Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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then en te re d the competit ive 80cc class a nd scored repeat wins there as well. Also entered in the Super Mini di vision, Kling ma na ged a third ov erall with tw o third-place finishes. After the regular facing sched u le wa s complete, Kling paired with Jesus Camillas to also win the 60cc buddy race. Equalling Kling' s win streak was Scoll Conley, who enjoyed repeat wins in the Super Mini and 80cc No vice Stock classes. Co nley tea med with John Hopkins to also take top honors in the 80cc Budd y Race. John Nelson is another rider who ignored the hot July sun and scored convincing wins in both the 125 and 250cc Intermediate classes. Nelson also won repea t victories in the 125cc (16-21) cl ass, then ca me bad and teamed with Joh n Emerson to win a 125ccbuddy race. . Results wrROTO MX: t. Jeremy wrhmeyn' ~w); 2. Vir'anl Dunn 3. Anthony Crum (K.Iw); 4. Ciry W. tsh.tlrr (Suz ); s. John Zrwly ( P/W Frr: 1. OalLu Prick (Yam ); 2. Ivan Shultz (YAm ); 3. Kyle Swnrrwl"l (YAm); 4. A.I. Montanez (Y..m); 5. A~ JOI"IrS (yoI ). m P/ W STK (G-8): 1. 1. Ryan fk>at(Ya m ); 2. A.). Lee (Yam); 3~w}; Cas Swift (Yilm); 4. Phill ip Bruscellot (Yam ); S.}a mn Mann (Yam) . P/W SEM~MOO (().B): 1. Ryan Beat (Yam); 2. Chm Caud illo (Yam); 3. C•• Swi ft (Yam) ; 4. Phillip Bru!IC'C11olI (Yol l. m JR CYCLE BEC: I. Steven Ross (Jc. w); :z. Ca s Sw ift (Kawl; 3. be Wray (K.lw); 4. Ryan Colerrwn. JR CYa.E SJl( (().B): 1. Ry.n Be. l (; 2. Ronan Summers (""'w );3 .am. c. udiUo(lC.a w); 4 .~ W.gnN n (1C.l w). IR CYCLE SIX (9-11): 1. Emin Klinz (k.I w); 2. J eus, UrnilLH 4. Col. Hu mph us cx.. w); 5. Tnvis 8mUI (Kaw ). 80 snc ~11): 1. £.min Kling oc.w); 2. john Hopkins (IC.Iw); (K.lw); 3. Anthony 8I'u:lre~ (1C.Iw) ; 3 . Anlhon y DrUKeU ... (Suz); ... Dn id FOil; (Su z ); 5. Corry • Over 50 engine, frame and suspension eabancemeats. • • New piston, ring and power valve for more power. • • Ughter, stronger frame for tietter handling and response. • • Smoother, quick reacting, fade-reslstant suspension. • • Stronger disc brakes with works style rotors and pads. • M.a1la. 80 BlJDDYRAe£, I. Srott CDnJ"y/John Hop kins; 2. .......y Arias /David Folt; 3. Wilson Nichols /David Whdtrner; .. Jesus / Ky"'" Olson; 5. Steoven Cnun/ OuU Crum.. 125 8UOOY RACE: 1. Dustin Nr bon / John Emmion; :z. Wilton Nkhols/Jimmer Hol low; 3. Cory Bendar / And y Hurington; 4. ChriI LohW/Zach Cantz.ales. By Greg Robertson PAlJ,tDALE, CA. JULY8 Tony Sulek split molo wins with Ryan Carlisle to top the Pro Class to take home the bigges t portion of cash during the California Racing Cl ub 's Friday night motocross at Los Angeles County Raceway. Sulek go t thi ngs started off in his favor by snaring the opening-moto holeshot ahead of Jeff Willoh, Carlisle and Marcel Sanchez. By th e completion of lap one , Willoh was all over Sulek w hile Carlisle w as breathing down Willoh's neck in third. Car lisle then slid out in a tum, making it a two-ri der battle for the lead. Willoh was ridi ng the ragged edges of the track in a bid to take over the lead when Sulek bobbled coming out of a co mer, allowing Willoh to pull next to him. Sulek cleared a sma ll double while Willoh s tay ed low and shot d iagonally across the following tum to execu te the block p ass . Willoh started pulling away from Sulek, who was a good distance in front of Erik lindstro m in third . Willoh appeared to have the win in the bag until he mistook the white flag for the checkered fla g and pulled off the track. Sulek su d d en ly foun d himself back in the lead with Willoh reentering the track frantically trying to make up for his error. Sulek held off Willoh for the win. Lindstrom finished third ahead of Sanchez and Ca rlisle. Carlisle was handed the top spot when ear ly leader Will oh went d own on th e firs t lap of moto two. Sulek qu ickly closed 10 the back fender of Carlisle, who was unable to shake Sulek as they battled all the way down 10 the wire. Carlisle took the hard-fought second moto win by inches, but it was the RCP Extr em e Detailing/Hemme Hay / FMf..backed Sulek who captured the o v era ll win via h is 1-2 tally. Ca rlis le's 5-1 finishes edged out Linstrom's 3-3 score for second place money . MT. VERNON SbIft v.., v...... (503) 390-9000 (206) 825-4502 (206) 428-7714 SPRINGFIELD V_U ef SprIIotfIeW (503) 747·1839 FEDERAL WAY OLYM PIA FLORENCE SALEM FlernceV..... Cycle $perla ef AuH_y...... (503) 997-1157 GRESHAM (714) 563-1700 v...... Sperts LEBEC llMgn-v...... (805) 248-6484 SANJOSE M......est Sulek secures LACR MX win ENUMCLAW EII.-c1aw V-u CALIFORNIA ANAHEIM (408) 377-8780 MONTANA COLUMBIA FALLS ~ Motor Sports (406) 892·2752 (503) 666-9438 s-. KLAMATH FALLS JI.'s Sports «:ellter (503) 884-6500 TIGARD lIeawerto. v...... (503) 684-6600 OREGON CITY Town Center Motol'CJde (503)657-4654 PHOENIX c,deTown (503)535-5515 OREGON BAKER ROSEBURG c.rrsv_u R_..... Power Sports (503)523-3500 (503) 672-4179 WASHINGTON BREMERTON 11IeBnlHrs (206) 479-6943 FHmlI Way Cycle Cader ot,.pIav...... (206) 927-6118 (206) 357·9633 ISSAQUAH SEAITLE I-tOv...... ScIIttIeV...... (206)391-4490 (206)365-7326 LONGVIE W loIIpInrV. . . . (206)636-1220 SpokMeV_'" SPOKANE (509)924·7233 LYNNWOOD SPOKANE L,.......V..... v..... West (206) 774-0505 (509) 747·1969 MOSES LAKE MoMs .....eV..... (509) 765-1925 TACOMA T~V""" (206) 383-2453 Donate to e T EC LAYTON H FOUNDATION m 2201 Cherry Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 31 0/427-7433 "We want to be yourfiroorite charity" ~ 0\ 0\ rl , ... C() rJl 5b < ::i 45

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