Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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85 (7-11): 1. Tr.via p,a an a (Suz); 2. Jerrmy Coo k (J(.aw); 3.
uwy Cl.ark (Yam ); " . Tim Terw .y (Suz);5. Shane Bartholf(Suz.).
85 (12-13): 1. P. ul C,arpenter (Hon); 2. Joe Oe lw viUN no
(Hon) ; 3.
Jene Ruckle (Y,am); ... Ch ris Hun ler (lion); S. Terarsce
o..nbach (Suz) .
85 (1.... 5): 1. M ickey Zero (Sw;); 2. CaW)' Higgina (; 3.
. Shane Harris (Yam ); ... Sh.awn Rn.a~vich ( ); 5. Li wrence
Mom be lardi (Y,am).
SOIOY: 1. }ohn Schnrider (K.a 2. ' aon Harper ( ); 3.
' ames Morg an (Han); 4. Dam il"'R Rom.1n (Yam); 5. Kurt Robbins
(Hon ).
S/MtNJ; 1. Shawn Ri!loamOrich (I<. w); 2. Chris Hu nter (Hon);
3. Mike Zrpo (Su z); 4. Pa ul C,arpen le r (H on ); 5. Shol e Ha rris
CLG 8Y AM: 1. Artthony CavaUol (Hon); 2.. Doug Bettl"t'er
(!Caw) ; 3. Da niel H,atch (Y,am ); ... Shawn UIi!w ws kl ( Ho n); 5.
Wtlliam C. Baker m (
a..GBY EX: 1. Dere k Stu ll (Suz ); 2. Damien r ktts (KTM); 3.
Pat Nevil le (Suz); 4. Ch ris Caviar (; 5. Q\.ar," Scott (
WMN : 1. RIme Kotopoulls (; 2. Stacie O' Brien (H on ); 3.
Us.aOzi w,ak (Suz); 4. UM ' a rgt!U!'OR (Sw;); S. Ma rlf'l'leCa rd (Hon).
125 NOV 0-1: 1. William Brewer (H o n); 2. 1oey H.argeu
(H on) ; 3. Dave Bode (Hon); 4. r un Hargctt (Suz ); 5. Jason u ttle
125 NOV ~2: 1. Kurt Robbin s (Hon); 2. Da nny Rami rez
(Hon); 3. 'l'ff Hatfield (Hon) ; 4.
V.nderhoot (Suz ); 5. Daniel.
Shrock (Hon).
w); 2. Vinoml Ca tlldo (;
2SO NO V: 1 . 10~ M~klin (K.a
3. [im Harri s (Ya m ); 4. Mike Co lavlta (Y.m); 5. Robert Quinn
(Hon ).
30+ NOY: 1. Jeff Hoffman (Yam); 2. Frank Ba!lOn (Kaw ); 3.
P,aW Ruhf (lGIw); 4. Denn is l.eikel (Hon); 5. Fr,ank Os iba (Hon) .
125 AM : 1. Do ug Rl"ttcrer (!C ; 2. Tho mas Boklint (Ka w); 3.
John Na ta lie,Jr. (H on) ; 4. Iy Kon tra th (Y.un) ; 5.
2SO AM: 1. John N,alalle Ir. (Suz); 2.. Tommy U ttma n (Hon); 3.
Brei t Saeger (Ka w ); 4. Micha el Land (Han); S. Kev in Migliore
(Hon) .
250 / 0PEN AM: 1. Ron al d Falsst (H on ); 2. Dan iel Ha tch
(ya m ); 3. Micke y Gagatek (KTM); ... Dav e Cag,atek ( KTM); 5,
Robert M urp hy (Kaw).
25+ AM : 1. Brian c.van uagh (Kaw); 2. George Tra pani (Suz);
3. Stt"Ven Phllli ps (Han); 4. Phil Pisano (Hon); 5. Tracy Updyke
30+ AM: 1. Stu,an u ru so (H on); 2. Steve Phillips (H on) ; 3.
Bany Keller (lW w) ; 4. Michael 1bornpson (Hon); 5. Tom StifUlOn
(Hon) .
40+ AM: 1.1 owph Y,a
g1oaki (Y,am); 2. Bob 1vtc:Unn (H on ); 3.
Bill O' (lion);". Eyvlno 80ynen (Y,am ); 50Daniel Kov,akhe k
(Above) Tom Girard (1) leads the
Unlimi t ed GP class at the Blackhewk
Far msRR.
(Left) Ch ris Co leman (107) battles Dag
Boyesen (24) at the Hurricane Hills MX.
oc.w); 3. Gregg Footer(Hon~ •. Bob TI>omoo oc.w); 5. Troy Krotz
(H on ).
us TWSPTS EX: 1.
David Klo s te rnwn (H - D) ; 2. D,ani e l
Sdunitt (HoO).
us 1WSI'lS AM : 1. M ichMo FribeTg(H .D ); 2.1ohn Fishrr (H l
D); 3. George Vuckovich (l-H));". Damon Conrad (}-I-D); 5. D.arren
SMSMN EX: 1. Patrick Rydcr"(; 2. Billy Fduman (Xaw);].
DIInid SLttlfty (Yun); '" p,aw Noble (Y.un); 5. Todd Nordby (K,aw).
SPlSMN AM: 1. Greg Faeld (Due); 2. And~ Mauk (Y. m ); 3.
Cil OtEokhoff ( ); 4. Jim (; 5. Ion Wilton (Xaw).
SOLO GTO EX: 1. Greg ory C ibson (Hon); 2. To m Glr,ard
(Hon); J. ~k Stro ye (Han); .. Michael Ruehle ( ); 5. HamlOR Wanm (y,am).
SOLO GTO AM: 1. Strven Minor (Suz); 2. 5cDtt Hetbst (I-Ion);
3. Sean Goff (Hon); 4. Kevin V.ande Zand e (Suz); 5. IJon.a K.ali
nowskJ (
SOLO cru EX: 1. Tom Gira rd (Hon ); 2. Tod d Harrington
(I-Ion); J. JolSOR BrookslYw (Han); 4. Mike Murphy (Hon ); 5.
Kolinz (I-Ion).
SOLO GJU AM 0.1: 1. lbmilll Deb uh r (Hon ); 2. John Rn.'!IIe
(Y. m) ; 3. Sco tt He rb5t (H on) ; 4. Se a n Goff (Hon ); 5 . Sco tty
Diedrich (Hon).
SOLO GT U AM 0-2: 1. Rob So bo tt k,a ( H o n) ; 2. Th. ne
Burn ight (Yam ); 3.
Henry (Hon) ; 4. Shawn Nel!lon (Hon) ; 5.
Boyd Bruner (H on).
Wallace takes two at Hurricane
Hills Motocross
By Paula Brown
Photo by Bill Cooper
Gibson tops at Blackhawk
Farms Road Race
By Gordon Lunde , Sr.
Greg Gibson was the top Expert rider with three
w ins, includin g a $10 00 Unlimited GP class
shootout with Tom Gira rd at the CCS Midwest /Grea t Lakes Region event at Blackha w k
Farms Raceway.
In the $1000 Unlimited GP event, Mike Murph y took the early lead on the American Flyers / Micron Honda 600 as Girard put his Hond a
600 ou t front at the end of lap one. Gibson held
third and Mu rp hy's teammate, Todd Harringto n, fou rth. Lap tw o saw G ibson power h is
Hon da CBR900RR into the lead and Girard d rop
back to third . Murphy then held second tlnti l
the end of lap three, when Girard took over the
spot on lap four with the Don & Roy's Honda
Through the next 10 laps, Gibson and Girard
pulled awa y, and the pa ir were never more than
a couple bike leng th s apart. An ea rlier rain
shower left the track with many p ud dles which
severely limited places to pass, allow ing Gibson
to stay in fro nt and take his Shawmut Hills
Honda/Dunlop /Jeff Voss/ McNaugthon Motorsports /W.M.S.B.C. / Ap parel in Motion / MTS
Grap hics/EBC-sponsored machine to the victory. Girard took the runner-up posi tion while a
fading Mike Murphy held onto third. Gibso n
claimed $250 for his win.
U/L GP: 1. Greg GiMon (Hon ); 2. Tom Girard (Hon); 3. Mike
Murphy (Hon); 4. Todd Harrington (Hon); 5.1,ason Brooksh.lw
U I L 5.": 1. . G~ G ibson (H on); 2. Brad Dunkel ( ; 3.
l uon BroolWww (H on); 4. Derek Struye (Ho n); 5. Eric Smith
(Suz) .
H / W S/BK EX: 1. Tom Girard (Hon) ; 2. Grq; Gibson (Hon);
3. Micha el Ruehle (; 4. Ha rriJJon Wa rren (y a m); 5. Cordon
Lund e 'r. (1-100).
H / W S /BK AM: 1. Sco tt He rbst (Hon ); 2. Shawn Ne lso n
(Hon); 3. Frank Manna rino (Suz); 4. P,aul M.non (; 5. Kevin
VMlde Zande (Suz) .
H/ W 55 EX 1. Brad Dun kel ~w); 2. Mike-Murphy (Hon); 3.
Greg Gibson (Hon) ; " . Mich.ael RurhJe (](aw); S. H.trJUon Warren
H /W SS AM: 1. ScottHerbs t (Hon); 2. Rob Sobottb (lion); 3.
Se.n Goff (Hon); 4. Dennis Deb uhr (Hon); 5. Th.M Burnight
H! W
ElO 1. c.oti MoI1ingtt (Duet. 2. St