Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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for the win after being chased hard by Thompson, Cummings. How es and Webb . Moto four saw more close combat. Thomp'o n le d th e fir st t h ree lap s wi th Kalam ara s, Loper , Webb and Baken in tow . On lap fo ur, Kalamara s took the lead with Thompson, Loper, ebb and Howes trailing very close. The finish w Kalamaras w in an other mot o wit h Th ompn, How es, Carter and Loper in close formation. Moto five st arted with Kalamaras ge tt ing nether holesh ot , follow ed by Webb, Baken, arter and Loper. On lap six, How es put Kalamara s in second place w it h Webb and Cu mmings following. The win went to How es with Kalamaras second , Thompson took th ird and Cumm ings fourth . u lls O IT S/SR NOV (bO+) : 1. Rich Fern (Kaw); 2. No nn Ou \'al (V,'m). H OWl~ (Ka\o\'); 2. [A'nnis (Suz); 3. Dan 8ri gg'l (Hu:.); 4. Jim Ht"no hmol" (KTMI; 5. O IT 5 1( NOV (5O-S'll ): 1. Kl' notin I'.,n ~b um 'Orl;\' Buttk"!> (K.iw). O IT NOV (oI(I..4'J): I. Dcnn i!O R.11 z1off (I<.lw) ; 2. Sh irlyn Smith l K.HV); 3. Dun.dd BI".f (KolW) 4. Roy Tho m pso n {Hon ]; 5. Ted ; "hcun.. (KThH. • OfT S/ SR AM (no+l: I. Fn'd I'"~.,, (Hon); 2. Don McKt.'I'IZi... lHlln); 3. Bill Vt. rbillCiu (Yol ); 4. Dan McC arth y (Suz); 5. W" · m lJrolJ.... l (SuL) ·d OIT SR AM (50-59): I. L,'Roy FrOln('ol.N (KTM ); 2. Al k." 8r o1 Y (KTM I; 3. Tu m Hamm (5uz ); ~ . Frank 'r ee- (GIS) ; 5. Jerry Ikrecich (Hun). O tT AM (oW-I'I) I. Kl.' Uttk (Yam); 2. Bob F<1bd (Ha n); 3. ith [ohn Dickson (Han) ~ . Ceo rgc Stl'phto on (Ka w) ; 5. Da vid ns Ak·J>olnd t.r (V" m). · r! O t T 5 /SR EX,(60+): I . Zo li Bt. ·n.on yi (Hunl; 2. So nn y Neff IHon); 3. fn.. Ii &'SlIlUn~ (H(1fl); 4. Ton y Arma d a {Hon l; 5. Duant' " Spt'na.' (H Ull). O tT SR EX (50'5 9): I. Car l Bowli ng (Ka wl; 2. Jim Keeton tHon ); 3. L.1rry Wdkt.-r (KTM); 4. gcsseu Joh n>;tJf\ (K.1W); 5. Utill.'OCl· St. P it.'m' (Hunl. O IT EX (~9); I. Mikl' (Sw:); 2. John Thumf'M}f'\ 1(.1w ); :1. 'im H OWl" (Ha n ); 4. Ge orge Webb (S uz ); 5 . Bob Cum mi n gs . OfT SR MST R (50-59) : 1. Bob Krah (KTM ); 2. Co'lry Ch"~ (K.:Jw ); 3. Kt."fl HOI.tgliOfl (Bon) ; 4. Bob Wh illl;S. Philip Fri!ObK.·. OtT MSTR (oW-I'I ): I. Akll Jorgt."fl~'f1 (Su z); 2. Do ug NdllOf'l (Hu n); 3 . Jo h n HanJd in (Ya m); 4. Rk k TilnO!isi (V<1 m ); 5. Gene u k (KJi,w) . New faces emerge at Aztalan Motocross opener By Andrew Busse n L MILLS, WI. APR.30 AKE It was evident that there had been som e ser ious training going on for Aztalan Cycle Park's sea 'on opene r as it featured a plethora of raci ng ction provided by 487 entries in 23 classes . The first drop of the gate on this new season lIowed 27 rid ers in the 125cc Jun io r Cla ss to kamika ze the first turn. Unfo rtuna tely, a few riders stopped to take unscheduled soil samples. ut of the: ma yh em em er ged Torque Centerbacked Cliff Dougherty, a seasoned vetera n in e class of young riders. Nipping at h is boot s were Brad Johnson and Torque Center/Yamaha Ou tle t Center /Mike ' s Cycle b ac ked Aaron Miller. However, ne ither rid er co u ld catch Dougherty before the checkers. Dann y Schultz o rne fr om mid pa ck for second fo llowed by iller. From th e d rop of th e gat e in th e sec ond mota , Miller and Dougherty said so long to the rest of tl.e Juniors, with Miller taking the mota win. Combined mota tallies left Dougherty hav ing the final say of things un til next week. The Vet A Class is alwa ys one of the fastest and most competitiv e classes, and today was no exception. Kevin Popaeko bcl eshot both motos on an ultra-trick YZ250, foll ow ed b y Chuck Kingstad and James Heilman . Heilman, Popae ko, and Roy Nafzger pulled away from the other 30+ year-old riders, swapping pos itions throughout both motos. The move of the da y had to be Heilman 's pass on Pop aeko v er the finish-line tunnel jump. Heilman took the outside line and doub led this jump, showing Popae ko the und ers ide of his skid plate. He was one or only a handful of riders to attempt the act. In' the end, Nafzg er had the best combined fin;rlles (1-2) to take the overall win , followed by Heilman (3-1) and Popaeko (2-3). , 12) JR: I. Oift DouKhcrty; 2. A.iron MilIL ; 3. Brad Johnson;~ . '1' K&.·ilh u'-gfand; 5. J..S!IoI' Wis.:. ' VET" A; 1. Roy N.:Jfzgl'1'; 2. Ja ml'S Ht. ilm.l n; J. "l'"Iin ru~ko; > t Tho rn.ts Dnotl.k.l ; 5. Tim MiIIL'1'. VB" B-1: 1. DoUyl Willi ng; 2. TL '1'f)' Hahn; 3. Stt" -e C~ 4 . Trvy n lll'ffiling; 5. Schd lingl'1' B-2: 1. Tho ma s O'OunndJ; 2. Dol yl Kuhn ; 3. Milo.· Kayr dt't1;~ . \lliIIi.lm K.u:yn!> ki; 5. TImo thy Wliiss . MIl' l JR: 1. Sha u n MiJlt' r; 2. Nath.1n Su lli"'an; 3. J"'cobScho l· ar; ~. RO!IO M,J.rhn; S. To d SI'· ;lvC'I'. d MI l'l 60; I. Brad ModJl'w ski; 2. I..cob Schola r; 3. Ki rs t...n R.:lt'mi!oCl; 4. Ma lht'w Mol",",,; 5. TyllorSmuld t'l'$. ~IR: 1. Scott Hic ks; 2. Ant hon y T..mbor ino; 3. John Wci!Oll; ... Jdf BU1.I;5. Thum"s [)n ·tzu. VIM: 1. Sco tt Rl'llliilt'f; 2. Ja m" Winl'lll'mull L" ; 3. Ge rard "g1.ln d ;4. Anthony £o... l ; 5, D.lnil!1Glo wac ki. n M IN SR: 1. Da vid OL 'Ilel; 2. GalbL'r; 3. Cn..og Hoc h m u th; ... Lucas Aca.'mldn; 5. Ad mn Dubeorsteln. 40 +: 1. M j(,;e Ellis; 2. Joh n Rasmu ssen ; 3. Mike Collins ; , . Does your Dad know about your race results? Is he keeping up on the latest in motorcydlnq? Get him a gift subscription to ([lID 0EB! vcr 1 Year· 50 Weekly Issues· $38.00 Call Toll-free: 1-800-831-2220 'Ol" Harold Cloch; 5. Philip Schulu. 50+:1. Tt.'1'f)' WOO5Il1')'; 2. Michael Michdi; 3. o...,""y Boblin; 4. . Michok'i G.a lt..ger; 5. Wi Tm')'. WM'i: 1. Wendy Mudjewskt 2. IC.lI'Uy Schultz; 3. Angk'o Foltz.; ...Jill W~1kr:5 . Micht'11eBil!kn . We'll even send him a card to let him know of your thoughtful gift of Cycle News. (Allow 3 weeks for his first issue to arrive)

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