.':.. . .·1
,' "
.. .
put him on the ground and Ybema inlo second.
As Istvanel< cruised 10 victory, Ybema held second until the end followed by Kromroy and
Charlotte WaIdbuesser.
50: 1. Corey Strom (M -M); 2. Bl.ake Youns (M·M); 3. Jesse
Janisch (MoM);" NickODsky (Y.am); 5. Andy Smith (Y.am).
6S: 1. Ty ln" Smuldrn CKaw1""":2. Justin Sc.atz (Kaw); 3. StrYm
"*80 JR: I . T.J. Ze1dleT (yam); 2.5.Corry StatzmiJton ); 3. Tyler
(l(aw); " ~
(X.aw );
(lC.Iw ).
4. Justin Voight (Suz); 5. t:Mn MillChln (Su.z).
80 SR: I. Timoth y HUM (Yun); :2. Nick Gustin (Suz); 3. Jon
Smulders (J(.lw);
H.anIcrl (Y.am); -t, Billy VrolJ\l (K,Iw); 5. M.tt
125-200: 1. Din VraN (Y.am); 2. Tunothy H ~ CHon);3. Josh
turn.ann (Y.am); .. JerftnY Drruytft' (Y.m); 5. M.atthew' Zuehlke
(Ya m ).
250: 1. Mlrk Komel y (Suz); 2. ThorNs Bries (Ka w ); 3. Brad ly
Rosine (Hart ); 4, Charlotte W.aIdb\M.'IIIIeT (Y.am); S. Willi.am Moon
400: t . W ilham Moon (Sw;); 2. Kre Ybrm.I (Hon); 3. Ene Mw.chler (Suz); ol.Br.ad Rosine (K.aw) ; S. ScottHou pt (KTM ).
SOO: 1. JR Sduwbel (Rill); 2. [).avid u rtwright (Suz) ; 3. Benji
~ (Hon); -t. Jere- Ybenw (Hon); 5. Michati Duvall CH
on) .
VET: I. D.avid,Cartwright (Suz); 2. SWve Pri:ik (YOIIm); 3. BiD
StomC'llo (Y. m); 4. W illiam Ml tusc k CH ); S. M.lr k Pnlwk (Yam)
SR: 1. Cunie Thompson (Suz) ; 2. Butch VraN (Y.am); 3. Aw n
SumneT (Suz ); 4. Mark Youn g (Suz); 5 . Mi~1 ~ (Yoam
OPEN: t . Ste ve n C.ap t.ain (T ri) ; 2. J.R. Sc h n. btol (H· O ); 3 .
Michael Du vall (H ·O); 4. John Oric krn (Tri); S. Mich.el Vrarw
(Tri) .
600 PRO: I. Teny Vestal (R n); 2. Don.t ld W aldb\.k'Moer (y.am);
3. BobYbem.a (Ra ); 4. Daniel Zitur (Rill); S. Brian Kro mroy (Ri ll ).
250 PRO: I. George lstv anek (H on); 2. Bob Ybema (H on) ; 3.
Briln Kromroy (Hon); 4. Ch.ariottf' W. kfbueNer (Y.am S. Thom.as
Bra oc"w).
500 PRO: I. Bob Ybem.a (Rill); 2. Bria n Kromroy (Rill); 3 . Brian
Zu m (Rill); 4. Thomas Bries (K.l w); 5. Willi.un VAughn (Y.m).
600 P ~ O : 1. Bri .an Kr om ro y ( Rtx); Bo b Ybll'm .a ( Rill) ; 3 .
Thomas Bne (Rill); 4, Frank Kaiser (W ·R) ; S. Willi.am V. ughn
SO: I. Corry Strom (M -M) ; 2. Bla ke Young (M -M); 3 , }es:M'
J.anisch (M·M); -t, NidOso~y (y.am); S. AndySm.lth (Yam).
60: 1. Tyler Smulden (K.aw); 2. Julll'in Statz (K.lw); 3. Stf'Yl"f1
Mou (K,Iw ); 4. Corey Statz (K.Iw ); S. NiIcho1.u Ibnuner (K..aw
1Il1~ \. Ty'" Smuld~
SR: I. Butch Vr.ana (Y.am); 2. C.amie Tho mJ'5O" (Suz); 3. Ala n
Sumner (Suzl; 4. Oa~ Sm ith (K.aw); S. Mouk You ng (Sw).
OPEN: 1. J.R. Schn.a~1 (H ·D); 2. Steve C.ptain (Tn); 3.
Mkiwod [)uvOlll1 (H.D); 4... Mich..atol VI"ilrY (Tri) .
Carsten caps E-town MX
(Top) Tho m a s Brles (97 ) competed In
th ree c lasses a t the Aztalan Cycle Park
ST. (Ab o ve ) Barry Carsten (40) was
spectacular en route to v ictory In t he
125cc ProlExpert ranks at round seven
of t he Tucker Rocky MX Series at
Raceway Park.
P/W 8-2: 1. JJ. Noofw'(ltj); 2. Man Con treras (KTM); 3. J
Orn.ard (Hon); 4. IUirm H.lnes tSuz); 5. Ryan Pulli.un (Yam~
P/ W 8--2: 1, Ul Me 0 (Yolm); 2. Aron Tomota.;3. Min Prince
P/W A:. 1. Ryan RoytW (Yam); 2. Qyrie MeIer (Yam); 3J,Ared Tello (Yam).
P/W MOO: 1. Sran Collier (Yam).
60 BEG: 1. ~rn CiNr ~w); 2. Brne Human (lC.Iw); 3.
Bmt: M oun ...in (lCI.w); • . A ron Tomou ~w); Justin C1enard
60 (1).8): 1. Sw\ Collin' (X.aw); 2. BlAkr M..rahftm (K.i w); 3VInCmI Rhoads (X.&w); 4. Anlhony 8ubIawi (Kaw).
60 ('9-tt~ t .1Yd N.kamI. (lC.Iw).
80 BEG:1. Chu Smith (lC,awl; 2. Justin RobiNon (K.tw); 3. Ty
IUdwwa y (Y.-m).
80 (12-13); 1. MKNd YounC (Suz); 2. Chris Honnoad (XJ;w);
3- Orvin s.."...1Su» : 4. J...,. w... lSu>~
80(1"' 16): 1 . ~l.I Monw (Suz).
BlC WHL:. 1. ChriI. Tonft (X&w); 2.lCenn y5Pely (lC.l ). .
125 BEG: 1. Oint Voln EpI; (Kaw ); 2. Kn. BlomcWd (Y.am); 3.
W", Cd! (Suz); 4. Tnv1l Sm ith (Y. m); S. Lnton Derrick (1U:w).
125 NOV : 1. Chria BlAnton (Suz); 2. Mike Col lier (X.aw); 3EriC' Andrf'lOn (lUiw); • . Krvin Tuwatrr (Suz); 5. Ry.n Brink.
125 lNT: 1. Stwwn O' Brien (Suz); 2. N'rl Ma iro!le (Su.z); 3D.). SwlNny (lCaw).
250 BEC : 1. Mich.lf'1 KAutz (Hon); 2. Rick. Nolte (Suz); 3.
Colby Begin(li on); 4. Donniol! Baift. (Hon); s. Ab Me u ra Jr. (Ka w) .
:so NOV: t. Tom Me L.ughlin (Ka w) ; 2. Doa~ V. n Scee
250 !NT : t. Au gullio Fneyte (lCaw); 2. Casey Lytle (lion); 3.
Johnny PO&GI (lCAw).
PRO: t . Tony Sul ek (SUI:); 2. Ky.n C.r lis le (Ka w); 3. Er ik
Und.trom (Han); -t. Jeff Wilioh (Kaw ); 5. M;unll Sanchez(Sw;) .
JR VET BEG: I , Cha rles Shannon (Hon).
JR VET NOV : 1. Jo hn Jefferies (Hon); 2. Edd ie BUtnlUll (Suz ).
JR VET lNT : 1. M.1k:olm Solley (Hon); 2. John ~ffer (Yam) .
VET DEC: I. [Mvid A kUio (Y.am); 2. Dean Jennings(K.aw); 3.
~ TftracdAno (Han); 4. Mike Hainra (Suz ); 5. Scott Mountain
(Yam ).
VET NOV : 1. Ton y PuDiiun (Y.m); 2. John Stich (JC.I w); 3. Ed
Eckrt (Yam); -t. Tun Mitchell (Kaw); 5oD.m Bern.dino (Suz).
VIrr!NT: 1. J SWa 1Su>~ 2. John AIeund..- (Hon~
VET PR O: 1. Br ad M clftx:l (Hon); 2. Rodney Mo rri-on
Kromroy, Yb ~ma, and Istvanek
cash in at Aztalan Pro-Am ST
By Philip McDowell
LAKE MIllS, WI, jUlY2-3
Brian Kromroy, Bob Ybema, and George Ist vanek were Sunday's Open, 500 and 250cc Pro
class winners, respectively, at Aztalan Cycle
Park's annual Pro-Am short track weekend.
Nearly 150 riders showed up Saturday night
to race on Aztalan's quarter·mile oval, which
was in excellent condition and just kept getting
better as the weekend went on.
Kromroy took a hard--eamed , wire--to-wire
win over Ybema in the Open Pro class but had
to settle for second and third, respectively in the
500 and 250cc Pro classes, as Ybema returned
the favor by taking the win in the 500cc cla ss
and edging Kromroy out for second in the 250cc
Pro cIass behind race winner Istvanek.
In the Open Pro final , Kromroy grabbed the
lead right off the bat with Thomas Bries, William
Vaughn. Steven Champine and Frank Kaiser in
low . Kromroyand Bries started 10 ease away as
things heated up behind them . Vau ghn,
Champine, Ybema, and Kaiser were circlin g in
close fonnation when Champine clipped someon e ' s rear wheel leaving h im d own and o u t.
Aft er a si ng le--file restart, Ybema spent a la p
mixing it up with Bries before moving up to do
business with the leader Kromroy. Ybema spe nt
the remaining 10 laps of the race trying to find a
wa y around Kromroy while just be hi nd the m
Bries held a bike-l ength advantage ove r Kaiser .
At the finish it was Kromroy by a wh eel over
Ybema, and Bries bea t Kaiser in a photo finish
for third just a bike- length back.
In the 500cc final it was a ll Ybem a o n hi s
Rota x, as he led. from start to finish . Kromroy
and Brian Zurn mixed it up for a bit in second
with Kromroy gaining the advantage at the end.
Bries took fourth and Vaughn narrowly ed ged
out Kerscher for fifth.
In the 250cc Pro class Istvanek won his heat
and led the final from start 10 finish, much as he
did last year. Bries was holding on to the second
spot until he lost traction going inlo one, which
By Dick Archer
Suzuki Support/Montgomeryville Cycle-backed
Barry Carsten was sp e ctac u la r, winning the
12See Pro /Expert and finishing seco nd in the
250cc /Open PrO/Expert to regain the series
points lead in roun d five of the close ly contested
'94 Tucker-Rocky MX Series atlQceway Park.
Carsten had both hands full holding off double trouble from series rival Ty Wallace and 11m
Ferry. In moto one of the 125cc class, Carsten
grabbed the holeshot wi th Jim McIlvaine, Dag
Boyesen and Ty Wallace not far behind Wallace
quickly passed Boyesen and then Mellvaine, as
Tim Ferry with a poor start, powered his way up
through the ranks and by the fifth lap was in
fo u r th. Wallace went down as Boyesen and
Ferry smelled blood and flew by . With less than
two laps remaining. Ferry poured it on. Making
quick. work of Boyesen. he homed in on Carsten.
catching and passing him on the last lap for the
By molo two, the dueling duo had an agenda
of their own. Wallace pulled a mean holeshot
with Neil Woerner, McIlvaine and Jeff Yentzer
in low up the staircase. Carsten and Ferry were
handling crosstown traffic, and quickly began
p icking off the field and working their wa y to
th ird and fourth. Carsten became feverish and
d ialed in on Wallace, hunting him down on ihe
last lap . Tracking his quarry, Carsten roa red by
on the flagpole straightaway to take the lead jus t
before the last comer. Wallace mad e a last d itch
effort to double-up on the tripl es only to finish a
bike-len gth short. Carsten's 2-1 topped Ferry 's 13 for the ove rall.
The 250 mot os were fast paced and furious
with Tim Ferry winning both motos. The battle
wa s for second as Barry Carsten again beat-up
on his op ponent, Wallace, with a clean 2-2 fmish. Wallace settled for a pair of thirds.
Resu lts
60: 1. c.~ Clark (K. w).: :2. ~~k Bu r lew (K.lw); 3. Ju stin
FAZe (K.aw); 4.
01e58m (K.aw ); S. Cllbc11 Hunado (Hon ).
80 (0-11): 1. Travis PastraN (Suz ); 2. Brandon Jeewm.an (5uz:); 3.
Jeremy Cook (K.aw);" Ca W)'" Ct. .... (Y.am); S. Shane&nholf (Su,z).
80 (12·13 ): I . Poa ul u rpena (Han); 2. 1
RudIe (Y.am); 3.
Chris HWlter (Hon); .. Joe OrlJaVef!lollflO (H on ); 5. 1Cevin BrodsId
80 (14-15): I. Casey' Hi ggi ns (K.l w); 2. Sholne Rna n o vkti
(Ya m); 3 . Tony Pedoue (Yam); 4. Larry MondeLlfd i (Ya m) ; 5 .
Shanr lhrris (Yam ).
SCHBY I. john -....... (K.owt 2. J->n IWpor (\(aw): 3,
fun r..ln
Zu""",," (Hon):
s. Ma~ e - n
CI.CBY t . Charles Scutt (X.IIwl; 2. Eric Norin (Hun); 3. Pud-:
drrBari:e'(KAw);" Tom Mandakt; 5oSNwn VU1eowski (lion).
WMN: I. u.. LesheT (K.iw ); 2. Rene Kotopolis ~w); 3.
Stxy O'Brien.
125 A: 1. 8.Iny Camm (Suz); 2. rlDl Fnty (Han); 3. Ty W.alJ.ce (Han); -t. Jim MdlvAinr (Hon); S. JeffYm~ (K.w).
125 B; 1. Ronnie F. isat: (Hon); 2. John Schnridn (K.lw); 3.
Strve Moquin (K.l w); oo'''''
-to+: 1. Ch.arl" VL
'1:Ir..1 (Ya m) ; 2. Bud F_ (rrM); 3 . Joe
Yagloski (Y. m ); 4. Bob McCann (I-Ion) ; 5. J,t, ; M.talini (Hon). _
Martinez magical
at Starwest Motocross
By David A. Procida
David Martinez took his tum a t th e lop of the
pile as he worked his way up through a tough
pack of 125cc Novices 10 win round five of the
Starwest U.S. Suzuki-sponsored Ford Trude'
giveaway series.
In the first moto, VSK/MMF/N-Style-sponsored Martinez grabbed the holes hot on ly to
have Brian Brown soa r over him as they crested
the "Launcher." Tony Green had gated well and
was in the number-three position with Mike
Gibson and Ne il Alonzo right behind him.
Bro wn immedi~tely took ad vantage o f an
open track in front o f h im and began to pull
awa y from the pa ck as Martinez now had his
hands full with Green and Gibson, all vying for
third. Mark Tilley stuffed Alo""" in a tight cor- '
ner 10 break into the top five and then worked
his way by Gibson in the · Snake Pit·
With the white flag flying for Brown, Green
continued to p ressu re Ma rt inez an d actua lly
pulled alongsi de of hi m a couple of times. But
Marti nez held the faster inside line and was able
to fend off G reen the e ntire last lap. A t th e
checkered it was Brown, Martinez, Green, Tilley
and Gibson.
Mike Cinqmars got. clean holeshot to start )
off the second mota with Brandon Schneider a
close second. Dero n Wilso n and Green followe d,
leading the rest of the pack. Brow n had gated
mid-pack and was on the gas , riding the ragged
edge be fore' co ming up sho rt in th e roc ke rs ,
which slowed down his charge a bit.
Cinqrnars wasn't waiting for any challengers
and had opened up a sizable lead on the rest of
the field. Meanwhile, Alonzo kept up a steady
pace pick.ing off a rider here and one there until
he found himself alone in second. Cinqmars
took the whi te flag with Alonzo a few bikelengths behind, Gibson had made a few position
improvements on the last two laps and was currently fourth ahead of Martinez. The KX rider
never seemed to be able to get into high gear
during molo two, but never gave up the battle
and finished in fifth.
When the results were posted, his long second molo helped Martinez take his first Starwest
overall win. Cinqmars wa s second after finishing seventh in the first moto. Gibson was third
with a 5-3 set of finishes to edge out Alonzo,
whose first-molo ninth didn't help in the overall
results. Tilley rounded out the top five.
P /W
A; 1. Oon.ald ChoI1.ar (Yam ); 2. Kyle Foltz (Y.am); 3.
Justin Wibon (Y. m).
8; t. Ho llis l.w;l ev.am); 2. Justin Workman (Y.am);
3. Bry.nn.I Benedkt (Ya m) ; 4. Andl'l!'W Pt."IrW (Ya m) ; S. Justin
Cody (Yo1m).
(7-8): I. Kelly Tedder (Yam) ; 2. Se.anBorkenh.lgen
P/ W
(Yam); 3.J,ason H Udebr~nd (Y.lm);4. Po1 trid Wa lsh ev.am).
P/ W MOO A: 1. Justin Wilson (Y.a 2. Kyw Foltz (yam) .
P/ W MOO S: I. Jusrin Cody (Y.a
m);2. Dennis Howell (Y.am).
P/ W MOD BEG: 1. D.llas Pl. kk ev.am ).
50 STK : 1. Ch ris Nihan (Yo1m 2. Jonathoan R(hIe (K.aw); 3.
Da.niel Ta ft (terM); 4. ScottMutin (Y.am) .
(6-8) : t . Ch riB Nihan (l(.Jw ); 2. Da ni e l T.ft (1CoJw); 3. Q in 60
ton Pi e rc e (K.w); .. . Jo shu. G ra n t (K.w); 5 . JOlhua Brown
60 (9--11 ): I. Nic k Alv. rn (lC.lw); 2. Co le Humphis (KoJwl; 3.
Ca le W.all..ce (Ka w ); 4. Ga1'ft'1t t ayl or (Kaw); 5. David Su lliru
80 (0-11): 1. Chris Panek (Ya m); 2. GaI'T'ett Ta ylor (Ya m); 3.
Knin r.yne (Y. m).
80 (1+-16): t . Danny Ca rbon (YA
m); 2. o.ur Valdez (Yam); 3.
Chris Thompson(Suz) ; 4. John Thompton (Y. m ).
80 (12-16) BEC; t . Brim H ultiey (Kaw) ; 2. Sh.wn Scott (K.aw);
3. Benjamin Roee (Suz); -t. c.J TWn~ (Sw;); S. Sh.-wn Fox ~w)..
BJG WHL: t .Chris
(K.aw) .
S/MINt: I. D.avid P.-dinI (Kaw );:2. Oaris Du.trr (KoIw) .
125 BEG:t . John BruKrlla (lion); 2. }ermty Martinez (Han);