Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. . , ., " :' . · .'"'1 ,". Steve Reeves (63) won the second 250cc BeglnnerlNovice mota at Glen Helen Raceway, but Eddie Legllu's (107) 1-2 score was good enough for the overall victory. 125 8EG: 1. Mikr Todd (Yam ); 2..John Sanders (Suz); 3. Wes Carry (Han); 4. Justin TW'N"I";5. Ryan Dienich (Suz). 125 NOV : I . Rick Richards (; 2. Josh Canter (Yam) ; 3. Jason PadUla (Suz); 4. Bomber Hernand ez (Hon); 5. JallOn Abbott (5. .), 125 INT : 1. Mike Battista (lCaw); 2. Jason Fiekb (yam) ; 3. HaeIan Arndt (lion); 4. Co ugan (lion); 5. Chris PACkwood (Kaw ). 125 PRO: 1. Dana Wiggins (Yam); 2. Stt'Ve Antirich (Suz) ; 3. Tadal5une Kikola (Kaw) ; 4. Dennis Dahlin II (Suz); 5. Ray Hensley (Hon). 250 BEG: 1. Dustin Lunde (Yam ); 2. Corey Hudson (Suz); 3. Ryan Ban fo rd (Ho n); 4. Todd Moore (Hon); 5. Chris w eedon (Kaw) . 250 NOV : 1. Jason Padilla (Suz); 2. Craig Williams (Hon); 3. Da vid Queyrel (Hon); 4. Jason Ominson (Ya m ); 5. Elton Vates (Han) 250 JI'IIT; 1. Molt Bateman (Yam) ; 2. David McCown (Hon); 3. S teve Cox (Hon) ; 4. Anthony Hadsall (Hon); 5. Mark Strou p (Yam ). 500 NOV : 1. Derek Gaitan (Hon); 2. Henry ~ (Hon); 3. Karl. Holmberg (KTM); 4. TlITl Nash (Hus). 25... AM: 1. Ridurd Gould (Suz ); 2. Darrell SlatNm (Yam); 3. Bob Kculer (KTM) ; 4. Gary'illda (Yam) ; 5. Tony Nguyen (Hon). 25+ BEG: 1. Mu k Cmlgrove (Hon); 2. jt"ff Eary (Yam); 3. Bob Morel (Y.un); 4. L.esHolland (lion); 5. LeeSaul (Suz). 30... BEG: 1. Dennis CalLagheT (yAm); 2. Tun Williams (Kaw); 3. Mike Torres (Hon); 4. Richa rd Bishop (Ho n); 5. steve Ve tte l (Suz) . 30+ NOV: 1. Molrk SandzinUer (Kaw) ; 2. Andrew Smith (5uz); 3. G.iry Shoemaker (y...m ); 4. K.let Holmberg (KIM); 5. C.T. Falk (Yam ). 30+ INT : 1. Eric Being~ (Yam); 2. Tony Alessi (y.m); 3. Mark Stroup (yam); 4. Ken Erb (; 5. David Saria n (Yam). 35+ NOV : 1. Mike Marioll (Y.m); 2. Gary Shoemaker (Yam); 3. Skip Cristy (Hon): 4. ScotPilul (XTM) ; 5. Wayne Carey (Hon ). 3S+ lNT: 1. Molr kStroup (Yam) ; 2. Jim Hanson (Hon ). 40..-: 1. W.G. Wi lllOl\(Sau); 2. Steve Bebeck (Suz.) . Todd perfect at Glen Helen MX By Robert Van Damme SAN BERNARDlNO,CA,JULY3 Mike Todd took two good starts and proceed ed to d ecimate the 125cc Beginne r class with a I-I score at the second round of the Yamaha Deale r Series at Glen Helen Racew ay. Fra nkl in Ziegler pulled th e holesho t an d broke away from the rest of the Beginners. As the rest of the group sorted themselves out coming into the "Grandstand Section," Tod d ran secon d followed by Jeff Hewitt, Davi d Stanton, Jay Schreffler, Pete Marino and Charles Gonzales. Things started to get busy by the third lap, as Tod d ree led in a nd too k the top spot when Zieg ler bobbled in the back section. Meanwhile, Hewitt dropped off, giving Stan ton third p lace. Todd was riding smoothly and p ulled away as Ziegler was now making more mistakes and letting Stan ton catch up to cha llenge. Behind them, riders were changing places and there were two new names in the top six; Wes Carey in fourth and Mario Pace in sixth. Lapped traffic played a factor at the end of the race for most everyone except Todd, who wen t on to win the first moto. Ziegler, slowing down before the doub les, let Stanton go by for seco nd, wi th Carey fourth. Not far behind were Pace and Gonzal es. John Burr-sponsored Todd cam e back in the secon d moto where he left off in th e first: out in front. Carey; getting a much better start, was in Second, with Ziegler behind him an d Bob Hungerford in fourth. On the seco nd lap, Gon zal es we n t b y Hun gerford fo r fourth a nd a lmost past Zieg ler right before the scoring section. The last lap pro vid ed the mos t ac t ion . Go nz al es w en t down, dropp in g to eig h th, while Marin o cam e from behind to ge t by Jon Gagnon and Hungerford. At the checkered flag, it was Todd first, followed by Car ey, Ziegler, Mari no and Hunger ford rounding out the top five. Results 80 BEG (9· 11): 1. Ros s Garcia (Y...m) ; 2. Da n ny Pettin gill (Ya m ); 3. J.J. Hall (Y. m ); 4. ~y P('1"eZ (l(aw); S. Tyson [).avis (Kaw). 80 BEG (12-16): 1. William ZiC"gler (Yam); 2. Josh Ahea rn (Yam) ; 3. Lennie Ustan (K<1w); 4. Cody Kna uss (Kaw); S. Louie Ramirez. (Yam) . 80 EX/INT/NOV: I. Robby Couse (Suz); 2. Bryan M~ vran (Y. m); 3. Du sty Wol.Iters(Yam) ; 4. Moln FllIdns (; 5. Ryan Orr (Yam ) 125 BEG : 1. Mike Todd (Yam ); 2. Wet CArey (I"lon ); 3. Fr:mk1in Ziegler (yam); 4. P~ Marino (Yam); 5. Justin Ga rd ener (y a m). 125 NO V: 1. David R..mM')' (Yam); 2. D.anny Montoya (Suz) ; 3. Kenneth Reed (Y. m); 4. Jos h Ca rt te r (Y. m) ; 5. Je ff Sta n to n (Yam). 125 INT / EXP: 1. Ty Kady (Sau) ; 2. Mdt Sateman (Yam); 3. De...n VanRiper (Kaw ); 4. Ryan Carroll (Hon ); 5. Shawn O' Brien (Suz) . • 250 BEG : 1. N ephi Dummu (YAm) ; 2. Domin ic Ga yto n (Yam); 3. Mike To mlinso n '(Yam ); 4. Frankie Cas tro (Ho n); S. Danny Canada (Kaw) . 250 NOV : 1. Eddie Legli u (; 2. Stev e Reeves (Yam ); 3. ' Danny Montoya (Suz) ; 4. Tun Barker (lion); 5. Bryan Lamborn (Yam) . 250 1J'IT l. Ty Kady (Suz); 2. Will Dickson ev... m); 3. Shilwn : Fortier (Han); 4. Ch.iod. Bruce (Hen); 5. Man Bateman (Yam) . 250 PRO: 1. Mike Young (Yam); 2. Jell ltatzloff (Kaw); 3. Brian Beach (Hon); 4. Millt!'fScott (Hon); S. John Whi taker (Hon) . OPEN: 1. Willy Musgrave (Hon); 2. Bob M<1xwell(Hon); 3. Eddie Leg liu (Kaw ); 4. David Ramsey (Yam); 5. Jeff Hewitt (Hon). VET BEC: l. Bob Palacios (; 2. Jim Hanna (H on ); 3. Michael M.a.rrin(yam); 4. Bruce Parry (Yam) ;S. Phil Diwis (Hon ). VETNOV : 1. Jay V~ (Yam ); 2. Dan McClintock (Yam); 3. Fra nk Villa (Suz ); 4. Dennis 8oulwa~ (Ya m); 5. Kelly McGui~ (Yam) . VET EXI AM : 1. Willy M usgrave (Hon); 2. Bob Maxwell (Hon); 3. Brian Renshaw (; 4. t..rry Johruion (Yam ); S. J ohn Atwood (Yam) . Sa: 1. Ca rl Cary (Ho n ); 2. WilfIl e C.rey (Hon); 3. Adrian Mesa (Yam); 4. Bob Breach (Yam); S. Leonard URton(yam). 50 (7-9) : 1. :lack Molitor (Yam); 2. Andl't'W Na9Of\ (y am ); 3. Mitch Maxwell (Yam ); 4. Buck y Cl uke (Ya m); 5. Justi n Yoast (Yam ). 50 (4-6): 1. Da m il.'n Lopez. (Yam) ; 2. Jafl:'d Mino r (Yam); 3. Andrew Varnell (Ya m); 4. Rick Perez (Yam); 5. Ryan McC lintock (Yam) . 60 (9- 11): 1. J.J. H.n (K.w ); 2. Ty Ren ahaw (Kaw ); 3. R.iy Peore:r. (Kaw ); 4, Tr-on Davis (Kaw ); 5. Nkk We lls (Kaw) . 60 (().8): I. Scon Simon (Kaw) ; 2. Ricky Olivl"l'(Kaw ). Chills, thrills, andspills at Daniel Boone Motocross By Kathy Smith LONDON, KY, JULY 3 Race fans enjoyed another grea t d a y at the Daniel Boone Motocross Park as they were treated to fas t-paced, h igh-flyin g action at round seven of th e She ltowee Series, The Kawasaki Freedom Challenge. American Moto Sport/Choo Ch oo Racing/ Pro Action /Gea r/Scott /Shoei /NGK /Pjl and Boyesen-backed Scott Graves thrilled the crow ds with his o uts tanding jumping ability as he crossed-up over the finish line jumps an d tripled the stairsteps. In the 125cc A class, Graves took the lead early and was able to hold it for an easy win in the first moto. Luc k was agai ns t Graves w ho was hit in the collarbone by a rock d uring the second moto. As a result. he lost val uable time and ended the race in second place overa ll. Th ings weren't mu ch bett er for Graves in the 2S0cc A cl ass. The cro wd screamed as they wa tched Graves fly over the wall of the " Rocke t Pocke t" and lan d in the "Gravity Cavity" d uring the last lap of the first moto. Because of a possible cracked collalbone resulting from the flying rock, Graves wa s unable to finish the race, taking third place overall. In the 125cc C class, Jimmy Brooks came out of the holesh ot to take the lead early in the first moto. He was able to hold the lead, taki ng the win. Jason Waters fell back to fou rth place, after going d own on the tabletops, but was able to battl e his way back into second. Chris Hed rick, challenging Keith lewis for th ird , battled ha rd all the wa y to the checkered flag bu t was una ble to m ake th e pass. Hedrick finis hed fourth despite a cracked wrist and a slow start, getting out of the gate last. The sec ond mo to of th e 12Scc C class was ju st a s riveting . Bra ndt Ca s hi on won the holes hot but could no t hold the lead afte r taking a ha rd hit o n the fi nis h line jum p. He was passed by Tony Rosemeyer an d Jimmy Brooks. The battle between Rosemeyer and Broo ks continued, with Brooks shooting ahead in the back section during the third lap . Rosem eyer wa s una ble to rally, finishing seco nd to Brooks, who won the second moto and clai med the overall victory. Rosemeyer fmished second in the moto an d th ird overall to Waters. Results 50 (4-6) : 1. Darin Davis (yam): 2. Patrick Gabehart (Yam ); 3. Justin Jacobs (Yam) ; 4. M.1tthew VonJinger (yam). 50 (1-8) : 1. Alexander Hunter (ltj); 2. SlwIV:'ClI:lwinion (l1j); 3. Ross Pruin (Yam); 4. K.lra Taylor (Yam) . 60: 1. J.R. Carter (Kaw); 2. JoMl Haynes (Ka w); 3. Devon Hedrick (; 4. tan Riddle (Kaw) ; 5. Rabbit' Cray (Kaw) . 80 BEG: 1. Cha rlie Searl (Suz) ; 2. J.T. Smit h (Hon); 3. Jamie H.ainer (Suz:); 4. lucas H.tmmons (Hon); 5. Justin Edwilrds ( 80 JR: l J.R. Carter (lion); 2. Wilson (Hon); 3. Devon Hedrick (JC.Iw 4. Ben Ridd le (Kaw ); 5. JolSOn Vaughn (K.lw). ); 80 5R: 1. Adam Vaughn (Kaw) ; 2. PAul Kar le (Suz ); 3. Ricky Hembree ( ); 4. Brian Hod ges (Yam ); 5. Chad Ryan (Hon). SC HBY: 1. Jaso n Finley (Suz ); 2. Ada m Vaughn (Kilw); 3. Brandt Cuhion (Yilm); 4. Nick Turner (Suz); 5: 8 ria n Hodges (Y.un) . U/t AM : t C. Mkh.acl Ryan (Kaw) . 125 A: 1. Mike C. P... gett (Yam); 2. Scon L G ravell (Hon); 3. d wry B.tker (Hon). 125 B: 1. ON n Demo8& (Su.z); 2. Dan iel Nelson (Hon ); 3. Brian Territ (Stu); 4. Gregory Nicholas (Sau ). 125 C; 1. Jimm y A. Brooks (Suz) ; 2. Jason Waters (Kaw); 3. Ton y Rosmleyer (Hon); 4. Est el Walton (5 uz.); 5. Ch ris topher Hed rick (Hon) . 125 0 : I. Dennis H.lcomb (Ka w) ; 2. G reg Wya n (Suz.I; 3. Micha e l Burb a (Kaw); 4. Ja mes Jenk ins (Ho n); 5. Rusty Hedrick (Suz) . 2SO A: 1. Rod ney Ca rrier (Suz); 2. Scott Mrnod ith (Kaw); 3. ScottCraves (Ho n). 250 B: 1. Daniel Ne lson (Hon ); 2. Brian Dnnoss (Suz ); 3. Miu &ker ( ); 4. Q. Michal' 1Ryan (Kaw ); 5. R.e.-s.e M.artin (Suz ). 250 C: 1. John Ca up p (Ya m); 2. William Sax ton (Kaw ); 3. P...u! Allison; 4. ltaymond Teny (Hon); 5. Lowell Molson (yam). 250 D: 1. Durell Re~:tdi l( (Ka w) ; 2. Alll'R No rri s (Hon); 3. Keith Cotfongim (Suz ); 4. Molrk J,acbon (KTM); 5. Clif ford Jacob!! (Hon ). . O PEN : 1. Dav id Fa rris (KlM); 2. Steve Moore (ATK); 3. K..ese Ma rtin (Hon ). 25 A: 1. M.ark G uy (Yam); 2. Rodney Carrier (Suz) . 25 B: I. Jdfrey Davi s (Hon). 25 + C: 1. Du ane Hensl ey (Ya m); 2. Paul Alli son (Kaw) ; 3. lowe ll Mason (Ya m) ; 4. Dann y Moore (Kaw) ; 5. Steve Hunter (y . m). 30+ A: 1. M.ark C uy (Y.m);2. Ch ris Wilson (Kaw) . 30... B: 1. Daniel Farri s (KTM ); 2. Je lm,. Davis (Hon) ; 3. Jay Klamfort h (Kaw). 30+ C: 1. She lly Warrrn (Hon ); 2. Gary B.a l'n (KTM); 3. isd Rand y Farris (KTM); 4. Dennis Halcomb (Kaw ); 5. Tmy Lanham (Ho n). ENDR N / C: 1. Ste ve Jacobs (Hon); 2. Mich.wl l..auth (lCTM); 3. And y locke (KTM); 4. Kevin Ruholl (Sw:). 40...: 1. G.iry Baisdl'R (KTM); 2. j,un es O ... t (Suz) . r holeshot a nd led for six laps before he went ove r the ba rs when the rear of his moto rcycle kicked s id ew ays over the fin ish -line jump. An drich picked up the lead with Larry Linkogle hot on his heels in seco nd . Movin g through the p ack was Bud d y Antunez, wh o ap pea red to be th~ fastest ride r on the race cou rse. Antunez tried every trick in the bOOk to ge t around Linko gle, but ins tead of making a pass, An tunez fell in a tight tum, tak ing fou rth-place d Dana Wiggin s with him. Andrich wen t on for the moto win, closely followed by Linkogle. Antunez remounted and charged back to third whil e Jeff Tilton, Rymi coh Yamada and Mike Ulrich rounded out the top six. The second mot o saw Linkogle out front with Andrich, Antunez and local pro Ray Hensley in to w . Link ogle led for three laps befor e Antunez got fired -up an d passed both Andrich and Linkogle on the sa me lap for the lead . On ce out fro nt, Antunez pulled aw ay and opened up a big lead . Antunez crossed the finish line for the m oto win wh il e Andri ch got th e best o f Linkogle for second and earned the overall win via 1~2 mot o scor es. Jeff Matia sevi ch looked like a su re winner in the 250cc Pro class, but a strange fall near the starting-line tum ended his hopes of an overall win. Even though he was the only Pro of th e night to clear the "Up ton" double, Matiasevich could only work back to a second-place finish behind first-moto-winner Shay Fretwe ll. The second moto was a runaway for Noleen su ppo rt rider Tracy Montero ne, who won with abo u t 10 seconds to spare over class winner Fre twell an d desert kin g Danny Ha mel, who was making a rare motocros s appearance. Results 50 F/T: 1. Sa l Vilela (Yam); 2. Ryan Sires (ya m). 50 BEG: 1. Malt C~trt'r;t!/o (KTh1); 2. Tommy Shinn (Yam ); 3. Servin (y am); 4. J Loop (; 5. Jessica Loop (Su:r. . eff ) 50 sn:. NOV : 1. Jeff Alessi (Yam); 2. Jeff Christy (Yam ); 3. Cole 5e'I.'Iy (KTM); 4. Phillip Bruscella (Yam) . 50 STK NOV : I. Michae l Beaver (Yam ); 2. Mich.ae1 Parker (yam); 3. Je{{Alessi (Yam); 4. Tommy Shinn (Yam); 5. Derek BoU man (Ya m). 50 MOD NO V: 1. Mich.ael Pa rker (y a m ); 2. Jeff Alessi (Yilm); 3. Derek Bellman (Ya m). 50 STK EX: 1. Joey Christy (Ya m ). 50 O rEN: 1. Sean Co llier (Yam ); 2. lcI!ma n Herandez (Yam); 3. Joey Ou'isty (Ya m); 4. Ricky Hemme (Yam ); 5. Michaol Park er (Yam ). 60 FIT : 1. Michael Beaver (Kaw) ; 2. Ricky Hl'f1U1\l' (Kaw); 3. :z."c Wray (Kaw); 4. Breit Mou ntain (Kaw ); 5. Derrick Bolman (Kaw ). 60 BEC: 1. Ryan Beat (; 2. eNd Mu nn (Kaw) ; 3. Joey Olristy (Kaw); 4. Ju.'lrin Lavoie (Kaw); 5. Joe Hamilton ( 60 NOV : l. Kyloe Mace (Kaw); 2. Scott Howe (Kaw); 3. Daton BeUf'flI ( w); 4. Joesu Camillas Jr. (Kaw ); 5. Ryan Picard s (K.w). 60 OPEN: 1. George luhrgen (Yam) ; 2. Gerard Patin (Yam ); 3. Robert Bland (Kaw); 4. Bryan Blagg (Vam); 5. Joe y Mitch e ll ~nthony ( . 80 BEG: 1. Co ry WiIIiilTmi(Ya m); 2. Casey Gould (Yam); 3. Jason Ciarlrlta (Suz);4. Ross Garcia (Ya m); 5. Justin M.ioa (Suz). 80 NOV : 1. Nick Beaver (Yam ); 2. Andy Campbell (Y.m); 3. B. Newcomer (Hon); 4. Brandon Mo rga n (K.1 w); 5. Brian Morgan ( 80 lNT: 1. Sean H.amblin (Yam ); 2. Brya n McCavran (Yam ). 125 BEG: 1. Jus tin T urner (Kaw); 2. John S.nden (5oz.); 3. Kevin Wheat (Ya m ); 4. David Sta n to n (Yam); 5. De an Shaw (Ho n). 125 NO V: 1. Ricky Richards (Kaw ); 2. I. Ht'T1l<1ndez (Hon); 3. Jason Padilla (Sau) ; 4. CIwd Sma " (Kaw ); 5. Ryan Brandenburg (lion). 125 INT: 1. Mike Ban i, ta (; 2. Ha rlan Arnett (Hon ); 3. "" Cougan McGn.lli er (Hon); 4. Chri s Packwood (Kaw) . 125 PRO: 1. Stt'Ve And rich (Suz); 2. Buddy Anhme%(Kaw); 3. ' urry linkogl e (Hon); 4. Jeff Tilton (Suz); 5. Rym icoh Yam.1lda (Suz). 2SO BEG: 1. Michael Wilson (Kawl; 2. Corey Hudson (Sau ); 3. J Ryan Banford (Hon); 4. David Stufk.t !loky (Yam) ; 5. Jaso n Gei ger (Kaw) . 250 NOV: 1. Sam G.irro une (Kaw ); 2. Jason Padilla (Suz ): 3. Brct Milan (Ya m); 4. Keith loond oo t (K. w ); 5. Dav id Qucyrel (I-Ion) . 2SO INT: 1. David McCown (Hon); 2. Anthony H.tdlolll (Hon). ~ 2SOPRO: 1. Shay Fretwell (Hon); 2. Tracy Monll'rone (Yilm); 3. Jct Fine (yam); 4. Danny Hammel (K.\w); 5. Ch icken Mati.ue-vich (ya m) . 500 BEC : 1. Man Dodd (Hon). 25+ BEG: 1. Mark Cosgnwe (Hon); 2. Ma n Pa rsons (Ya m); 3. Robert Madjoen (Kaw); 4. Rob Manl (Yam ); 5. Jimm y M.itialt.;ovlch (Yam). 25+ AM NO V: 1. Cilry H.ara dol (Ya m); 2. Darrt"1I Sta tham (Yam); 3. Keith Ha rrill (Kaw) ; 4. Bob KeHh.. (KTM). , 25+ MSTR INT: 1. C le nn Co m mo ns (Su z); 2. S teve But k r (Y. m); 3. Budd y Morgan (Y.arn). • 30 + BEG : I. Dt.'nn is Ca ll; 2. u yt ha n Loo p ( Ho n); 3. Tim Williams (; 4. Steve Berg (Yam); 5. Du e Bombard ( Kaw). 30+ NO V: 1. And rew Smith (5 uz ); 2. C.ary Ha rad .a (y a m); J. Todd Johnson (Su:r.); 4. Mikr M.arion (Hon ); 5. Jad Phinn (Hon) . 30 INT: 1. Mark Stroup (Yam); 2. Couga n McGruder (Hon) ; 3. Jim Hanson (Hon). 35+ NOV : 1. Ski p Cristy (Hon); 2. Phirln (H on); 3. Scot Paul (KTM ). 35+ INT: 1. Mark Stroup (y ilm). 40+ AM : I. MolrkStro u p (Yam). 40+ AM: I. Rich HaNOn (Hon) . 40+ MSTR: 1. len')' COlton (Hon) . Andrich lights up Perris night Motocross Kling grasps Barona MX victory.J . By Tony Alessi By Homer Eubanks PERRIS, CA, JULY 9 RAMONA, CA, JULY3 Steve Andrich powered his FMF/ Motul-backed Suzuk i to the overall victory in the highl y competi tive 125cc Pro class during ro und four of the GFI "'Win a Truck" night mot ocross series at Perris Raceway . . Spud Walters nailed the fus t 125ci: Pro moto VP/ Feroce-backed Emitt Kling again d istan ced himself from ot he r 9-11 yea r olds in both the CMMC Junior Cycle an d BOcc classes at Barona Oaks Raceway. The d a y began with Kling domina tin g the Junior Cycle field by winning both motos . Kling I 1

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