Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Hon); 3. Evan x moff (Han); .fo. R.llph Rimron CHon); 5. t....ny GoIdstrin (Hoo~ AM H/W SX 1. ~ Abrahams (X,aw) ; 2. Crq;ory I..dilPr IX-t 3. Sa>ot ........... (Hoo t .. Mc..eI ~ (Suzt s. au;, Tridett (Suz ). EX H / W ss, 1.1ogw Jefkry Bndy (~w); S. Rich YoungJnM1 (Hon);"- Evan cor (Y~); 3. Mic:fYI"l Zirk (H on ); 4. Stwge (lCow~ AM SPTSMN : 1. Harold. H illa rd (Yam); 2. JeffMy Scmmig (Yam); 3. Rich Coulam (Suz.) ; 4. Frank Writ (Ya m ); 5. Hup Symonds (lCTM). Thomas, Fogg hotat Dade CityMotocross By Kyle Myers DADE OTY FL,MAY1 , Jason Thomas and Tom Fogg won their respecti ve class es a t round n ine of the Flo r ida Motocross Club Series at Dade City Racewa y. In the first moto of Su per Mini, Thomas led the eight-rider field into the first tum wi th Jessie Ballard, Ray Hanse n, Clint Sh ea ly a nd Jo sh Baker following. Brandon Smith passed Baker as the y approached the back sand section on the opening ci rcuit, mov in g into fifth . Thomas pulled out an eight-second advantage thaI he would hold on to as he crossed the finish line for the win. Ballard, Hansen, Sh ea ly and Sm ith rounded ou t the top five, respectively. Thomas aga in ripped the holshol in the second moto, as Ballard, Paul Reilly, Hansen and Sh ea ly gav e chase . Hansen and Smi th quic kly motored by Reilly, as the Streits-backed Thomas turned on the aft erburners and d issappeared from the pack. crossing the finish line firsL Ballard came home a solid second, with Hansen, Shealy and Smith trailing behind him . Thomas also competed in the BOa: (14-15) class where he to pped both motos ov e r Hansen and Chr is Lan g. Perhaps the best race of the da y was the 40+ division. Tom Morgan guided his KX500 down Ihe long s ta r t s t ra ig h ta w ay to grab the holeshot, as Charles lehing, Tom Fogg, Greg Parsons and Steve Truluck dodged his roost, Fogg hounded lehing for two laps before slipping by and moving into second, but found himse lf down some five seconds to Morgan. Fogg slowly cut into Morgan's lead and made his move on the fourth lap, jumping by Morgan to ta ke a lead tha t he would not relinquish. Morgan, lehing, Parsons and Truluck rounded out the top five. The second moto saw Morgan in the po int position with Lehing, Fogg, and Trul uck in pursuit, Parsons fell in the first tu m and remounted to find himself last, lehing and Fogg battled for the runner-up spo t, as Morga n added to hi s lead. Fogg new by. lehing on the back straight away around the third lap , then reeled in Morgan on the last lap . As the two front-runners entered th e long, sa n dy, ju m p-fi lled ba c k straightaway, Fogg drew up beside Morgan and d ove to the ins ide of the tum to take the lead. Fogg then bob bled as Morgan squared off the turn, and the two riders hi t the next ju mp side by sid e and collided in the air, sending Morgan . to the ground. Fogg reached the finish line first. w hile Morgan remounted in time to sala vge secon d . lehin g, Pa rso ns a nd Truluck filled the re mainder of the top five p laces. Results GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, SUND~ MAY 29 DuQUOIN STA FAIRGROUNDS TE Gates ope n at 10 a.m, • Racing at 2 p.m. Special Motorcycle Parking in Front of Grandstand For Tickets: IMDA, 2000 E. Cornell, Springfield, IL 62703 PHONE : (217) 753-8866 or See Your IMDA Dealer Due to Grandst and r em od elin g, THE MAY SPRINGF IELD MU,E has been moved to DuQuoin , Illinois. Racing will ret urn to Sp ringfield September 3-4, 1994 P /W: h.lI'lft Sinoon't (Yam); 1. Ky ~ W iUWn.on (Yam); 3&rm.Smith (Yam); 4. Cody Roth (yam); 5. Robut Ho lstein (Yom). 6.5: 1. Troy Ada ms (LIw); 2. jern1y McDow ~w); 3. Josh Faustino (X,aw);" Dan Truman (K. w);;5. Ryan Daris (KAw ). 115 (12-13): 1. ' .B. & Dard (5uz); 2. Oint (X,Iw); 3. Bran-don Smith (Yam); 4. Paw ltftUy (Suz); 5. Jnw AlWns (5uz.). as (7-11): 1. Troy MuM ~w); 2. Mildl Holstrin (K.Iw ); 3Scott McAlpin (Koa w); 4. Josh a.ltl"r ( ; S . ParUl' Kirton ( 8S (1.....15): 1. ,.... Thomas (J:awl; 2. Ray Hansm ( ); 3- a.n. UnS (lCow~ 5/ MINl; 1. JaKIn Thomas (Ka w ); 2. J.B. Ba1b.rd (Suz ); 3. !by (lCow~ 4 . CIin. SI>eoly (Suzt s. B"'.... Smith (Yom~ ,,,''', I . Sa>ot IAmb (Hoot 2. 1<11Nrilond« (Hoo t 1 Dnri

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