Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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125 JR: 1. Josh V~ ; 1. Nril Mod~ 3. Iwron
M.iJl,er; 4. o.nny Schultz; 5. And y Waltft1.
12S A:. 1. Eron Eurins; 2. Scott Nicoson; 3. ~ B~ 4.
o..nid PJoch; 5. Tod d Ma)'ft.
125 B; 1. Tony Pod-US; 2. Chet Hodgn; 3. Jim Ncoupm.; 4.
Eric Ncbon; 5. Vincntt
125 C·l: 1. Paul Bru ky; 2. Bob Jendns; 3. Milllip; 4.
rft1 God ~ S. Mikr BuUn-. ·
125 C-2: 1. Aaron Miller; 2. Ruud Lrist; 3. Rick WillWns; 4.
Jeff Bcnnrtt,; S. Adam Grahun.
2SO A: 1. Eron Eurins.; 2. Kuter BI15IiIr; 3. D.&niel Ploch,; 4.
l'boma Moore; 5. NriI Fomwn.
2:50 8 ; 1. Tony Pod_ils; 1. }.tznn Rkd; 3. Eric Nelson; 4.
Robb Rutb; S. Clbriel t..eon.rd.
250 C: I. G"1; Coth.ackr. 2. Phil McDoweU; 3. M.atk RohlfIng;'. Jd' " ' ' - 5.
OrEN; 1. }df W ~ 2. Jdf Lots.; 3. Robm 1Yduenz; 4.
KriI KWppmeh;5. Thomu Monrt.
M$TR: 1. Jeff I..oi5; 2. Robm R.1durnz.; 3. Anthony Butler ; 4.
MiM WiedJne'Y"' S. Jeff Way .
VET A; 1. Mlkr Eidrnbrrgrr; 2. Thom.u Drrtzlu.; 3. Erik
Ezerim; t . Kria JQapperidt; 5. Chuck 1Gngtbd..
VET 8- 1; 1. Muk Henry; 2. 8ri.1n &nnrssy; 3. Jcosrph Nosek;
4. G",,& Thomson;S. Kirk Tra inor .
VET 8-2 : 1. Rick u m}icka; 2. Sco tt Palmrnhri n; 3. Ph il
~ll; 4. Danid GIow"oICld; S. Troy nu~mling.
5R: 1. Cook; 2. Fritz Hurbnrr; 3. Midwel CiborU.y; 4J MtTha n; S. Philip Schultz.
S/ SR: 1. Mlcluel Michrll; 2. Bud Hu ff; 3. [)mny Bobl in; t .
Rowan lockwood.
V1NT: 1. Thomas Angli n; 2. Edward Do m inick; 3. Crrard
Dq;rdnd ; 4. Ron Ryan; S. Eric Sdw. mbrrgrr.
WMN: I. Wen dy Modjrw~ki; 2. Kelly Sch ultz ; 3. Mkhrll r
Uiellon; 4. ll'Slllc.a Busch ; 5 . Kin ten R.lMnlllCh
Hunter tough at Outlaw MX
By Kelly Klslckl
Photo by Rod Pickens
Chris Hun ter was the rider to bea t at round
six of the Outlaw Mot ocross Seri es hosted by
Northeast Kansas Motocrossing in Westmo reland .
The BAK Suz uki /Pro-Circuit/ Acerb is/Maxima / Answer Prod uc ts /Daly's Machine /StepSon Garages-s po nso red Hunter put his Suzukis
out front. winning every mota in the three classes he entered . Steve Howe was the only rider to
chall enge Hun ter, but a t the checkered flag it
was al wa ys Hu nter coming o u t on top with
Howe se ttling for seco nd in the 250cc Pro an d
Open Outlaw classes .
Ch ad Sp id ell proved that co nsistency pays
wi th a second overall in the 125cc Pro class after
taking third in bo th mo tos.
Th e O p en O utla w clas s h ad to b e redflagged when Dan Wallace and Kyle Shull cam e
together in a midair collision. Wallace had to be
airlifted to a Topeka hospital where the diagnosis was that he has four fractured vertebrae.
12S EX: 1. Ouis Hunt-« (Suz;) 2. CNd SpidrU (K.I w); 3. P.ul
Hunh!T(Su.z;); 3. Marty Cuon (Suz); 5. TI'f'R Ha nwn (Hoo ).
250 EX: 1. Chris Hun t" (Suz) ; 2. Strv r Howr (Kaw); 3. Trmt
tuNrn (Hon); 4. 0Uld Spidrll (Kaw); 5. r.u) Huntei' (Suz).
OPEN OUTLAW: 1. Chri s Hunter (5uz); 2. Ste ve H ow e
()(Aw) ; 3. Marty Ca!lOf'l (Sw;) ; 4. Rob ~ (Hon ); 5. Bill Holding
McCann manhandles Albany
By Clay Light
Kenn y McCann, riding a Yamaha 1T500-based
fla t-tracker, outrod e the competition during the
seco nd in a se ries of 13 races at th e C raig
Farns worth·promoted qua rter-mile dirt track at
Albany Speedway.
Small-wheel actio n kicked off the even ing's
program , which host ed nea rly 50 entri es, an d
wa s ru n in a two-moto s ty le forma t with th e
overall winner determined by points instead of
the normal heat. se m i and main events. KTM
rid er Cody Kasper took the lead at the start of
the first moto, but Suz uki rider Corey Bye rode
past on the first of 10 laps and sta yed in front to
the finish.
Mota two had Su z u ki rider Bye ba ck ou t
front while Kasper aga in loo med in his shadow .
Bye, however, wouldn't relinq uis h his lead and
capped off a I-I sweep after 20 flawless laps .
In the Open class, McCann put his 500 Ou t
fron t of Tim Ricketts. The n Ricketts, rid ing a
1977 Bultaco Pursa ng, got by the AMA District
27 speedster, which se t up a mo to-Iong battle
until McCann went do wn and the flag cam e out
for a resta rt. On the next run, Ricketts was out
front , bu t yielded to McCann in the later stages
and se ttled for second a t the finish .
McCann aced Ricket ts out for the wi n in a
moto-two shootout by rid ing the high line, forcing the Bultaco rider to rid e th e in side lin e,
which was a b it over-wa te red . McCann's 1-1
placings ea rned. him the ove ra ll win and a lead
in the series in Open action.
The 125cc class fe at u red seve ral up-a nd coming ride rs in a class which was open to 80200cc machines. Honda-mounted Timmy Ricketts got the jump on the pack in the first moto,
but Yamaha rider Sean Lig ht, aboard a 1971
(Above) (left to right) Jim Sis emo re, Bart
Bast, Bren t Werner and Dustin Schroeder
leave the gate at Auburn Speedway,
(Right) Chris Hunt er (500) was hot in the
Open Outlaw MX In nort heast Kansas.
Ya maha AT1 125cc-based machine, took control
o f the race on the th ird lap and led to the finish.
Mota two , though, was much closer. Ricketts,
ri d ing a CRSo-b as ed machi ne, led th e e nt ir e
race, but Light stayed within a wh eel th roughou t th e 10- la p fin ale a n d a t o ne p o iJlt rode
beside him. Then Ligh t hit a wet spo t and nearl y
w ent ove r th e bar s, sa v ing a near c ras h an d
ho lding on for second, which was good for the
overall win d ue to Ricketts' first-moto mishap.
Resu lts
OPEN: 1. Krnny MtC.nn (y.m); 2. TIm Ricbttl (Bu l); 3.
Lony """" (CZ).
25(t; 1. TIm RicltrttI (Bul); 1. wig Farnsworth (Hen); 3. And y
Cr&nIP (Hon).
125: 1. SIP.... Ught (Yam); 2. Tim my Ric.kdts (lion); 3. Am y
Ught (R4
51>. 1. e-y 87" (5uz t 2. Cody J(a,!"" (ICIM).
Second sweep for Sisemore at
Auburn Speedway
Carsten captures Unadilla MX
ByGen Moore
By Dick Archer
Jim Sisem ore ca me off the s tartin g lin e like a
rocket to earn top honors in both the Handicap
and Scratch main events at Auburn Speedway to
earn his second double-win of the season, making him the rider others are chasing in the season points race.
On th e ve ry first corner of the Handicap
main event, Steve Martynse went down a nd
ended up in a heap with everyo ne bu t Bart Bast
and Bob Hicks . A very alert Bast could see Martynse was in trouble and just managed to avoid
the pileup, while Hicks we nt wide and also
avoid ed the accident.
As they lined up for the resta rt, Martyn se
was penalized and p ut to the back of the pac k.
Pat Linn dov e into the comer with Rich Marcue-ci slippi ng off the pole, allow ing Hicks to take
over second place . Marcucci ~Ied in the next
co mer and the ever-present Sisem ore moved by
a nd got down on the pole, keep ing a tight line
tha t allowed h im to get by Hicks fo r second .
Linn then let the back end get away from him ,
a nd crashed all by hi mself, lea v ing Sisemore
alone in the lead . From tha t po in t, Sise more
remained solid and took the win with Bast and
Hicks finishing second and third, respectively.
In the Scratch main. Stsenl ore, who was sitting on the pole, got off the line almost a fu ll
b ike length a head of Dus tin Schroeder, Brent
Werner and Bast, who came from gates one, two
an d three in tha t order. Sisemore wa s abl e to
increase that lead with each lap. The only other
act io n ca me when We rn er passe d Schroeder,
a nd sh ortly th erea fter Sch roeder passed h im
bac k to retake seco nd p lace. As the chec kered
flag came out, it wa s Sisem ore w ith his seco nd
w in of the night follwed by Schroeder in second ,
Werne r in third and Bast coming in fourth.
Fans were treated to the holeshot of the year
when Travis MacDon ald came off the SO-yard
line to pass all his competitors and grab the lead
before he was through the first comer en route to
the Jun io r main-even t w in. As a resu lt of this
incred ible feat, a protest was filed which led to
the teardown o f MacD on al d 's Ed Rose-b u ilt
motor. MacDonald 's motor was found to be com·
plet ely legal, however, so it ap pears that h e is
merely the new up-and -coming Junior to wa tch.
The Unad illa Valley Sports Comple x was host to
well ove r 700 en tries for round three of the sixround Tucker Rocky MX Championship Series,
with Suzuki su pport /Montgomeryville Cyclebacked Barry Carsten coming out on top by winning three of four motos and the ove rall in the
125 and 250cc Pro/Expert classes .
By mota two of the 125cc Pro /Expert class, it
became clear that Carsten 's chief opponent for
the day wo uld be Ty Wa llace. Carsten and Wallace provided an abundance of excitement, bat tling it ou t in all four motes. Moto one sa w the
tr ack beginn in g to d ry as Carst en got a clean
holesh ot, and Wallace, Eric Reill y, Bruce Stra tton, and Jim Mcilvaine all jockeyed for posi tion.
Wallace we n t do wn and lost several positi ons,
whi le Stratton was se tting the pa ce for second.
Carsten rod e o ut the mo to in pe rfect form for
the w in. Wallace managed to remount a nd salvage th ird .
Mo lo two was a real nail-biter as Cars ten go t
a poo r start, went down once , and still ma naged
to win the mot o. After spend ing time working
his way by Reilly and Dam ien Plot ts, Carsten se t
his sigh ts on Wallace who was humming along
in the lead. He was determined not to let Wallace win th is one. With all eyes glued to the two,
Ca rst en kicked in the afterburn ers and slow ly
reeled in Walla ce. On the las t lap, Walla ce got
hung up with a lapped rid er who was caugh t in
a rut in front of the tower. By the time Wallace
wa s underway, Carsten was kn oc king on the
door an d the two were bu t a bike length apa rt
going into the back. Carsten saw h is move going
up the back sectio n; Wallace bobbl ed jus t once
and Carsten went flying by. He bu rned up the
last hill with Wallace in tow and took the checkered for a pe rfect 1-1 score.
C ars te n won the fir st 250 cc Pro /Expert
mot o, a nd really de mo nst ra ted his ta len t and
experience by powering his wa y back to finish
seco nd in mo to two af te r bei ng m ired in the
pa ck. His 1-2 sco re was good eno ug h for th e
overall win and the series points lead .
Resu lts
H DCJ"'; 1. JimSdmior'r (Wft); 2. Bart BM.t Oaw ); 3. Bob Hicb
(Wft),;3. Rich Marcucd (WIPS); 5. 5tnr Ma rtyn!le (Wet).
SCRA~ 1. runs;...,.,.., (W ..); 2. Dumn~ (GMt
3. Brrn t Wnnn UAW); t . Bart Bat aA W).
0- 2: 1. ~ Leonard; 2.lan'y H ~
50; 1. JA
!ltWt La WrertCIP (y am); 2. Mitchell Doughmy (ya m) ; 3.
Rk Stro use (ya m); • . Mike Sick (Yam ); 5. Waynt' Jen nings (yam ).
65 (7-11); 1. D.!rek Burlew (Kaw); 2. JA C.rpmlrr (Xaw); 3.
J.T. FuekAs (J(a:w ); 4. Tod d unbach (J(a:w) ; 5. KPn Mu rr ay Jr.
(XAW) .
85 (7-11 ): J. J~y C ook (" .. w ); 2. Sh.lw n RUDO (Su z ); 3.
...... ",.hoI/ (Suz) ; ' .)