Novice Supersport action saw Bria n Harp
ride his Pop's Racing Yamaha to a wire-to-wire
win followed by Elias Banuelos, Bruce U tzig,
Mark Cha dwi ck and An tone Varize .
NO V STK: 1. Moa C h.d wick (y.rn); 2. Ju.tin HlPTm
(Y.rn); 3. Kand.. UlRonard (Y. m); 4. M.ark Cr.ah.m. (y ..m ); 5. Brandon B.llwlh (Yam ).
/BK: 1. 8ri.1.n I-Urp (y ..m); 2. Eli..s B.u1ue1os (y ..m );
3. B~ U~ (; 4. MArk. 0IMtwidr. (YoIrn); 5. Antonr V.riu
EXsnc 1. Toby J"'S"""" (Y...); 2. ",.uri« O (Yam); 3.
IftUrifer VCnqNt (yAm);" TI'IPVOr Ford (Soz).
P/ W 8-2: 1. 1.1 Noone (l ilj); 2. Aron TomoU (YoIIn 3. J&mie
lubcol u (Yam); 4. ChrUtophcT Ja.ncich (yoIm); S. Justin Onw.rd
60 BEG: 1. BrAd H~ (K.oIw); :z.SIn'IPn ONr (KoIw); 3. IUd
Nabrrw (Kaw); 4. Bmt (Ka w); 5. An:Jn Tomot.t (K.oIw).
60 (g..11): 1. Scott Howe (Kaw);:z. BlUe Marghrim (Kaw); 3.
GaraJd Patin (Kaw); 4. An thony 8.lIrb.acovi (Ka.w).
80 BEG: 1. N k lr.Butb'TWorth (YoIIn 2. Ccnrd Poitin (ymn); 3.
BWz MitdwU (Suz ); 4. Jdf V~t (Suz); S. RyAn Holder (
II) (7·13): 1. Scott Howt' (Su z);:z. J.J. 8onnmo (Yam); 3. Dunnie Ounft' (Suz); 4. Shawn Scott (K.oI w ); 5. AUoInStagnpr (Hmt).
lIJ (I4-1 6): 1. jaM AJwm (Yam); 2. George La Mooteo(Suz),
125 BEG: 1. Brit lackson (lC.oIw) ; :z. Oint Van Eps (Ka w); 3.
Fl'fti S~k (Hon); 4. Miu WIPl"d (K.oI w);5. KriA BIomdahJ. (YAm).
125 NOV : 1. Eric AndPrw;Jn (K.oIw); :z. M lu Collie'r (; 3.
Kevin Toirwatrr. (Suz); 4. Stw un Mitchell (lC.oIw ); 5. Mike Ha rris
125 tNT : 1. Turtlr W WJl f (y ..m ); :z. N"d M.a
irolw (Suz).
250 BEG: 1. David Thornfordp (Suz); :z. Eric ChAw (lion); 3.
Ch.c1 o..v is (Ya m); 4 , C h u c k Oarlr.. (S~) ; 5 . Cary 'Tho mpson
250 lNT : 1. ~ fUlNln (Hon); 2. Michad 8IoIir(Ka w).
250 PRO: 1. Jeff W llJoh (; 2. Owen Dicbon (JC.Iw); 3.
PeterWAn! (Hon).
JR VET BEG: 1. Eddie Bute ol x (Su:z) 2. ~5oIgeiy (yoIm),
JR VET NOV: 1. o..n Hoirgrove- (V.. m); 2. John Stich (1C.oIw).
JR VET tNT: 1. Miu Cru!by (Ka w); 2. Stew ~ (Yam) .
VET BEG: 1. Jo hn Ha rris (Suz) ; 2. John Knight (Kaw); 3. Mike
CoUier (Yam ); 4. Ku rt KlKow('l(Suz) ; S. Mi u H.. ines; (SUl:).
VET NOV : I. o u,,- Dorst (l<.aw ); 2. Joh n BrkkncT (Yam); 3 .
~ith Hen3l~ (Hon); 4. TIm Mitmrll lK.w) ; 5 . Oa n Hugrove
(Yam) .
VET (NT: 1. Jor l Srals (Sw.); 2. D.l vid WUlia m"s(Suz) .
VET PRO: 1. Rodn lP)' Morrison (Hon) ; 2. Richard Bunch
SR: t BobDunhAm (YoI ) .
Miller motors at Marysville MX
By John Sliva
Mike Miller raced his CRl 25 Hon da to a d ecisive
victory in the Beginne r class during the Satu rday nigh t CMC mo tocross at Ma rysville's Riverfront Park OHV M ea.
Miller showed skill and endurance by leading a total of 16 grueling laps around the onemile-long Charlie Sexton-designed track. Moto
one was holesho t by 125cc junior David Lodermeier with Miller and Inlerm edia te David Denton close behind. Lode rme ier, Denton, and the
rest of the ju nior field p u lled away fro m the
Beginner class, with the excep tion of Miller, wh o
ma intained the faster pace of the more experienced riders. With eight laps scheduled for mos t
classes endu rance was the prime factor needed
to win . Miller had it, and more, going on to win
handi ly ove r the Kawasa kis of Kurt Smith and
Keven Fry.
Moto two saw Den ton take the holeshot and
p roceed to d isa p pe ar fro m th e field . Miller's
start was less stellar, non ethel ess he managed to
muscle ou t of the first tum ahead of the othe r
Beginners. As the race progressed , the juniors
roost ed around the trac k, with Beginners Miller,
Smith, Fry, a nd joseph Krantz in tow . Sm ith
closed s ligh lly on Miller occasi onally thr ou ghou t the race, bu t MiUer managed to maintain his
lead lap after lap . The Beginners wer e remarka bly cons isten t despite the long race, and the
orde r remained fixed to the mot e's end . A very
ha pp y Miller crossed th e lin e firs t, and wa s
immediately greeted by friends a nd family to
celebrate his perfect 1-1 moto scores.
In the 250cc junior con test, Tom jones made
his mark by taking the first moto over Alan fernand e z an d Lo re n Turner. Mot o tw o found
Turner b lasting the sta rt to lead the ea rly goin g.
whi le jo nes pla yed catch-up. Ferna ndez retired
fro m th e contest, lea ving first overall up for
grabs. jones grabbed the lead , and victory, late
in the race and held on to the checkered nag. followed by Turner, Rob Kopels, and Beginne rclass winner Kevin Larson.
125 lNT : 1. David Denton (Yam).
12:5JR: 1. David I..oderInrirr (Hon); 2. Eric W illl.uns (yoIm); 3.
0An Den uuo ~w).
125 BEG: 1. Mikr Miller CHon); 2.1Curt Smith (l(.aw); 3. ~
F'l' (K.ow ); 4. J-ph Knntz (Hant ' . BobbyP. uUng(Soz).
250 INT: 1. Darid Dmton (y.. m)
Z50 J 1. Tom Jone (Suz); 2. Loren Turnrr (1C.Iw); 3. ALm
fftnoI nd n (Yam); 4. Bob ~Is (Suz).
250 BI£: 1. ,,"in t..anon (Han); 2. UW'Tft'C'e Moran (lion);
3. J&nWS CopPl.oInd (lC.oI w); 4. David Chick (l(.aW); S. J&meI StonPk·
iris (k.oIw).
MINI (12 · 13): J. Mic:Ne'1 DiLomo (yam); 2. Lonny Fritch
(K.ow ).
MINI (9- 11): 1. Ryan Con1din (Suz).
MI N I BEG: 1. InM' Olson (K..w); 2. Ch ..d Turner (Suz); 3.
KPv1n MdCnigh l pc.w); 4, Mi Andenon (Y.. m); S, ~ Swain
(Soz) .
P/W: I.A b l'rrft(yoIm); 2.AdamKJiwalayk(yam).
VET fR O: 1. Jimmy Robertson (KJiw); 2. Emmel Ram ir ez
(Suz) ; 3. Ph il ROM! (Hon).
VET IR: 1. Mike Gorda Sr. (JCa,w) .
VET UEG: 1. Jim H olum (Yam); 2. John Carlso n (S uz ); 3 .
W. ynr Strt:o n (YoI m).
OIT: 1. Don Aa.nrr (K.oIw); 2. Bob Kosovillui (Han); 3. MlU
Phillips (Suz ).
Thomas tough at Starwest MX
By David Procida
Th e opening round of the U . S. Su zu ki-spon sored Ford Truck Giveaway Starw est Supercross
Series at Starwest Supercross Park got off to a
rousi ng start. With a 1994 Ford Ranger, a pair of
RM' s a nd lo ts of p riz es up fo r gra bs, a large
turnout of r id e rs gave the s pecta to rs th eir
money's worth . Besides the kid's classes, the 30+
riders p ut on a good show. jon Thomas rode to a
I-I sweep, winning the 30+ class.
In the first moto, jon Ni xon g rabbed the
holeshot and ran away, leading mo st of the
moto until Thomas doubled his way into the
lead. Mike Dunlap wa s a sol id third with his
Ken elli Racing teammate Ken McCann right
b ehind him. Thomas went on fo r the victory
o ve r Nixon, Dunlap and McCann. Rounding
out the top five in mota one was Honda CR5O().
mounted jim Stentz.
Moto two saw another Nixon holeshot, with
Dunlap gelling by for the lead before the secon d
tum. Problems with. rut in the " Phantom Corn er " dropped the Ken elli Racing ri de r to the
back of the pack, and Nixon once again took the
lead for a few laps before the fam iliar Honda of
Thomas ripped by in the "Sna ke Pit."
Nixon attempted another pass that resulted
in him stalling his KX500 after hitting l1lomas's
rear tire . The big-bore Kawasaki refused to start
at first, and Nixon was dropped back a few posi tions. But Ni xon refi red the machine, got back
on the gas, and withi n two lap s was back u p
into the second pos ition. Thoma s, how ever, was
too far ou t of reach, taking the second-moto win
to loc k up the"overa ll victory. Slentz p u t in a
stro ng secon d mo to to finis h th ird , wi th T.e.
Brinegar and Ken McCann round ing oul the top
The firs t-thro ug h-third -p lace finishers were
also the top three overall winners with McCa nn
a nd Du nlap rounding ou t the top- five ove rall
STX BEG (0&.6) 0-1 : 1. Au . tln Burlnon (YoIm) ; 2. Jar~
8rowtw (YoI ); 3. 'Thew Sullivan (ya m); 4. Sean McInroe (Yam ); 5,
Hu thrr Dubin (Volin).
STK BEC (4-6 ) D-2: t . Ch.I d Willis (YoI ); 2. Scott Martin
(Ya m) ; 3. Pa t Pe n ni ngton (Ya m) ; 4. Da ni el Brow n (Ya m) ; S.
Michael ~bws (yam).
MOO BEG (4-8) A:. t . Ky~ Foltz (YAm).
MOO BEC (408) Be t . Justin Cody (YoIIn)
Sf1C.50 A:. 1. IJroNJd OdLar (Yam ); 2. Xy~ Foltz (Yam).
STK SO B: 1. JU5tin Cody (Yam) ; 2. JustinWorkman (Yam); 3.
Andrew I"mie (Yam ); 4, ShAy Ryan WlPavn (Yam).
Su~ Track
1. Ouis N'tha n (Yam ); 2. Danid T.. ft (KTM); 3. (]\.ad
Munn (y am) ; 4, }onoIthm Rc. (Yun);S. ~ &.am (Yam ).
60 (6-8): 1. Qris N illan (K,iw); 2. 0Yd Munn (Ka w); 3. (]in.
ton P'irrn! (l(.aw); 4. jonathAn R.»P (1C.oIw);5. OustinShiJO {Kllw).
aWTI (lCaw); 3.
60 (9-11): t. Oylm l.ord (K.oIw); 2. DatIOn e.e
Austin Jones (IC.oIw); 4.
ulc ~ w); 5. JoI On CIarletta (Kaw).
80 (0-11): I , SPan Hamblin (Ya m); 2. Chris I'a,..k (Ya m); 3.
A _ _ (Soz); 4. J-on a.rldt.o (Soz~'" """'" ....... (Soz~
80 ( U -13): 1. Bryan McC.tYT'aft ev.. m ); 2. BuWl'OI NIPwa:Jcner
(Hant 3. (]>ria . . . . . .
80 04-16): 1. Olear Valdn (YoIm); 2. Scott ConJry (JUw); 3.
Dan n y C IlI.on (JC.Iw); 4. John TOOntp.on (YAm).
80(12-16) 8EG : 1. Cory-Williams (yoIm); 2. 5tYwn Scott (Suz) ;
3 . Rod Hamby (yoIm) ; 4. Jason Ne (Suz); S. C ,J. T3lngpr
(Suz ).
125 BEC: 1. o.n Folmar (Suz) ; 2. Milton CNvez (Hon); 3. Nick
Norton (Su7.); 4. j,amir P.amin twln (Suz:); S, BIUConway (Hon).
125 NO V: 1. BrYn- Brown (Suz) ; 2. J~h W oI n rr (Hon); 3Tony G~ oc.w); 4. JHOn~th (Suz);S. J,ison Abbott (!Ktt) .
125 lNT : 1. Rob Andcraon (Yam); 2. Davi d Hu ghes (K..w); 3Dea n V.. n Ri~ (J<. w) ; 4 , Jos h Fin lr. (Ya m); S. T u rt lr Wykoff
(Y..m ).
125 PRO: 1. Tracy Asher (Sw.) ; 2. Jark Hunm- (Ya m) .
250 BEC: 1. Ryan Banford (Han); 2. Camnon C rol n (X.Iw); 3.
~ Wook'n (K.lw); 4.
Rob6t IJalnon (Yam ).
250 NOV : 1. Eddie L.rglin (Ka w); 2. PWT'no l.aQuerTe (Hon); 3.
Cy (Hon); 4. Ron Ma lone (Hon); 5. John Pack (ya m).
250 !NT: 1. David Hughes (; 2. Mike Blair (Kaw).
250 PRO: 1. TrolC)' Ashrr (Suz); 2. Crolig Hofmt'istu (Hon).
+25 BEG: 1. Dustin Northrop (lCaw); 2. M.ulr.. (507.);
3. BubN Xinpnill (Hon); 4. G~ F'tsh6 (Hon).
25+ NOV : 1. Eddie kglin (LIw); 2. PinTIP LaQuIPlT'l!' (Hon); 3Cy Zu'dnl\.l (Hon).
25+ INT: 1. BrAdSimcox (Kaw).
30+ BEG: t. Bob Poiloidos (Yam); 2. Rm. Boa.... (Hon); 3. IJcr.
rick Lutdtb (YoI ); "- Dun jennings (Ka w ); 5. Ktn-okl Hcair
30+ NOV : t. JonThomu (Han); 2.
...... (}Ion); .. "'" McConn (K.ow); ' .
Nixon (Xa w); 3.
"'u Dunlap (K.ow).
(Top) Brit Jackson's (22) 2-2 moto scores
netted him the 125cc Beginner win at the
LACR MJt(Above) Jam ie Pamlntuan (19)
dices with Bill Conway (115) In the 12Scc
Beginner class at the Starwest
Supercross Park 's Ford Giveaway MX_
Durelle doubles at Larson
memorial IT
By TIm McB ride
Donahue H-o-sponsored Dave y Durelle pulled
double-duty, scori ng wins in the 600cc Pm-Am
and 250cc Pro classes al the Milt Larson MemorialIT.
After a 2[}-year hiatus, IT dirt track racing
returned to the Norsman MIC club grounds.
The even t was AMA sanctioned, and District 2J
championship dirt track points were awarded to
all contenders.
Durelle jumped into the lead al the start of
t h e 600 cc Pro-Am main and immed iately
o p e n ed up a comfortable lead over Kurt
Boehlke, Randy Trip lett, Billy Hoffmiester, Peler
Hook and the rest of the 12-man field _ Hook,
also rid ing out of the Donahue H-D camp, was
the ma n on the move however, as he slipped by
Hoffmiester and Trip lett by the end of lap three.
Hook then went to work on Boehlke, and afte r a
long battle fin ally secured seco nd p lace from
Boehlke al the hal fway po in t.
"After I got by Kurt, I knew it was too Iale,"
said Hook, the fo rmer Nationa l n umber 77. .,
Davey was long go ne."
At the wire, the top-five finis hing order read :
Du rell e, Hook, Boehlke, Tr ip lett a nd Hoff miester.
After topping the 250cc B main. Dur elle Racing Products-sponso red Elizabe th" Bitsy " Kantor handed her WR Yamaha over to DureUe for