I.·E E T
V N S·
Nicky Baker (Yam); 4. Rrl Wright (Hor \); 5. Tim Dohm (Yam).
30+ 8 : 1. Kt"Vin Au st in (Su z); 2. Rick Chle y (Hon); 3 . w.
David FlJ" (J(" w); 4. 6arry NeL
<;(IlI\ (J-bd; 5. Paul Mundt (K.iw) .
30+ C: 1. Eric Cook (Hon); 2 David WlUbOn (Hon); 3. 51"""
Wk:hno&k.i (J(a.w); " . ]aD\l'!I Honon (Suz); 5. Billy H.uTbon (Hon).
40 +: 1. Son lly Mit chf'U (Kaw ); 2 Rick Oxlt"y (H an); 3. Terrt"U
Welborn .
50 (7-8): I. K&n Ann Taylor (Y.am).
60: 1. IJrlovon Hedrick (H on>; 2. J~ RUMdJ Maxim ( K,aw );
3. Rick L Poyntft' CIUlw).
80 D: 1. An.n Came (Yam}; 2. Ou1sGriI1'Idh CK.tw); 3. Ky~
Shriton (Suz); 4. Nid. Cobb (Y~); S. Mic::haetD. umpbPU.
80 JIl 1. !k-n Ridd~ (J(,,"w ); 2. Oris Heath ( Hon); 3. ~
Saylor OCaw); 4. L1.n Rid.:Ue (lYw ); S. [)eovon Hedrick. (IC.Iw ).
80 SR: I. Ch... Mowny (Y .un); 2. John T. Smith (Hon); ).R.
Cal1ft' (IC.Iw); 4. Trt'Yot Moriva (Y~); 5. Jami .. fi;lirw'!' (lYw).
S/MINl 1. ~ Riddw UC.aw) 2. Chris Mow~ (Yam) ; 3.
John T. Smith aioa); 4. JA Ca rtft' OC.uv); 5. oms HNth (lCawl.
125 D: 1. Tr..vis CJ p ps (Yam); 2. TrA Wil~ CHon ); 3.
Mkh.td ~ (Suz); 4. Cu rtis Bowling (Suz); S. Brad ea...nd nl
lKaw) .
125 C: 1. Kdl y Taylor (Yam); 2. Clayton C. Moyen CKiw); 3.
ROOm E. GoId~ CHon ); 4. Brian TnT)' (Suz); S. SoottyG. Moyt-n
(1C.I w) .
125 B: 1. Jake Morris (Y oIm); 2. ODn J. N Pbon (Suz); 3. N ick
Tuft"." (Suz); 4. Adam Vaughn (Ki w) S. Brian Bournr (1(.Jw).
125 A : 1. Ryan
250 D: 1. Dmni!l Cox (Hon); 2. Cary Grammt'!' (Y.am ); 3. Smtt
W. Higg ens (Hun};" . J.L Osbo~ (Suz).
250 C: 1. Knlh Cotto n g in a -Io n); 2. D.a~1l Jones ; 5. Eric GUI (K.1
2.lj() B: 1. 8m Hd.'iting5 (H o n ); 2. Holrry Cyrus (KTM).
250 A: 1. Ryan Duff (Yam) .
25. C 1. DalTt'lI R,-oddill (H u n); 2 Mik eGI't.-'en(Kaw).
30+ B; 1. Da vid Fa rris (KT M); 2. David Kidw..U (KTM) 3.
Harry Cyru."(K
30+ C: 1. DaJn'U JOnt·'11 (Hon); 2 Ga ry Bai.
6S (7-9): 1. ~bm MoIltin OGiw ); 2. W~ CorddJ OCJw) ; 3.
joIu Pottcyoc.w).
6S uo-r n 1. Isha Wood OGiw); 2. Kf'Yin StON' (X.I w); J.}ftfft')' F~, O'aw); 4. Of'von Hedrick (K.aw.J; 5. Stirp hnl Hou.wman
(K.lw) .
WMN : 1. Tftri J ~ CHon) ; 2. Je!-ia PoIt lrnOl'l ()(.aw).
85 11·1 1) STK: 1. Ben Riddl" (K.tw) ; 2. Chari Wh oltllry
(Kaw); 3. Kevin 5tonf' (K.1 4. Jason &lull (Suz); 5. Da nn y ICirbtry
(lC.Iw ).
8S(12-13 STK; 1. JdMy Ry all (KoIw) 2. Jt'Tf'd L:k (YoI m); J.
Aaron UIld....,. rgu.-t (}ion); 2. Jeff King Jr. (YoIm
3. An.. 11 Gao- (Yam); 4.. Wokk CorddI CHonJ; 5. Chri. FnJ;uson
OrTy (Yam); 5. Jeff Sh ields (}(a w ).
125 C: l.luu I"nosneU(Han); 2 RAleigh Oftol!Suz); 3. Wa yne
Eller (Ka w ): 4. Brenl Lou gh (Suz); 5. Juhn Fann (Suz).
125 D: I. Neil Th ompson (H oll ); 2. Briall C raig (Kaw ); 3 .
Je rry Lavindt"r (Ho n); 4. 8fft\t Surlare (Suz ); 5 . ]dfery Roldafor
250 A: 1, Kf'ViIl Walkn O'am); 2 Jun a".'5~r (Suz); 3. Qad
4. Tildt'n Styron (Suz); 5. Tim Hod ock (Y.~ m).
250 B: I. Mitch ell Hodges (Kaw); 2. Mike O,-ondl'R11l (K.1w ); 3.
JUl;Iin McCoy (Yam) ; 4. Joe Prat her (Kaw ); 5. Prt-!4 Ru!w (Kaw).
' tlm
250 C: 1. W~McCoy (Yam); 2 William Uusa va ug h (Hon); 3Troy Crisp (Kaw) ; 4. Bria n Hall (Hon); 5. Jeff H.Ist-")' (Kaw) .
250 (); 1. He ath ~ (Ya m); 2 To m m y H icks (l Wn ); 3. M.ulin Hedrick (K.aw); 4. Hilton Holden (K.lw); 5. J"mit" Lalh.an (Suz).
25 + A: 1. Kevi n Walker (Yam) ; 2. l.a rry Sp olrb (lion ); 3 .
Bryan Adams (Kaw); 4. Rick Wrigh l (Hl'n); 5 . Jay Hau.<;tT l5u%).
2.S+ B: 1. Ralldall Row. (Ho rd; 2. Jdf Mush.a L. (Hon); 3. Scot1
Unkou.. (Suz); 4. A. Jam ie McCoy (Yam); 5. St",l" ~n (Suz).
2S+ C: 1. Fn!ddie uwmn (Suz); 2. Jeff H ill (Ya m); 3. MoIrk
Whilley CKoIw); 4. Eric Cook (}ion); 5. Darid Whi bon (Hon).
30+ A:. 1. Ron Jane (lion); 2 Bryan A,Lu na (K.iw); 3 . ]ad
Lou~h (H on );
Overcast skies and mild temperatures were the
rule for the week end as the Cen tral Ohio Com petition Riders hosted over 350 racers for rou nd
three of their 'Spring-fling' series at the Central
Ohio-based Sugar Crove circuit.
Satu rday's racin g was wild as Dallas Avery
rod e the wheels of his Honda CR250 after fighting off the likes of Billy Oem ast ry a nd I?avi d
Piccirillo for the win in the 250cc B class action .
Durin g Sund ay' s e vent, the 250cc B class
belonged to Kawa saki -mounted Troy Swa rtz ?s
he took 2-1 mot o finis hes to ga in the overall In
this com pe titive class . In th e first moto, Dave
Piccirillo and his Yama ha slid aro und th e outside of th e loam y fir st turn to s tea l a n ice
hol esh ot from Troy Swa rtz as th e rest of th e
pack p lay ed ca tch- u p , From th e opening lap,
Swartz seemed d isgruntled with the second spo t
and fo ught toot h a nd nail to o verco.m~ .th e
d eficit be tween seco nd and first place PIccirillo.
By the end of the seco nd lap, Swartz wa s right
on Piccirillo's fend er and was showing his front
wheel at every opportunity . On th e th ird la p,
Piccirillo was abl e to build a sma ll lea d as
Swartz enco unt ered trouble through the pit-side
whoop/jump sectio n and had Matt Robinson on
his tail to co n te nd wit h . Swartz event ually
picked up the p a ce, ca ught Picci rillo, and
a ttempted a last-second pass, with Piccirillo
using the old 'close the door' routine to deny the
move. Piccirillo took the win wit h Swartz a very
cJose secon d and Dallas Avery in thi rd .
The secon d moto was an ticlimactic as Swartz
never allowed a battle to begin. He hand ily ra n
off with the moto and the overall. Piccirillo only
managed a fourth place finish in the final moto
but nett ed second place overall.
5.lturd. y
50 SR:1. Nick Carroll (lCTh
50 ] R: 1. Chris ThompoiOtl (KT'M); 2 Tanltl'r Rl't-'d (KTh1' ); 3 .
Ry an Rft-'dy (Yam ); 4. 8ralldon Dullham (Yam); 5. Eri c W0ud5
1. Du>tin Cottrill (K.>w); O .rl;. C• ..,. (Ka w); 3. Rkhi.
Ruhi n<;tm (J(a.w); 4. David Ht'rb (Kaw); 5. Nick C moll (K.1W)
MIN I JR; 1. Dustin Cottr ill (Su;r.) 2 Ch.- li.. Canoy (Yam); 3.
Rich ie Ro b ill!iO (Kaw); 4. Josh Hamiltoll (K.1w) ; 5 . Chrt" C o x
MINI SR; 1. IJl>ri k McKiIlttt')' (K.1
w); 2 Ju~tln Wt'bt--r(lU w);
3 . c.J. Leach (Ya m ); 4. 8rt"1lt Mayer (Ka w ); 5. Chri Ga "kill (Ya m ).
SCI-iBY: 1. Chris Bt-rry (Yam); 2 Dt'rrick Mckim,,-·y (K,l W); 3.
TOllYMuck (Ho n); 4. Rubert We k h (Yam) ; 5. Damien He llier (Su:zl.
25+: 1. Richa rd Robi nsoll (Hu n); 2 J Flor A (Hun ); 3. Kir k
Jrffrit>!! (Hun); 4. Dave Picririllo (Yam) ; 5. Eric W~ row (Yam) .
JO.t. 1. Richa rd Robiruon ( Bon); 2. Kirk jl.-ffrit-!o(Hon); 3. BroW
f'k'S& (H on) ; 4. Rick Hu n.'laCker (Hon) ; 5. Ct-rryBenllt.'tt (Hunl.
I25A: 1. Robbi e Stu rg f'II IKaw ); 2. Mik" Blair (Yam); 3. Strv"
Cros..o. (Su1'J 4. jo hn Sim!i lSud; 5. Ca rl Willia ms (Kaw) .
125B: 1. Scott Shall"!' (Suz); 2 Jim ROII (Sud; 3. PiIIt Thrall
(Hon); 4. G~ Honner (Hon); 5o]t'nmy PrimrN.'f (YoI ).
2SOA.: 1. Robbie Sturgt'll (Kotwl'; 2 Miu BLlir (Yam ); J . MilLe
Wel.. (Y. m ).
W M N :' 1. Kim kach (H on); 2. 5.Jra h Klamfo th (Ho n); J .
Tdfany Rt"l"d (I(.aw).
50 SR: 1. Joeoy Peikott (Cob).
50 JR: I. Chris ThomP"Dn ( ICTM); 2. Tanner ~ (KTh(); 3.
Billy Sprank.k ocrM); 4 , Tom y Pt'lh.'tt (K'I'M); 5. Ene Brownin g
65: 1. D.ivid Whit cr a ft (Kaw ); 2. Will y Brownin g (Kaw); 3.
Quis. Whrtcraft (Ka w); ... I::>t>rek Sturgell oc.w); S. OUistoph.er X.
RobrortliOR (K.1w).
MIN I Sit.: 1.
J~ ( K.aw) ; 2. J\Ditin Webft (lC.Iw ); 3.
C.J. Leach (Ya m); 4. josh Knapp (Kaw); 5.,lolIh Eagle oc.w).
125 C: 1. Dam.ia.1l Hratf'r (Suz); 2. Fra nk St"Pht"ns (Yam) ; J.
Iiamki Coin~ (Suz); 4. Je
rt'my A eming (Suz); 5 . M. rt'UlI Biggs
' (Kaw); 4. Nichol.. 0' Ambraliol (lCaw); S. Mik" Silva-role-
JR: 1. AoIron Shepherd (Suz); 2. JimMillf'r oc..w); 3. LJ .
Pol'l"tdores O<.tw) 4. }ol.hua CWo (Kaw); 5. Justin B~ o;:.w).
MINI SR ; 1. Arron DiPIft' (Su z); 2. A.J. Bourn. ( K.aw); 3.
Jos hua Millpr (Su z); 4. Jami~ RobinllOl\ (J(.aw); S. Molt! Boumr
Ord (Suz); 4. JllfihlWl Millf'r CSuz); S.]im Miller oc.w).
125 SCHBY: 1. Bri.tll BlIrbt"r Olhnger (}-Ion)
3. Rich Duol (Hon) 4. JOfOhUol Rizzo (Ka w); 5. Fr'f'li Huff (Suz).
250 AM; 1. J.l m ie Pat chin (K.lw); 2. Rich 0001 (Hon); 3. Ran
Abbey (Suz): 4. Jt>ffrey W"rr1ck (J<..w); 5. Do ug W('inman (H on ).
VlNT/ W 'D5: 1. Wayrw.- 8.lrlwr (Kaw); 2. Dan Kuha r (K1M); 3.
S le ve n Oath (Ya m) ; 4. Kevill DeJa c (Ka w); 5 . D.- id Morgot t
25+ AM : I. W.yne &rber (Ka w ); 2 Ski~ Hmla rL (Hun); 3.
Den nis Kelly (Ka w); 4. T un Bt-'dll o Caw); 5. Bna~ Broadwf'll (5uz~
25 +EX; 1. Joe Elli ng to n (Ho n ); 2. Tod King (Su z); 3. Ja m ll'
Goodno (K.1w); 4. A ndl"l"W Wa lodt(Suz).
SR c: 1. Da n Crown" (Ya m ); 2. Sco tt H awkin li (KoI ) ; J .
Brutto' Zan gh i (Han) 4. JonHerkiM (Yam) ; 5.]"f SoJlolk(Hoo).
SR B; 1. Wolyne Barber (Kilw ); 2. Brian Broad w t'll (Suz); 3.
Den nis Kelly oc.w); 4. Cub Dunning (K.aw); 5. St,ove Oa..h (Yam).
125 EX: 1. Billy Silvaroll" OG1 2. P,>It"r Moll ! (Kaw ); 3. Tod
Killg (Suz); 4. JOt' Ellington (Hor d .
250 EX: 1. PC'h.'r Mol yj (lCoIw) 2. 8.illy SilvAroIir (}Caw ); J . Joe
Ellington (Hon); 4. Brandon Gh idi u (iCil ); 5. o.""U Stone (Ka w).
Kalamaras clobbers 'em
at Riverfront Motocross
By Ji m Dent
MAR'ISVIllE, CA, APR. 29-30
Mike Kalamaras won four of five motos of the
Old Timers Expe rt Class at the Old Timers
International MX in Marysville's Riv erfront
Park. The event was hosted by the Sierra Old
The Old Timers Expert elass was real 'Donnybrook' with 20 racers. Moto one sa w John
Tho mpson take the lead lollowed by Kalamaras , ·
John Loper , Bob Cummings and Terry Hyde. On
lap five, Kalamaras took the lead .awa y WIth
Thompson. Smith, Webb and Cu m mmgs foDow·
ing very close on his heels. The end of moto one
saw Kalamaras win nin g wit h Thompson, Snuth,
Howes a nd Ca rter so close yo u could cove r
them with a blanket.
In mot o two, Kalamaras too k the holeshot
fo llowed b y H yd e, Th ompson , Ca r te r a nd
Lope r. By lap four th e o rd er was Ka Iamaras,
Th ompson , We bb, Smi th a nd Hyd e. The win
we n t to KaIamaras w ith Sm ith , Ho wes, Web~
and Carter finishing in that order.
In moto thr c Kalama ras led the first lap fol'e,
lowed by Lo pe r, Thom pson, Cu m m ings and
Baken. By lap five, Kalamaras had a sma ll lead
with Thompson, Cu m mi ngs, Bah.." and Webb
in a close pack. At the end, Kalamaras held on