Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dunestown GP glory to Holley By Greg Robertson PALMDAlE, CA. MAY 30 After a race-lo ng battle, Jim "Hollywood" Holley emerged as the Dun est own Gra nd Prix Vet Expert class winner at the fifth and final roun d of th e 17th annua l Califo rnia Racing Cl ub Dunestown series at Los Angeles Cou nty Racewa y. Brad Mcleod suprised a few people by getting h is Honda C RSOO away from the d ead engine s ta r t the quickest. Ke nny Za h rt, Jon Zahrt, Rod Richardson and Ho lley all followed in a closely knit pa ck. Kenny Za hrt an d Mcleod swapped the lead until McLeod took co n tro l w ith o ne la p co mp le te ; Ho lley d isp la ced Richardson and started hounding Jon Zah rL Mcleod established a sligh t lead over th e dogfight for second between Kenn y Zahrt, Jon Za h rt and Holl ey. Three la ps in to th e rac e, Mcleod was caught from behind as he started to work thr ou gh lapped ride rs, and a three-rider battle for the lead developed between Mcleod, Jon Zahrt and Holley. Kenny Zahrt dropped off the pace slightly and was in fourth. Holley led for a lap before McLeod fo ught back and regained the top spot. With over 70 Vet rid ers on the track, th e front-runner s had to deal with traffic in nearly Jim Holley (148V) took the Dunestown MX series Vet title during the final round at LACR . ter clinched second p lace by two points over Big John Dirickson. Fourth place went to the North chapter's Steve Zimmerman, who we nt into the final with nine poin ts, proving that his firs t mo tes of the day were his better ones . Exp erts welcomed some new face s to the Reno chapter: Mark Nason, Chris Porcell o and Allen Berluli. The fact that they were locals was apparently an advantage, as all three sna gg ed trophies. Points leader Nason posted two wins on Saturda y, but crashed in his first moto on Sunday and had to work his way up from last to finish second after 10 hard laps. In his last mo to, Nason grabbed his usual holeshot and led from start to finish, taking the overall win. Chris Porcello and Allen Berlut i came in to Sunday's final lied in points. Bertuli went 1-3, while Porcello finished 4-2. every tum. Half an hour into the 45-minu te race, the Arai /Scoll /O'Neal/Yamaha-backed Holley had bumped and banged his wa y to a five-second cushi on over Mcleod that he wou ld ho ld un lil the finish . Mcleod finished second, with Jon Zahrt, Kenn y Zahrt and Ken Neitzel rounding out the top five. Results Results BEG: t . C u y 81 tchdc:kT; 2. MArk OIivft'l!'Z; 3. John GriNgcor. 4. Frank McNAlly. NOV: 1. Doug Dodge; 2. Bill Coates; 3. John Oiricbon; ... 5lrVr Zinunerman; 5. Jarvis Gross.. lNT: 1. Craig lUmilton,; 2. Mark Strpovich; 3. DaW' Meligan; ... Bob~r1t;; 5. Jim Phillips. EX: 1. Muk Nuon; 2. Allen Berlu ti; 3. Ouis Porcello; t . Mib P /W 0.2: 1. M.ltt Ry.ln (yam); 2. Rick Pe ru ( Yoil m ); 3. Ch ris top he r Joil nci ch (y.lm) ; 4. Aud r oil Btoom (Yoilm); S. c.rrett West (YAm). P/W B-1: 1. T roy Titt lemier (YAm); 2. Travis Barden (Yam); 3. Cory Tcccc (y .un); 4. Jam:5 Trbo {Yam) ; S. KreNn H.ate1ey (Y... ~ P /W A; I.SNnCoUier(Yoilm). P/W MOO: 1. Mi.charI roilrltrr (YAm). IIoowU1h; S. """"' ........ 60 BEG: 1. John.iIthan Newnw1 (lYw); 2. ScottSimon (Kaw ); 3. Termina tor Garcia (Han); 4. Richard Eubanks (Xawl; S. Anthony BarbKovi (K.Iw 60 (0-8): 1. OoilrytEckl und (JUw); 2. Seoiln CoJlier (~ w); 3. Ricky Wot ( 4. James Scnd1lebac:h (Hon). 60 (9-11); 1. Johnn" Foilullmer; 2. Sha ne Smith (l(.lw ); 3. Kit Kunath (K.lw ); 4. Gerard Patin (Kaw); S. Chris NOIT (Han). 80 BEG; 1. Tyw>n nttlem ier (Suz) ; 2. Sha ne Smith (Suz ); 3. Shane Mitchell (JU w); 4. Cum, r oilrkrr (Yoil m ); 5. Ja,mine Rrid evoilm) . 80 «().tt); 1. Oui.stophrr Tocco (Sut: ); 2. Daryl Ecklund (Suz ); J . Scott How e (Suz); 4. J.)' 8o nnano (Ya m) ; 5. Do nnie Durrer (Suz). 80 (12-16); 1. Brioiln Swe.any (V.lm) ; 2. Lev i Reid (V.a m); 3_ Chris Honnold (lU wl; 4. Dudek (y . m); S. Ry.anOn (y oilm). WMN: 1. Cand y HolIteiey (YAm); 2. Mindy Ihmblrion ( V!l'I,T: I . John Hateley; 2. Ken Cn"I."ftt tHan); 3. R.mdi PerkiN ' (Hon); 4. Phil Zellmer (CZ) ; 5. L.1ny Em~ (HUt). 125BEG:I. Sluun Mitehtoll (; 2. Tr.avisOgbum (K.Iw); J. Cole T~ (Hon); 4. Jad Nelson (YAm): S. Phill ip Messengc!r (Hon). 125 NOV; 1. Dt!oIn Ostr.ander (Suz l; 2. Mike Cinqmars (Hon) ; 3. Chris Nl"itze{ (SUz); 4. Kevin Tu'Watrr (Su %) S. Mike Gib!wJn' ; (Hoo). 125 lNT : t. Loren Jenkins (Honl; 2. Nick Molirose (Sut:). 125 PRO: 1. Erik l...ind,tTOm (Hon ). ZSO BEG ; 1. Rya n McA llis te r (Kaw); 2. Ca me ecn Cr;aun (Kaw); 3. Tos hi S;aku r;ai (Hon); 4. Jason (Kaw); S. Wl"SHoffman (yam). 250 NOV : 1. Pa ul Gilma rtin (Ho n); 2. Dan Kin g (Ydm); 3. Brett Fortner (Hon); 4. Matt Brya n (Kaw). 250 (NT; J. CalleY lytle (Ho n); 2. Robbi e Dunham (ya m); 3. ColeGI'l"55 (Suz) ; • . TIm McAd.anu (Suz); S. RobertForti er (Hon) . 250 PRO: 1. Tim Telford (Vam); 2. Jeff Willoh (Kaw); 3. Tony Sulek (Suz) . SOO BEG: 1. Ken Busse (Ho n); 2. Jon Hall (Ho n); 3. Bob Swe eten (I(.1w ). JR VET BEG; 1. Danny CilNd.a (Hon); 2. 1. Erickson (Hon); 3. JohnButler (Hon); 4. Phillip Ku lh (ya m); 5. Todd Ailes (Hon) . JR VET NOV ; 1. C.T. Wa la n.abe (Hon ); 2. TIm Konko l (; 3. Mike Uci tra (Kaw); 4. Lee Sa ul (Suz). JR VET t NT : 1. Merl e H.mmt"r; 2. Ric k O·Donnell (Hon) . JRVET EX:1. JeffBarbacovi ( . VET BEG; 1. B.}. O. vis (Ho n); 2. Ric Reynrrtson (Hon); 3Michal:! Co llier (Y.m); 4. Mike O 'Donne ll (Hon ); S. Ken Busse (H on). VET NOV; 1. R.lnd .1I1 Uppt' (V. m) ; 2. Ed Tripp (H o n); 3. Cr .aig Lynch (y . m); 4. Mark Sirob (lion); S. Dave Simon (Kolw). VET tNT: 1, Jim P.nish (Suz) ; 2. C.R.. Brunson (V.m); 3. Mar k Dark (J(.Jw); • . Ooil rin u yton (Yam); S. Daryl Kamb lfton (Y.un). ' • VET EX:. 1. Jim Holley; 2. Brad McLeod (Hon); 3. Jon bhrt (Yam); • . Kenn bhrt(; 5. Krn Nei.tzd (Kaw). y SR NOV: 1. Rick E.uly (tim). SR tNT; 1. Mon te Pritchett (J(IM). • SR EX: 1 .~Gib5on (Hon); 2. Bob Duntw.m (Yam ). TEA M EX: 1. Jeff Willo h /M ike Co llier. 2. Tony SuleklJeff Bluff; 3- Russ WagnTWl / Pem Tt'lTKriolno. 11t \tS tate tlt& ~o~ ~\\~\\~~\\~~ C/'aHll'itJHS/'lp Kawasakiroll. Let the good times When it comes timeto buy a NEW bikeorparts, REMEMBER the KAWASAKI dealerswho support your sport.••. l4WAl4Kl 01 JO H!llClt DIY MUITi\cod r."", KA'IIl!XI 8AR£ BiOIluz KMloIll 280 YAoI.I9 lohMoo t1l ,. ~lGIllif KAWl.lAKI lu, m","..n.Il ·m..... 31011. Ilwy ..... .. IridoI. 0;, llid-Slol. Kto'IlIJ(J JW( IV IioNIo lu,lbll KMloIll ~OU.ooi,,;d,1! ~." PfiflWl(£0ClIKEWAlAI:I $.56,750. 00 $ ... r;J (for Ihls evenl) 3P~ 'JJ'S $. v,;;..;a.." KNll.!kI ol lllEl!Y UlI"'fon..BI.I HAYOEIIi OlIllXXllll'lllij ti28a<65 lO8IIlfcI.IoMI.RI 001"'-" ~ ~~fl!.~l!. ..l!.l!. l!LiJElLL L~l!.l]cl5 IER/}fiiJ Kawasaki Lrt. 1 rood timn: roll M ~ m -~ -~ ""') • ~ ~ ~ YUNLtJP.J ~ ~ ~ . . . . 1Illbia ·iIla¢l ~ We ....1 . ,.•:'1":.. . nWAI • 44 CocUwiIlr.IIl lOIllN GIoowood 100 FACTORY CONTINGENCIES • Il1l .... HiIII! .... • TaulllUU alr\ ir" GA:rDIIrZ -~~ --. fWW"o ~~"'"'" ~ !!fffr 1-- •I [1i$it!1Q: • nn_~ ""X"• •'It'::t'~~. ' ENDURA PARTS UNLIMITED II0II,.11: w".n..(, G CYU£ SAlE! IOi FOII KlII!AJ(] ICA\IlAKl 0 FPJN(lJ1l 1 21261dli..... RI Nf 100oi••10 1 a....I.oy 03< 19U coI""'i. .. r~l.. 1O«lXVllI.£KAWAlAlI KA'iAIOO 5IlJIij (£NJIR IlI6!..oIl! 106 [ loni RI w..;1~.r.. 1 ....., (, Tl«lNIIJli KA\i!AJ(] ~ 18a<2 Ilwyll 1io1Mllo. r.. KAlI!lW CYU£ VlliGl IIClOdAo.R MmIlo. r.. KA\IIlIKJ·Hondo of NIlIMUI 2 "'101. U ! 411 ....... r..

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