~~ S 1 0,000
Norton and a BSA back in the pack, and
it looked like a Friday Night at Ascot
Resu lts
DINO: 1. Gary Davis (Tn) ; 2. Norm Newman (HD); 3. Dave Duvarney (lnd); 4. Char les Koog (lnd); 5.
Steve Carter (ln d) .
SR: 1. Eddie Mu lder (Tn); 2. Mickey Alzola (Tri); 3.
Joh n Kent (Tri); 4. Gary Pettis (Bul); S. Ralp h Pc rzel t
(Ho n).
CLSSC 250: l. Jim McMurren (H- D); 2. John App le
(H-D); 3. Tom Horton (Hon); 4. Jack Ausmus (BSA); 5.
Joe Pape (H- D).
CLSSC 500: 1. Rick Roc kh old (Tn) ; 2. Gary Davis
(Tri); 3. Keith Joh nson IBSA); 4. Rusty Lowry IH-D); 5.
Jay Johnson IH-D) .
M O RN VINT 2SO: I. Tom Ho rton (Yam); 2. Brian
Coakley (Bul); 3. Gary Davi s (Hon); 4. Jim McMu rren
(H -D); 5. Jam es Keeler (Suz ).
SUP 500: 1. Rick Reed (Yam); 2. Sid Payne (Ya m); 3.
Sha w n Pett is; 4. Rod Dav is (Ho n), MORN VINT 750: 1.
Ed die M ulder (Tr i); 2 . To m Horton (Ya m) ; 3. Rick
Rockh old (Tri); 4. Scott Dunlavey (Yam); 5. Ray Comer
JUN E11-15, 1995
If-le n): 5. J(.ffJ ense n (Rtx).
MORN VINT 500: 1. Tom Horton (Ha n); 2. Gary
Davis (Tri): 3. John Hulton (Hon); 4. Wayn e Warri ng ton
(USA ); 5. Eugene Smith (Ho n).
PRO 600: 1. John Dup ree (Ho n); 2. AJ . Hcrerra (WR); 3. Jim Kes ler ( W ~R ) ; 4. Bria n Maxwe ll (Hon); 5.
Trapper McDan iel (W·R).
Davis, Mulder top
Willow Springs
AHRMA Regional IT
By Fred Windum
:.fiday night's AHRMA Regional TI
a t Willow Springs International
Raceway looked like a benefit for
co-promo ters Gary Davis and Eddie
Mulder as the two were ·unstoppable in
any class they entered.
Mulder was unc hallenged in the
Senior class ahead of John Kent and
Ralph Porze lt, easily winning. His job
was to u gher in th e Modern Vintage
7S0cc race as he had to hold off a hardcha rgi ng Scott Du nlavey before fina lly
pulling awa y on the last few laps to take