Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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' .. ': . .. ". EVENTS~:.·.:.:.<.;::'":.t~: ..::·'<':-"..::.;,.1 '"" : ..:..:../ ; '_' :::. . ':::. I' Fike, Isaacs Double atJeep's Club Short Track By Mike Zbrozek WICHITA. KS.JUNE 11·12 john Fike and Johnny Isa acs were vintage iro nmen, both scoring d ou ble wins at round six of the VDT RA Perfor mance N u tri tion Vin tage Classics VII Nationals held june 11-12 a t the jeep's Oub Short Track. Saturday night's threatening skies did nothing to hold down a capacity crowd as racing go t underway under the ligh ts on the tacky qu art ermile oval . The 600cc main bro ught the crowd to its feet from the start, with former track champion john Fike on a BSA cha rging int o the lead . and Bill Snyder cu tting through a pack headed by Evan jones to give chase. In fifth. Dirk Stan ley stayed with the lead pack bu t could not adva nce fu rthe r. The trio of Pike , jones and Snyde r took the checkered flag in that order, with Geary Slove r filling in the fourth spo t. The O pe n Pro-Twi n was ano ther thri lle r. johnny Isaacs he ld off a n ad vancin g Danny Cartwright to take the win an d spoil a fine effort by Dallas Babcock. wh o moved through th e pac k into third p lace. Mike Mend enhall and Tim Ne wby rou nd ed ou t the top six spots. Danny Ca rtwrigh t go t the start and the win on his Trium ph in the popular Pro-Twin Dash for Cash event. Sunday's acti on in th e 250cc ma in pilted Scott Novotny, Bill Snyd er and Gary Richtm eyer against one anothe r. Lap a fter lap. Bultaco riders Snyder and Richtmeyer pressed Novotny for the lead, but he held on for a fine first -place finis h with Richtmeyer slipping into thi rd behind Snyder. Randy Martin and Rick Werner. bo th Yamaha -mounted, se ttled for fourth and fifth, respectively . Pike again set a torrid pace on his BSA in the 600cc ma in, leading by 10 bike lengths mos t of the way. In the Pro-T wins class, Isaacs TPR Triumph again found the easy wa y around for the win, the XR Harley-Davidson of Tim Lindsfor una ble to get a handle on him. Resu lts J~11 . (Top) Don Canet spanked the competition In the 80cc Expert class at the Amago Mini Road Race. (Above) Dan Reed (38) holds off Mark Hostetler (65F) In the Ughtwelght class at Bear Creek Speedway. the 2SOcc A class fina l. Durelle acclimated himself quickl y by jumping into the lead right from the start. Verdeen Langland and Triplett diced hard over second place as Durelle pulled aw ay to score a runaway win. With two laps rem aining. Triplett tried to pass Langland in the comer before the long front straigh t. but his bike bobbled. a llowing Langland just enou gh breathing room to finish in seco nd. After a race-long battle. Tim Zemanovic slipped by Tim Gregory with three laps remaining to finish fourth. Motoerosser Darrin Chelin was also ha vin g a good da y and scored convincing wins in the 2.5Occ and 500cc MX classes. Dorn Peterson an d Guy William s finished seco nd and third. respec. tively, in both races. Results 600 PRO- AM,: 1. O. . ry Du~l1e; 2. PeteT Hook; 3. Ku rt Boehlke; 4. R.rdy Tripkott;S. Billy Hoffntiester. Z50 PRO: 1. o.vey Durdle; 2.. Vrrd~ Ungllrd; 3. bndy Triplrit,;4. 1 1mUm.INMc:: S. Tam Gregory. 30+: 1. Hill; 2. BiD Berard. 40+: 1. Buzz Arndt; 2. 011')'1 Pangftl; 3. Frank ~ 4; Joe BlM:ItWC'U. OrEN 8; 1. Tim Crtgory; 2. Ma1'CUll u.un; 3. Troy Briab Ln;4. BiU Brrud,;5. Tun Zrm.movic. 250 8: 1. Bib)' IC.I tor; 1. Ti m McBride; 3. M..rcus &aUft', n VlNT lW: 1. Buzz Arndt 2. SkYe Hill,; 3. Jim Eutlre; 4. Joe BLack~l1,; S. Frank R.idloff. VlNTSGL: 1. Duyl Pang'"'!1; 2. Tom Robertson;J. ~ BlKk - ...11 MICRO MINt: 1. Josh Koch; 2. Juan J..nes; 3. J«UbM.ltaYAI; 5. An Gudner. I..- Mit's; ... 60-80 MINt: 1. Kft'g.ln I~ 2. Anthony Wrdner. 250: 1. Darrin ChP Iin; 2. Dom Petenon; 3. G uy Will..i.ams; 4. Qu~ tin 81ombrrg; 5. Eric:Thontad. 500: 1. Damn Chelin; 2. Dom Prt enon; 3. G uy Williams; 4. Ron Brisbin; 5. Qu!mtin Blomberg. five of the Virginia Hare Scrambles Series at ReeciyHole. Taking the holeshot, Hess wa s followed by George Greer. Steve Arthur. Robbie Deel, David Wh ite and Rick Romans. Shortly into the woods, Hess was trying to figur e out how he wo u ld p ull away from the othe rs and se t his pace when he got into some p ine need les that threw him off course for a sho rt period and left him in th e fourth position. Deel and Arthur had made the pass on Greer and Hess and held the first a nd s eco n d positions, re spective ly, until th e y reached a fire road coming up on a check po int. Deel and Arthur got their handlebars tan gled up and were both down, while Hess had passed Greer and once again took the lead in the middle of the fourth lap . Hess, not knowing that th e o ther two rid ers had dropped ou t, ca me a ro u n d looking to se e if he co u ld catch a glimpse of them behind him. going on to finish the race and cla im the overall win. The 250cc A cl ass wa s w on b y We sley Mora n. Mark Allman was first off the line, but by the second lap Moran had made the pass on Allman. Then Mike Rom ans also passed Allman to ta ke the second positio n . By the en d of the thi rd lap, the hot and humid cond itions had go tten to Allman and he pulled ou t. which left the battl e to Moran and Romans. Moving up to pass Moran, Romans lead was short-lived for Moran pu lled ah ead once more to take the win, releg ating Romans to second. Resu lts 0/ A: 1. Brian Hrss (K-). AA; 1. ~ C",," (Hon); 2. Rick Romans (Stu. ); 3. ~ om (Kaw); 4. ~ Arthur (JCTM);5. OIvld Wh itr (Jhas ). 0-200 A:. 1. nmid Morriton; 2. Tun my MitdwlL 250/500 A:.1. Wf'Slry MOI"a n (Kaw); 2. Mike RorNns (Suz); 3. Tommy Handy (X.1w); 4. Man W~ll!I; 5. kYin Campbell. VET A:.1. Darryl CAmpbell (Yam); 2. Rick Pino (KIM). 0-200 B: 1. Qui. Baggrtt (Kaw); 2. ~.acy Jonf!S (; 3. Mike BaJdton(Kaw); 4. Ron Thom p!lOf\(Suzl; 5. JimGnp" (Hon). 250/S00 B: 1. D uffy Hanc ock (Ya m); 2. d ~1I EIII!lon {KTM )i 3. Sco tt Ellingff (K&w) ; 4. 'I'homu Gibson (Hon); 5. Bob Elliot. Hess splashes Reedy Hole HS By Mary Jackson 42 IVOR, VA. JUNE 12 Ne eley Ra cing /Oury G ri ps/Wo r ks Enduro Rid er!Jerry's Trucki n g /Scott USA /Underware Glove Liner /Metzeler Tire /j&j Contractors-baCKed Brian Hes s cla imed hi s fourth overa ll w in of the 19 se as o n during round 4 VET 8: 1. Bobby Wilt {Hon) ; 2. Tun Nom!! (K&w); 3. tHvid a.rk (ATK); 4. Rotrin Pelt ift' (KTM); S. Miner (Suz l. 4-SIlUC: 1. CIIPn tl okomb {Hon); 2. Roger Pucb« (Hon); 3. o.vid &I d win (Hon l; 4. SNwn Dorw hue; S. Andy Phillips (Hon). ().200 BEG: I. WoI mm Hill (Kaw); 2. Joq Woody (Han); 3. Mike Bouma (Kaw ); 4. M.ark ~n; S. ~ 8r.-;ly (Kaw) . 250/500 BEG: 1. A.J. Wlnstl'ad (Yam); 2. Scott Sebring (y.m); 3. ~ th Ho lt (Kl'M); 4. Edd i~ G rant (Hon); S. How ard Durlrr (Hon). SR: I. RobertUn (ICIM); 2. Bob WiIlLaINi (Kaw) ; 3. How.ard Roq.... (Hon~ 4. Sun Nomo (1CIM~ o-un 1. Jason Grftf (Yam); 2. Brian Bouma (k.lwl; 3. Tony 8onatulo (X.a:w); 4. 00NJd Vim (X.a:w); S. Nidr. Nestor ('Su£). Sam OrEN rRO- 1W : 1. Johnny IMao (Tri); 2. Danny CArtwright (Tri); 3. Dallas Babcock (1-1-0); 4. MiU Mrnd«lhaU (Yam); 5. T un Newby (YoIm) . MSTR: 1. fra n k G u inn (Su~); 2. Bob I T n (Bu l); 3. ~TlP B.IIr kWy (Yam ). OrEN TW: 1. Mike Zlnuuk (Tri); 1. Rm Stone (Tri ); 3. KonNe Only (H-D). 6IXt: 1. John Flkr (BSA); 2. Eva n Jonc!l (Yam); 3. BiD Sn yd rr (BuJ); 4. CAarySlover (Yam) ; 5. DirkStanlfoy (Yam ). 2SO: I. Strv~ lAcer (H·O); 2. GoIry Rkht:mcryer (BuI); 3. BiD Snyder (Bul); 4. Scott Novotny (ya m); S. R.1nd y HIlle (y oI m). JU N!'12 O r EN rRD-1W : 1. Johnny lsuo (Tri); 2. Tim U ndsfo r (H 0 ); 3. Tim Newby (Yam); 4. Da ll... B.IIbcock (H-O); 5. John Fike (BSA). MSTR: 1. Deve 8.arkJey (yoIm); 2. fr,ank G uinn (Suz); 3. Bob tves (Bul). OPEN TW: 1. Todd Ca m~U (Yam) ; 2. Ron Stone (Tri) . 600: l. John Fike (BSA); 2. Gary RlchtmfoyeT (y ;,m); 3. Ma rk Robimon (yoIm); 4. Bill Snyder- (Bul); S. Gkonn Dougla. (Yam); 6j.c. C I.ark (Yam) 7. Fra nk G ui n n (Su~); 8. Eva n Jane (yoIm); 9. Mike.lbroRk (Bul). 250: 1. Scot t Novot ny (Yam); 2. Dill Snydl"r (Bul ); 3. Ga ry Richtnwy er (Bul); 4. Randy Martin (Yam) ;5. Rick Werner (Yam) . Results BEG S11<: 1. Da vid Condw ("(.am),; 2. Julio MediN (Yam); 3. Ala-: 0dT~ (Ya m); 4. A1vol Adama (Yam); 5. JoNnna ManhaD (Yam ). AM srK.: 1. ~rt Schl rgel ev.m); 2. Doc Cha~au (y.. m)i 3. ~ Dunca n (Yam); 4. BiD Lawn (yam) ; 5. ~ ~ (Yam). EX STK: 1. J ohn Hop kim (Ya m); 2. John Bottchrr (Yam); 3. RayOw:-nkop (Yam ); 4. Patrick Murray (Yam). BEC MOD PRO: 1. Edward Simon (Yam); 2. Bryan HnlcT (ya m); 3. Dav td Corwhr (Yam); 4. Rolando Quirttno (ya m); S. Norman SUnon (Yam) . AM MOO PRO: 1. R- t i Unz (Ya m); 2. Todd Horton (Yam); 3. Robert Sd'l l.-g~1 (Ya m); 4. Joh n Wh itm . n (Yam); 5. M id~1 PorIn' (Yam). EX MOD I"RO: 1. J ohn Hop kins (Yam ); 2. Ko Kagiya (YAm); 3. Patrick Murra y (Yam); 4. JahnBotk:hel" (Yam ). BEG f-SO: 1. KanJyod'Ii AoMi ka (y a m); 2. Rolando Quintrro (y am ); 3. Edward Simon (Ya m); 4. Roland Simon (Ya m). AM f-50: 1. Robert Sddrgri (Yam); 2. Todd Horton (Yam ); 3. Nick TtemO (yam); 4. Tommy C rol f ord (Yam); S. Russell Lmz: w (yam). EX f-50: 1. ~ Soli!. (Ya m); 2. Cu rti& f'1toIchrr (Yam); 3. Ko Kagiya (Yam); 4. John Hopkins (Yam). AM 80: 1. Chris Ulrich; 2. Igrrrir (Yam " 3. Scott IJorvy (Yam ); 4. Marty Hl"nCh(y a m); 5. Scott Hof fman (Yam ). EX 80: 1. Don Canel (Kaw ); 2. ~'in Shco.iflT (Su7.I 3. £rid ; Agu ila r (yam); 4. Rm Wl"!It (y oIm); 5. C urtis firtchrr (yam). VET : 1. R.ay Oeeenk op (; ~ . .John Bottc he r (Ya m ); 3. Patrid: Mu rr a y (Ya m ); 4. Doc Choirbon n~oIu (Ya m) ; S. Ma rk McCo rd (Yam). SR: 1. 8 iU LawlrM (yoIm); 2. Tommy Craw fo rd (yam). Reed romps at Bear Creek By Kevin George S.CANTON.OH.JUNE II Dan Reed captured a little you th for himself at Bear Creek Speedway, ru nn ing back-to-hack flat track featu res to take a win an d a close runnerup wi th his 250 Honda. Reed (Cornerstone Cha pe l of Medina) bar tled Mark Hos tetle r on his 360 Bultaco side by side for the enti re race. After two restarts du e to over-anxio us rid ing, th e race stayed on green. Reed forced Ho st eller to the h igh side. but Hostetler used the position to his advantage in the stra ight. Reed led on lap one. bu t Hostetler hit th e line first the nex t five laps . After Do n Herron gave up the chase with carb problems on his Bulta co, Lenny Umpleby moved into third place with Da le Sondles moving up to fourth. Reed po wered up just enough to lead to the line for the last two laps and score the win. Reed - in jus t his th ird race since givi ng up flat track racing 14 years ago - wa s cha rged up when he found out he could run his 250 with the big-bores in th e Open class, and he p romptly ga ve Yamaha SOl}-mo un ted Larry Hodges fits. Hod ges and Reed traded the lead in every lap of heat-race action, bu t Hodges had the last of the cobwebs off his Yamaha and mos t of the mothballs out of his leath ers by main-event time (It's been a whi le between races for Hodges also) . The hoJeshot in the main went to Reed, who promptly laid claim to the low line. bu t Hodges wa s able to nip Reed at the line each lap and took the win . jon Massie man handl ed his Yamaha 400 mo tocrosser to a third -pla ce finish wit h Tom Barnhill on a 360 Bultaco in fourth. Barnhill jumped on his Suzuk i 400 to top the knobby class with Hod ges in second . Cory Roth dominated You th action, while Jessie Hodges took co up le of runner~ups. Results Canet conquers Amago Mini RR K.c. Knodd (K.iw). By Scott Hoffman xc, Knodel ( . PALOMAR, CA. JUNE 12 . Do n Ca ne t rode his ult ra- mod ified. FNE-built · Ka wasak i 80 Big Wh eel to back-to-b eck heatrace victories. po unding the competition in the Expert BOa: class at Amag o Raceway. In the first heat, Kevin Shea fer grabbed the fro nt spot w ith Ben Solis, Erick Aguilar and Cane! trailing. On the secon d lap, Canet up ped the pace to pass both Solis and Aguilar in one effortless move. Shea fer had pu lled out a sligh t lead, but Canet wa s on the gas an d moving in rapid ly. Caret closed the gap to spark a three-lap du el wit h Shea fer which saw the two riders swa p the lead several times. When the ru bber settled to the ground, Cane t was ou t in front and started to pull away. At the finish, Cane! motored in for the victory and Shea fer fins hed in the runner-up spot; Ron West mov ed up to take third. In the seco nd heat, Sheafer found himse lf up fro n t whi le Ca net qu ickly began to bit e a t h is rear tire. The two riders swapped fiberg lass. on the opening laps unti l Sheafer misjudged a corner a nd wen t on a n excurs ion of f th e track. Shea fer re-ent ered the track in the seco nd spot, and Ca ne t slowed briefly as if to p lay with him bu t later wicked it up to take the win. Aguilar came in during the closing laps to take over the second spot from a slowin g Sheafer. In the Expe rt Stock class. young jo hn Hopki ns spa nked the big boys by sweep ing both m otos . Ra y O ssenkop and j ohn Bottcher swapped heat-race finishes. with Bottcher taking second-place honors. YJli 8K 80: 1. Cory Roth (Hon); 2. J essie Hodges, (Mon); 3. YnI BK 125: 1. Cory Roth (Hon); 2. Jesie Hodges (Hon); 3. KNBBY: 1. Tom BamhiD (Yam); 2. Larry Hod~ (y.m); 3. Bobby ....... (Hon~ FT l/ W: I. O.n Rft'd (Hon); 2. Mark. HOIt~tI" (Bul ); 3. Lmny Ump~ (Hon). fT H / W: 1. Larry HodS" (Yam); 2. Dan ht'd (Hon); 3. Jon ~(Yam ). SCRATCH: 1. k Macun'l' a . w); 2. 1Cn'in Smith (Jaw); 3ShaneCoodnight a ol ); 4. Rick Mn-ry (Jaw). w HDCP: 1. Krvin Smith (}.aw); 2. Mark MaUft"l' Oa w); 3. John 8uIJrr (Jaw ); 4. Shane Coodnlgh t ( ); S. RickMerry 0-). Sumner lands on Plymouth ST By Gordon Lunde Sr. PI.¥ MOurn. WI,JUNE 10 Jim Sumne r was the top money-w in ner a t the j&P Promotions fifth annua l short track races at the Plymou th Fairgrounds. taking home the honors an d $300 for his win in the Open Pro class. Bob Ybema jumped ou t fron t onl y to see a red nag rome out as Steve Kasten was sitting on th e line wi th a d ead m ot or . O n th e res tart, Ybema launched his Rota x out front again with Sumner, Bre t Be yer, Ma rk G rube r a nd Kent Longcor in tow. Vbema led through la p three with Sumner all over his rear wh eel. On lap four, Su m ne r do v e h is Su b u rb a n H·D /J oe Houpt/Horsepower by Stan/ Motio n Pro /White Bros /Bell He lm et s / K&N /RK Chain An swer Prod ucts / Mid wes t Anodi zing-supported Rotax down low in tum one and got by Ybema for the lead . Bret Beyer followed suit in tum three and gave chase as Ybema held a close third. The trio ran away from the rest of the pack