Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

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:I EX H /W S{TW : 1. Dougb. CroA 2. 00N1d Ungno (Due); 3. Eri<""""'tel (!luc~ 4. Williom [);etz (!lu<); 5. Bllly e-g. (!luc). EX L/W S/TW : 1. Eric Mouca ~l (Due); 2. Dona ld Ungt>r c... (!luc~ 3. BlD e-g. (Han~ .. AnIony ~ (l(.w); S. y .lid Voung (Han). AM L/W 1. Aun Robbin. 2. Ron Fairl ey (Hon) ; 3. '.Imn Culor.l (0uC'); 4. Derek Kin S (V. m ); 5. Fr.nlr. snw : (l(.w~ AM SOLO CTU- A: 1. t.nlit> Heree (S uz); 2. Jon Schr od t (Han); 3. Robt"t1 C lIrTt3 (Hon); "". Cny Shurrwtll' (H an); 5. Dunc.m (Hon). AM SOLD ClU-B: 1. Robm CaV't"Y (Han); 2. Char les Br~nk (Suz); 3. M<1rk R.M:I ( ); • . David Hn-dt"nOn (lion); 5. ~e .....,. (Hon). 'ohn EX SOLO CTU: t . Blnwd (Hon); 2. M ich.w l V.adnl")' (Y.lm); 3. Lany Dod"'" (Han ); " . Mich.teI Cnope.iu (Han); 5. C'ovutni Ra;.. (Hen). AM SO LO CTO: 1. Ch.Irln Br.nk (Sv,z) ; 2. Ron Ho ward (Suz); 1 Bud 5Urunt"non (lUw); 4. C res: Lrifit"t' (JC.Iw ),; S. ~ &.m{K.Iw). EX SOlD CTO: 1. M icNto l V.adRt"Y (Y. m).; 2. An thony F4ni.l (Jdw).;1 Strvt> Decamp (K.lw ); • . Bill (Jc. w ); 5. IT.nk KinIt")' (Y. m ). EX L/ W 5 / 8 )(: 1. Ron Pt"tT)' 2. Robm Auh (Hon); 3. P.ul N~ (Y.lm); "" Tony M.u1in (y. m) ; S. Antony ~ . .z-ney (l(.w~ AM L/W 5 / BK: 1. Keith Phillip!l (Y. m ); 2. JOt" Wootn'l (Y.m) ; 3. MicNel Polston (Y.un); 4. Dushn ~ (Yam); 5. Ron Filirley (Hen~ EX L/ W S/ BIC: 1. Larry DodlilDn (Hon ); 2. ' '' m it> Bowm.n 3. Giovanni Ro;as (Hon); "". J ason Sinc1Jir (H on ); S. Todd Duncan (lion). (Hon); AM M / W S/BK 1. Charles Brank (Suz ); 2. Leelie Home (Suz); 3. Mark Reed (K.i w); 4. Stev t> But"r)' (Hon); 5. David Heondl"nKm (Hon). AM H /W S/BK: 1. Ch.l rln Br.ln lo:. (S uz); 2. Jt>fmy Hr . m ( ); 3. Bronson (Hon); 4. Leffler ( ; S. Creg Ab rwlnI (K.iw). . EX H /W S/BK: 1. Steve Decamp 2. An thony Filni.l (; 3. Bill Zt"arky ( ; 4. JOlUl hon Bohon (Suz); 5. John BIt"N4."d (Han). '.1m" (Above) Dust in SChroeder (Iell) leads Handicap main event winner Bren t Werner (ri ght) at Auburn 's ast Fr iday Sppedway. (Bel ow) Eventual winner Geo Roed er (66) battles with Rodney Farris (92), Steve Morehad (42) and Chris Evans (4T) at the York Half Mlle. heats, caused the program to drag ou t a ample hours longer than previous races. At the start of the 750cc final, Roeder put his Roeder's H-D/Mike's H-D /Herb Ha rris / K&K Motorcycl e Supply /Southea st H-D /D u nlap Trucking and Exca vating/ Fr ic &. Frac Truck ing/ Bell-s po nso red Harley up h igh and shot into a quick lead ov er crowd favorite Rodney Farris, last yea r's winner Chris Eva ns, Stev e Morehead and Geo rgie Price . Sho rtly after the start, Price had an electrode blow out of his rear cylinder's spark plug. end ing his race. . While Roeder wa s gradually putting some distance on the field. Farri s, Evans and Morehead batt led and battl ed for second pla ce. Morehead sta rted to dri ft ba ck around h alfwa y, pulling out with a swing arm fai lure. As they started the final lap, Evans took control of seco nd and closed in on Roed er, bu t it wa s not eno ugh , and Roeder took the will Roeder's win moved him in to a second-place tie wi th the late Ted Boody for a ll-time wins at York. Bart Mark el d ominated this event in the '60s winning seven times in nine years . Mike Warner won the 600cc Expert class on his Levitte Auto Repair/Mike Stouffer Motors / Motion Pro/Bell / Snover Aut o Body-sponsored Rota x, while the Ga ry' s Au tomotive/Thorn ton M-<: Sales /Dorse y Racin g /Mom & Dad /Dave & Mike Gerley-sponsored Gary Stogsdill topped the Pro-Am main. Results PRO-AM: 1. c.ry Slopiill (Rb:); 2. Ryan Brown (Rtx); 3. W erner, Bast score wins at Auburn Speedway c.ry Clark (Rtx) ; • • Ma m - AUJl..... (RD.); S. rhil Ublwrt (Rbi). 600 EX: 1. Miu W~I'Tll." (Rtx); 2. Kevin V.mes (RD. ; 3. Ch ris ) Hart (Rtx ); ... Jf'I'1')' v~ (Rn); 5. SlYwnCWn: (Rtx). 750 EX: I. ~ Roeder n (tH» ; 2. Chrit Ev... (H-D); 3. Rodney F"rris (H-D) ; 4.}.Imn Hart (I t ·D); S. J•.m At"fdIt"r (H-O). By Gen Moore fro m eventual winner Co le Brown, bu t he stil i managed a second -place ove ra ll finis h in the coma pny of the more experienoed riders. Results 50: 1. JONth.ln Schnridn (y.Jm) ; 2. Dona ld Rollings (Yml); 3Justin TA ylor (Yam); 4. Tyler R.tu (Han). 80 BEG; 1. HArk-y Mu rphy (Yam); 2. Kevin Churchill (Yam ); 3. Jord.n &rten (Suz); 4. Jam~ Rau (K,Iw); 5. JON tfwn CNpin (KAw) . HI) OPEN: 1. Cole Brown (Suz) ; 2. Har ley Murphy (y am); 3. Kev in Olurchill (Yam). ,125 BEG: 1. Randy M OC'U"lW (Yam) ; 2. Kenny Vm-.Ir.(K,Iw); 3. Mid\ael Br\IocuI! (lion); 4. William Murphy (yA m); S. Culos HerN ndez. (Suz) . 125 NOV : 1. Roy (Ho n); 2. Jeff Meerdinlr.(Hon) ; 3. Tr. viJ White (Suz); 4. &'n ICdmnan (lion); S. Phi l BossJ~ (Yun). 125 OPEN : I. Ti m Hod es (Ho n); 2. WiD Kasson (y a m); 3. Tr. vis White (Su,z); 4. Randy MOf1lUe (Y.Jm); S. Ctrloa Hernandez (Suz) . 250 BEQ I. l&nc:e Koop (Y.un); 2. Bobby Ja imitehek (H on); 3. Mike Mose s (I<. w ); 4. Chri s Flo rio (Su z); S. Duane Robin.on '''y (Hen~ 2SO NOV: 1. SNyneo BrightweU(Hon); 2. john Mnky ():.I w ); o.rrin Gelttwn (Suz); 5. CMter Whiu- 3. Rid Fulps (l(£w); 4. ( 2SO INT: 1. P.' . KrIT {Hon) ; 2. Oiff Goertz (Suz ); 3. Keith ScNdf'r (Hon ); 4. Jeny Fajkus (Hon). 250 EX: 1. Sunmy Rinotto (X.w); 2. J.-ck Bedham (Han). 250/500 OPEN, I. P.l. "'" (Hen~ 2. c.n.. _ .. ("-~ 3. Tnty DKk ~w). 2S+: 1. '.ell. Beckham (Hon); 2. M i~ Merlo ~w); 3. Jeny F.ljkUl (}Ion); '. BNn H.utm oc.w); S. Keith McKmrir (Hon) . 30+, I. john Midd..... (Y ...); 2. sn.,.,..Ilri>hunl (V. m) ; S. Juon H""""""" (Y ...). EX M/W CP: 1. Peny th1n«iuc (Hon); 2. J.nnw (Hen~ 3. Clov.nni o.;.s (Hen); .. Robm .....y (Hen); 50..... . ..., (Han). AM M/W CP: 1. ClY d e Brw (Suz ); 2. o.vid Hendt"hOn (Hun ); 3. SleW B~ry (Hon); 4. Cray Shwzwtr (Hon); 5. -(Hon). U /L CI': I . ..... o.amp(l(. w~ 2. c:.... Own;h (Han~ 3. Bill z..rloy (l(.w~ 4. Uny Doel en.,-u(Hon~ EX US TW'SPI'S: 1. Bud Wt"bn' (H-O); 2. Kn1t Cn!enhoIt (HDl; 3. C.l. HoImn (H-D). AM US 1WSM'S: 1. ~ e.non (H -O) ; 2. Ann Wobb (HD) . EX L/W 55: 1. K.lrl (Y. m) ; 2. DlIVid Pa~t (y.lm); 3. Bruer Coffm.m (Y. m); 4. ~ Reavis (y.lm).· AM L/W SIS: 1. Keith PhllliJl- 2. J~ Wootm (Yam); 3. Lou is ~ (Y. m); 4. Mark Whib.'hW'Sl (yam); 5. Juan Hwnphrift (Y.un ). AM M /W SS: 1. Q\ark-s Brank (Suz ); 2. M<1rk Reed (Jc. w ); 3. o.vid Hendt"TlOll (Han); 4. JOf' W.rrm (H on); 5. Robt.'T1 C unY . (Hon ). EX M /W SS:1. Briln Gibbs (Hon); 2. JilJT\ko Bowman (Hon) : 3. Onid Estok (Hon); 4. Lany Dod~ (lion); 5. Robnt Prnhy (Hon) . AM H /W SS: 1. Muk Rt"ed (K.iw); 2. Br.nk (Suz) ; 3. Jeffl't"y Heam (iYl w); 4. J~ W.lrTft\ (Hon); 5. WUILtm Hillit (Su%) . o...rJrs EX H / W SS: 1. Mike Reed (K.lw); 2. 8mn Gibbs (Hon ); 3. J. mie Bowma n (Ho n); 4. Michael Crq.e.u lSuzI ; 5. RobEort Pn.-Mhy (H on). U/LSS; 1. Cent" Ch urch (Han); 2. Mlkr RC'I!'d (Xaw); 3. A.lron V (Suz);4 . Krvtn KentzeU(; 5. JeU 9t"t1on (lUw); .re EX SP : 1. S rl.ln Surtt"tC's (V.lm) ; 2. To ny Mu ti n (V. m) ; 3. Ceorg ~ Cervali (Hon) ; 4. Chri.topht>r Lon gror (Ho n); 5. Stt>vt> HOU5Icy (K.1w) . AM SP: 1. Ouck Mnw;Ktr (Y.m); 2. Fnnk Stroman (K.t w ); 3. P.ltrick Tnt..I (Yam); 4..Otftk King (Y.un); 5. 1Uch Coul.l~ (Suz) . AM H /W 1. Stanlon Simmmlon (Due); 2. AI&n R0bbins (Hon); 3. J.ame. Culon (Due); 4. Greg Conry (Hon); 5. Mathew Ridwd.Ion (Hon). snw: AUBURN. CA. JUNE 3 Bren t Werner, the seco nd Sou thern California rider to invade the north in as many weeks, captured the win in the Handicap main event, while Bart Bast scored yet another win in the Scratch ma in at Fast Fridays Sp eed wa y o n the Go ld Country Fairgrounds. The Ha ndi cap ma in featured Vance Felicio alone on the !()..y rd line, wi th Tommy Hed den a solo on the 30. Bobby Hicks and Werner started from the 40, while Bast and Jim Sisemore too k their usua l pla ces on the SO. Felicio was into the com er first while Hedden slipped off the groove and out into the loose stu ff. Werner got a great sta rt off the 40 and a good drive o u t of th e corn er to tak e se co nd place. By lap three, Werner started to put really heavy pressure on Felicio, and as they crossed the starting line, he passed Felicio to mov e into first place. At the sa me time, Sisemore was trying to get alongside to make it three abreast, and Bast had passed the back crew to also cha llenge for the lead . Th en Felicio got w id e, an d went d own easy. On the whi te-flag lap, Sisemore got close but could not ge t pa st Werner, who took th e checkered flag for the win, w ith Sisemore and Bast taking second and third , respecti vely. The Scratch main pitted Bast, o n the po le, aga inst Robert Curry and Dustin Sch roeder, in gates two and three. Sisemo re d rew the outside . All the riders went into the first tum prett y much even, but Curry and Schroeder bumped, with Schroeder com in g ou t on the wo rst end and crashing out of the race. Up front, Sisem ore a nd Bas t ro d e s ide b y s ide dow n th e b ack strai ght. Bast turned up the power, stayed on the pole and continued to lead . Sisemore too k the outside line, but couldn't find the traction to get by Bast, who was ab le to increase his lead over the remainder of the race to win by abo ut tw o bike lengths. Sisem or e took seco nd place, with Cu rry coming in third. Results SC RATCH : 1. Bu t 8.1 a.l w) ; 2. Jim S iSt"mO (Wn); 3. " re Robrrt Curry (Wn ); 4..Dustin SchroedeT (eM). HOCP: t. Brent Wenwi' O.lw ); 2. JimSi.~ (Wn ); 3 . B.trt BatO. w); 4. Tommy Heddl!n (Gdn); 5. Bobby H icb (W" ). 0-2.: 1. stYiwn MKDon.ald ; 2. Eric Homm; 3. .....rry H~ man; 4. Jo rT IrIgt"n; 5. Kn1 W.grrr. D-3: 1. Rick Schakr; 2. J~ West; 3. Doug MigNIno ; • . 8ill Dixon; 5. Rich Wilson. Roeder Rolls to Fifth York Half Mile Win By Len Breech Photo By Ben Breech YORK, PA.MAY 30 After a second-p lace finish in his heat , George Roed er II revised his strategy for the final and jetted out to an earl y lead to take his fifth 750cc Expert win in the York Motorcycl e Club's 36th annual Memorial Day race a t th e York Fairgro un ds. A rath er u npopUlar decision a mong the Experts to run scra tch he ats, then quali fing Sioux Falls ST to Brouhard By Tim McBr ide SIOUX FALlS, SO MAY 28 , Reynolds Printing/ Fariba ult Harley- Davidsons po nso red Eric Brouh a rd sco red a d ra matic Open A class victory aga inst South Dakota 's and sou thwestern Minnesota's finest at the opening roun d of the Sioux Valley Cycle G oo 's Cha mpionship Short Track Series. Two hea ts were run to d etennine the tworow, !() Open A main event lineup. Heat tw o winner Brouhard had the first pick on the sta rting line. and he d idn 't was te it. Brouhard grabbed the holesh ot and led Bob And erson. Mike Lallcy, Peter Tapken, Greg Dougherty and th e re st of the field d own the back straight. Brouhard and And erson soon broke awa y from the pack and eng aged in a se rious knock-down, d rag-out bat tle for the lead . The fans got their mo ney's worth, and on ly need ed the edges of their seats to watch this one. On lap seven, Anderson slid by Brouhard for the lead and appeared to be on his wa y to victory, but the drama inten sified as Lalley crashed on the back straight wh ile still running in second . Anderso n cleared Lalley's fallen machine easily, but Brouhard had to move low to avoid the obstacl e and lost control of his bike, careen-I ing into Anders on in tum th ree and kn ocking hi m completely off the race track. Amazin gly, Brouhard sa ved it and headed for the checkers, but was jo ined by a recovered and tena cious I Anderson for an exciting drag race to the flag. At the wire it was Brouhard by a length. Tapken finished a dis tant th ird ahead of Scott Deubler, Dougherty and Gregg Bak ker. Ma rk Fed ness an d Rick Reed rounded out the rest of the field. The re were no ha rd feelings between Anderson and Brouhard as they were seen high-fiving each other after the race_ Anderson did enjoy some consolation. how ever, topp ing Brouhard, Dougherty, Jon Fauld s, and Reed in the Senior A main event. Results OPEN PRO; l. Eric Brouh.1rd (H·O); 2. Bob Menon (Hon); 1 PL"terT.plr.en (}Ion ); 4. Scott Dt>ubler (Ro.); 5. Greg Dougherty (Hon~ SR; 1. Bob Andenon (H an) ; 2. Eric 8rouhud (1-1-0 3. Greg ); Dougherty (Han); 4. }on F.ulds (Hon); 5. Rick Reoed (Rtx ). 2SO A: 1. Crt>gg Oakr (Hon ); 2. Jon F.luld. (Hon); 3. Mull. """""" (Hon); < G... lJou ...."" (Hon~ 5. KlIt> Bt" g ( ); 2. O.n.l BUUe rm t> vin ier (K.Iw) ; 3. Krvin Forshey (X.lw); 4. C.J. Bt. >vtng (K.lw ); 5. Vt>rlon u.ngJand (""w). Woods, Sweeten score doubles at Trail-Way Short Track By Len Breech HANOVER, PA, MAY28 A pair of seasoned veteran riders each took a pair of wins at Saturday's Tra il-Way Speedway

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