Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I · EV~NTS. Oliver awesome at Collins Vintage National Trial By Randy Presthus COUN.;, ~O, APR. 30 Danny Oliver bested all comers on hi> Lebanon Suzuki/Kawasaki-backed 1974 KT250 Kawasaki to emerge from the Modem Classic Masters with the overall low score at the AHRMA National Trial in Collins. Rain the entire preceding week left many of the sections full of water and the rocks extre meIy slick as riders took 10 the course. Loop one consisted of 10 test sections comprised of steep, loose creek banks out of rocky stream beds and sections made up of "moon rocks ." One particu larly in teres ting te st for the Mas ters was a s moo t h, ni ne- foot rock wa te rfa ll wit h it s approach beginning in a pool of water one and a half fee t deep. Oliver 'treated spectators to a masterfu l show of ridi ng as he "cleaned" this section on both loop s, becoming the only rider to do so. Loop two was a repeat of loop one with the ad ded challenge of much more mud sp read over the rocks in all sections. Oliver lost 14 points in loop one and led his closes t compe titor by one point.a t the halfway mark. He then blew away all 01 th e com pe tition by d roppin g o nly tw o points on the second loop for the win . Results Bobby Templeton piloted his Kawasa ki H2-powered trl ple to the 750Cc class win at the QRMe hlllclimb In Monson, Massachusetts. MORN VINT SOO: 1. Gary Davis (Hon); 2. Tom Horton (Han); 3. Steve Bibb (BSA ). MDRN V1NT 7SO: 1. Eddie Mulder (Tri); 2. Scott Du nlavey (Yam); 3. Ray Comer (Tri) . SUP 500: 1. Thad Wolfe (Yam); 2. James Keeler Sr. (Yam); 3. Dave Alexander (Hon). SUP 6Ol> I . Trapper McDaniel (w-RJ; 2. Jim Kesler (w-RJ; 3. JohnThompson (Hon) 4. Elliott Iverson (w-RJ. ; By Kyle Myers 0CAl.A. FL. APR. 23 Th e Florida Motosp orts Complex ho sted t he fifth round of the Florid a Motocross Series, and where Cory Willey claimed the win in the 125cc C class. Besides the competi tion, Willey had to fighl the 95 d egree heat on the da y. In the first 125cc C moto, Scott McGuigan charged into the lead at turn one with the holesh ot over Will ey, Eri k Moult on , Jim Pr evatte and Scott Moore . Honda /Suzuki /Kawasaki /Sea Doo teamma tes McCu igan a nd Will ey pulled away fro m the field to batt le for the lead. Meanwhile, Mouito n fell, and Preva tte and Moore raced by. After three laps, McGuigan controlled th e lead . He qu ickened the pace and added to his adva n tage over Willey. Pr ev atte a nd Moore w ere ramm ing each ot he r for the thi rd spo t. McGuigan held on for the moto win, with Willey, Prevatte, Moore and Wes Giffin Jr. roundi ng ou t the top five. Moto two looked the same with McGuigan again ou t front, and Prevatte, Moulten, Willey and Moore following . Willey quickl y moved by Moul ton and pressured Prevatte for the runnerup position. Bu t th en Moulton slid o ut at th e end of lap one as Moore and Robert Wright motored by. Willey hou nded Prevatte for half the moto before getting by him. Willey - now in second - found himself some four seconds behind the leade r McGuigan. Willey slig htly closed the ga p, bu t it looked as if time would run out. Then, as McGuiga n head ed for the checkered flag, he fell in the final come r, hand ing the moto and overall wi n to Willey. McGuigan rem ounted only afte r Prevatte and Moore slipped by . Wright filled out the top five place;. Results Pee w~ (4-6): 1. Trey Thompson (JaM); 2. Angle Moore (Yam) . (K.lw); 2. Brad Bernier ( Kaw ); 3. Barrett Smith (Kaw ); 4. TIm ftodick (Koaw); 5. Cod y Roth (JUIw). 80 (7·11): 1. Jrfl Moon!' (Suz); 2. Dan T ruman (Kaw ); 3. Shdwn M.lY ( Ka w ). o 80 (12· 13): 1. J.B. BdUa rd (Slit); 2. R. Troy Adam!! (Suz) ; 3. Tom Par5(m s (Suz); 4. Rya n Davis (IYw); 5. Steve Bineg ar (Hon). 80 (14-15): 1. J_o;e Adam.'1 (Suz); 2. Mark Hu gh l!!l(Yam): 3. Zeb Bidling (Yam) . ; S /MINI: 1. J.B. BaILm J (Slit); 2. Troy Adams (SUZ) 3. Jdf Moon> (Suz); 4. J~ Ad.m\5 (Suz ); 5. RyOln o.vi5(IYw). 80 BEC : 1. Ca rlo Beard (K.lw): 2. Na than Vkk (Kaw); 3. Mike Va ncura (5uz); 4. Brad StevenllOl\ CHonl; 5. J~ Young (Yam) . 1~24: 1. JaIOft Tho m.u (Han); 2. l..t"E' Ta tham (Ha n); 3. Scott MootY (5uz); 4. Scott McGu igan (Hon). 125 B: 1. Jason 'Thomas Oion): 2. Waynee Schaner (5uz): 3. Ky~ MYft'" (5uz); .c- Will B.ltson (lion). 60: 1. Dulltin Lynn 1'25 C: 1. Co rey Wili r y (Ka w ): 2. Ji m Prna ttr (V..m ): 3. Scot t McCuigoln (I-Ion ); 4. Scott Moo re (Suz); S. Robert Wrighl (H o n). 250 B: 1. Lee Tatham (Hon); 2. Bmt Bohannon (Hon). 250 C: 1. Greg ~ CHon>: 2. c..ry Emrnon ( Ka w). 125/250 BEG: 1. Ton y Torti (Hon); 2. Charles Satdwr (Hon); 3. O&nny H..nson (Suzj; 4. Rog ill r Creamer (Hon); 5. Dw aYM Combli(Yam). 25+ : 1. 51"" ~ (JC..Jw); 2. Owrles SatdW!' (Hon). 31).0-: 1. St~ Dyr(Kaw); 2. St-. Dixon (Y~; 3. Gary f.meor. oc.. w); 4. Miu Mmefe,p (Suz); S. Dr- JU5tict' (Yam). 35+ : 1. Drew ~ (Y;un); 2.. Eric Lindstmm (J(.) w); Oblon (Y am); 4. Tom Fogg (K.Jw); 5. Mlk Menefe.e (Soz). lIOn 3. 5teTr 40+: 1. Tom Fogg (Kaw). 0/A : 1. Dan OIiVl!f. MORN C LSSC BEC: I. Jill"," Thompson; 2. W.T ~orTII.n; 3. Art Mc nroe, MORN a.ssc ADV :l . John Wri,:;ht; 2. Mike H)"J Iop; 3. Larry Duvall. MORN EX: 1. o. w Schmu tzler, 2. Bob Sanden; 3. Bub ...- a.ssc a.ssc MORN MSTR: I. O&n Oliver; 2.. ~ IGrby; 3. Don OIiW't. rREM L /W ADV: 1. Bri a n S lar lr.; 2. Tom Boyd 3. Chris M..Ir.ynt'W . PREML / WEX: 1. Don Sdunutzle!'. P1U:ML/W MSTR: 1. Bob Gindft. BEe:- 1. Don Fromm. a.ssc CL5SC ADV I. JOd 1IMp«. , a.ssc EX; 1. 0arreI 8oone; 2. Bill Crapmne. PRIM H / W AOV: 1. Rogtor GillnlW'l". Templetons dominate QRMC hillclimb opener Pacacias pounces at Starwest Motocross By Jim O'Connell Photo by Bill Kitch By David A,. Procida MONSON, MA, APR23 The Temp leton family started where they left off in the 1994 season, by winning every class they entered at the Quaboa g Riders M.C: s seasonopening hillclimb near Monson. The pace for the d ay in the 250cc class was set by Cat hy Templeton when she turned in a 9.114-second first rid e and ret u rned on her sec ond ride to stop th e clock at 8.755 on the 35o-foot hilL Second place belonged to Joe Robinso n wi th a tim e of 956(J. Chris VonAatern turned in a 9574 ride to claim third place. The 500cc class saw Bobby Tem pleton set the two fast est tim es of th e d ay by sto p ping the clock at 7.333 on his first ride , and returning on his second ride to post a 7.204. Tem pleto n also claimed the most air for the day by launchi ng h is KXSO off the top of the hill and lan d ing O . some 35 fed later. Geral d Divelbliss turned in an imp ressive ri de of 7.500 to claim the second spo t. And Lou Welch stopped the timer at 8.394 seconds for third place. Bobby Templet on used aggress ive riding to wi n the 750cc class on a H2 Kawasaki, with a time of 8.728. Second -place honors we nt to Rob Pa tche n with a posted time of 11.367. Charlie Polinski claimed third with a time of 11.621. The family trad ition continued in the Open class as Mike Temple ton took his 1260cc KX over the top with a one-ru n time 019.072. Results 50 (4-8) : 1. MiU StaNd (Yam); 2. Raymund SyriiIIc (Yam); 3. Anthony Aedizzoni (Yam); 4. Eliah lUyes (Yam) ; 5. Jon tilln Robin.mCYam) . 80 JR: 1. Robe rt Lamort e'lU (Ho n); 2. Andy MiIIi'P (J(.)w): r Mathew GiIIgne (Hon); 4. J,ason Robin'lOft CKaw) ; 5. Nathan Ha yes (l(aw). 80 SR:: 1. Adam Norto n (}(.aw) ; 2. 0tTt>k Lapp (K.t w ) 3. JOl'It'J'h BnUoi (Hon ); 4. Jf'liif;e Millette (JC..Jw). 125: 1. Jory OKaro (Yam); 2. Ada m Norton (K.J w ); 3. Shane Divelbli. ("aw); 4. Bill Skinner (Yam); S. Jeff r l!iher (Kaw ). 'Ill 200: 1. Robt-rt Lamorte Jr. (Cag); 2. Jdfn.y Kirb y (Kaw); BPnJill m i n un t' (Killw ); 4. Nicholu Co lill (Kaw); 5. Bru ce Ga nge (Kill w). 250: 1. Cath y Templeton (Kawl; 2. J~ph Robin!llOn ()(aw ); 3. C h riB Vonflat rm (Kaw); 4. John Mumper (Va m); 5 . Loul. RuggiE'ro (Suz) . 400: 1. Vlatt'\1r Ma thit>U (Ya m); 2. C mig MOK'I (AlK); 3. Pt'te r Buuchard (Ya m); .. Dav id Gtgnl!' ()(awl; 5. Joel Lombr. (Bu)). SOO: 1. Bobby Tt"lnp leton (IYw) ; 2. Gera ld Divrl bli.II' (K,aw): 3. ' Lou We k h (K.1w); 4. Bru ce Ga.'lkeU (Han); 5. Robe rt umorte Jr. (Hon). . 750 : 1. Bobb y Tnnpll"ton (Ka wl ; 2. Rob ratch r , (Ho n ); 3. (]\arlie Pollnaky (Xaw ); 4. Bru~ Gagne (Hon); 5. Mkhae l Nardone (Yam). OPEN: 1. Mike Templeton (Ka w) ; 2. Ni kola us Pa nK'Z ko (JC.oI'w); 3. Pdn- Krasowski (](a",, ); .c. RAndolph Fi&her (Yam) ; S. Thoma L. Brown (Hon). MORENO VAliEY CA APR. 22 , , Bob Pacacias used the break in the Sta rwest Tru ck Series to score the win in the 30+ No vice class, which offered plenty of action for the spectato rs and racers alike, at Starwest Supe rcross Park. Pacacias, Jerry Sechler and Jim Stentz all tied on po int s for the overall bu t it wa s a second moto win by Pacadas that gave the Hond a rider brag ging rights lor the evening. When the gate fell for the first moto, half the class was on the wron g gate as the 25+ and 30+ Begumer d asses we re combined wit h the 3P+ Novi ces . Pacacias led the Novices with Sechler and Sten tz br eathin g d own his neck while the rest of the pack aw aited the fall of the second gate before charging up through the ranks. On the seco nd lap, Ste ntz dropped it in a com er losing a couple of posi tions before reen tering the race, and Sechler powered by Pacadas in the back section lor the lead . With Sechler out front now, Stentz and Pacacias took the white flag less than a bike length apart. Sten tz tried various lines to ge t by but Pacadas held the good line, shutti ng the d oor time and time agai n. With less than ha lf a lap remaining Stentz dropped back a couple of bike lengths when opportunity came knocking . Pacadas got d irectly behind a Beginner and was stuck. as Stentz went outside of both riders and lo llow ed Sec hler across t he checke red . Rounding ou t the top five in the first moto were Mark Stroup and Pete Andrews. Stroup grabbe d the hok-shot in mo to two wit h Sechler, Pacodas, Stentz and the pack in tow. Pacadas quickly jumped into second, passing Sechler do wn the back stra igh tway and setting his sights on Stro up. Stentz wor ked his way up into third . On lap four a tired Stroup had fallen back to four th w ith Pacacias now in com ma nd of the race, an d once again Stentz was hou nding his every move. Back a few posi tion s ~trou p had gotten his second wind and had closed on Sechler but time was run ning out and a d isappointed Sten tz could only watch as Pacacias crossed the finish line a couple of bike lengths ahead lor the overall win. Results Pl'eW~Traclr. STK B: 1. Justin Wo rkmilln (y a m); 2. o.nirl Brown (Yam); 3. 5.!an Mclnigf' (Yam); 4. Sean 8o rkenagl'Tl (Yam ). BEG STK (01-6): 1. Mark Procrlla (Yam ); 2. Chris ~ksk;:yk (Yam); 3. e;..,ald Rodriguez (yillm); 4. BJ . Bohrer (lCT M). 5. Bran · don Million (XTM). BEG STK (7-8): 1. Inn Sc h u lt z (Ya m); 2. Brandon ~ (Yam). MO D BEG (....8 ): 1. Ivan Sc h u ltz (Yam ); 2. Millrlr. Procell.\ (Y~; 3. Chris AleksM;cy1r. (Yam) ; 4. Bryan Bnmh.ill (Yillm 5. Jeff ); Lovp(Yam). MOD B: 1. Sean Bodenh.agl'Tl (YoUn). STRTR (Ur. 1. Phillip AubP (yillm); 2. Brian Hiner (Y.un); 3. Chad Diewl (Yam ); 4. Nolan Schultz (Ya m); 5. AndrTW Hl'Tlry (Yam ). STRTR(7-8 ): 1. Ovnman (lCTM). Su~Tr.M:k 60 (6-8): 1. J.R. Williama (Kaw); 2. Jushn Yoast (Kaw); 3. Joey Cayton oc.wl. 60 (9-11 ): 1. Andrew Wageman (l<.\w). 80 BEG: 1. David Sullins (Yam); 2. r::tr.ft.1r. Unwy (Hord; 3. Anthony Serna (Yam); 4. Ouis Andrews an Van Ripn OC. ); w 3. Doug Par.lOns (Suz). 125 PRO: 1. Duane Bl'nnL 'TCH n). o 250 BEG: 1. JiUtOn towrher (Yam ); 2. Mark Caobril'1 (Yalll); 3. Tony Pere z (YAm); 4 . Eric Ro binson (Suz ); 5. Ton y1it avana (Hon) . 250 NOV : 1. Cra ig MlCaU (K. w); 2. Cr a ig WillialTUl (Hon) ; 3. David N elson (Ho n). 250 INT : 1. David Hu g h" (Suz); 2. S hill lt Ellis (Suz ); 3. W Andy Anaya (Yam ). 250 PRO: 1. Ed Redman (Ho n). 25-t BEG 1. Pablo Arguell : CHon); 2. Kirk QuJ.nn U Cllwl. 25+ INT: 1. Joe feo ndez (Kaw) . ma JI}+ BEG: 1. Scott Sca rbrough (Hon) ; 2. E1mer Si.~ (Yam); 3. Bruce Rutht"t'ford (Hon): 4. Michilll"l Hubblrd (lion); 5. Krn Rad" (}ion). JO+ NOV : 1. Bob Pacacia!l ct lon); 2. Ji. 5l: nlz CHon>; 3. Jeny m r $rchler (K.i w ); 4. M.ark Stroup (Vam); 5. Peee AndlY'on ()(aw). 30+ INT : 1. o.'Iln UiFaA.., (H on). Myers mastersspnnq Classic Motocross By John Sliva SACRAMENTO, CA. APR. 22 Scott Myer s bat tl ed wit h Ru sty Ho lland to emerge victorious in the 250cc Pro class liuring round two of the CMC/Sunsta r Sprockets'S pring Classic Nationals at sacramento Raceway. Spec tators packed the bleac hers an d lined the lence to wa tch the good-sized turnout of talented riders, including an imp ressive Pro field. The 250cc Pros w ere firs t to cha llenge the well-prepared race track. made even more difficult lor this event by reversing the usual direction. Also new was a revamped "Charmichael Honda Doubl e" which afforded the Pros plenty of airtim e. Shane Esposito holeshot an d led for one wild lap before Holland leaped past Esposito on lap two. N ex t, Myers moved around Es posit o 's Su zuki a nd se t off a fte r H o ll a nd ' s yellow, screa me r . Also o n th e mov e wa s Pat Gomm, w ho passed Chad Burleson and Esposi to on his way to securing . third place by lap three. From there, th e to p fo u r marched in order to the che ckered flag, w ith Ho lland p reva iling by a comJortab le margin of victory . Th e ,CPE Racing -ba cked Myers holeshot moto two ahead of Holland , Gomm, Jon Nelson, Mike Menni g and Chad Burleson . Holland tried a tticky pass on Myers in a tight . right-hand turn onlv to lose control in the exit bumps and crash hard . Holland remounted but had lost consid erable tim e and fou nd himself pla ying catch-u p from last place. Ou t front, Myers tried to put a little distance on the second-placed Gomm while Burleson was tearing up the track to join the battle for third with Nelson and Esposito. The racing was close, with the leaders hold ing their positions lor the nexi four laps. Comi ng up qu ickly from behind, how ever, was Hollan d . By lap seven, Hollan d was iil fourth and challenging for third. The pace and pressure proved too much for Burleson, who endoed on the fa r side 01 the tra ck. Ho lland inh erited third and made a mad charge on the leaders with two laps remaining in the mota. The _ raging Holland closed the gap on the lead duo but had to settle for third, as Myers held on for the win with Pat Gomm s.,cond. Resu lts 125 PRO: 1. Rusty Hoiland (Sud; 2.. Pill Gomm (Suz); 3. Greg t Tirheimer (Suz); 4. Shane ExpoW (Suz); 5. Sha wn Palmer (Suz). to 250 PRO: 1. Scott Myt"TI(Kilw); 2. RuM)' Holland (Suz);3. P",t Gomm (Slit); " . Jon Nrbon (Su.d ; 5. Miu Ml> tmig (Yam ). lITH PRO: 1. Pat Go m m (Su z); 2. Gn-g Tir he imer (Stu ); 3. Ron Allt'fl Nam). UTH AM: 1. Slt"Yt" Richard" (Yam); 2. Mig. Hod Sf'l 51z); 3. . Mar k Broo ks (Suz). 250 lNT : 1. Shawn Pa rb C Hon); 2. Cr aig H um phrey (Suz) ; 3. Matt Kirar (Suz); 4. Josh ChillUm(Hon); 5. Mike Hod gt'!l(yillm). 125 INT : I. Clift Cook (l u w) ; 2. C ra ig Humphrey (Suz ); 3. David Lodl'nndr (Ho n). VET lNT : 1. Stpyf' Richa rd ll (Va m); 2.. Tom 8t-n'y (y.m); 3. Mark. Brooks (Suz); 4. Rich.ud Mo rgan Jr. (Y.un ): 5. Tim Alarcon lSuzl. 250 JIt; 1. Stf'W' Nebon (Yam); 2. JCnt1n ~ (Hon • 3. Jon Du1l 'Tl (H on); 4. Danny Barbt'T(Hun); 5. Cod y Killam (Y",m). 1 125 JR: I. Juan Dubin (5uz); 2. Danny Finky ($uz); 3. Justin MortOn (Hon). 80 OPFN: 1. Kyle Garner (Suz); 2. Brya n Schultz (Kaw); 3. Mik~ ~'IOIt (Suz).

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