Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) American Steve La m son (48) , of t he Honda/1 -8OO-COLLECT Team, w as a little surp rised by the speed of the GP reg ulars. Lamson went 6-5 on the day. (Below) Lamson's teammate Jeff Sta nto n fa iled to score any points at Budds Creek. He was invo lved In a crash in the first moto when a photographer wa s h it in the fi rs t tum by Everts' teammate Werner DeW it, who had grabbed the holeshol Budds Cree k MX Park Budds Creek, Maryland Results : July 30, 1994 TI MED TRAINING: 1. Yves Demaria (2 min utes, 13.950 seco nds); 2. Ku rt N icoll (2:t 4.282); 3. Ma m icq Bervoets (2:14.379); 4. Greg Albertyn (2:14.632); 5. Andrea Bartolini (2:14.779); 6. Werner DeWit (2:1 4.783); 7. Tallon Vohland (2:14 .880); 8. Jel Ernig (2:14 ); 9. l .899 Stefan Everts (2:14.909); 10. Donny Schmi t (2:15.146); 11. Jell Stanton (2:150451); 12 Frederic Bo (2:15. 481) 13. . lley ; Mike Cra ig (2:15.920); 14. Michel e Fan to n (2:16.246); 15. Steve Lamson (2:16.263); 16 Edwin Evertsen (2:16 . .366); 17. Paul Cooper (2:16.420); 18. Bru Stratton (2:16.800); ce 19.Tramp Parker(2:16. 4 20. Peter Iven (2:16 as 8 3); .929). MOTQ 1: Jeff Emig (Yam); 2. Mamicq 8ervoet s (5uz); 3. John Dowd (Yam); 4. Stelan Everts (Kaw): 5. Yves Demaria (Ho n); 6. Steve Lamson (Ho n); 7. Andrea Bartolin i (Yam) ; 8. Fre d Bell e y (Yam ); 9. Ku rt Nicoll (H on ); 10. G reg Albertyn (Su z); 11. Tallon Voh lan d (Htm); 12. Donny Schmit (Ya m ); 13. We rn er DeWit (suz); 14. Peter lven (Ka 15. Paul Cooper (Hon); 16. w); [oa klm Karlss on (Kaw); 17.Edw in Evertsen (Hon ); 18. MikeCraig (Hon);19.J Stanton (Han); 20 Scott Sbeak ell . (Yam) ; 21. Kev in C ri ne (H o n); 22. Ton y Amaradio Kapi ta n (Suz); 24 . Mich ele Monti (Kaw ); 23. Jam es (Hon); 25 Ray Sommo (Yam); 26. Difl Palmer (KTM); . 27. Bruce Str atton (suz); 28 Marty Burr(Yam); 29 Da . . g Boyese n (Yam); 30. Da rre l Martens (Ho n); 31. Sh an e Dre w (Ka w) ; 32. Lawrence Hamm (Kaw); 33. Geo rge Balcae n (Yam); 34 . Tra m pa s Par ker (KTM); 35. Mike Healey (Hon); 36. Jeff Glass (Hon); 37. Michele Fa nton (Kaw ); 38. Ma rk Eastwood (Hon); 39. Todd OcHoo p (Hon); 40. Rob Herring (Han). MOTO 2: 1. De maria; 2. Vohla nd; 3. Everts ; 4. DeW it ; 5. Lamson; fl, Ba rtolin i; 7. Dowd; 8. Emig; 9. Bervcets: 10 N lcolf 11. Craig;12. Herring; 13. Karlsson; . 14. Coo pe r; 15. Hea ley ; 16. Kapitan; 17. Stanton; 18. So mma; 19. Crine; 20. Sheak; 21. Mon ti; 22. Stratton; 23. Bur; 24. Boyesen; 25. Glass; 26. Martens; 27. Drew; 28. H a m m; 29. Balcaen; 30. Albe r tyn; 31. Bolle y; 32 . Eastwood.; 33. Evertsen; ).I. Pa rker; 35. Amaradi o; 36. Fanto n; 37. Iven; 38. Sdunit. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 25Oc< MX SERIES POINT STANDINGS IAft..120115 round .~ 1. Greg Albertyn (325) ; 2. Ste fan Everts (317); 3. Yves Demaria (261); 4. Mamiaj Berv oets (239); 5. Kun Nicoll (206); 6. Donnie Schmit (193);7. Werner DeWi. (164); 8. Tallon Vohland (160); 9.Trampas Parker (140); 10 Rob Herring(126). . 125IsUPPORn MOTO 1: 1. Mike Brown (Han) 2. ; Jim Neese (Kaw); 3. Steve Herman(Suz); 4. Chad Lough (sU2); 5. B. Stova ll (Kaw); 6. C. Kresge' fKaw ): 7. M. McDonald (Su z); 8. I . Conlon (Hon); 9. N . Jue rg ens (Hon); 10. F. Longfellow (Han); 11. J Coy (Han); 12. M. . Bear (Yam); 13. T. Orr (Han); 14 s.Rothstein (Han); IS. . R. Boyes (Han); 16. A. Gavlak (Hon); 17. C. Gavlak (Kaw 18 T. Kennedy (Yam); 19. J. Penhardt (Hon); 20 ); . . J. Brant (Yam); 21. R. Harris (Kaw); 22. R. Cunningham (suz) 24. A. Jarvi (Yam); 25 C. Lanza (Kaw); 26. C. ; s . - Smith (Hon); 27 T. Welch (Yam) 28 W. Bagwell (Yam); . ; . 29. R. McGuire (Kaw). Time 36 : :31.14 125 ISUPPORn MOTO 2:1. Mike Brown (Hon); 2. SteveHennan (suz); 3.Jim Neese (Kaw): 4. Chad Lough (suz); 5. B, Sto (Kaw); 6. T. Orr (Hon); 7. C. Kresge vall ; (Kaw); 8. M. Bear (Yam); 9. Mike McDonald (suz) 10. ); N. Juer gens (Hon); 11. R. Boyas (Han); 12. J.Coy(Hon 13. T. Kennedy (Yam); 14 C. Gavla k (Kaw); 15 R. Jarvis . . (Yam); 16. A. Gavlak (Han); 17. J Penhardt (Han); 18 R. . . Harris (Kaw 19.J. Brant (Yam 20 Coni n (Han) 21. ); ); .J. o ; K. Puflinburger (suz); 22. 5. Rothstein (Han); 23. R. C unn ingha m (Su z); 24 . F. Longfel1ow (Han); 25. T. Welch (Ya 26. W.Bagwell (Yam); 27 C. Lanza (Kaw m); . ); 28 C. Smith (Hon 29 A. McGuire (Kaw). . ); . T ime: 36:41.14 125 O/A : 1. Mike Brown (H on ); 2. Stev e H erman (sU2); 3. Jim Neese (Kaw); 4. Chad Lough (Suz); 5. B. Stova ll (Kaw); 6. C. Kres ge (Kaw) ; 7. M. McDon ald (Suz); 8. T. Orr (Han); 9. N. Juerg ens (Han); 10 M. Bear . (Yam); 11. J. Coy (Hon); 12. R. Bc y as (Han); 13. J. Co nlon (Hon); 14. T. Kennedy (Yam ); 15. C. Cavlak (Kaw);16 F. Longfellow (Han); 17 A. Gav (Han) 18 . . lak ; . . m); S. Rothstein (Han); 19 R. Jarvis(Ya 20. J. Penhardt (Han); 21. R. Harris (Kaw); 22. J. Brant (Yam). Upco ming Round s: Round 13 - Maracy, Ve nezuela, August 7 Roun d 14 '- Suzuki , Japan , August 21 · · f·1' ,· . ' Bria II"Y ca for good when the 250cc GP se ries ends ' (2 : 14.95 0) ·wh ile' De Hoop clo c k ed In asmnext mo nth. Schm it, a forni er tw o-ti me World ' fast est· (2:17 .593) . Dem a ria's speed arou nd 11 ·1 Champion ; has had a falli ng out with .Team the Budds Creek track averaged 29.832 mph• . _ . Chesterfield .Yamaha that is, by all accounts ,' ., The 250cc U.S. GP was not good day for . beyond repair. "I got i ~to· it with the team manMike Craig made his debut on the Honda of , Am erican flag-waving. In fact, Old Glory took a age r and then tha t spilled over to the mec hanT roy CR250 'and seemed to take an imme dia1 e beati ng at BLidds·C reek. Only three Americanics .and everyone else:" said Schmit,. who is a .Iiking to his new mo unt. "It fee ls good and it bas ed riders - Jeff Em lg , Boyessn-Penske native of MInnesota . Now no one IS gettmg wor ks' go od a nd I'm rea lly happy withtha Yamaha's John Dowd and Team Honda/talong. It comes down to the fact that I. got hurt team," said c iai g , who Parted ways with Yarna800-coLLECr s Steve Lamson -, made .the and t hey gave up on me ." Afte r the Budds ' ha two weeks ago.: ~l'm a lot m ore relaxed now Creek race, in which he struggled with a knee . -tna n I was before and I think that will help me top 12 ov era ll. The abs en ce of several to p U.S: stars playe d against the chances for an injury , Schmil was seen having a private con- ,do rea( well. Thi s is my first grand prix ever and , I r eall y don't know what to expect , so rrn just ,American win. "Jeremy (McGrath) is verypro- . ve~tion wilh Er ic Geboers; 'the ma nage r ~f going 't o go out there and do the best I Can.', tective of his off-weekends ," said Honda team EcIw.nEvertsen. but Schmit downplayed their ,manager Dave Arnold., "In his contract it said . discussion. "If I stay in Europe it will only be for . felt like twas going really well in timed training that he had to ride just one GP this. year and one more yea r. I know I said that I wanted. to but then Ifound out that I was only ,13th fastest. its very important to the Japanese that he ride end my career here but now I feel Ilke ndlng I think that was kind of Screwed up but it's the at Suzuka in afew wee ks. He saw,the loopone more y ear in Am erica for Yam ahaandall race that rea lly counts." COincid entally , Craig , hole , chose Japan and bailed out the window myoid sp onsors like Fo x and Pro 'C irc uil , finish ed the day , 13th overall: . · , on this race :" Also abse nt were 250Cc Nationa l would be great." There is 'no doubt thai Greg A lbertyn will , number-one Mike 'Kiedrowski, who is healing On the other side of the SChmit-Che sterfie'ld spend next year in co mp eti ng in the U.S .. a broken finger , 500cc Champion and current What is 'not certain is which team the cnariscontroversy is team manager Michele Rina ld i. 250cc National class' leader Mike laRocco, "With Donny it is finished ," sai d Rinaldi, him- _ matic So ut h ·Africa n will be competing for . who was taking a well-eamed rest , and 125cc self a former World Champion. 'V-Ie had three ' Rumors of talks with both Honda and Yamaha Nationa l C ha mp Doug He n ry, still trying to good years together, a nice timewith good ' were confirmed by Albertyri at Budds Creek, 's o lv e the E lnergy-sa pp ing virus that has results . Now we look to next yea r with sorne-' . though he added that it was still Suzuki who , plagued him throughoulthe season. . one else ." Ri na ldi 'm entio ned current" 125cc has 'the first right of refusal for his '95 contract . Several Gp , regu lars seem ed slig htly put off points leader and Chesterfield team mem ber "No mailer who I end up wi1h I feel like I will be that so many top American s took the weeken d B~b Moore as a 'posslbte replacement for competitive from the very first day in the outdoors 'and at least a top-five rider in sup er' off. "No on e see ms to care about this race." " Sc hm it in the zsoccctessbut added that it said British pilot Kurt Nicoll. "l just get the feelwould ult imately be Moore's decisi on. . cross," ,said the 21-year-old.·"1 will be ' moving .' ' . . to Calitornia in December to , do some testing ing that when the Arnericans run a grand prix . il's just a play race to' them and the Natio nals . ' For the secon d year in a' row problems arose . and then retum ing to South Africa for the holiare the rea l race." Add ed Ste fa n Ev ert s , "1t in Sunday mornin g's ·timed training session . days. Aft ei thai iI's back to America for the could 've been good to have laRocco here and ' and Honda , O f Troy's Todd ' De Hoop was foreseeable future ," , .. il cou ld've been bad. I heard he doesn't care if again i.ncorrectly regarded as faste st qualifier. ' he slams,you outan dwe don' t want that in the ' ,The problem see med to arise from an ove'rSpeaking of Albertyn ; he was named to the ' GP' s." As far as publishedr eports concerning toaded electrical circuit that caused the power South African team for the 1994 Mo tocross th e re s b lv e ,o f t he v o latile l.a Roc co and to go on and off unexpectedl y . W hen told 'd es Nat io ns , which was announce d atBudds Kiedrowski not to give him any specia l 'treattowar ds the end of the session that he had a Creek.' The two-lime World Champion will lead : the team in the 25 0cc c la ss wit h fi ve-ti me ·ment on the track; Everts said, "If they-can not .. time thr ee secon ds fa ster than "anyone else be tea m players and not 'keep trom knocki ng DeHoop replied, "That's ,funny because I've national- champion Colin Dugmore on a 125 · , me down then it is better that they stay away." . . been stan ding here for the last 20 minutes.". · and Denn is .Hewa rtson on the 500. Albertyn's . When the times were fina lly cor rected eventual . father To ny Al be rtyn, and Guy Bu lkeley will Donny SChm it may be coming.back to Arnertwinn~!r . Yves De m a r i a ha d th e fastest lap manage the team . ,I· a

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