Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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to pull away again. Fau lkner had slowly bee n ree ling in Tittlemier and made the pass fOT the runner· up posit ion at the IS-minute mark of the 45-minute race. Cliff Jennings proved to be un touchable, easily leading every lap and taking the checkered flag going away. Faulkner kept up a pretty good pace to finis h in second . Tittlemier held off the charges of Kevin Jennings to eam third. Ty Renshaw was equally impressive in the SOee Beginner class, going wire to wire for the convincing win. Resu lts P / W B-2 1. Dustin De Lu cia (Yam ); 2. Do uglas Ca rter (Yam) . P /W B-1: 1. Dave Cartt>r (Yam ). P / W A: 1. Jared Tebo (Yam). 60 BEG: t . Michael Pa rker (K.1w); 2 . N ick Sweany (Ka w ). 60 (D-8) : 1. Troy Titt lemi er (Ka w); 2. Dan e Jackson ( . 60 (9-11 ): 1. N icho las Burson (Ka w). 80 BEG: 1. T y Re ns ha w (Kaw); 2. Joe Felts (502) ; 3. Perry Richm ond (Ka w) ; 4. Davi d De Lu cia (Yam). 80 (7~1 1): 1. Dylan Lord O-lon); 2. Demit"!Jen kins Olon). 80 (]2·13): 1. C liff Jennin~ (Ka w ); 2. Johnner Fau lkner (H on ); 3. Tyson Tittlem.ier (Suz) ; 4. Kevin Jennings (J(a w ). 80 (] 4-16): 1. Brian Sw eany (Yam). B/W: 1. Ben Stu elk e (Ka w). VIN T: 1. Ken G ree n e (C Z ); 2. Bill G ree ne (Hon); 3 . G.1r y Eglo ff (}ius) ; 4. Chris Frei (}ius ). DECADE : 1. Greg Robertson (Yam ); 2. Phil Black IHon); 3. SethPearce (Yam) ; 4. Toivo Kent (BuI). 125 BEG: 1. Dan Parra r (Su z); 2. Art SaL.u:ar (Kaw); 3 . Matt Lupersio (Hon). 125 NOV: 1. Kevin Tarwaler (502). 125 INT: 1. Brian Sweany (SU%). 125 PRO:1. Turtle Wikoff (Suz). 250 BEG 1. Brian Pina rd (Yam); 2. Rodney Roemmich (Yam) ; : 3. Brian Naranjo (Yam) ; 4 . Rick Norris (H o n). 250 NOV : 1. Cary Brown (Ka w ). 250 lNT: 1. Ken Reed (Ka w); 2. Robbie Du nham (Ya m ). 250 PRO: 1. Tracy"Asher (Suz); 2. Nick Mairose (5 02). 500 BEG 1. R.N. Bohannan (Ka w ). : 500 NOV : I. Jon Hall (Hon). JR VET BE 1. Dan Famar (SUZ); 2. Willia m Potts (Suz); 3 . G: Ron Gregg (Yam) . JR VET NOV: 1. Marty Est~ (Hon); 2. Fernando Berroteran (}-Ion). JR VET !NT: 1. Ken Eh lt"t!' (Yam) . JRVETEX: I. Mark Ho rton (Yam) ; 2. Joe 0' Hara (Hon) . VET BEG: 1. Da n ny Pad illa (Hon); 2. John AdalJUl (Kaw); 3. Robert Coulter (Kaw); 4 . Chris Fret (Han). VET NOV: 1. Mike Carr CHon); 2. Cary Brown (Kaw); 3. Eric Fleming (Yam) ; 4 . Tom Millet' (Yam) ; 5. Scott Pekanok (Han). VET t N T: 1. Bri an Re n s h aw (Ka w ); 2. James C oppedge (Yam); 3. Randy Titt lemier (Hon ). VET EX: t .jcn Zahrt (Yam),2. I.A'O Sa ul (Yam). SR INT : 1. G.1ry Egloff (Hu n) . SR EX:1. Bob Dunham (Yam). OI T NOV : 1. See ve Alexa nd l"t (Yam); 2. Jo hn Craft (Kaw); 3. Steve Popjoy (Kaw); 4. Sco tt Pelkey ; S. Da le Brockett. O IT A M: 1. C ha rles Ho well (Yam); 2. Ch uc k Row e (Yam); 3 . David Burson

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