Ouradvanced compounding makes your
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Just a few reasonsthat performance-oriented
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Sintered Bronze Brake Pads from SKW
mot o rcy cle, took th e co ns o la tio n win o ver
Luce ro, Jim Estes and Greg Ayers to earn his
spo t tn the main .
Schwa rtz, the un d isputed mas ter of the star t,
shot out into the lead when the tapes went up
and that was all "Boogaloo" needed as the res t
o f the field was left to fight ove r second place,
w h ich Manchest er and Vene gas d id, Venegas
e ven tua lly taking the spo t.
The handicap main was a good race as well
w ith former junior rider Fred Tim berlak e. Taking th e lead o n th e s ta rt with Ven eg as and
Lucero cha rging off the high yard lines to move
throu gh the pack and chall enge the front-r un ne rs . Lu cero's ch allen ge puttered ou t ab out
m id race as he dropped back w ith appare nt bike
p roblems.
Venegas, h owever, ca me up to cha lle nge
Timb erlake and when a bobbl e by Timber lake
almos t collected both of them , Venegas made
the pass and blasted home for the victory with
Timberlake ha nging on for second ove r Brian
Pap palardo, Dustin Evan s, Lucero and Jessee
Finch, who crashed out.
• Stops with authority, stop afterstop,
without trashing your rotors
• HH-rated- a step above the competition
• Predictable, linear braking-the last stop
is.as good as the first
• Builtwith integrityfrom a cutting-edge
Sintered BronzeAlloy
• Descended from the technologythat stops
military and commercial aircraft worldwide.
VelveT Rotors - tailor-made to
stop in tandem with VelveTouch
Brake Pads-can save you as
much as 30%off the price of
~- comparable OE products!
SC RC H MAIN: 1. Bobb y Sch wartz; 2. Chr;4. John Aden ; 5. Brent w emer.
HOCP MA IN: 1. Cha rlie Vent"gu ; 2. Fnod Timbc>rlilkc; 3. Bri.in
r..ppa lardo; 4. Dustin Evans; 5. Steve LuC'l."T'O; 6. Jessee Finch.
SUP MAIN : 1. Jal.:l- Zem ke; 2. C ha rlie Cooley; 3. Den nis Slepa'
m·n ko; 4. Mark Ht"SSl'; 5, Sean Ga lvez.
SUP BEG MAIN : 1. Rick Pt'arre; 2. Bryan Tho mpllOn;3. David
LYrM:h; 4. Molrk Kellum ; 5. Wa lter Johnson.
SDCAR MA IN: 1. Dean SI~I,d Dw ay ne King; 2. Don H OThIl.'Y/ Jt' ff Medbe r r y; 3. Dirk C ard e ne r / Do ug Lyn ch ; 4. Da ve
Stl-phlmS/ Ray Stt:p hens; 5. Peter Lew is / Jamie Mary.
TheS.K W
. ellma Corp.
6180CochranRd.•Solon, Ohio 44139(800)234·9558
By Larry Trevino
Sp ort Cycle Suzuki rid er Dave Silvestri showed
his stu ff during the CM C~san ct ioned motocross
race at the Hom Rapid s a .R.V. Par k, hammering out wins in the 250cc and Vet Intermedi ate
Silvestri bested th e field by w inning both
rno tosIn the Vet class and tra d ed mot o w ins
w ith Ron Tha lheim er in the 250cc class. Third
p lace went to Steve Skelleng er as all thr ee were
tu ni ng up for the up coming CMC /Pack West
N ationa l MX Series wh ich runs th rough June
a nd July .
In othe r acti on Yamaha rider Jeff Ham ill
looked very strong as he came through the pack
all da y to win the 250cc and Comb ined Beginner
classes. Emi l Barber got ba ck to his winn ing
ways as he took his Honda to the 125cc Intermedi ate class win. Honda-mounted Mike Finn ey
followed a close second while Kawasaki rid er
Rocky Gilmore finished a respectable third.
In the biggest and most wa tched class of
the day. the 125cc Beginner class, the officia ls
had to
to a supercross format with two heat
races, and a last ch ance qualifier fo r the 30rider main eve nt. Heat one Ju stin Hilker arid
he a t two went to Rodney Taylor. In the main
event, Kyle Luther took his Honda through the
tig ht rac ing fo r th e main ev en t win; secon d
p lace went to Hilker and third went to Honda's
John Carpino.
Rick Sim met topped the 125 and 250cc Pro
class wins as he led from sta rt to fmish in both
Resu lts
P/ W BEG I. M;\lIwe ll Pope (KIM); 2. Keith Ba lt~rson (Yf (Ho n); 3.
Ky lc Harris (Kaw ).
80 (12·13): 1. Ian MolCk (Ka w ); 2. Derek Lusk (Yam): 3. Jason
Zuhlke (K.Jw);
80 (14-16): 1. Erk Carver (Yam); 2. Shawn Gilbert (Yo1I m).
S/MINI : 1. Ja'lO Z uhlke (Ka w); 2. Ian Mack (Kaw) ; 3. Donn ie
Wolfe (Vam).
125 BEG: 1. Kyle Luther (Hon); 2. IU90tin Hilker (Suz ); 3. 1
Ca rp ino (Hon ).
125 JR: 1. C raig Sla no1lway (Hon); 2. Michae l Lank hclar (Hon );
3. Ceeey
(Ho n).
125 INT: 1. Emil Bar ber (Ho n); 2. Mike Fin ney (Ho n) ; 3.
Reeky Cil mo l"t" (Kaw) .
125 PRO: 1. Rick Simm et (Hon).
250 BEG: 1. Jef Ham ill (Yam); 2. Cra ig Dion (Hon); 3. Chris
Mullin ney (Kaw ).
250 JR: 1. Kev in Logs to n (Suz) ; 2. Sco t t Rei man (Ka w ); 3.
Robert Chnstensen (5uz).
250 INT: 1. Dave Silves tri (Suz); 2. Ron Tha lheimer (Suz ); 3.
Steve Skelll·ng e r (Suz ).
2SOPRO: 1. Rick Sim met (Hon).
500 BEG : 1. Stcvt' Kollmar (Ho n); 2. Man: Monis (Hon) ; 3.
Mark Hoffman (Kaw).
SOO JR: 1. Dana vsnetee (I<.lw).
OfT BEC: 1. 11mOs m