Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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in spite of what his third overall shows. The trio
was never mo re tha n fou r bik e leng ths apart
throughout the da y.
Res ults
PREM L/W NOV: 1. Hury Higgins..
PREM L/W D EX: I. Slew Tudn taiA); 2. o.n Johns (AJS) :
3. TI'd rr--n II (Hus).
PREM l/W D L'\IT 1. J.. y Wilson Jr. IAJS); 2. M.trc Comri
SPTSMN 125 NOV; 1. JO(' Kim" (Yam) ; 2. John Bruc~ (Han);
3. cs.n Kuykt'nd;tll (Han).
SPTSMN !SO NOV; I . MK'lwt'1 Andt'nUft ("on); 2. Georg~
Nilna' «2); 3. ICt'nnethT'hom.t8 (Mon) .
UI L/W II NOV: 1. Phil Grundy (Puc); 2. [)pl(tt'f Gardll"fthirt
U/ l / W II INT: 1. Ja!K)n Ezt"ll (KT M); 2. Richard Ba ulch
(Mok) ; 3. Danid Beber (DKW).
U/ L/W II EX: I. Hugh WN vt"r(BuJ).
SPTS MN 125 EX A : L Oolrin Enawil.. r (Hon); 2. Tim ot hy
WC.llVt1' (Bul); 3 . Dou&lal>Wm.tuU (}-Ion).
SPTSMN 125 INT B: 1. John Fwnch CHoN; 2.. William Null·
rod (Hon); 3. JamE'5KO!'ti v~1 CH
on); 4, J.~ Smith C
C·A) ; 5. David
5P'TSMN 250 EX A.:. 1. Philip Slrver Ulon); 2. Todd Hamilton
3. J~ Ragen Jr. (Pt'R); 4. Rand y Tomlinloon (BuO:S. Dou gl..
Wm.tzell (Ya m).
SPTSMN 250 (NT B: 1. Wt'!Iley Miller (0.); 2. Tim oth y Jack son (Han); 3. Lester Cregan (Hon); 4. o.,vld Ught (Bul); 5. Craig
Borders (Hon).
SMS MN O PEN nvN EX: I. Beno Rodi (No r).
SPTSMN O PEN TWN lNT: 1. Tom Prance (Hon); 2. Richa rd
Baulch (Yam ); 3. Ron Ell~ (Hon).
SPTSMN OPEN 1WN NOV: 1. Mar k N t"bllm (Rik).
PREM SOO It EX: 1. Stt'V1" Tu cker (BSA); 2. Diln JohN (AJS): 3.
Philip. Ha nford (BSA).
I lNT: 1. Jam n Smi th (BSA ); 2. Da vid T uck .r
(BSA); 3. Danit'l Bdter (Puc) .
SPTSMN.5OO EX: 1. Tunothy w eaver (Bul); 2. Todd H.unilton
(Ma~; 3. Rid: H ucbo n (Ma i); 4. DuuglaJr, Wen tull (Yam); 5. Eddie
La.m ben (Su z)
SPTSMN 500 INT: 1. Davi..t Go ye r ( M~I); 2.. Ch uck Pa rv y
(Hus); 3. Ray W.. ir {CZ>; 4. Dan i.1 rayrw (M..O; 5. Al.x Mo roz
Not only was the course at the Fort Hood,
Texas, Cross Country wet .from rain, the
riders also had to negotiate deep creek
()...15 EX:
1. Dick Burleso n (Suz ); 2. Ge ne Pa nnt' 1J (Ho n); 3.
Morg~n (Y~m l;
4. Fred die Dejamt'a n (Yam); 5. Mike Ead ll
OCaw ).
EX; 1. Bill fleming (Suz): 2. Cha r," Pri tchett (Kaw); 3.
(Hon>: 4. Larry Perry (Ya m).
4·srRJ( EX: 1. B1't'I\ 5elWni (Hon); 2. Jl"remY AhbN n (Sud; 3.
Chrb CArt er (Ho n); 4. Kt'vin Low rimoff' (Ho n); 5. Tom Elunkt'
H.w.-n Smith
P/ W IR: 1. Justin Hager; 2. Brian Collins; 3. Krith BarittJMr.
4. Cody So kolik; 5. lDui5 CA-illtnlektt.
P/W SR: 1. J..rPd. Kl"\Int ~; 2. Garrett Hojnacki; 3. Robert
1..oir1r. ... Orftlt }Wad; S. Orm.-k Whi tney.
125 A: 1. Eron Ezerins; 2. Karter BU!lM'; 3. Todd May~ 4.
a..d vanaJstno;5. Jneny 8dritoner.
125 8: 1. ~ Hod~; 2. Ray Thompson; 1. Justin ..
P;atrick Boyden,;S. Philip Moran.
125 C·I : 1. Bria n Glad; 2. Rick Williams; 3. Skip Schneider. .t.
Sh.Iwn NoUftki; 5. Thomas Now4llCld
125 C·2; 1. J.lIY Fntz; 2. A.aron Miller. 3.}ouon fNcole 4. Doug
Tt"JlmWI'; S. Chris Bongen.
250 A: 1. Scott Nieman; 2. K.ltter 8w;se; J. £ron Ezerins; 4.
~y Baritmwr; 5. Scott Hicks.
250 B: 1. lfto Steffens; 2. Ca brie l l..eonard; 3. Ch ris Kanzler: <4
Robb Rutta; 5. Tun 81"ickner.
2SO C·I , 1.)aoon CopoL"'d; 2. MiU R;a; 3.
o..d Heron; S. Tun Bauer .
250 C·2; 1. Cnog 8o-cker; 2. OannySchu!tz; 3. Daryl Willing; 4.
Thomu Smit h; 5. Ryan JOf"rW.
OPEN: 1. Anthony Tamborino; 2. John Weiss; 3. Thom.l ll
Moo~; 4 . ~; 5. Mikt> Wk'dm ryer.
Smith worst to first at
Ft. Hood Cross Country
By Anita Smith
Takin g advan tage of a course left in perfect cond ition by la te Saturday night th underst orms,
Darry l Smith rod e the cool and mu dd y 12.2-mile
course by nyin g to th e AA Expert win at Fort
Hood for rou nd five at the Texas Cross Country
series .
Smith's pla ns for a holesh ot di ed quickly as
Mike Abbott an d Joe Hou ghton pinched him out
before the first tum. Fro m dead-last, Smith start ed his charge to the front. Smi th worked to midpack in the first tw o miles the n leap t past Erik
Nielsen whil e dropping into the first creek cr0ssing. A half-mile lat er Smith slid by Houghton
and Bobby Southard on the icc-like black dirt in
the tigh ter woods. Smit h fell whe n he got Abbott
in sigh t, then charged back to make the pass on
him as he went wide circling a field . After catching Eric Hess on th e next uphill, Smith moved
past the other rider because Hess was n't familiar
with the track. Before the end of th e lap Smith
had chased d own Tracy And ers who had gotten
the holeshot. Anders also moved out of Smith's
And ers decided to key off of Smith since he
had only go tten one lap of practice. And ers tangled w ith Sm ith twi ce o n the second la p and
managed to keep Smi th in sigh t until he pitt ed .
Smith ra ced un contest ed to th e fi nish a nd
Anders held on to take second. Following in
th ird place wa s Mike Abbott, one minute off the
leaders' pace.
AA EX: 1. Darryl Smith (ya m); 2. TrJICY A nd f'~ (Ka w); 3.
Miu Abbott ev.m); 4. Eric Hcsa mus); 5. Tom Robinson (Suz).
PRO: 1. [koan Larw (KTM); 2. Oay ~ 1 1 (Suz); 2. Je1"e"InY
Fipps (. Ion); 4. Donnir McMillo n (lCT
M); 5. Brook Matt hews
OPEN EX: 1. Tod d Tu v l!1'(KTM); 2 Cal Burch (KTMJ; 3. Jim
eilry (H us); 4. Robt-rt Smi th (KTM); 5. Todd G lt'aves (KTM ).
250 EX: 1. Scott F05te r (ya m); 2. Bren t Na lk'Y (Ka w); 3. Co nway Kerico (Hon); 4. Bryan Cook (Ka w ); 5. Ma rty Ishmael (IY w).
I. ]Otr Bill Py!co (Kawl; 2. TlIJI (}(.awl; 3. Edd ie
Unn (](aw); 4. Da vid Ho lybfto (Ka w); S. Lana- C rill w ford (Hon).
125 EX; 1. R.ilnd Sawyer (](aw ); 2. Shannon Butler (Hon); 3.
Ph ilip Reiter (y am); 4. Brian B1lf1 (Yam); 5. J,R. Rakn (Suz).
0-30 EX: 1. Robert Callegos (Ka w); 2. David Koontz ( Ka w); 3.
Dana Wright (YA
m); 4. David Mcklwy (A TK); 5. Rick Hill houw
0-38 EX: 1. Fra nk SUeklft. (Yam); 2. Mikr H~)'1W5 (Su.z); 3.
Oon FitzaiDunoM (Hon); 4. Eddir C~