Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ISDE '94: Home In Theturt! LJSA! Tulsa, OK: Help Team USA bring home the Gold on our own Allmonies will be used to support the riders of America's first ISDE in over 20 years! Thanks for YOUR support. Ite m Ci rcle S iz e (s ) P ric e Q uan. Totals S , M, L, XL, XXL I · .. '''. ' ·... ' tom (yam); 3. Michael Polston (Yam); 4. Harold Hillard (Yam); 5. 20 • Sweatshirts John MeMlhon (Yam). $12 S , M, L, XL, XXL Z ;s hirts H / W S/ BIKE EX: 1. Steve Harrison (Kaw); 2. Antho ny Fania 4 Em br9.ide re d P a tc h (Ho n); 3. Rjck Beggs (Yam); 4. Joe Nelson (Kaw); 5. Brian O'Callahan (Yam). • H /W S/ BIKE AM: 1. Michael Fulcher (Suz); 2. Greg Leffler (Kaw); 3. Roger Harsh (Kaw); 4. John Fishel (Suz ); 5. Kevin Din (Hon). M/ W S/EX : 1. Brett Winston (Yam); 2. Bruce Coffma n (Hon); 3. Laurence Bors t (Ho n); 4. Mark Lary (}-Ion ); 5. Jaso n Sinclair (Ho n). . M/W S/BIKE AM: 1. Mark Wh ite hurs t (Hon ); 2. Robert Cavey (Hon): 3. Davld Henderson (Hon); 4. Bryan McGee (Hon); S. Colin [evens (Yam). L/W S/ BIKE EX: 1. Bria n xeraget (Yam); 2. Rick Steffey (Yam); 3. Bruc e Co ffman (Yam); 4. Brian Surtees (Yam); 5. Lee . Frank (Yam). L/W S/BIKE. AM: 1. Marl Whitehu rst (Yam); 2. Joe Woo ton (Yam); 3. Michael Polston (Yam); 4. J ~ ff Longbo tto m (Yam): 5. [aso n Humphries (Yam). $1000 U / l CP : 1. Glen n Szarek (Ho n); 2. Sieve Ha rriso n (Kaw ); 3. Anthony Fania (Hon); 3. Jeff Betton (Kaw); 5. Mark Lary (Hun). M/ W GP EX: 1. Richar d Bolen (Ya m); 2. larry Goldstein (Hon) ; 3. Evan Seroff (Ydm); 4. Michael Vadney (ya m); 5. Daniel Brenna n (Yam). M/W ~P AM; 1. Mark Whlt l'hu rsl (Hon ); 2. Rober t Cavey (Ho n); 3. David Henderso n (Hon ); 4. Kevin Dill (Ho n); 5. Dan MdeKreIl (Hon). L/ W GP EX: 1. Rochard Bolen (Yam); 2. Le Fran k (Yam); 3. e Bruce Coffma n (Yam). L/W CP AM: 1. Jeff Long bottom (Yam ); 2. Joe Woot o n (ya m); 3. Mark Whilt'hu rst (Yam); 4. Dale Os terndo rf (Yam); 5. Frank Weir Jr. (Yam). SPRTSMN EX: 1. Rich Sturges (Kaw). s SPRTSMN AM: 1. jam e & 11 (Yam); 2. Frank Weir Jr (Yam); 3. Michael Becken (Yam ); 4. Ja mison Lance (ya m); 5. Kennet h Sotnmt'rVillt' (Kaw). H /W S/TWN EX: 1. DoNly Unger (Due); 2. Bill Dietz (Due); 3. Scott Fetterolf (Due); 4. Peter Calles (OUl:); 5. Bud Webt'r (H~D). H / W S/TWIN AM: 1. Brian Heaven (Hon); 2. Michael Barvir (Han); 3. Jeffrey Griffith (Hon); 4. Kenneth Sommerville (Kaw); 5. Richard Barnard (Ho n). L/W S/1WINS EX: 1. Donny Unger (Due); 2. Scott Fetterolf (Due ); 3. Brian Su mmers (Ha n); 4. Pe ter Ca lles (Due) ; 5. Rich Sturges (Kaw). L/W S/ TWtNS AM: L James Ball (Yam); 2. Kenne th Sommerville (Kaw ); 3.,Ric,,",rd Forney (Hon); 4. Michael BolrVU' (Hon); S. Brian Heave n (Ha n). US . TWIN SPRT EX: I. C.J. Holmes II (H-D); 2. Pres ton Hopk.i s (H-D); 3. Devin Bartley (H-D); 4. Bud Weber (H-D). n U.s . TWIN"StRT AM: 1. Russell Bdrron (H· D); 2. Ann Wobttil . (H ·D ) . · . SO LO GTO EX: 1. Paul Yougman III (Hon ); 2. Jeff Atwe ll (Yam); 3. Erie Kropp (Hon); 4. Anthony Fani.l (Kaw); 5. Jeff Berton (Kaw ). - Ii En ameled P ig ! Die -'cut 3 StiC~~/ _ " L 2 , ,! e a lTl, US,>,r:I~g G loves "~ 10 Subtot a l O H re s idents add S.75 % sales tax P os ta ge & Handling Add itio nal Vo lunta ry Dona tions Please allow 30 days for delivery Amou nt Enc losed 'Charge # exp . Card holder Sig nature (requ ired) _ ~ AMA# __ _ Name _ Address _ · _ C;ly ST _ _ ZIP"...,..,,,,..._ _ ' Mas te rCard, VISA or Discover cha rges ca ll: 614-891·2425 or Return with remittance (payable in U.S . funds only)to: AMA-ISDE Support Fu nd, P.O. Box 6114, Westerville , OH 43081 Remittances are NO lax deductibl as chartlable contributions. T e I. .A9a~;~~n i:W'1 CRAND NATIONAL prese~n~t ~~~~~01 s ~~~§;i coris . I . :- • MacDuffee, Light shine at Albany Short Track By Clay Lig ht ALBANY, OR, JULY22 Doug Ma cDu ffee and Sea n Light - both perha ps best-kn own for the ir off-roa d sk ills - showcased some versa tility by postin g imp ress ive w ins at the 1/4-mile short track racing action at Albany Sp eedwa y. Enduro specia list Mac Du ffee won the Open Kno bby class, as well as the Trophy Dash , plus fin ished third in the Ope n A main in wha t was h is d irt tr ack d ebut. Ligh t, on the o the r hand, surprised ever yone by winning the 200cc ma in event aboar d a Kawasaki KXBO. Race promoter Craig Far nsworth changed his usual two "mo to" format to a more trad itiona i lla t track program, using a heat /semi / ma in format to give riders more riding time . Most on hand liked it, especia lly Mac Dullee, who w on all th ree of the Open Knobb y d ass run-olls then ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPEEOWA Y ran away with the main event w in. Clay Light place d second , while Da vid Luns fo rd se tt led in to thi rd at the linish. -e MacDullee had his hands full in the Open fla t track class , wh ere he was faced with some pr etty tou gh com petition. Tim Na va rro rode two grea t races in the heat and sem is but saw Su zu ki rid er Lance Overman come from behind to end the main even t in a tie. It wa s so close that no one could decid e the winner. MacDuffee fini shed third . ~ Sean Light, the BO/1 25cc d ass points leader, took o n th e 200cc co m pe ti t ion a nd sh oc ke d ev eryo ne by convinci ngly bea ting the older rid- e rs on m uch la rge r di splacem ent mach ines. light trailed Shaw n Barlow, last week 's winner, to the finish in the lir st heat and semi, but in the mai n, the nine-year-old motocrosser led wire-towire for a wi n, bea ting Zak Bye, Barlow and Joel Bye . The evening's finale wa s a five-lap Tro p hy Dash. MacDuffee led sta rt to finish, w hile Overman and Lunsford foug ht over seco nd , a battle that wen t Overman's wa y. Fou rth went to Barlow , while Sean Light rod e a KX250 to lifth. ... . Results OPEN A; 1. Lance Overma n (Suz); 2. Tim Navarro (Kaw); 3. Doug MacDufft'f' (BuJ). 250 A: 1. Tim Na varro (Kaw); 2. lance Ov erman (Suz); 3. Robert Hoover (Hon) . 200 A: 1. Sean light (Kawl; 2. bk Bye (Yam); 3. Joel Bye (H~> OPEN KNOBBY A: 1. Doug M.i1 eDuf~ (Kaw); 2. Clay light (Kaw); 3. David Lunsford (l<.1w). P/W A: 1. Sonny Lee (Yam); 2. Corey Bye (Suz:); 3. Thomas lee (Suz). TROPHY DASH: 1. Doug Mac Duffee (Kaw); 2. Lance Ove rman (511%); 3. David Lunsfurd (l<.1w); 4. Shdw n Barlow (Hon); S. Sean l ight (}(aw l. GATES OPEN Sp .m. RACE HEADQUARTERS Blilil V A O TO R C YCLES Oakland Sport Center PARTS IN STOCK 4232 Dixie Hwy. Wa te rlo rd , MI 4832 9 (31 3 ) 673-3366 (31 3 ) 673-8 144 FAX UP S Da ily " [ ,,] . ....-r. . . BERT'S MOTORCYCLES 818·334·1288 /818·334·2926 RE IO AL & NATIO G N NAL SANC11ON5-UCENSE INFORMATION (714)855-1602 (31 0)116U112 P.O. Bo 46 x NORWALK, CA 9D65D National Motosport Association RO CKY MOUNTAIN SPEEDWAY ( 3 0 3 ) 371·1600 , STOP • ( 3 0 3) 287·7 797 W a nt Ad i n for ma tion - (3 10) 427-7433 FIRST RACE 7:30 p.m. TICKETS & PIT PASSES AVA ILABLE AT : SAVE IT with a sleeve from ~ ~. 77=OC. . . . .... (303) 290·8497 w DON'T TRASH THAT WORN CHROME PLATED CYLINDER L•II. SLEEVE CO. Los Angeles Sleeve Co. has sleeves for most popular ma kes and mo del s of motorcycles and ATV's, We also stock piston kits, rebuilt cylinders and Big Bore kits. For more information contact: LOS ANGELES SLEEVE CO., INC. 12051 Rivera Road , Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 (310) 945-7578 FAX (310) Dealers call or write for y our free catalog and decals 698-7029

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