Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA Motocross des Nations Team USA Rider VOTE! (A H RMA) SoCal MX Ser ies hel d at Sunrise Cycle Park. Duane parlayed a 2-1 moto score to secure the win over Yamaha rid er Steve Sagely' s 4-2 tall y and the 3-1 total of Ossa stalwart Verne Elmore. First-moto vietor Re While had probx lems that dropped him 10 the rear of the field in mo ta two. Soon-to-be Expert Greg Blazek made his last ride as an lntenned iate a successful one, dominating all four motos he entered. In the 500c c class, he fini shed second overall behind Expert w inner Tim Nash in each moto; Lou is Ha rker was second Inte rmediate ov erall. Blazek also lopped the 30+ Intermediates this time defeat, ing Keith Lynas' Ossa Phantom and the Maico of Larry Hipp . Bryan Davis also showed that's he's becom ing Expert-class material by running away wi th both races in the 125cc In termed iate class. Behi n d h i m, Ya ma ha -mou n te d Lee Fab ry wo und up second overall ahead of Kawasakiof Simi Valley's Ronald Harrison. Armen Clawson has also been on fonn lately, this time earning a pair of moto victo ries to head the 125cc Novice class aboa rd a Tulare Kawasaki/ Suzuki-sponsored KXl25 . Finishing behind Claw son in each moto were Rex White and Joel Hansen. Honda Elsinore-mounted John Grise topped the 250cc In termed iates, wh ile Chuck McConnell and Ronald Harrison swapped second-and third -p l ace finis hes behind him . McConnell got the second spot overall due to a better second-mo te placing. Results A ll motocross fans are be ing asked to assist the AMA in the selection process for the American team at the Motocross des Nations. Use the off ic ia l ballot be low, and let the AMA know w hich riders y ou think w ill be st repres ent Team USA in S witz erland . Indicate a maximum of three riders' , checking the appropria te box or Writ ing in a name if w e've m issed your favorite . Vote a s often as you lik e, but each ballot must be ma iled separately. O ne lucky vo te r w ill be se lected at random to receive a n Offic ia l 1994 AMA Motocross des Nations T ea m USA Limi ted Ed ition jack el. The v oting totals wi ll be the main determining factor used by the A M A in selecting riders to rec eive off ic ial invitations to repres en t America at the Motocross des Nations. Ot her factors that may affect final se lect ion s include inj urie s an d ride r ex pe rie nce o n v ar ious displac ement mach ines. . -- -- _.- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -== -.- -- -... -... -- -- -- -- -• ~ '- • -:.... " ~ -~ • • -~ • • • ~ -~ -~ AMA Motocross des Nations Team '94 Off ic ial Ballot Ash Grey T-shirt & Sweatshirt Full c olo r im p rint w ith all th e past riders' names on the back and s-coior Team USA impri nt on the front. T's are pr e-shrunk 100% colton . Sweats are SO/50 colton-poly blend . U.S . Rid ers are listed by '93 AMA National standings. Select a m ax im um of three rider s: 125cc: 500cc: 125 NOV: 1. Annen Clawson (; 2. Rex Wh.i~ (C·A); 3. Joel H.ill!idl. (YolIn). 125INT: 1. Bryan D.1vis (Hon); 2. Lee Fabry (YoUD); 3. Ron.JId H.lrrison (Hon); ... Pa ul DuCtM-rwo (yam); 5. Jack Alvarado (Hus); " Bill Oem (Hon~ 7. Ron Renzulli (Hon~ 125 EX 1. Scott Davis (Hon). : 2.50 NOV : I. Bri.oIn Duane- (Mon); 2. Steve Sagel y (Yam ); 3Verne Elmore (Ossa); 4. Rex White (Han); S. David Kuns (Mai ); 6Oon~ (Hon). >SO !NT , I. John en.. (Hon ~ 2. Chuck M

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