Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1995 01 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I · E~ENTS :.: Results NOV A: 1. Stt"ffton M..I"nd (Fan) 24 po in ts 12 1 deans; 2. Art H"II (Fan) 30 /21 ; 3. B"roln Ph illppt" (Apr) 31/18; 4. o."I'k'S Sak'5 (Bul) Df\'F . . I" . NO V B: J. Bmlt KoIJ (Hon) 7 poi nt!l/30 ck-. m; 2. Anthony S,m doval (Fan ) 8/'l9; 4. O"ll· Pan."f1t(yam)34 / 16. SM'S M N A; 1. Kl"vin Quirwo (Y"m ) 10 points l26 d .-ans; 2. Ceoege Pl"Jlnington (Apr) 12 /'2.6; 3. J.1mo.'S Snuth (Bd ) 24 120; 4 . Mli1ip l llnll (Fan )48114 . SPTSM:o.: 8: I. spe ncer Parker (Bet ) 29 poinbl 20; 2. Tod d Ailn (Fan ) 40 111;.3. UfTtOBUttl' rfit. d (C-G) 53 19; 4. Gt. raIJ >t Bilgt"rs (lk11 561 14; 5. Todd Moore (G-C~ 75/9 . STPTSMN C; 1. All an Rall s (Y.1m ) 40 po in ts / 19 d t'a ns; 2H e n ry Grego rich (8t"t) 41 / 17; 3_ Byron Bem.on (Ya m ); ". Rich Zin"ftlolnn (Fan ) '57{1 1; 5. Ot-'C ky Carn-nza (G-C ) 5917. Il'\'T A; l. Mil ch Berg e r (Y" m) 32 pu inb / 21 dt"ant;; 2. Lee Holth (Bt1:) 33/ 18; 3. A rt Wt'bsWr (Ya m ) 35/W: 4. Brad McCk'ILtn 36 1 19; 5. Ron u ta vio (G-C) 40 /1 5. INT 8 : 1. Ke tn Reynolds (G-C ) 35 points /1 8 ck"ns; 2. Charv lie Rowlett (YoI ) 42115; 3. Don WiIIi,lmo; (G-C ) 4811 6; 4. Do n n m Ma.·tb (lk1:) 56/ 1i; S. A l.oln M,dmqu Lo;l (Ot1:)62/13. A DV A : I. O li Th o r d a rso n (Mu n ) Sb ~' i n ts l 14 d l!.l.n, ; 2. Th om a !> Engt"ltw rd l (Bd) 58 1 13; 3 . RId.. J'"IllrJns (Yam ) 68112 ;-1. Oive H ann on (Fan ) 12 / S; 5. P.'1e C roft (Mn n ) 76 /5 . ADV B: l. Pe ter Thatcher (F.ln ) 93 plIi nb / t'rla in (K.1W ). 2.50 BEG: 1. Dom ino Gayt"n (Yam ); 2. Mati H.uri!> (B on ); 3. Mykt"Slralford (Yam ). 250 NO V: 1. Kyll' Baird (Su z );.2. Ga ry Tho mp r;on (H n n); 3. ' ) Ma rk Fo l..Y (SW': . 250 INT : 1. Mi k K.cJI.-aok (Su z); 2. Erkk Vill.1gl· (Jmadidt (Hon). k 25+ INT : 1. Randy Danylo (Suz ); 2. Ma lcolm Watson (Suz); J. joe Mernare (Hon); 4. T ra vis Robt'T!I"'n(H o n l. . 30+ BEG: 1. Chris Gallo (Hon); 2. David W alker (Hon); 3. Un Reid (Yam ); 4. Waynt' Edm un.<;(lJ1 (Yam): 5. Dnug Molt ($uz). 30+ NO V: 1. Pete Vrlrano (Yam ). 30+ INT : 1. Lort"fl Pochtro wskl (Hon) ; 2. MerI t' H ammer (Yam); 3. Steve Pia«oni (Suz); 4. Eric Btc'inRt"!I5t"I" (ya m ); S. Brian Al kn (Yam ). 35+ NOV: I. a\ll~t M.lllito IH oo); 2. P..te Vetr" no (Ya m ); 1 Cli nt Ed d ingt-.. (y _ m); 4. Jd l Ar7:oum.m (Su z l; S_Tom Burba (Su 4 . l 35 + INT : 1. CouR" n M cCrudl"r ( H o n) ; 2. Scott Free-m an (Hoo); 3. Rand y Skinnt-r (Suz ); 4. MilU' Mot ion (Yam ); 5. Ron Law r !iOfl (KTM). 40+ NO V: 1. W.G. Wlbon (Suz); 2. M.u k Moon." (Suz ). 40+ O PEN: 1. RJ nd y Mintt"l' (Suz ); 2. Ton y Pal"5Ofl" (Kaw ). CMMC concludes '94 MX series at Sarona Oaks By Homer Euba nks The Ca lifornia Min i Mo tor cycle Club wrapped up its 1994 motocross series wi th 131 riders com petin g in -23 se p a ra te classes a t Barona Oaks Raceway: An dy Harrington managed to take hom e the . gold in the 125cc Inte rmediate class after ,....inning the first moto from Tim Beat ty and finishing third behind Tyler King in the second ro und . John Emerson was secon d overall after finishing fourth in the first moto and win ning the second moto. King, returning rece ntly from a b roken clavicle, do minated the 125cc (16-21) Open class with rep eat wi ns. King fought off Emer son in the first mo ta and ha d to ou td ista nce Dustin Nel son in the second round. Ryan RagJand wa s able to tak e secon d overa ll with fifth - and third-p lace finishes . Nelson had problems in the first round and fin ished seventh, th en came back with a runner-up spo t in the second mot o to ea rn third for the da y. Don Connelly aga in took hom e top ho no rs in the O ld Pha rt s but tr aded pla ce s in the next moto. Louie Peck was consi sten t for the day wi th a pair of th ird places. Ryan Beet con tinued his Pee Wee dominan ce by winning all his motos in the Pee Wee Stock (0-8), Pee Wee Semi -mod. and junior Cycle (0-6 ) classes . Results L 'TRO TO M X: 1. Mi..n.ld Fl'ist ( H~m): 2. Cory M.:I dwg.:n l (KTM); 3. Rich.J.rd llo yd (Hon]. PI W FIT: 1. M k-n.wl RJino.~ (Yam ); 2. Corey ~ (Yam): 3. Sean M dnrot'" (Yam ); 4. Ada m Kircher (Vam); 5. Ca ndice Motc:hgt'fl(KTM ). r / W STK (0-6): 1. Ryan Brt>t(Y" m);-2. A.J. Lee (; 3. Cas Sw ift (Yam ); 4. J"k e Bis'Itlr'N.1:k (Yam) . PI W SE M -MO D (o- M): 1. Ry_ Bt'.1t (Yam I; 2. Iv..n Shultz m ).;. (y .1m); 3. Dallas I'l'C (Yam ); -I. CilS Sw ill (Yam). JR CYC LE STK (9-11): 1. J\.Su!> Clm t K.1w); 2. A n tho n}' ' Bru scella (K"w); 2. M.lrk Pal m er (K"w); 4 Cl in t Pi.. 1"Ct' [Kaw ]: 5 Du stin Good ( K.l W). JR CYCL E STK ((l-fl) : 1. Ry"n 8I.· l [Ka w ]; 2. A nd rew w J ~"" a man [Kaw]: 3. C h ris Ca u d tlto (Kaw); 4. A .I. l .. e [Ka w ]: 5. C as Sw ift (KilW). . JRCYClE BEG: I. jam ..,. Ma nn (K,lW); 2. joey Rose (K.J.w). . RO STK (9-11): 1. Em itt Kling (SUl); 2.. Jo. u m ill"e. (Y.l m ); 3. .,.us e Ja y D e Se nrtego (K.. w); 4. Anthony 8 ru ~Ct"l1a (Su z); 5. [erem y Keipe r. 60 M OD (9-11): L Ja y Dee S a nt i.1go ( Kaw ); 2. Corey Ma ro mbl-r (Suz ); 3. Du!onn Wa tson (SUZ). SO NOV STK : I. Ron Mi al ki (Su z ); 2. M ich" t"1 FOJ: (Suz); 3. Co lby RJy mond (5u1.); 4. Ot"" Hunking (Y. m); 5. Tr.1 ilo Co nneUy 1 v (Kaw ). . . 80 BEG: 1. SIt"ve Yu rkovic ( Ka W); 2. T r.1\'i.o; Frin k (Ka w) ; 3. Sean Peer (Yam); 4. J" ke Elkins (Kaw); 5 . Bran d lm Vif'll;u th (Kaw). l S IML"l I: 1. Scott Con1~y (Kaw); 2. Enutt Kling (Suz); 3 . Jt"f'eflY StenbtoTg (Suz); 4. Sloan r l't'r (Yam); 5. Chrio;toph.-r CN m (Ya m). 125 BEG: 1. Kc-vinRoy"j (H Im); 2. Ivan N..fTtOle (Buz); 3 . Swan Cl ark e (Ka w ); 4. J'-J1"JTI y Bu ll (Hon); 5. G n.ogH.l.]v " t'l"!k)f'l(S UZ). 125 NOV STK: I. D.mtd N ichol~ (Suz); 2. W~ (Suzl; 3. Mann y Aria s (Yam ). 125 NO V MQ[): I. Pct\> Rok"!l(Suz); 2. Bri..l Ra.'ichcl (Kaw ); 3. n sNwn Ire la nd (Suz) ; 4 D,min BaJ: h ... (Ka w ); 5 . Co lbv Ravmond (Suz). . 125 INT : 1. A ndy H.m ington (KOIw); 2. John Em('f'S(l'l't (Slu); 3. Tylo.... King: (Stu); 4. Tim Be.l.ty (Y.1 5. Joo;hT..r.mtino (Y" m). t m); 125 (16-21): I. Tyl~ Ki n~ (Suz); 2. Ryan R.1 ~ld nd (Suz); 3 DuMirl Ndaoo (Kaw); -I. Andy Hoirrington (KoI.w): 5. Slw wn Ellilo '08h (Suz' 250 NOV: 1. D.1nid Nichols (Su z ); 2. PL'1eRo lt."$ (SuZ); 3. Sh awn Ifl"l. d (y" m ). m 250 EX: f Du stin Nl'bon (Ka w l. 2.iO INT ; 1. 5n .olwtl Ellis (Suz ). ' O LD PHA R1'S; 1, Don <:onne Uy (Suz); 2. C1uis Swi ft (Yam ); J. louie Ped; {Hon );4 . Mu rr.lY Wib. m (Hun ); 5. M,,« O'CarruU (Suz). Rand rips at Reddick MX By Kyle Myers REDDICK, Fl., DEC.II Su zuki su p port rider G reg Ra nd pos ted fou r win s at mo tocro ss of Mario n County to score two sweep s and collect the most cash in the 125 and 250cc A classes. In the firs t combined 125cc A /B race, B rid er Jason Thom as grab bed the early lead with Ran d, Keith Troccoli, Pat Waitt and Shan e O 'Conner in tow. Rand mad e shor t work of Thomas and took ov er th e p oin t posit ion . O 'Co n'ner m a d e his mov e on the second circuit and overtoo k Waitt for third in the A class. O'Conner then fell, letting Wa itt back by . Mea nw hi le, Rand added to his lead, with Thomas back so me five seco nds at th e. ch eckered flag . Rand h eld on for th e win

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