Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... ·····1 · (Above) Georgie Price (71) gets the Jump on Greg Sims (10) and the rest of the field at the Sprin!lfield Half Mlle . Dan Butler (71X) scored the win with Price and Sims finishing second and third, respectively. (Below) Dirt track legend Nell Keen took a few laps at the Budd 's Creek vinta ge dirt tra ck, which was hel d In conju nction with a local Pro-Am. 5 /SR: 1. John Lyon (Y.. m); 2. Carl Sharphom (ICI'M); 3. Il t . """" _ (Hant 2.)00 Zydinoky(Han); 3. 00NId "'...... lSuzt • . (Han); s........... "'"'" (Yam~ 200 B: 1. lint ~ (Mon ); 2. William RwerU (5u.z); 3. 8rMdon Kre~ (Yam ).. eo..,."""- 2SO B: 1. TIm ~" CoI.IvHo (lion); 4. MMk CHon); 2. Ed Hyde (Yam); 3. Jowph Montgomery (Han); S. 8.lrdry Dellingn' (Yam~ 250 k 1. Paul Lynch (Han); 2.)oM Ndrno m lSuz t 3. ...",. Phil1ips (Hon); 4. Thomas Skethway (Hoo); 5. Vernotl CAldwell (Han~ 600 8: 1. Mic:hotel Wn.on (Rb; ); 2. f.lckM' FJowrrs (Yam). 600 A: 1. Phil LibhArt (Rtx); 2. P.ul Lynch ( Rtx ); 3. Tom "'jeb (H.()t • . ,..... _ (RIX 5. Thomu "'g« (""'~ t 750 A; 1. 1ee Goldy (Trit 2. Rusly Lowry (H-D). SR: 1. Jam" Hollister (Rlx); 2. thorNS Majes ki (H-O); 3. Bri.1n Eclr.h.irt(Rtx); 4. M.1 Mille'!'(H-D); S. C uy Stew..rt ( rk SPTSMN: 1. Geo rgie Price (H-D); 2. Rob Majesld (H -D); 3. Haro ld DoIW)' (Rtx); 4. Michael Varnes (W-R); 5. Mike tucker (KlM). PRO: 1. Robert Ma jes ki (H-D) ; 2. Mike Hac ke r (KTM) ; 3. Todd Winsett (Rtx); 4. Micha el V..mes (W-R); 5. ld Don;e y (RIX) . KNBBY: 1. Guy Stuart (Y.. m); 2. P.. ul Dziwanowski (ATK); 3. Brian tittle (yam) ; 4. Ed JoUy(Hus). V lNT 1: 1. George Wills (H -o ); 2. Loo Jov.anov1c (H-O). V1NT 2: 1. Rusty Lowry (Tri); 2. Richard Baulch. VINT 3: 1. George Wills (H-o); 2. Neil ~ (BSA); 3. leo Jovanovic (H -o). VINT 4: 1. John Blacbtock (Yam ); 2. John WinMtt (Mon ); 3. Petn Wa)d .. (C·A); 4. P..ul Dziwanowski (I·lon ); S. RicNrd &uIch (""'~ VlNT 5: 1. John BlM:btodr. (Yam); 2. Cary BrmnAn (Tri ); 3. Danny Ward (Bul). VINT 6: 1. BlackB1Kkstock (yam); 2. Joe Gately (Tri); 3. Neil Keen (Tri); 4. William Keen (Tri); 4. William Allen (; S. Danny Wud,(Tri). Butler does it atSpringfield HM By Bert Shepard SPRINGFIELD, oaAPR. 2~ "Where did Dan Butler come from ?" asked second-place finisher Georgie Price. That was the question that almost everyone - racers and spectators alike - was asking themselves. Butler, on h is first-ever 750 ride, dominated the 750cc Expe rt clas s at the Ohio racing season's Clark County Fairgrounds Half Mile. "I have had my Expert points for for a few years , but I have been out of racing for a whi le and working on my education," said Butler. " I am having some trouble getting my Grand National license. The time off and the changes at the AMA have them questioning my ability. " Any one in the packed house could attest to Butler's skill Price led the 750cc Experts in to tum one before Butler took control of the ma in in the middle of tum two . Greg Simms would shadow Price in third place for the entire race, whi le Ian Seged y ran alone in fourth. As the crossed flags were displayed, signalling the ha lfway point of the race, di sast er flirted with Butler, as his ABC Ha rley-Davidso n /Cafe Max/Sha rk Club/ Hon da Doctor / Proffe rs / M&D-sponsored Ha rley s tarted to smo ke. Luckily for Butler, it was on ly from a valve adjus ter cap tha t had com e adrift. At the same time, Jack Bartram was not so lucky, as his rea r tir e we nt fla t and d ropped h im to ninth place. With Bu tler out front, some of the a tten tion focused on the battle for second place. Simms closed on Price but would run out of time. At the checkered flag, Butler won the main eve n t by over five seco nds with Price an d Sims running second and third, respectively. Segedy was fourth, and David U oyd finished fifth. The Pro-Am m a in to o k two t ries to get u nde rwa y as pole- s itt e r Gary Stogsd ill and Brian Thomas tried to occupy the same sp ace in tum four . Stogsdill an d Thomas pulled them selves from the hay bales and joined the complete restart. john Lowe duplicated his ho leshot to lead the field into tum one. But Ryan Brown look the point in tum three and set sail for the checkers. With half of th e race in the books, Brown h ad Stogsdill, who h ad m oved in to second place, co ve red. Low e w as alone in third b u t wo uld soo n have company in the form of Ivan Carl, whol was on the mov e after a less than perfect sta rt and wo u ld finis h fou rth. Brown led Stogsdill and Lowe across the line for the win . Brett Beyer topped Price and Mike Warner in the 600cc Expert main even t. Re sults 7SO EX: 1. Dan Butler (H·o); 2. Georgie Price (H-D); 3. Creg Sinun> (H·D) ; 4. fan 5egedy (H·O) ; 5. Uoyd (H~). 600 EX: 1. Brett Bey~ (Rtx); 2. Ceo:gie I' (H-D) ; 3. Mike W.. mer (Rtx); 4. Paul Morgan (Rtx); S. John Potrkr (Rtx) . 600 PRO-AM: 1. Ryan Brown (Rtx); 2. Guy Stogsdill (W-R); 3. John Lowe (C·A); 4. Ivan Carl (Rtx); S. Jil!KlI\ Sentell (Hon). Do'" Szarek shatters Summit Point Road Race By Bob Applegate SUMMIT PO W. VA APR. 3O-MAY1 INT, Glenn Szarek broke the track record for motorcycles a t Summi t Poin t Raceway in the Championship Cup Series season opener. Szare k shattered the record previously held by jeff Atw ell with a time of 1:18.33. The record time came near the end of the first even t of the da y on Saturday, Solo GTO Expert, setting the tone for the weekend at a track where th e surface is tricky at best Szarek, the former number-one plate holder in the Mid -Atlan tic region, jumped out to an ea rly lead , leaving Paul Youngma n and jeff Atwell in his wake and riding his highly modi fied Yamaha FZR 1000 to the new record. Szarek we nt on to win $SOO in contingency money from Honda in Middleweight Supersport and $250 in purse money in the Unlimited GP on the same record-setting Yamaha. Undaunted, the dethroned Atwell won three himself. He outrode a contingency-hungry pack of Ho ndas on his Yamaha in Unlimited Supersport . His second win came in Heavyweight Superb ike w he re he walked off a nd left the pack. Win number three came when race leader Szarek (Suzuki-mo unted this time) was mysteriously p assed by Atwell (Yamaha mo unted) at the line, after lead ing the enti re race. The move from seco nd to first increased Atw ell's winnings fr om $500 to $1,000 in Yamaha co n tinge ncy m one y_ Su mmit Point ha s long been a hot bed for tw ins ra cing , a n d th is w e e kend proved no exce ptio n . T op lo ca ls Donn ie Ung er and Micha el Myers sq uared off on radically modi fied Ducatis for race- long du els in bo th Lightweight and Heavyweight classes, wi th each taking a w in . The Heavyweig h t battle w as p articularl y close, with the two swa p ping the lead tw ice on the whi te flag lap . The lightweight Supertwins race provided the two another cha nce to square off, with each rider leading four of the eight laps, until Myers stuffed it underneath Unger in the tricky tum one on the final Iap."That is, for sure, the hard est ] have ever ridden here" said Myers after taking the win . Szarek wrapped up his stella r weekend in the $1,000 Unlimited GP race on his record-setting Yamaha 1000. At the drop of the green Anthony Fania led on his Kawasaki, but was swooped by Szarek (who ca me from the back row ) in tum three. As Szarek pressed on for the win, Fania held on to second until Paul Youngma n (als o a b ac k-o f-th e- p ac k s ta r te r ) a nd Atwell freightrained by, pushing Fania back to fourth. Res ults AM L/W Sf: 1. Brian He.lven (lion); 2. Mic:hael &uvir (Han ); 3. IUchard Forney (Hon ); 4. Kenneth SonunerviIIe (Kaw ); 5. Rus.sell Barron (H-D). EX L/W Sf: 1. Michael Myem (Due ); 2. Dona ld Unger (Due); 3. Michael Taylor (Kaw); 4. George Fitt (X.1w) ; S. Scott Fetterolf (Due~ AM H/W Sf: 1. Brian Heavm; 2. Richard Forney (lion); 3. Michael &rvir (Hon) ; 4. Robert Su9llna (Due): S. RuSlleU Barron (HO) . EX tllW Sf: 1. Donald Unger (Duc); 2. Michae l Myen (Due); 3. Willia m Dietz (Due ); 4. MKhaci Taylor (Kaw) ; 5. Scott Fetterolf (Due) . . EX SOLO GTO: 1. Glenn Sza~k (yam); 2. Pa ul Youngman (Hon); 3. ' eff At well (Yam ); 4. Ralp h Rimro tt (Kaw); S. Evan Semof (Hon). f AM SOLO Gl'Q; 1. Daniel Voig ht (Hon ); 2. Gregory LrffIer (Kaw); 3. Chris Trickett (Suz); 4. MkNel Fu1chn' (Suz); S. Arnold ......", (Han~ EX SOLO GTU: 1. Paul YoungtNon (Hon); 2. Eva n Semoff (Hon); 3. Michael Vad ney (Ya m) ; 4. blph Rimrotl (Hon); S. t.tidweI Uno (Han). AM SOLO GTU : I. Scott Ped ehOn (Hon ); 2. Raben Dixon (Hon); 3. Arnold Hu tinp (Hon); 4. J~ Wal'ft'lt (Han); 5. Tracy Zedunan (Yam) . AM SOLO cnJ: 1. Da nie l VOight (Hon); 2. Dmnis Smith (Han); 3. Diavid Hendcnon (Han); .. Mlrk Whitehurst (Hon); S. Tunothy Stewns (Hon). AM Us. 1WNSPTS: t. Ruudl Bu10n (1-1.0 2. ANw Wobb ); (II-O~ EX us. 'IWN5Pr.; 1. q . IloImes (H.()); 2. Bud Wtein (Han); 4. . - . . Snow (Hant 5. 1.,.,. Sindooi. (Han~ AM M /W SIBIC: 1. Dilniel Voig ht (Hon); 2. Mark Whitehunt (Hon) ; 3. Robert Dixon (Hon ); 4. Denni5 Smith (Hon) ; S. Robert Cavey (Hon). EX H / W S/BK: 1. Jeff Atw ell (Y.un); 2. An thony Fania (Kaw); 3.Bry an Bemisderfer (Ya m); 4. Paul Roha l! (Ya m); 5. Jim Lester (Ya m). AM H/W S/ BIC: 1. Daniel Voigh t (Ho n); 2. Gregory LdOer ( ~w); 3. Greg Ab nhams (Kaw ); 4. Michae l Fulcher (Suz); 5. Chris Trickett (Suz) . EXL/ W SS: 1. Brucr:Coffman (Yam). AM L/W SX 1. Joe Wooten (Yam );.2. Jeff lDngbottom (Yam ); 3. Christopher Fallon (Hon); 4. M~I Pol .ton (Yam ); 5. Jason Hwnpluin (Yam). AM M /W SS: 1. MMk Whia.ehursl (Hon); 2. Scott Pederson (Ho n); 3. Dav id Hmderson (Han); 4. Robert Dixon ,(Ho n); 5. (Han~ . .EX M/W 55 : 1. Glenn Szarek (Hon); 2. Paul Youngman .-..c...,.

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