Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I · ~VENTS in spite of what his third overall shows. The trio was never mo re tha n fou r bik e leng ths apart throughout the da y. Res ults PREM L/W NOV: 1. Hury Higgins.. PREM L/W D EX: I. Slew Tudn taiA); 2. o.n Johns (AJS) : 3. TI'd rr--n II (Hus). PREM l/W D L'\IT 1. J.. y Wilson Jr. IAJS); 2. M.trc Comri : (BSA). SPTSMN 125 NOV; 1. JO(' Kim" (Yam) ; 2. John Bruc~ (Han); 3. cs.n Kuykt'nd;tll (Han). SPTSMN !SO NOV; I . MK'lwt'1 Andt'nUft ("on); 2. Georg~ Nilna' «2); 3. ICt'nnethT'hom.t8 (Mon) . UI L/W II NOV: 1. Phil Grundy (Puc); 2. [)pl(tt'f Gardll"fthirt 1CZ). U/ l / W II INT: 1. Ja!K)n Ezt"ll (KT M); 2. Richard Ba ulch (Mok) ; 3. Danid Beber (DKW). U/ L/W II EX: I. Hugh WN vt"r(BuJ). SPTS MN 125 EX A : L Oolrin Enawil.. r (Hon); 2. Tim ot hy WC.llVt1' (Bul); 3 . Dou&lal>Wm.tuU (}-Ion). SPTSMN 125 INT B: 1. John Fwnch CHoN; 2.. William Null· rod (Hon); 3. JamE'5KO!'ti v~1 CH on); 4, J.~ Smith C C·A) ; 5. David Ev~I\I.Oiod). 5P'TSMN 250 EX A.:. 1. Philip Slrver Ulon); 2. Todd Hamilton 3. J~ Ragen Jr. (Pt'R); 4. Rand y Tomlinloon (BuO:S. Dou gl.. Wm.tzell (Ya m). SPTSMN 250 (NT B: 1. Wt'!Iley Miller (0.); 2. Tim oth y Jack son (Han); 3. Lester Cregan (Hon); 4. o.,vld Ught (Bul); 5. Craig Borders (Hon). SMS MN O PEN nvN EX: I. Beno Rodi (No r). SPTSMN O PEN TWN lNT: 1. Tom Prance (Hon); 2. Richa rd Baulch (Yam ); 3. Ron Ell~ (Hon). SPTSMN OPEN 1WN NOV: 1. Mar k N t"bllm (Rik). PREM SOO It EX: 1. Stt'V1" Tu cker (BSA); 2. Diln JohN (AJS): 3. Philip. Ha nford (BSA). PREM I lNT: 1. Jam n Smi th (BSA ); 2. Da vid T uck .r (BSA); 3. Danit'l Bdter (Puc) . SPTSMN.5OO EX: 1. Tunothy w eaver (Bul); 2. Todd H.unilton (Ma~; 3. Rid: H ucbo n (Ma i); 4. DuuglaJr, Wen tull (Yam); 5. Eddie La.m ben (Su z) SPTSMN 500 INT: 1. Davi..t Go ye r ( M~I); 2.. Ch uck Pa rv y (Hus); 3. Ray W.. ir {CZ>; 4. Dan i.1 rayrw (M..O; 5. Al.x Mo roz (M,U); Not only was the course at the Fort Hood, Texas, Cross Country wet .from rain, the riders also had to negotiate deep creek crossings. ()...15 EX: Loyd 1. Dick Burleso n (Suz ); 2. Ge ne Pa nnt' 1J (Ho n); 3. Morg~n (Y~m l; 4. Fred die Dejamt'a n (Yam); 5. Mike Ead ll OCaw ). o.SO EX; 1. Bill fleming (Suz): 2. Cha r," Pri tchett (Kaw); 3. (Hon>: 4. Larry Perry (Ya m). 4·srRJ( EX: 1. B1't'I\ 5elWni (Hon); 2. Jl"remY AhbN n (Sud; 3. t Chrb CArt er (Ho n); 4. Kt'vin Low rimoff' (Ho n); 5. Tom Elunkt' H.w.-n Smith (Han). P/ W IR: 1. Justin Hager; 2. Brian Collins; 3. Krith BarittJMr. 4. Cody So kolik; 5. lDui5 CA-illtnlektt. P/W SR: 1. J..rPd. Kl"\Int ~; 2. Garrett Hojnacki; 3. Robert 1..oir1r. ... Orftlt }Wad; S. Orm.-k Whi tney. 125 A: 1. Eron Ezerins; 2. Karter BU!lM'; 3. Todd May~ 4. a..d vanaJstno;5. Jneny 8dritoner. 125 8: 1. ~ Hod~; 2. Ray Thompson; 1. Justin .. P;atrick Boyden,;S. Philip Moran. 125 C·I : 1. Bria n Glad; 2. Rick Williams; 3. Skip Schneider. .t. Sh.Iwn NoUftki; 5. Thomas Now4llCld 125 C·2; 1. J.lIY Fntz; 2. A.aron Miller. 3.}ouon fNcole 4. Doug Tt"JlmWI'; S. Chris Bongen. 250 A: 1. Scott Nieman; 2. K.ltter 8w;se; J. £ron Ezerins; 4. ~y Baritmwr; 5. Scott Hicks. 250 B: 1. lfto Steffens; 2. Ca brie l l..eonard; 3. Ch ris Kanzler: <4 Robb Rutta; 5. Tun 81"ickner. 2SO C·I , 1.)aoon CopoL"'d; 2. MiU R;a; 3. o..d Heron; S. Tun Bauer . 250 C·2; 1. Cnog 8o-cker; 2. OannySchu!tz; 3. Daryl Willing; 4. Thomu Smit h; 5. Ryan JOf"rW. OPEN: 1. Anthony Tamborino; 2. John Weiss; 3. Thom.l ll Moo~; 4 . ~; 5. Mikt> Wk'dm ryer. am. 80.....,. Smith worst to first at Ft. Hood Cross Country By Anita Smith FO T HOOD,TX, APR. 23 R Takin g advan tage of a course left in perfect cond ition by la te Saturday night th underst orms, Darry l Smith rod e the cool and mu dd y 12.2-mile course by nyin g to th e AA Expert win at Fort Hood for rou nd five at the Texas Cross Country series . Smith's pla ns for a holesh ot di ed quickly as Mike Abbott an d Joe Hou ghton pinched him out before the first tum. Fro m dead-last, Smith start ed his charge to the front. Smi th worked to midpack in the first tw o miles the n leap t past Erik Nielsen whil e dropping into the first creek cr0ssing. A half-mile lat er Smith slid by Houghton and Bobby Southard on the icc-like black dirt in the tigh ter woods. Smit h fell whe n he got Abbott in sigh t, then charged back to make the pass on him as he went wide circling a field . After catching Eric Hess on th e next uphill, Smith moved past the other rider because Hess was n't familiar with the track. Before the end of th e lap Smith had chased d own Tracy And ers who had gotten the holeshot. Anders also moved out of Smith's way_ And ers decided to key off of Smith since he had only go tten one lap of practice. And ers tangled w ith Sm ith twi ce o n the second la p and managed to keep Smi th in sigh t until he pitt ed . Smith ra ced un contest ed to th e fi nish a nd Anders held on to take second. Following in th ird place wa s Mike Abbott, one minute off the leaders' pace. Results AA EX: 1. Darryl Smith (ya m); 2. TrJICY A nd f'~ (Ka w); 3. Miu Abbott ev.m); 4. Eric Hcsa mus); 5. Tom Robinson (Suz). PRO: 1. [koan Larw (KTM); 2. Oay ~ 1 1 (Suz); 2. Je1"e"InY Fipps (. Ion); 4. Donnir McMillo n (lCT M); 5. Brook Matt hews (lUiw). OPEN EX: 1. Tod d Tu v l!1'(KTM); 2 Cal Burch (KTMJ; 3. Jim M..-Qu eilry (H us); 4. Robt-rt Smi th (KTM); 5. Todd G lt'aves (KTM ). 250 EX: 1. Scott F05te r (ya m); 2. Bren t Na lk'Y (Ka w); 3. Co nway Kerico (Hon); 4. Bryan Cook (Ka w ); 5. Ma rty Ishmael (IY w). 200 I. ]Otr Bill Py!co (Kawl; 2. TlIJI (}(.awl; 3. Edd ie Unn (](aw); 4. Da vid Ho lybfto (Ka w); S. Lana- C rill w ford (Hon). 125 EX; 1. R.ilnd Sawyer (](aw ); 2. Shannon Butler (Hon); 3. y Ph ilip Reiter (y am); 4. Brian B1lf1 (Yam); 5. J,R. Rakn (Suz). _ 0-30 EX: 1. Robert Callegos (Ka w); 2. David Koontz ( Ka w); 3. Dana Wright (YA m); 4. David Mcklwy (A TK); 5. Rick Hill houw (I-Ion). 0-38 EX: 1. Fra nk SUeklft. (Yam); 2. Mikr H~)'1W5 (Su.z); 3. Oon FitzaiDunoM (Hon); 4. Eddir C~ ; 2. John )oNInM"ft (Suz) ; 3. Jim Lowri mo", (K.1w):4. John We!lt (Ho n); S. Joe Smi th (Yam) . 0-50 AM; 1. Marston Mead o r (K,aw); 2. Moil( Br.m d (Kaw); 3. Gary R.1t iff (Ho n); 4. Dale l.ittk {)(awl ; 5. Don Williamfl (Yam) . l "'STRK AM; 1. Danny fl owen ; 2. Tim Cruce (Hon); 3. n ThM'OR JiJmor.;o (}(on) ; 4. Gary Gladft'itcr (}ion) ; 5. Stf'Vf' Tu mt'T (Ho n). WMN EX: 1. o.·b Shiller (Suz) ; 2. Sht.·lIy McMillon (KTM); 3. Mary Ballard (Kaw); 4. Gayle C ulp..-ppt.-r (Y~ m); 5. C hriNty Talbe rt (K.1 . w) WMN AM : 1. Alice Flowers (Hun) ; 2. Cani ... Bader (Kaw) . 3. Tri na Ant ho ny (Hon); 4. K.tth1~n FLlnnigan ( Ka w ); 5. U nda Miteht' ll (Kaw ). w); MINl EX: 1. Eric Hillh ou.'It"(Kaw) ; 2. Jemny BUilt'" (K.1 3. Chm CWjameatt (lC.IIw); 4. Jeremy Wl"e' (Kaw); 5. Bry an Mill~ U (Yam) . MINI AM: 1. Mark White (Kaw); 2. Nolthan ~s (Kaw); 3. Om Abbolt (yam); 4. Brandon Wa lton (K.-.w); 5. Adam Linl. Uc..w). 100 EX: 1. Matt Grubb ( Kaw); 2. Chrl~ JoT1t'l!l (Kaw ). Higgins hot at Muddy Creek By Barbara Will iams Pho to by Loren Williams BLOtJNMI.U. IN, MAY6 Providing stark co ntrast to the fas ter· p aced modern ma ch in es usua ll y in atte n da nce at Mudd y Creek Raceway, the AHRMA-Vintage Iron Natio nal MX series came to Ten nessee. Nea rly 150 racers from acros s the nation ga thered to enjo y the great weathe r a nd perfectly prepa red Victory Sports track. At a vinbge even t. most of the time if a racer breaks down the rest of the field will wai t for him on the startin g ga te, to get going again if he can. On e rid er wh o didn't brea k d own - either m echanicall y or physicall y - wa s Har ry Hi ggins. Harry is the dad of MX great Barry Hig gins, who owns a KTM shop in Atla nta, a nd a t 70-plus yea rs o f age is a rg ua b ly t he " m o st ex perie nced " rider of th e series. Ca rrying off four big custom plaques fro m Satu rday'S race, Harry grin ned, "I bet there 's no wood left now in Tennessee ." Tom Fra nce brought hi s blue 750cc fou rstroke Honda to race in Spo rtsma n Open Twin Intermediate again this year. Both motos Tom holeshot and won, even ge tting air over some of the jumps with tha t heavy piece of iron. The mos t excitin g battle of the day occu rr ed in 2SOcc A Expert, among Tod d Ham ilton, Philip Sarve r, and Joe Rogers Jr. Sarver a nd Hamilton traded moto wins, with Rogers in the thick of it, giving as good as he got . Rogers is a former ProAm stand out, and has lost none of his abilities, sao ~). 30+ EX: 1. JO!ICph Rogf'n (p t'ft); 2. Philip s.rver (Hon); 3. Edd it' l.unbm: (5uz); 4. Rick Hud50n lM.-l); 5. Benny Durrough (Mai). 30+ tNT: 1. Da vid Goy" (Mal); 2. JOH'ph Lig ht (Bu n ; 3. Chuck PNvy (}ius); 4.'T Cra gan (Yam); 5. David Light (BuD . :1)+ NOV : I. Michael And.non (Hon); 2. r~ «(7); 3 . MMk Nekon (('Z); 4. ~ Ut'Wett CSuz). 40+ EX: 1. ChMIes Emny (CZ); 2. R. ndy TomlinMm (Bul); 3. ' nn Ra m~ (Ma i); 4, Philip H.nford (CCM); 5. Ten ~ 11 N..i.nee SCHBY: 1. Jon Boruff (Hon); 2. jrifM)' Ryan (Kawl; 3. 1.uIr.f' 4. Kelly White (lCIIw); 5. Eric Barnes (Suz). 125 A:. 1. Kt"Vin Walker (Y~m); 2. Jim ~"(Suz); 3. O\ild Lough lSuz); 4. And~ Peosw (Suz); 5. Tim Hudock (HonJ 125 B: 1. RobbW Hortun (Xaw); 2. }on Boruff (Hon); 3. Gary Tim Wa tcon (Hon); 4. John-Paul Lytton ; 4. ~ Ro!w- r(5uz); 4. Robm Flt'kb (Hon); 5. AIWn Jrown tSuz). OPEN AM; 1. Ron [ one (H on ); 2. Lar ry Spub (Hon); 3. s Nichola!i Pineg.1r CHon); 4. Jrif Tomlin.~ (Hon); 5. Randall Rand ol ph (H on). . 2S+ A; 1. Kt'Vin Wa lker (Yam); 2. R. nd y Richardson (Han); 3 . Larry Sp.rb (I-Ion ); 4. Bry an Ad ms (Ka w) ; 5. Will is Groo ms (Suz). • 25+ B: 1. A. Ja mie M<.C (Y am): 2. Micha el Milt'R (Hon); 3. oy Scott Link ou s (S uz); 4. Jeff Mu sh al a IHo n ); 5. Ra ndall Row e (Ho n). 25+ C: 1. Jim my Pih:rock(Suz); 2. Tony Beidgee (Hun): 3. Larry Mitchell (Suz); 4. Dnvid Whi oon o Ion); 5. Gary Hin kle (Yam). 30+ A: 1. Ron Jo n" (Hon); 2. Brya n Adam. (Kaw) ; 3. Wi1J..ill Groo ms ($uz:) . 30+ B: 1. Rick Oxlt')' (Ho n); 2. J ot')" Slnglt'to n (Ho n); 3. Mike Ho wa rd (Ya m); 4. Joh nn y ltuar (Suz} ;S. ). & rry Phillip8 (Kawl. 30+ C: 1. To ny Brid ges CHon) ; 2. David Whitso n (Hon); 3. G I'ftT (Suz); 4. Eric Cook (I-to n) ; 5. Oiff Dockery (Yam). 40+ : 1. Rick Ol ley (Hein); 2. Tt'I'ft'U We lborn lSuz); 3. Randy Tomlinson (Ho n); 4. Johnny Clbeo n (Ya m); 5. Gent' Ca mpbell (H on). 48+ : J. Tt'neU Wt'lbom (Suz); 2. Randy Tomli R:loOn (lion); 3. Tt'd Shortridge ( Han). U/UAM; 1. Rodney Wi.-.e ;2. Rogn'CroM; 4. Jol od Sca lf ( Kl'M ); 5. Kall8ieWilks (Yam). r SO (7-8): 1. Ryan Woud en (Cob ); 2. Jorda n ; S. Rick Rikard (Kaw). n JR MINI : 1. Ben RMidl. (K.t w ); 2. JOll ua Summey (Kaw); 3. h Wesley St'Roirs(; 4. JillIOn Dault (Suz); 5. Kmn StOM (Kaw ). ; SR ML'il: 1. A.lron Und~

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