liquld-cooled, single-cylinder Filii capICIty: 3.2 gal. two-stroke WhMlbIse: 55.12 in. Rak8llnlll: NlA s.t height: 35.04 in. Front tire: 90190-21 llore llllrollr. 56 X5O.6mm Cortp'n.lan 1liiio: 9.0:1 CIl1lunIlIan: 35mm Mlkuni :6 : Kick .... tIre: 12G'9G-18 Fnlnt tmII: 12.0 in. AIII' trnII: 12.6 In. Front brllle: Disc AIIr 1nkI: DIsc FInII drive: Chain CIIimId dry INIght: 2051bs.

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