Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TE AM INT : 1. K~n N eoitzeol/ Ro bbi eo Dunham; 2. Cuey Lytlf'/Kmy Tnracdano; 3. Colf'Crna/ Mik Moun t. n:AM NOV : I. Jaon Dubin /DIVe' Dubin. IRONMAN: I . John Or an; 2. Dan Jenkins. IRONMAN 60: 1. Sf'an Collier. 2. Billy Bloom. Plan now for another Mayes amazing at Los Banos Motocross "THRILLA AT UNADILLA"!!! June 11 By Tim Quinn AHRMA Vintage Motocro ss LOS BANOS, CA,MAY28 Consistency paid off for Keith Mayes, who overailed the 250cc Pro class by the virtue of back- toback second-place finishes at the Los Banos Fairgro unds ' Clawson Motorsports Racing/Q-I 06 FM-sponsored CaIifomia Motocross Association Bounty Hunter Series. When the ga te dropped, it was Brett Hamilton p ulling off the holeshot. Behind him was Pat Bennett, w ith Clawson Motorsports Racingbacked Mayes in third, Danny Paladino fourth and John Cook fifth. Before hlp one was over, Bennett had taken the lead from Hamilton, after which he set sail and never loo ked back. With Hamilton holding seco nd, a battl e bega n between Mayes and Paladino for third. As both riders cam e into the finis h -lin e turn, Pal adino was o n the ou ts ide. Mayes saw the oppor tunit y, dove un d ern eath and pushed Pal ad in o up high and ov e r th e berm. While Palad ino remoun ted, Mayes set his sights on Hamilton. As they con tinued tow ard th e checkered flag, Hamil ton and Mayes trad ed positions. At the finish , Bennett had left the field beh ind, with second goi ng to Ma yes. Hamil ton was th ird , whi le Paladino recovered for fourth. In J?oto two, Bennett holeshot once again, with the res t of the field in tow. But Bennett was soon to have his hands full. Over the washboard rockers it became a drag race to the next comer with Mayes, Palad ino and Hamilton all trying to gain po sitions. Bennett was overtaken on the third lap by Mayes, whil e Palad ino grabbed secon d by also passing Benne tt. "Pat's anns pumped up in the second moto, " said Mike, his mechanic. • A little more training and he'll be ready to go." Paladino then se t his sigh ts on Mayes, and nabbed him for the second-mo te victory, but Mayes came out on top of the tie-breaker for the overall. 0 Resu lts For Entrie s/Info Ca ll 2 01 -76 7 -9654 so BEG STX (0-8) : 1. T.J. C«il (YAm); 2. An thon y Ky le C winn (Yam) 4. LouMo Fffr;uo (Yam) . I July 1 5·16th Ama te u r Motocross (P re-En tri es O n ly ) July 17 The AMA 25011 2 5 cc Pro Mo t ocross Nationa l June 1 2 Th e Tu cker/ Ro c ky Pro Amateur Motocross (,, '. All Classes o f age and experience . . . yo ur chan ce to ri de the fa med Unad ill a ci rcui t. \ -~ , '~ ~ Ame ri ce's: gre atest s tars in ac tion !l ~ .. ~ For a n a p p lic ation , or more info rm a ti o n , ca ll t he U.V.S.C. a t 607-965-8 78 4 For Further Information Contact: Centr al Lea therstocking Region 327 North Main Street, P.O. Box 447 Herkimer, New York 13350 1·800· 233·8778 · (315) 866 1500 Now Ava ilable Through Cycle News Video Theater STREET SMAR S - Volume II T Safety at SpeedI1he.Adva nceci Course In Urban Survlyal (#135A) Street Smarts II picks up where where Volume I left off, and continues to give you useable street riding techniques and information from some of the best. lnts rviews with champion racers Wes Cooley, Chuck Graves, David Emde, Cal Raybom III and others will show you more safety techniques that you can apply to your street riding. Volume II also features new on-track race footage and more on-bike camera sequences shot on the mean streets of Los Angeles. 45 minutes from Street Smarts Video. tee ($uz); 3. 50 NOV STK (0-8): 1. V.n C;2. Nn McBride (Kaw ); 3. TLDI IJrCoste (Yam); 4. Kelly QuiM (Yam ); s. Pe1efDu tton (Yam). 80 INT: I. Tyll"r Ev.ans (K.w); 2. J"-S~1ey (Hoa); 3. AMon & kn (Yam );4. Au~Rodriguez(YoIIn). 125 BEC [). 1: 1. Harold tw~n (Hon ); 2. Slev en Mervau (Suz); 3. ailf ToJlry (I(ow ); • . J"'" .......... 1Suz); 0'H.v>- To Order Videos, Call (310) 427-7433 - Charge to s..... Ion(Suz~ 125 BEG 0-2: 1. SrMdon, Jonn (lion); 2. David Cox. (Han); 3. Don Dtmy an (Suz ); 4. M ib A ",Uo (Suz ); 5. Da vid RaliMY (Kaw). 125 SEC 0-3: 1. Pa ul JORn (H on l; 2. Ch n. Coodeono h ug (5uz ); 3. Miu Peorez (Hon); 4. S~eo Sohl (K. w); 5. ,,"in Di.... caUl K 1Suz~ S H O P adve reislng "", a k a s do ll a r s . s \Ne ll a s sen s e . 125 NOV 0-1 : 1. J.:xI Tumn- (Suz); 2. Ryan Brink (Han); 3. Hon ); 5. Matt Sty les Uly" " Po Und (Y.un); .... Dav id Meyer C (lion~ 125 NOV 0- 2: I . H.wk Whit e (Hon); 2. M.lrk Workrntinr (Suz); 3. Rya n BooUw (Hon); 4. M.1In Foushee (y a m); S. Dolt rell Ewu (J:a w ). 125 tNT : t . J~ Ch isu m (Hon); 2. au;. Kawawli (Ka w ); 3Craig Hump hrey (Suz); 4. JlUtin Quinn CHon ); S. Leo Tidwell (lion~ 125 PRO: 1. Dan ~ino (lC£w); 2. jdf Brownlft. (Suz). 250 BEC: 1. Don Dmlyan (Suz); 2. Steven jenkiN (Han); 3. Dn id N ichols (Suz ); 4. Jer ry Qualls (Ka w); 5. Scott Wri gh t (1<.1 w ). >SO NOV; 1. .... Sty"" (Bun ); 2. )olmn y Souza (lion); 3. Bob Piuwn tel (Hun); 4. Arlyn &au (Hun); 5. J~ Twr..-r (Suz ). 250 1m: 1. Craig Humph~ lSuz); 2. funmy Smtt (Han); 3Chu ck Brad , ha.w CHon); 4. Steoveo Kyram.ari os (V.,m); S. Cary PIdm (lion ). 250 PRO: 1. ~ th Maya. (!Caw ); 2. Pat Bennett (Hon ); 3. Dan P..Wino (x"w); 4. Bmt H.amilton (Ya m); 50John Coo k (Hon). SOO BEG: 1. Pedro wrn (XAw ). 2S+ BEC: 1. Rich Mussman (K..Iw); 2. Bobby r abag (Su.z); 3. !*ven 8rml (Suz ). 25+ NOV: 1. Frank Ditt.nwn (Ka w) . VET BEC: 1. Scott Knanic (H on); 2. Jeff Schultze (Hon ); 3. ~ Wilkinllon (Hon ); 4. Scott Wrigh t (K.1w ). VET NOV: 1. Bill y Bry~ nt (Hon); 2. Man n y [)(Ol Ca m p o (taw); 3 . David Hmdenon (Suz); 4. Shane Wright (Yam ); 5. Todd Thoma, (lion). VFf INT: 1. ClTgg Dun gan (Han ); 2. Troy SrruIWy (Suz) 3. RW;h Tlago (lion ); 4. Tony 8.duini (K. w); 5. Da ve Zollo (IC.Iw ). VET PRO: 1. John Cook (H on ); 2. MicUy O'"Shaug hneuy (lion). . OIT NOV: 1. Eric Hawkins (lion ); 2. Leroy Smith (Suz). BOUNTY 1. Dan PaLadino (lC£w); 2. Keith M.ys (Kaw ); 3. : Po' .......h (lion);" J

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