Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 02 09

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EVENTS:······· · · Edited by Scott RouSseau riders a nd around the m ish a ps. On th e ninth lap. Jackson took the lead and held it to the finish in sp ite of desperate catch-up a ttempts by Mentes and Elsea, who finished second and third, respectively. Moto two was all Mentes, who grabbed the holeshot and led the entire race. Els ea and Wea ver were rig ht there throughout the mot a but jus t couldn 't catch Mentes, finishing second and th ird, respecti vely. Results Sotunl.y P/W: 1. Rc. XuhnW (Hon ); 2. Ry.n MUllips (; 2. Travis O"rM!'1 ( Han); 3. Slri n~h (Hon); t . To ny Qurwn be'rry (Yam ). 60: 1. Brt' nt N lrW berry (XoI"") ; 2. J~h Philli ps (XoIW); 3. TI't"Saim Smith (Han). 80: 1. M i lr.~ McWilllam s (y.m); 2. Jos h Phillips (H a n); 3. Juslin 0..",-"1ev.m); 4. V. J Lcyvol (Suz); S. UN Lampkoe (Kaw) . SO: 1. M iltt Springsle'ft1 (H on); 2. NuN TrllnchiN (H on ); 3. Du:aty J~kson ( . 125 BEG:1. Lee Qrlr.uff (Han); 2. Tom E1!1i1"01 (Jton); 3. Rotmy Wr1lV (Stu); 4. Iee Mnlb (Hon) ; 5. Dusty }«bon (Hon). e!" 250 BEG: 1. Mike Dixon (Hon); 2. Bob Russdl (Han); 3. 1...Jny Howard (Hon);4. Rod SprinlJr (Hon); 5. JCeoyin Palmer (Han ). 200 4-STRK: 1. Bri.In Bmolini (Hon ); 2. Kyle Rowlry (H on). RWYB: 1. Rodney Blanton (Sw: ); 2. Lee Carkh u ff (Hon); 3 . Du sty }oICbon (Hon); 4. Jim Hown (Hon ); S. Bry.n Chi~ ( . Sund.oy (Above) Troy Kalina (933) grabbed the holes hot over eventua l winne r Jason Mat hews (27) at the Arizo na Desert State Classic MX. (Below) Chuck Spr ingsteen (35) won the Pro main event at the Muskegon Indoor Pro Invitational Ice Race. 60 Sa: 1. Brent Nrwberry (lUIw ); 2. L.lrS Burnside III (Hon); 3 . Kyle Blain (yam); 4. Mkhae1 McBd h ( 80 BEQ I . ' im Mc8cth (Xaw ); 2. Tt'fT)' P"r'r.IOI\ (Suz ); 3. t try"" (Suz); 4. GrTg a- (; s. Josh rhiJllps (Hon). 80 JR: 1. NUN TrAnchin.l (H an) ; 2. Dusty J"Cbon (lCaw ); 3. Mitt Springsftn (Hon ). 125 BEG: 1. Jew Men tes (Hon); 2. Tom Ebl!A (H on); 3. Dus ty J ackson (Hon); 4. Rotmy We il.v u (Sul.) ; S. Vaughn RAins (Hon). 2SO BEQ 1. Sean Norbury (Jlon); 2. Bob Rcssell (Hon);3. 1.Irs Burnside III (y Am); 4. BryAn Chipps (; S. Richie Goudeloc k (Hon). 125 JR/ 250 INT : 1. Erk Murph y (; 2. Rod Blanton (Stu); 3. Brad Forkner (Hon); 4. Mike Olxon (Hoo); S. Si.m Myus (Xa w ). RWYB:1. Eric Murp hy (; 2. Sam Myers (Xa.w ); 3. K-in P• ...., (Suz~ " Rodney..._ (Suz~ 3. kyle Rowley (Hon). Roney romps to Peoria MX win By Tom Griffith PEORIA. AZ. JAN.2 Springsteen tough at Muskegon ice Snort Track By Grace DiBenedetto Photo by Gordon DeVries MUSKEGON, ML JAN. 14 Chuck Sp ring steen didn't let fou r restarts o r bro ther Jay stop him from capturing the win in the Muskegon M /C's Annual Invi ta tional lee Race at the LC Walker Arena. Blizzard con d itions wi th the temperature di pping d ouble d igits below zero forced many potential spectators to stay home, bu t the 1500 o r so spectators who brav ed th e treach erous roa ds were rew arded wi th not one, bu t three Springs teens sharpening thei r stu ds to take to the ice. Jay', presence d idn't impress his younger brothe r, Chuck, who quickly showed hi m th e fast way a round the Hockey arena. It was round nine before the brothers wo uld face off, bu t neither Springst een prevailed as Brian Hardin stole the only checkered flag Chuck would miss that nighL The regular Pro competition proved tough as no rider wen t undefeated into the fmal. Mark Wyskiel and Chu ck Springsteen each topped the list with fou r wins to their credit, with Ch uck earnin g th e pole by v irtue of hi s wi n o v e r Wyskiel in their hea t race. . It took four restarts before the final would reach more than two laps. Wyskiel brough t out the first red flag with a crash off the light into the tu m one wall. Craig Pickett , the Scott Parker-backed rider, would cla im the next red nag with a get-<)ff in tum two . Restart number th ree bel on ged t" Bry an Vill e lla w ho slid o u t in betw een tums three and four before lap one was comple te. Du an e Stan ick too k the ho nor s for bringing out the red flag for the last time, going down in tum tw o ou t of the hole. On ly two riders were left on the front row - Chuck Sp rin gsteen and Brian Ha rdi n. Chu ck, as he had done four pri or times, beat the field to tum one, then led Hardi n a nd Jay Sprin gst een n ose- to-ta il d ow n to the ch eckered fla g . Only Wy,kiel wou ld improve his po sition, moving up stead ily through the field to finish fifth behind Picke tt. Theonl y other move mad e during the final was by Villella who moved down ins tead of forward in tum four on his way to the checkered flag. The Byron Moli oseau /R.Kess ler/Proff ers / Cummin gs H-D /Bell Helme ts /RC Truckingsponso red Chuck Sp rin gs teen als o recei ved a Kenda ice tire from MTA alon g wi th his portion of the 53.000 purse. Results P/W: t. Cnnt Mormnd;2. T.yIor KNpp;J. N"d1oIaCwnminp; 4..funmy t-Ltw.on; s.SWw Murray. I'll(> I. Owck Sprinpomn (Hon~ 2. _1WWn (Hon~ 3. ,,"y Sprinpomn (Hon~" CnOg I'Id<.u (Hon t 3. ...... wyokid (Hon~ VINT: 1. Mike 8.lbb (Hon); 2. Ken Sprinptfttl (H- O); 3. a..d Do.... (IlSAt .. Andy t.ldcm (IlSA~ Mentes strikes it rich at Gold Beach Arenacross By Chris Taylor GOlD B EACH. OR. JAN.ll-9 Joe Mentes qu ickly adapted to the tight, tricky Curry County Fairgrounds a renacross track and cam e away wi th the mo ta two and ove rall win in the 125cc Beginner class. Sun day's 125cc Beginner action saw Mentes roc ket off the line and into the firs t tum with Tom Else a a nd Ram y Weav e r in hot pursu it . Mente, on a Ho nda, was g iv ing no quarter, though, and even labletopped over the big d oubles on the firs t lap. A little too much speed caught up with Mentes on the third lap , and he slid ou t on a benn, allowin g the Honda -mounted Elsea to take over the lead for a while. A near biff by Elsea ove r the doubles gave the lead to Weav er, who, on his brand new Suzu ki and havin g just gradua ted from th e 80cc class, ha d a poor po wer-to-experience rat io and d ove into the hay bales . Mean while, Dus ty Jackson. another recent 80tt graduate, had moved past slowe r Sunnyslope Honda-backed Ryan Roney proved to be the best rider in the combined 125cc Begin ner /Junior action, scoring 1-1 mota finishes for the sweep at Canyon Raceway. Twenty-two bikes crowded the starting line in the combined start wi th Mark Wrig ht gra bbing the holeshot. Ron ey wa s hot on Wright's fende r, and was followed by Lawrence Rin ehart and Ryan Mortensen. Wright held his purs uers off fo r two laps , but a mid-co u rse b ob bl e allowed the three riders to pass him. Roney p ut his CR into the lead on the up hill step- up jum p an d held on for the win w ith Morten sen and Evans finishin g second and third, respectively. In moto two , Roney led to the first tum with Cliff Cambell and Ben Earls in tow . These riders pulled awa y from the rest of th e field with Roney lead ing the entire mota to take the win and notch the overall victory . Mortensen went 22 for sec ond overall while Eva ns' 3-4 p erformances were good eno ugh for third overall. In the 80tt (7-11) class another Sunnyslopesponso red rider, Michael Blose, scored the class win over Bryan Allen and Blake Tirman. Tod d Johnson rode a Dave Brocius-prepared Honda four-str oke to 2-1 finishes for the overall win in the A division. In the four -stroke B division, Pro Sp ort-sponsored Ted Mink m anhandled h is Yamaha to victo ry in both motos ove r William Buchne r. Results """lin P/WSTK BEG:1. Chris Bbe (Yam ); 2. DiDoa Subft' (Yam); 3. Cay Ilumo (Y...~ • • SIn< Stultz (Y...~ 3. Erie (Y...~ PfW sn:: JK: 1. JWwI Cox (Yam); 2. Mikr hvu (Yam); 3SeiI.n Slwhon (Yam ). PfW MOD: 1. Iton Carnb'r (Yam ); 2. Chris 8LoIf' (Yam) ; 3. Sean Shelton (Yam); 4. Mike hYft" ev.... m ); So Bud: Cully (Yam). 60 JR; 1. Sean Shelton (J:.Jw ); 2. Paul PNrcy (Lw); 3. Brutonon(Suz~ 80 (U ·13): 1. Scott Conley (X.Iw); 2. Mike Sulli""n (Suz); 3. ~rt ~rrin (Su,z) ; 4. Bobby s.w)'t'r (Han); So ~t 0ur1r.ft (Hon~ 80 (14-16): I .JoMUili Qtron (Suz. ,;2. Gary WaH (Han); 1 T. ,.. ) lor vondool (Suz~" Job......,. (Hon~ 80 MINI BEC: 1. Blake TLmW\ (Suz); 2. Bryu ADm (Suz.); 3. Jo"" ".,...,. (Hon ); .. """'" Homby (lion); s. • ....ton CibNn (Suz~ 125 BEC:1. Muir. Sullin n ('Suz ); 2. We. B'eIen (Han); 3. Don Mwphy (k1M);3. T"'}' W.... (Hon ). 125 JR: 1. Ry,," Roney (H on); 2. Ryoln Mortrmm (Suz); 3. RylU\ (lion); 4. Benurla (Yam); S. LaUI'ft1Ce bwh.Irt (Suz) . 125 INT: 1. Jaon M. thrw'I (Su.z); 2. J~ Landis (Hoa); 3. Tun CmlI (lion); '. o.vid 1lftPd(Hon); 3.D.omlon 1.1' (Suz~ 125 PRO: 1. Ted CampbeU (yam). 250 BEG:1. Troy Lang (Suz.); 2. ROOmOwens (Hon); 3. Kyle Lndrith (yoI ) ; 4 . SAm Robin aon (S U&); S. Gordie Lockwood m Ruffin(5uz~""'" (Kaw). 250 JR: 1. e rrs St~rli ng (H on); 2. Tra vis Mudd (Han); 3. Ha rry Nev~l (Suz); 4. Hea th Mitchell (Hon); 5. Ken Howdftl (Suz). 250 INT: 1. Jol!lOn Ma;thrws (Suz); 2. Tim Wid ener (Hon) ; 3. David H ergold (Han); 4. J (Hon); 5. Tun CeTd I (H on) . eff 250 PRO: 1. Troy KiIiNl (Hon); 2. Ted u mpbell (Yam). VET BEG 1. David JohNon (K.Ilw ); 2.,JohNon (Suz); 3: 5cDtt: &ailey (Suz). VET JR: 1. Hans VoIndrrwal (Hon); 2. Rick Hinchcliff (X.Iw) ; J 3. Tom Frantz (Hen); 4. Don Ruffin (Suz); 5. John BNwr (Han). VET INT: 1. G"'S StffUng (Han); 2. Todd M.Se'f' (Hon ); 3. ""kr "'1,,", (KIM~ VET MSTIt I. """ Vopol (kThl). OPEN)l< I. ..... VondftwoJl (Hon~ 2. John lWs (1ClM~ OPEN MSTIt I. """ Vopol (1ClM ). 500 INT: 1. Mike H.Upin (KTM). l!l'H AM I. Chris fanion (Hon t 2. Jeny _ (Hon~ 3. Frio NyyRi (Hon );" Chris _ (Hon ). VETPRO: 1. Hannie Drrmo (Han). 4-SllUC Ie I. Todd _ (Hon~ 2. T..,. """'" (lion); 3. GArth ~nd (Lw). . ....STIUC 8: L Ted Mink (Yam); z..WillWn &ucknn' (X,I w). Champions recognized at CMMC banquet By Homer Eubanks RAMONA- CAIAN. IS Barona Oaks Raceway became the "home of the trophy mongers" as the California Mini Motorcycle Oub competitors and their families gathered to honor the 1993 CMMC series champions. Motorcycl es were left behind and tow rigs were brought to take home the enormou s tr ophies awa rd ed by CM MC. Fo u rtee n cl as ses were honored with 146 riders qualifying for the ove rall d istinction. Geoff Rader was the onl y double class win ner, taki ng top honors in the 60cc (7-11) Junior Cycle and 60cc Minicycl e (911) d ivisions. Specia l 1000/ par ticipation aw ards 0 we nt to Dustin Good, Ryan Bea t an d Clin to n Pierce for competing in all 21 races. The ove ra ll po int s cha m pions we re ofte n dwarfed by the six-foot-tall tro phies they wo n. Although sma ll in sta tu re, few needed help in dragging thei r prize off the stage. And more often than not the contestants smiles dwarfed the enormous trophy they lugged back to their d ining table. The overaII champion in the 250cc class was Daniel Nichols, whose closest competition for the year was John Duffy wh o earned second overall. Rick Chak was third. An gelo lngrande ma stered the 125cc Open class with 210 points. Shawn Ellis earned second with 130 and Jeff Tilton's l IS placed him third for the year. Fourth was Cory Bendor, and Wilson Nichols, Jr. mana ged fifth. Shawn Ellis accu m u la ted 45 po in ts for the year to earn ove rall in the 125cc (1&-21) d ivision. Second place Tyler King had missed part of the yea r while tra ining in Europe. Noah Williams and Deran Stidman rounded out the class qualifiers. In the 125cc (12-15) class Tim Tilton earned the overall trophy wi th 46 points to Cory Bendar's 28. Tim Beatty, Josh Warner and Damian Paterson were also qualifiers. Dustin Nelson rod e his Team Green superm ini to overaII honors by edging ou t Josh Tarantino (57-51). Andy Harrington took ho me third p lace overaII wi th Ma nny Ar ias fourth . Jo hn Hopkins was fifth. No overaII trophies were given to Beginner classes, but Michael Fox came ou t the top qu alifier in the 80tt Beginner di vision. David Hunkine and B.J. Hunkins trailed Fox. Jenni fer Nelson had a consiste nt yea r a nd qualified along with Jon Meyers. Josh Tarantino was able to walk off wi th one of the huge overaII honors in the Minicycle (1216) class. Dustin Nelson finished the year in second and Colby Raymond was third in this highly competitive class. Fourth was Manny Ari as, and Matt Williams also qualified. Flfteen ride rs qualified for the Minicycle (911) class. Geo ff Rader topped the field wi th 154 po ints to John Hop kins' 105. Billy Lani novich took hom e the third p lace trophy and Dusten Watson wa s fo u rt h. Em itt Kling entere d the class mid-year and fough t his way to fifth ov erall Geo ff Rader upset Emi tt Kling in the Junio r Cycle 60cc (7-11) class which had 15 riders qualify. Rader ended the yea r with 142 points while Kling to tale d 129. Dus ten Wa tson managed th ird place ahead of Jesus Camillas, Jr.; Corey Meco mber ed ged out Billy Laninovich by one point for fifth. Jesus Camillas, Jr. fought off the Junior Cycle 60 cc (0-6) co mpetitio n fo r overa ll h onors . CamiIIas earned 93 po ints to Anthony Bruscella 's 67. Du s tin Good man aged th ird w ith 64 po ints. Fourth was Co le Humph us, and Andrew Wageman was the fifth qualifier. 'The Pee Wee Stock class had 21 rid ers qualify. The class proved to be very competit ive as only five p o in ts se pa ra ted Cham pi on Du stin Go od fr om Je sus Ca m illas, Jr .; Ry an Beat re ma ine d a thr eat all yea r and fin ished third. Fou rth was Clinton Pierce, an d Jona than Rose was fUth. Four you ng rid ers q ualified for the Pee Wee first-timers qu alifying trop hies. Rustin MiIIikan, Matthew Palm er, Christopher Moore and Aimee Jon es competed in eig h t or mor e races for the seaso n. Don Co nnelly, Steve Laninovich and Chris Sw ift s tirred up a lo t of dust in th e ' 93 Ol d Pharts class. Connelly was able to edge ou t Laninovich for the big trop hy, and Swift took ho me third place. Greg Meyers, Greg Rader and David Chunn rounded out the top trophy qua lifiers.

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