Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1995 UNITED STATES SUPERCROSS SERIES SANCTIONED BY THE AMA mo te, but once out front , Ha yw ood wo u ld pu ll away to a la-second lead by the finish. Smith, Dave Ped row and James Newman battled over second pla ce, with Pedrow prevailing on th e final circuit to secure th e position. Smith finished a few feet in front of Newman for third. . Kevin Townsend nai led th e seco n d -m ote sta rt with Smith. Shawne Chamberlin and Haywood in tow. Haywood mad e quick work of Chamberlin a nd Smi th a nd was h ounding Townsend by th e en d of lap on e. Haywood wasted litt le time in shooti ng p ast Townsend an d ru nning awa y to a convinci ng second- mota win . Newman spe n t th e enti re moto passin g peo ple, includi ng Smi th on the fina l lap, to take a well-deserved secon d in the moto and seco nd overall. Smi th's 3-3 score edg ed out the 2-5 rid es of Pedrow for thir d overall. Results P/W Q-2; 1. Tanner Alrunder (Yam); 2. BryttTn'Z ian (Su z). r /W B-1: 1. Mich..-tc.-I Parker (V" m).; 2. Chri stop her J;mcich (V" m ); 3. Bret t Mount.\ m (YAm); " . Man Co nt re ras (KTM ); S. T im m y Md >anwl (Yam ). P /W A: 1. Ricky Hemme (Yam) ; 2. RY4n Roybal (Yam ); 3. AnJn.-w Na !lon (Ya m ); " . J.m. d Tebo (Vam ); 5. Char les M e!lSer o ( Yam ). toO BEG: 1. Rya n Royb.ll (Kaw l; 2. Tt,lVi" Put!llt·y (1<.1'1'1); 3 . Be W illiol a (Kaw ). m no (O·S) : 1. Vinl:t.'n l Rhodda ( ); 2. Billy Bloo m (Kaw); 3. Ricky Olive r [Ka w ]: .. . Ricky H emme (Ka w ); 5. BMt Moun ta in [Kaw] . 60 (9-11) : 1. Scott H owl' (Kaw); 2 . Ge1'a rd Patin (Ka w); 3. Anthony Barbacovi (K.l w); 4. Nolth.ln Polmintuan (Kaw); 5. Daryl Edlund (Kaw). 80 BEC: 1. John Butll"l" (Suz); 20 Louie Rolmirn (Yam ); 3. BlabM.ugtw;m (Suz); 4. Scott ~ (Yam ); S. Tnminator Garcia (Suz). 80(7·11): 1. Daryl Ecllund (Suz ); 2. Sro lt How e (Suz); 3. DonrUt- Dutn"r (SUzt ". ~ Smith (Suz ); S. Blake Mitdwll (Suz) . RO (12 "' 3) : 1. Mi chal'l Vou ng (Hon ); 2. Bry an M cCav ran 1 (Hont 3. J.J. Boruwno (y&m); trom CHon); 2. Eric Wk"kl-r (Suz). • ::!SO BEG : 1. Sft.,0l" Metm" (Kaw); 2. Dave N...IMm (Hon); 3. Ccdy Mettl,"l" (Hon); .. Chad Dam (Yam); S. Kryoln Drocjmond (Hon). 2SO ~OV: J. Dan King (Y~m); 2. Cole Tcl\Oo·ro.t"Ild (Hon); 3. John Cbrk. (Sw: ); ... Jt-tf Hall (Su.z). !SOU\. 1. Pa t Foseer (K.1""l; 2. Nid.. M.!!I"O/ol' (Suzl; 3. I(Yam); 3. Col i AbolYOU (Ho n); 4. John Bulin (H on); S. Ron G n.-gg (y.J ). b m JR NOV; 1. Ch ris Al vat.ldCt(t1()(l); 2. Tim Konkol (Yam); 3. Jdf Find! (Suz);: 4 . And y Polyne (K.1w); S. Lee Sdul (Suz). vn JR VET tNT ; 1. Jdf Hdll (SuL ). VET BEG : 1. Eric n nning (Ya m); 2. Bub H l'fTT\.Jn.<;OI'1 C on ); 3. H Rf'm Y Pol i ntua n (Suz); 4. Rl_ 8etvKm (Hon); 5. Ddnny PadilLl m (H on). VET NOV ; 1. Da vid Allli~o (Ha n); 2. Steve (KTM); 3. enos Robertllon (Hon ); 4. PC"Wt' J..."kins (Hon); S. Harada (Yam). VETINT; 1. Skip Codit1C."Z (Su z); 2. JOI."I H.!rriott (Y am ). VET EX: 1. Rodney Morri!lOl1 (1-101'1 ); z.Leo Saul (y am) . SR EX: 1. Ken R("fl. UX CHon); 2. Bob Denham (yam). 1 Baxter bests Fallon-toLovelock Hare & Hound January 21, 1995 • 7:30 p.rn. Adults: $20 /$10 (Supervalue Seats) Kids: $20 / $5 (Supervalue Seats) Ticke ts On Sale No w ! TICKETS AT:~ : T/c::KEf .t/.lSTlEA -------~"""".-------_. including Dayton's & Great American Music CHARGE-BY·PHONE(612) 989-5151 AND THE METRODOME BOX OFFICE Day Of Show Only Supercross Host Hotel: Radisson Hotel Metrodome • (612) 379-8888 SEE THE BEST SUPERCROSS RIDERS IN THE WORLD! ByRon Dillon FALLON, NY NOV. 26 , Carson G ty Honda-backed Mike Baxter pushed his 500 Honda into the lead and never looked back on his way to winning the fourth ann u al Fa l1o n -to -Loveloc k H a re and Hou n d in th e northern Nevada desert. Despite running with a fiat front tire for over 90 miles, Baxter, the 1993 winner, stayed up righ t a nd in the lead all the way tn the finish in lovelock. Fallo n-to- Loveloc k is one of t he ve ry rare remainin g point-to-po int events in the co untry a nd was begun in 1991 to give Califo rnia and Nevada rid ers a Th anksgiving weeken d race. Alth ou gh it still hasn't yet gai ned much favo r among most D·37 riders, a few di d come up to co m pe te. Unfor tunately, heavy snow fo rce d many riders to wai t up to 11 hours as Ca l-Trans struggled to n.-open I-BO over Donner Pass . The to-L att en dance was hur t, with 151 ridusual Pc ers signing up rath e r than the usual 250-plus . The usual riders' parade ran eight miles out of town to the starting line, with rid ers going off in rows of 10 at 30-second interva ls . \....l ithin a few miles of the start, the sno w vanishe d and rid ers were trea ted to perfect, du st-free, loamy soil. Baxt er b last ed off in th e seco nd ro w a n d spi within 25 miles was leading de te his flat front tire. Hanging tou gh at the first gas stop were Jim Bood y and Ma rk Vanderpo ol. Lan ce Be rn adot had his Yama ha 125 geared for the moon and wa s moving up as well. The -iD-mile section fro m ga s two to the finL'Jh was an all-new route. It crossed back un de r th e freeway and headed past th e Humbo lt dry Jake bed .. The last 20 miles con sisted of mos tly high-speed gravel road s with a few trails tossed in . Featuring: Jeremy McGrath· Mike Kiedrowski' Doug Henry' Mike LaRocco· Jeff Emig And Many, Many More!! Every Week. 50 issues a year. For 30 Years. America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper Dodge City, Kansas 1995 INDOOR WINTER SERIES January 14 Casper Event Center Casper, Wyoming (concrete) $300.00 to win Pro bikes $100% payback to quads 200%payback to Vintage Pro twins January 20-21 The Oil Palace Tyler Texas (concrete) $300.00 to win Pro bikes February 1 Pershing Auditorium Uncoln, Nebraska (concrete) $300.00 to win Pro bikes 200%pa yback VintageProtwins February 3-4-5 Buffalo County Expo Center Kearney, Nebraska (dirt) n Track -Irontbrake must notbe workable . Friday - Open Pro 600 practice and qualifying for Saturday's front row start plusdash for cash for top 6 qualifiers Saturday - Open Pro 600 (Last chance qualifiers and ma events) in plusVintge Pro Twin. $300.00 towin . Open Pro Saturday. Qualifiers start 2nd row in main event Sunday .-Open Pro600. (full program plus Vintge Pro Twins) $200.00 to win Pro600 (QuadsonSunday afternoon) Please contact MSA at 1-800-544-8714 February ~ PineBluff Convention Center Pine Bluff, Arkansas (concr te) e $200.00to win Pro bikes February 10-11 Snyder, Texas (dirt) 200%payback guaranteed February 18 Sioux FallsArena Sioux Falls, South Dakota (concrete) $300.00 to win Pr 600 bik o es 1000/0 payback to quads Pee Wee class at all of these events. 33

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