Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I·E N S. yE T ., di spat ch in g of Morris and Aydelott, Ingram squared a comer hard under Barnes and took a lead w hich las ted until the next tum when he dropped his R.M25O and handed the lead back to Barnes. Ayd elott wasn 't just hanging around in second , though , a nd got his point across when he powered past Barnes on the last lap to take the lead and the moto win. Moto two saw Aydelott start out front wit h Morris glued to his rear fend er. Quietly sneaking u p on this duo was H onda rider Reve l Phillips wh o app ea red to b e pulling a "McGrath." After finishing near the back of the pack in the fir st -mote outdoor race, Ph illi ps came to life when the lights came on for the second-moto "su percross." Phillips hammered his way pas t Morri s through the whoop section and his next victim was Aydelott when he double jumped his wa y past to take the lead, much to th e d eli ght of h is very vocal and supportive cheering sec tio n. Phillips won the battle but Ayde lott won the wa r as his 1-2 score earned the first-place plaq ue . Results P/W 8 : 1. Cole Boutwe ll; 2. Zac Cnl m; 3. Co ry Ca rlso n; 4. J"JIOn You ng; S. Jami e Lewis P/ W C: 1. David Clark; 2. Justin McQueen; 3. JOlih Smde y; ua Bobby Sch wartz (front) took th e challenge from Brad Oxley and took home the • Challenge Cup at Costa Mesa Speedwa y In California. 4. Justi n Jam('!l; 5. Cort')' McCaJT a JR MINI: 1. Jay Owsley ; 2.. James Stepht'n.S; 3. Stepht>n CaD away: 4.Cull"Boutwt'll; 5. Mitchell Smt'ge ls ki Schwartz wins Challenge Cup at Costa Mesa By Elaine Jo nes UTH BEG: I . Andrew Higgins (Yam); 2. Larry TJ"e'fino (Suz); 3. Mic M yen (H on). VET BE 1. Jim Osmon (Suz); 2. Troy Shiflett ()(awl; 3. Brian G: Bell (Suz) . VET JR: 1. Kurt Ca nnon (Kl w); 2. C het Malito (Hon); 3. Dan Fitch (Suz). VET lNT: 1. De ve Silves tri (Suz) : 2. St~C' Skellenger (Suz ); 3. Greg Nelson (Hon). . McHenry, Miller shine at Lakeside Motocross By r.o, Jon es BASTROP. TX. APR. 30 On a track sporting even more changes since last mo n t h's first race u nder new ow ners Fre d Dupuy and Matt Stanger, Austin riders johnny McHenry a nd Austi n Miller took the top spo ts in the 50cc class on th eir KTMs a t Lakeside Motosport Raceway. McHen ry re peat ed h is March win while Miller brought his KTM home second in both motes . Chase Simpson parlayed a third and a first into the overall win in bOce Junior class whil e Kody Koger was the most consistent rider in the wild, nine-bike field , coming in secon d in both motos . Brian Brassard wo n the first mot e , but his third-place finish in the second dropped him to thi rd overall. Last mon th , B. [. Breeden took t he 125cc Beginner w in o n his Im pact Kaw asaki 100 feet ahead of Tommy Andrade. This mon th, Breeden moved to the ,l25cc Novice and Open classes, opening the door for Andrade. already a winner this year . But while Andrade's Yama ha won the first mota in the ll-rider race, Brassard took the second on a Suzuki to slam the doo r and captu re the wi n, leaving Andrade second overall. Breeden struggled in the 125cc Novice class as he tried to overcome a pow er d isadvantage and o n ly managed fourth o v e r a ll beh ind Aust in rid er Rob ert Ti emann' s Hond a, th e Yamaha of Will Murphy. a nd Scott Whitis on a Kawasaki . Then, with entries short in 80ee Open class, Harley Murphy joined Breeden in 125cc Open class on an 80cc Yamaha and the tw o finished seco nd a nd third, with Breeden eve n leading even tua l winner Tiema nn early . Results so: 1. Johnny McHt'nry (KTM); 1. Au s ti n Miller (KThf) ; 3. Robtort Y"k l"SCh (Ho n ); 4. JUl!Itin Ta ylor (Ya m ); S. Clint Bra neff (Y;unJ . 60 JR: 1. Cha St.'Simpson (Kaw); 1. Kody Koger (Kaw); 3. Brian Bras541rd ( Kaw); 4. Da nny Buc ht!r (Ka w) ; 5. Jo hnn y McHenry (Kaw) . ln 60 SR 1. C ha!le Sim pIK (K.1wk02 . Ch .ln a.> Davi s (Ka wl ; 3. Stu a rt McH enry (Kaw); 4. Dilnn y Bucher (Kaw ). SOBEG: 1. J ~ Pola!W (Suz); 1. Brad Gr ace (Ho n); 3. Shawn k Hrab.U (Ho n); 4. T~y Mundine (Ho n), 5. J.R.Sanchez {Yam) . 125 BEG: 1. Brian BraSlldrd (5uz): 2. Tommy And rade (Yam) ; 3. Gary WlL 'lOn (Suz); 4. Robert Turner (Ho n); 5. John Ca rrith ers (Yam) . 125 NOV : 1. Robert Tiemann (Ho n); 2. Will Murphy (Yam); 3. Scott Whitis (Ka w); 4. 8 . J. 8 I't"Nen (~w ); 5. EWn Kettt-ma n (Hon ). 125 OPEN: 1. Robert TIt-m.1nn (HON; 2. B. J. Bl'ft'den (Kaw ); 3. Hartl!)' Mwphy (Yam); 4. Will Murphy (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. Bobby Klimit chli'k (Hon); 1. JOl'ioh Robinson (Yam); 3. Du a ne Robin. on (Ya m) ; 4. Tommy M iller (Ka w ); 5. Cody Yoakum (Kaw ). 250 OPEN: 1. Jack Kelly (Ka w); 1. Keith Schaefer (Hon), 3. Marty Law (Ho n. • 30+ : 1. Jack Beckham (Hon); 1. Ronn ie Taylor (Hon); 3- Rus.ell Chapman (Hon); 4. Tommy Miller ()(aw). COSTAMESA, CA,MAY 5 The Legal Rights Defend ers Challenge Cup was run at Cost a Mesa Speedway , in trod uci ng an in te res ti n g format based upon the one-lap, do n't-be-last principle. After each lap , the last rider of the pack is eliminated, and must exit the track. The racing continues in that fashion until there is but one rider left. The last two laps a re a two-rider go wit h the winn er getting a direct transfer to the final. The second rider thro ugh the fourth trans fer to semis - the winners of which go to the main event · and the fifth rider is relegated to a last-chance race. The last cha nce winner then himse lf gets tra nsferred to a semi for an opportunity to earn a spot in the fina l. . Robe rt Pfetzing, Brad Oxle y and Bobby Schwartz were all fortu nat e enough to transfer via wi ns in thei r hea ts, and from the semis, Shawn McConnell and Charlie Venegas advanced to the final. The first round of the Challenge Cup sa w Pfetzing lead the way while Oxley, Venegas, Schwartz a nd McConnell followed him home, thus eliminating McConnell . The riders lined up again, rotating their starting positions , and this time Venegas got the drop on the field and Pfetzing was last. On the third go-around. Schwartz turned up the heat and sco red the win, while Venegas was eliminated . . There wer e on ly two rid ers left, Schwartz and Oxley, running one on one. The gate went up and Schwartz won the drag race to the corner. Earlier in the even ing Schwartz had been going way out to t he wall and then divin g aggressively in to t h e turn s . Knowing that Oxley's sty le is to ride a tight line, Schwartz kept it down low , and though Oxley shadowed the two-time U.S. National champ the whole race, Venegas took Challenge Cup victory. Results LRD CHALLENGE CUP: 1. Bobb y Sc hwa rt z (Wes) ; Brad Ox lt")' (W ell); 3. Cha rlie V"""f;itS (ja w) ; 4. Rob Pfetzing (Well); 5. Shawn Ml'Connt!l 1 (CON). HOCP MAlN : 1. Gary Ackroyd (Wt'S); 2. Ch arli e Ven eoga", (Jaw) ; 3. Jim Estn (Wt'S); 4. Bobb y Sch wa rtz (Wes); 5. Shaw n McCo nnl"1l (CON). SDCARS: 1. Steele /King (Ho n); 2.. Sia nton / Dt-nt (Yam); 3. H.111 / Mi1I 'r (Ya m); 4. Morrow /M.l ggin (Yam) . { SUProRT MAlN: 1. Dav id Ta ylo r (Wes ); 2 . Jake Zemkli' Oaw); 3. Jo hn O' Neil 001 ; 4. C rnig OIi' hillip pi 0 .1 ; 5. Lmy "0') P "0') Rowl ey (jaw~. Aydelott's Gulf Coast Motocross champ By MIke Will iams MILTON, FL, APR. 29 , West Florida Moto-Cross Park held their annual Gulf Coas t Championship race today and when the night was over, Steve Ayd elott was among the newly crowned champi ons . The Championship race was unique in that the first mot o was held during the day on the outdoor course and the second mota wa s run at night under the lights of the supercross track. In the opening Vet C class moto. Randy Morris shot his Kawasaki into the lead with Aydelott and Paul Barnes in hot pursuit. Suzuki-mounted james Ingram appeared to be the fastest rider on the track as he quickly made up gro und on the ' leaders af ter starting a dista n t fourth . After 80 B: 1. Brian Yo ung; 2.. Rand y Mason . 80 C 1. Hal Martin; 2. Jeffrey Ca in; 3. Dm-k Fo",,; 4. Patrick Duvall; 5. Jus tin Smli'8t"lr;ki. so 0 : 1. Cu rt Ward; 2. Jt'1TY Burt on ; 3. Ronnie Moic hen; 4. N icole Tau b;5. Tyler Cotton . 125 B: 1. Jon Simmons; 2.. Kevin Cngle; 3. N ick Morris; 4. Ron 1 nie RamiKaJ. 12$ C: 1. Nic k Thom as; 2. Jd f McCarTa; 3. Matt Bdk; 4. Brad Tay lor; 5. Jon McCarre. 125 0 : 1. Brr nt Abbo tt; 2. Jerry Me rri tt; 3. Brian You ng; 4. Rick Thoma s; 5. Jl!'TemY Ait km. ." 250 B: 1. Keith English; 1. Mike Williams; 3. Erie Elam; 4. Lee Joh nson. 250 C: r. Brian ~n; 2. Justin Duvall; 3. Kazi Keskt'l'SO R; 4. Sleven Williams; 5. Phillip Wilkinson. 250 D: 1. Rht!tt Peel; 2. Joe e N m; 3. Steven Brousseau; 4. Ray ter ed th e race only a co u p le of bike lengths behind the lead er for the overall win. Results Pee Wl't'Track . STK A: 1. Andrew Nason (Yam) ; 2. Michat'i Parker (Yam ). STK B: 1. Sean Mclnroe (Yam ); 2. Justin Workman (Yam); 3. Micha el laPaglia (KT M); 4. Ta yl o r Gil more (Ya m) ; 5. Ju red BroWl\li' (KTM). BEC STK (4-6): 1. WalT't'n Davi s UI (KTM); 1. Chase T<1k.aoo (Ya m l; 3. B.J. Bohrer (KTM); 4. Kameron Scott (KTM); 5. Bruce Rutherford (Yam) . BEG SI"K (7-8): 1. Micha"l Rata es (Yam) ; 1. Brand on Hin er (Yam); 3. Terrence Schoel e n (Yam); 4. Sean Co llc"man (Ya m). MO D BEC (4-8): 1. Bryan Brimhall (Yam ); 2. Jeff Loop (Yam ); 3. KanwTlln Scott ( KlM); 4. Noah Hernande z (Yam); 5. Chris Aleksicjczyk (Ya m). MO D A: 1. Michali' Pa rker (Ya m); 2. An d rew Nason (Yam). l MO D B: 1. Mic ha e l la Pag lia (KT M); 2. Jus ti n Wo r kma n (Ya m); 3. Taylor Gilmore (Yam ). STRTR 14-6): 1, Ch.u Diesel (Yam); 2.. Ph illip Aube (Yam); 3. Brian Aanm y (Yam) ; 4. Jus tin Whaler (Ya m); 5. Dakota Fischer (Yam) . ST RT R (7·8 ): 1. Cody Joh nso n (Ho n) ; 2. MinI Overm a n ' ( KllA ). . Sul""'m"OM T rack 60 (6-8): 1. JOlohua G rant U; 4. Ch uck Manha rd {Yam);S. Jeff Fogto (Hon). l 30+ NOV : 1. Dav id Bam ... (Ho n); 2.. Mark Stroup (y am) : 3. Jerry Sechler

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