Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I·E E TS·. · VN ' VET ro.;OV; I. Kevi n Allm a n,:2. Ala n s.dwr; 3. Brold Slo.1 n. VET I:-IT: I. Je-rome Gil"!lOn; 2. Ed Cua~rdo. O IT AM : 1. Ph il BloICk; 2. Buzz MOt"I M.T, 3. Mt"al EMherty; 4 Bob Klatt 5. JohnCr a ft. O /T EX: 1. Kl"ith Philli ps; 2. Gerogto Spt"aring; 3. Joh n Clap-man; 4. Jack Sabine ; 5. Randv w essels, O /T MSTR: 1. Bill Can; 2. Cary WiIIillOl'i. Graves seals title at Willow Springs Road Race lL50 NO V: 1. Chris Tay lo r (Ho n ); 2. Eanna Boland (Han); 3. Marche Ka. ger (l-fon); -t. Donny Sch m it (Yam); 5. Oint Solo m m r (H on ). . O rE.."JNO V: 1. Tft".tna! Deadmd n (5uz); 2. T rry Keyes (Suz); 3. Mich ae l Slegrist (Kaw); 4.·1 Ge-pha rt (Yam); 5. Ed w ilrd SaliJme(Suz~ Hoenshell takes two at Cartwright's XR Winter National Hare Scrambles By Eric Vin cent By Darryl Smith RDSA.\I0ND, CA, DEC. 17 ·18 Chuck Graves cemented his lock on the Toyota Unlimited Road Rare by Budweiser Form ula One class championship by winning the final round of that event durin g th e 12t h round of Willow Springs Mo torcycl e Club racin g a t Wi llow Spri ngs Intern ational Raceway. It was Gra ves ' seco nd stra ight WSMC F-I championship. Graves ' victory came during a reco rd-se tting race w h ich saw both new lap reco rds set in the class, but also a new motorcycle lap time record at the high-desert facility. Graves turned in a 1:24.50 to set the new motorcycle record. Also duri ng the race, Nick Ienatsch set a new 250cc GP motorcycle record on his Yamaha TZ250 with a 1:24.70. Grav es held the ra ce lead from start to finish. Off the sta rting line , Graves was followed by Cur tis Adams, who also held second througho ut the race. The main competi tion in the event was for th ird place, which was in itially held by Rob- (Above) Nick lenatsch won th e Formula Two championship at Will ow Springs Internati onal Racew ay. (Left) Cory Keeney used 2-1 mot o finish es to cap ture the overall win in the 125cc Pro class at the Castaic MX. bie Do wi c. Keeney tops privateers at Castaic Motocross By Sco tt Hoff man VET INT: 1. Skip GOdlrM"Z (SU;!); 2. Om s Leiker (Hon); 3. )en.M il- on (Y~ m~ '1 VET EX: 1. Brad Mct.ecd CH on); 2. Rodney Mo rrison (H u n); 3. Ron Shou p (Su z); 4. l..eo Se ul (Yam ); 5. [erome Gihm (H on ). SR I"''T : 1. Men te Pritch et t (KTM). SR EX: 1. Bob Dunham (y a m). Bruce too tough at San Jose Marathon Challenge By Bill Spencer SAN JOSE, CA, DEC. 11 Joe Bruce was the class of the fie ld at ro und three of the Marathon Cha llenge se ries at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds , as the former pro motocrosscr lapped the entire field of 7J riders e n route to h is second big wi n of the series. Dan Reger led the field for two laps and then again when Bruce pitted for fuel but even after a second stop, Bruce was able to maintain a comfortable lead . Reger got a little help from a fr iend and finished second, but the Ownbey brothers were credited with the En d uro-thon wi n while Danny Barber was once again the Sportsman Ironrnan winner. Anthony DeMario, who won the last round but started at the tai l e nd on the fi rs t lap, wo rked his way forwa rd , finishing fifth overall and third in the !ronman Expert, just one lap off the pace . Joe Vella and Bob Zades were cred ited with sixth ove rall and first in the End uro- thon Sportsman division, while Nate Wait and Gary Rogers were seve nth ove rall a nd second in the Expert ra nks. A beautifu lly groo med, one-mile track greeted the last race, where Rory Musca tel beat his brother Steve, who hadn't raced in 14 years. Edd Hay mo nd fina lly fin ished rest or in g his 1973 . KTM 125 and won the Vintage round . Jason Ste fani topped th e lar ge turnout of XRIOOs ove r Gary Rogers, with Phil Cascio third and Justin Evans was the trophy winn er in the Minibike d ivision. Results 32 RACE I: I.T... Bid (Hon); 2. Jason Pridmore (Hem); 3. Mlm ty ·rry Ownbt·y(ATK);4 . Jol!lOJ'l Mut'I\'U (Yam ); 5. Wade Spey er (Kaw). RACE 2; 1. Jo1!lOn Prid m o re (H an); 2. C ra ig Christi.ln (Y.... m); 3. Scott La rson (Yam ): 4. Pa ul Bergstrom (Ya m); 5. Levin Gennan (Yam ). . RACE 3; 1. JOE' Brue.- (Yam): 2. Dan Rl'ge r (H o n ): 3. JU!lihn O w n bey I Mo nt y Ownbey (Yam ); 4. Denny Barg er ( Ho n) ; 5 . Anthony DeMario (Hon). RACE 4: 1. Rory MU!iC.ltel (Suz); 2. Edd Haymond (pt>n); 3. SteveMwatel (KTM); ... JobOtI Stefani (Hont 5. Gary Ragen (Hon~ CASTAle. CA, DEC. 18 With the Supercross season around the comer, to p pri vateers ca me out to battle at Castaic's Supercross track, and following a heated figh t in the 12Scc Pro class, FMF-backed Co ry Keen ey took a well-deserved win at the sse motocross. At th e sta rt o f th e first 125cc Pro moto it looked as if Team Green 's jeff Willoh wo uld be the dominant rider of the day. Willoh ga ted perfectly to lead the pack into the first tum with Jeff Ti e a rney and Keen ey followi ng s u it. Will oh qu ickly put some distance on the field as Keeney b attl ed on with his re lati vely stoc k Ya ma ha. Keeney mad e the pass on Tieamey, but continued mistakes made him un abl e to pu ll wi thi n striking distance of Willoh . Back in the field, Tieamey a nd Travi s Presta n went a t it for th ird until the clos in g lap s when Pre ston fell off the pa ce. When the race was over, Willoh cruised in with the convi ncing win, while Keeney and Tiearn ey held the run ner -u p spo ts. In the second moto, Shane Trittler pu lled the ea rly lead ove r Keeney and Mat Bateman. Trit tler looked strong after a poor finish in the moto, but a miscalculated tu m put him on the ground and out of the battle for the lead at aro und the ha lfway poi n t. Kee ney in herited the lead as WiII,?h, .the Hrst-moto winner, wa s on the gas following a poor start. WiJlo h reel ed in th e leader with a few laps remaining and rode with all h is heart. Willoh went in for the kill, but lapped ri ders created problem s a n d he wa s unable to make the pass. When the race was over, Keeney gra bbed the cash for the overall whi le .Willoh and Preston had to settle for seco n d and th ird o ve r a ll, respectively. In oth er race action, Geo rge LaMont e put in strong moto finishes to claim the win in the 80cc Novice class. Lamonte battled w ith Richard Sazama in the first mote, with Sazama taking the win at the flag. In the second moto, laMonte took the win and claimed the victory. Sazama had problems in the second race and never cornpleted the moto . Results F~I : 1. Ch uc k Gra ves (SUZ); 2. Cur ns Ad" m ll (Su z); 3. Joh n H ilto n (Hu n ); 4. Nic k Il-nat sch (Yam): 5. Jdfrl'Y Stem (Ka w ). F·2; 1. Nick lena:lJlch (Yol ): 2. WoJ!I Du~ (Hun ); 3. Rubhi t" m Dnw it· (H on ); 4. Lan ce H oI'll (Hun l; 5. Fra n k Ar.lgaki (Y"m) F·J : I. Wesley Totsabo (H,m ); 2. Willi.1m SyfoJ n (Suz); 3. Davy Widio1ja (Hon); 4. Jon Tu kulTlulO (H un ); 5. John Ul rich (Yam ~ F-&O: L JOM Hilton (Hu n); 2. Joji To ku moto (Hu n); 3. Tom Ser a (Hon); 4. Larry Schnur (Du e); 5. Stepht-nHan..... n (Ya m ). 500 S /STK 1. Bn an Garbellin i (Yol ); 2. John Rea rdon (y.l m ); m J. Maurin-Marascio (; 4. Dani el Equihw (Yam); 5. Mar k Stcnt'T(Ya m ). bOO S /STK: 1. J.Andrew M il lo n (Han); 2. l Lowry Jr. (Hun); 3. Robert Ya mpobk y (Ho n); 4. Jim ~Il'r (H o n ); 5 . Rob At"tmer(Hon). 750 S /STK: 1. J. A nd re w Mih on (Hon); 2. IWnjam in Welch (Yam ); 3. Kiko Serna (Suz); 4. Maklyn r ena CSuz); 5. PoJul W right (Suz). OPEN S /STK: 1. Rich.ud Munn (Suz ); 2. 51"", R..pp (Suz.);3 . CurtilO AddlTll> (Suz );;4. (hm Voe llu-r Sr. (Hon); 5. BOO Sirbl-nlwar (Han, S50 S/8K: 1. F,...nk Ar,ll ;aki (Yolm);2. Bri.Jn Carbt;>11irU (Yam); f 3 . Maurie.- Ma ra'lCio (Kaw); 4. Ke n n y Ca nedo (Yam); 5. Dan iel Equihua (Yam). lL50 S/8K: 1. Wa lt Dorsch(Hon); 2.J . Andrew Mi lton (Hon); 3. Karl Lowry Jr. (H on ); 4. larry ra'i Adams (Suz); 2. Dean Vinct"nt (y,lIm); 3. Ri.chard Munn (Suz); 4. Tokey s..-ck (Su z); 5. SttOW Rapp (Su z). 500 MOD PROD ; 1. Brian GarbeIlini (YAm); 2. Molu riao MArasrio (K.lw ); 3. Marlo. Stont."f (Yam); 4. Tim R.l~n (Yam); 5 . Timothy Newma n (Yam ). 600 MOO PR()[); I. Rab b il" Dowie.- (Hon); 2. Robt"rt Yam pol f sky (H on); 3. Karl Lo wry Jr. (Hon); 4. 50011 Stol ford (Yam); 5. Erik 60 EX; I. Jert'my Cru k!; 2. xeu y Tedder, 80 BEG: 1. Sho Wyn ne; 2. Eddi ", Rodrigut'z; 3. Brand y bert 4. Ca~ Ortega; 5. Milu- Wa",oner. ~ NOV : 1. Gro rge laMont e; 2. Cltril> Hu n!>i nKM';3. Rim.u d urn- s.u.m... l40INT : 1. Ito Posa. 80 EX:1. Jim my Va lis . 125 BEG ; 1. And rew 1..lbr ad o r; 2. Chris Honnold ; 3 . Pa u l' Stft"le; 4. Ju~tin ~ 5. Warren Ho p kin s. 125 NOV : I. C lin t Sh t'p ard; 2. Dus tin Lunde; 3 . Co ry Gib btm , ; 4. La nn- Whi te; 5. Josh Am-m . 125 INT: 1. Ca ~y Lytle ; 2. Mark e A llen; 3. Ja!lO Field , ; 4 n Jason Wouds. 125 PRO; 1. Cory Ko..'t--ney: 2. Jdf WlIloh; 3. Tr a vill Pn-ston; 4. Justi n Til';lmt-y; 5. Ma t Bah'tRan . 250 BEG; 1. Ian Ship~h; 2. Craig Boy n ton : 3. Brian Sm ith; 4. Damon Popolny ; 5. Ma rc GatT.a. . 250 NO V; 1. Ed Houtma n. 250 INT : 1. Darrin Elliot. 250 PRO; 1. Shane Tr iltl er ; 2. jeff Will oh; 3. Tra vis Presion; 4. Ju stin T iea mey; 5. Lou ie Franco . JR VET BEG : 1. Mi ch a el Vi lla; 2. E ric Bur ~t ; 3 . T on y Rod rigu ez;". 8iU JR VET NOV : 1. Rid J.lbson; 2. Brya n Dorwy : 3. Bob Bdng;-t . Strve Ayk'!". .. VET BEG: I. Mikl"TandbeTg; 2. Mike Ewen; 3. Tayl or Jocryln; ' .John Knight. . O n lap three, Do wie was passed by bo th John Hilton an d Iena tsch, as those ride rs had threaded the ir way up to the front of the field. The remainder of the 12-lap race saw Ienatsch slo w ly close the ga p on Hil ton, and on lap 11 lena tsch made it around Hilton in turn four. However , Hilton came right back to rega in third and managed to hold Ienat sch off for the next lap and a half. At the line, it was Graves wi th the win followed by Adams and Hilton. In the Maxima Racing Oil Form ula Two race, Walt Dorsch powered into the lead off the line follow ed by Dowie in seco nd an d Ien at sch in third . Dorsch a nd Dow ie began d icing for the lead, with both riders trad ing the top spot seve ral times in the first few laps. As lap three go t u nd e rway, len at sch h ad closed su bs tan tially on the race lead ers on his Steve Bigan sk y-tuned , Ext re me Lean Mot orspo rts-s po nso red Yamaha TZ250 . A lap lat er , lenatsch closed quickly on Dorsch throu gh tum four but wasn' t able to make a pass. As the final lap got und erway, Ienatsh was all over Dorsch 's rear tire and mad e his move in tum two to captu re the lead . Although Dors ch repassed lcna tsc h momen tar ily in tu rn three, Ienatsch grabbed the lead for good in the following tu m . Results - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Tr.~(Hon). . 750 MOD PROD: I. Jt>ffrey Stt'm (Ka w); 2. John JUltlln (Hon); 3. Sh ,.. n Hi lo;bt!e (Ka w); 4. Bt.-nj min We lch (Yam) ; 5 . Maurie.w a Ma rasdo (Kaw) . t O PEN MOD PROD: 1. Jo h n H ilton (Hun ); 2. [kan Vin C\"n (Yam); 3. To ke-y Beck (Su z); 4. Richard Munn (Su z ); 5. Chri s Vot"lkt'rSr.( HlIn). BOIT H IW ; I. John H ilton (Hon): 2. Lu ry Sch nur (D ue ); 3. Millt Wait {H~D); 4. Jim Les ter (H on); S. Cltr il; Ml-ondwr (Du e). BOTT L / W : 1. C h ris Sr. (Han ); 2. Ric h"rd M u n n (Suz); 3 . Bri an Ro chlitur (Hon); 4. Stt"phcn Lill io tt (H o n ); 5 . Ch.l rlt.>S Burnett (H on ). 500 SGt: 1. Scutt Fabb ro (Han); 2. y Fam.'1worth (Yam); 3. Kt-vin Dowhowl"r (Yam ). . 600 SGL: 1. Mik e Franklin (y olmj. m F·SGL: l. Scott Fabbro (Hon); 2. Kn- in Oowhow~ (Yol ); 3. Mikl" Franklin (Yam~ VINT ; I. Dave Card ll("f(Yam ); 2. Sean R.1bbin. (Yilm ); 3. Scott s Fabb ro (H on );". Stuart Knigg..- (Yam); 5. thorna.'! (Suz ). 500 NOV : 1. Rick Ga u!i'l' (Yilm ); 2. 1..IVa ug h n MontgolTll"ry (Yam); 3. Vine\>Duran (l-Ion); 4. Vicki Jackson-Ben (Hon); 5. Rnnal d o Ellin (Hon~ DALLAS, TX. DEC. 18 The secon d an nua l Ca rtwrig h t's XR Win~er Natio nal in Dallas saw Clay Hoenshell do minate two of the three main event s. Hoe nshell, ridin g the promoter's bikes, won every heat and main he en tered in the Stock and Unlim ited classes. C ras hes o ve r th e wh oops h ead lined the Sto ck class main. Kelly Mood y wa s running third on the third la p when he went over the bar s ha rd . Mood y was unh urt but exited the track at the first chan ce. Jerry Joiner moved into third on the next lap an d st ayed there for six more until he too was slammed to the groun d ill the whoops . Adrian jacobs ca pitalized on the cra she s to mov e int o the th ird spot. Up front," David Bloyed held off Hoenshell for three laps. Hoenshell mad e the deciding pas s over the dou bles and the pod ium positions wer e set. Jack Yost and Jim Vaughn carried their battl e from the heat into the Modified main . Vaughn hounded Yost for the first 10 laps. Yost was h aving problem s shifti ng his XR and was constantly seen u sing h is h an d to sh ift down th e fro nt straight. Vaug hn use d this to his adva ntage and made the pass. Yos t ra ile d a ber m to re pass Vaug hn before the whoops, bu t it d idn 't last. A few turns late r, Yost sto p pe d on the track to ma ke so me adj ustments. Vaughn wen t by for the win and Yost got roIling in time to take sec ond ahe ad of Steve Newso m. The Unlimited main got off wi th a ban g as Billy Ake rs and Ben Dove r wen t down in the tight second tum. Dover called it a day after the accid ent. Lu cky Nicho ls, Hoen sh cll, Jack Yost and Jo in er mis sed th e seco n d -t u rn mel ee . N ichols held the lead for tw o lap s until Hoensh ell used his jumping prow ess to take over. Joiner moved into second but could not make up any time on Hoensh ell . The tw o riders circulated the quarter-m ile track at 49-second intervals, and pulled awa y from the rest of the field. Yost p as sed N icho ls h alfwa y through t he IS -lap eve nt to take thi rd. Nichols held on to fourth, while Steve Lahatt e entertained the crowd with his big -air maneuvers back in fifth. Results STOCK; I. ClolYHocn ... l·lI; 2. David 8! OYl-'d; 3. Adri an J.u.' bs; h o 4. N t"i11 Dev eshcn 5. )lorry joi ner. MOOlHED: 1. Jim Vauj; h n: 2. J.l( k Yo!>t; 3. SIt·v(" Newsom ; 4 Nd ll Devasher; 5. Kirk Han tz. U/L MAIN : 1. Ooly J-1uen shdl; 2. Il' rry Joinl't'; ~. Jack Yost; 4Lucky Nic ho ls: 5. Steve L ahntte . LACR MX win to Walters By Greg Robertson PALMDALE, CA, DE C.18 Dusty Walters and Tyler Evans each scored a mota win, bu t when the du st sett led it was Walters who emerged as the SOcc (14-16) class win· ner during the third and final round of California Racing Club's Trop hy Series at Los Angeles County Raceway. Evans grabbed the holeshot at the start of the first moto , but Walters made his inten tions dear by taking control halfway thro ug h the first lap . A short time la ter , Evans went down in the san d, ha nding second to Casey Gould, who was being pressured by Chris Thompson. /! Walters would lead every lap and take the checkered flag going away. Thompso n and Gould argued over the runner-up position with Thompson finally getting the upper hand on the last lap. Evans got up from his lap-one crash and charged the entire moto to finish third ahead of Gould. Gou ld raced into th e seco n d-mo to lea d briefly, bu t Evans was the man on the move and outju mped Gou ld for the lead on lap one. WaIters was running th ird whi le being dogged by Tho m pso n , who we nt d own at th e mid way point an d all owed Walte rs to co nce ntrate on reeling in Gould. Up at the front of the pack, Gould was riding a flawless race, and would cru ise home the sec· a nd-mota winner. With a couple of laps remain· ing, t he ZLT Applied /j ohn Burr / Sunwest / FMF-spo nsored Wa lters mad e his way around Gould and into second p lace, which was good eno ug h to ea rn the overall honor s. Eva ns' second-moto win gave him second ove rall, topping the 2-4 finish es of Thompson . It took Shaun Haywood a little over a lap to find a way arou nd fast starters Travis Smith and Jerem y Ch aussee in th e firs t 12Scc Beginner

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